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Utvärdering av metoder för framställning och kontroll av digitala terrängmodeller
Today there are many applications of digital terrain models (DTM) and the requirements of low uncertainty increases. Most of the DTM are produced with Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), airborne laser scanning (ALS) and total stations. Guidelines for the preparation and verification of DTM are found in Swedish Standards Institute ? Technical Specifications (SIS-TS) 21144:2007 and SIS-TS 21145:2007. These were defined in collaboration between Swedish National Rail Administration, Banverket, and Swedish Road Administration, Vägverket, to satisfy the needs of requirement formulations in the production of DTM planning, design and construction. The purpose of this paper is to produce and control DTM over Åkermans kulle, located west of the University of Gävle, according to SIS TS 21144:2007 using GNSS with network-RTK, TLS and ALS.
"Första damen - vapen i valet" : En retorisk studie av Michelle Obamas och Ann Romneys tal under presidentvalet i USA år 2012
Presidentvalet i USA baseras på personval istället för partival och detta personval inkluderar även presidentkandidatens partner. Presidentkandidaternas fruar diskuteras och analyseras idag lika mycket som presidentkandidaterna själva samtidigt som medierna diskuterar vilken av de tidigare presidentfruarna de kommer att efterlikna.Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka och analysera vilken retorik Michelle Obama och Ann Romney använder sig av i talen de ger på The Democratic National Convention respektive The Republican National Convention i ett försök att övertyga de amerikanska väljarna att deras man borde bli deras nästa president. Eftersom det visuella framträdandet bidrar till talets helhet ska även det undersökas och analyseras. Då Michelle Obama och Ann Romney har jämförts under hela valet görs det även här en komparativ analys av deras retorik samt deras visuella framträdande. En kvalitativ metod har valts för uppsatsen i form av en retorisk analys.
Mångkultur på museum : en kulturpolitisk undersökning av Historiska museet och Etnografiska museets publika verksamhet med inriktning på kulturell mångfald
Vi lever i Sverige i en demokrati. På de flesta håll i samhället eftersträvar man jämlikhet mellan grupper såväl som individer av olika kön, sexuell läggning, etnicitet, ekonomisk ställning samt kulturell tillhörighet. Detta gäller framförallt inom den offentliga sektorn och politiken som har en skyldighet att föregå med gott exempel. Hur detta arbete ser ut inom kulturområdet har för mig varit okänt. Under min utbildning har vi inom det Föremålsantikvariska programmet, Högskolan på Gotland, haft ett fåtal föreläsningar och lektioner som tagit upp de kvinnliga respektive manliga representationerna inom museerna i samlingar och utställningar.
Myttingelinjen : att omvandla ett nedlagt försvarsområde
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att visa på möjligheter att förändra nedlagda försvarsanläggningar för att skapa platser till glädje för allmänheten. Under 1900-talet har Sveriges militärmakt producerat en mängd platser som idag är övergivna. I den mån platserna fått nya funktioner är det som historiska museum som pekar på den tidigare användningen. Myttingelinjen på Värmdö ligger i Stockholms skärgård och består av sju batterier i varierande grad av förfall. Detta arbete redovisar översiktligt hur Myttingelinjens ruiner skulle kunna omvandlas till ett rekreationsområde med varierande upplevelser.
Brudkronor i Tjust : koncept, symbol, funktion
This essay comprises a study of the bridal crowns of Tjust, with respect to their national history, concept and aspect of mythological symbol. The tradition of bearing the parochial bridal crown is closely associated with religious medieval politics, and has also come to include elements of superstition and folklore. Attention is paid to these aspects dealing with the position of the bridal crown within current forms of tradition and culture and the impact on brides of this day and age. As the tradition of Church-owned bridal crowns is intrinsic to this country, and especially in the area of which Tjust is a part, possible solutions to the continued tradition are investigated..
Löneutvecklingens bestämningsfaktorer i Sverige
The purpose of this essay is to acquire variables that explain and may be used as a base for wage estimation in the private sector in Sweden. The factors that are assumed to have an impact on wage estimation are based on earlier Swedish and international studies. Business survey data, which is based upon monthly questions to firms in various sectors of the Swedish economy posed by the Swedish National Institute of Economic Research, will be analyzed to find out weather they have an impact on Swedish wage settings or not. Tests including business survey data are yet rarely frequent, why this essay will be some kind of a pioneer within the area. To estimate significant factors that influence wage setting in Sweden, three different wage equations have been modeled and tested with a regression model.
Listeria monocytogenes i vakuumförpackad lax :
Listeriosis, which is caused by Listeria monocytogenes, is a rare food borne disease that primarily affects people whose immune system is weakened. These may be elderly people, pregnant women, new-born infants and individuals on immunosuppressive medication. The most common symptoms are meningitis, septikemia and abortion. The mortality is high, on average 20-30 %.
In recent years the number of cases in Sweden has increased.
Avstånd och användning : en jämförande studie av lärares använding av skolbibliotek i undervisningen
The purpose of this Master thesis is to examine whether there is a connection between distance to the schoollibrary and the extent to which teachers are using it as an integral part of their teaching. The study aims to answerif the physical distance to the school library is affecting teachers' ways of working with the library, if it affects thecollaboration between teachers and librarians and finally if teachers that are using a school library outside theschool premises are doing so less as an integral part of their teaching compared to teachers that have access to aschool library within the schools premises.The study is based on qualitative interviews with six teachers in the intermediate stage of the nine-yearcompulsory school, of which three have access to a school library within the school premises and three haveaccess to a school library outside the school premises. The two groups of teachers are compared in order to findout if there is a connection between distance to the school library and the usage of it. Loertscher's school librarymedia program and teacher taxonomy have been used as a theoretical framework.The study shows that the teachers who use a school library within the school premises have a bettercollaboration with the librarians than the ones who use a school library outside the school premises. The studyalso show that theese libraries are an integral part of the teaching to a higher degree.
Rum för musik
Detta examensarbete behandlar rumsakustik som en viktig del i skapandet av en arkitektur för framförande av musik, samt upplevelsen av ljud. Projektet bygger på en idé att skapa nya möjligheter att skapa och framföra musik för musiker, vars arbete ofta begränsas av lokalbrist eller av olika föreningars intresseområden. Idén har utvecklats till en hybrid mellan ett nytt musikmuseum och ?Musikplatsen? - en plats för skapande och framförande av musik med liten publik. Musikplatsen blir en del av det nya musikmuseets program för att skapa nya samarbeten och ekonomisk hållbarhet.
En nutida analys av reseguidehemsidor
In this research our goal is to conclude the aspects of interactivity which can prove to be important during the creation of a website. The focus in this essay is websites functioning as travelingguides, because we live in a time of traveling, experiance and learning. How can an analyzing method of websites be shaped? What can an analyze of interactivity on current travelingguides provide for recommendations by the creation of interactive travelingguides? The analyzingmethod is based on three shapingmethods and a poll that was answered by both national and international people. The analyze gave us quite clear results, if you follow the basics of Use Case, Personas, Usability and design, the website will have a bigger chanse of attracting people than if it doesn't..
Tingen med de första Runorna : från vår tideräknings början till ca 400 e Kr ? vad kan de berätta?
Målet med detta arbete är att undersöka på vilken typ av föremål som de förstarunorna ristades, i vilken arkeologisk kontext som de har hittats, varruninskriptionen suttit på föremålen. Jag hade också som målsättning att tareda på vilka tolkningar som gjorts till dessa och vilka behov som kan ha legat bakom skapandet och användandet av runorna, varför det skedde just vid den tidpunkten och vilka personer som kan ha ägt runmärkta ting. Periodmässigt begränsade jag arbetet till ungefär de första fyra hundra åren av vår tideräkning med inriktning på romersk järnålder och inom Skandinavien. Information och intryck om aktuella fynd skaffade jag genom publicerad litteratur, några få Internetsidor och besök på Lunds historiska museum och Nationalmuseum i Köpenhamn. Eftersom runstenar är svåra att datera valde jag att inte alls ta med några sådana.
Maktdelning : och konstitutionellt rättighetsskydd
The topic of this master thesis in legal science is state law and constitutional law, or more specific judicalization, with the division of power and thus increased individual legal rights in various forms. Sweden has traditionally had a weak constitutional protection for the individual?s legal rights. The public power has been concentrated to the government and the courts have only played a marginal role. Since the implementation of the European convention of legal rights and with the ever-increasing importance of the legal system of the European Union, the Swedish legal system gone through changes of historical dimensions.This master thesis is based on the legal dogmatic method where laws, preparatory work, case law and doctrines have been systemized.
Tillgång till skolbibliotek i glesbygd
This is a two years master?s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies, which purpose is to find out what ideas there are about school libraries and to get an idea of how informants interpret the new Education Act, which requires all students to have access to school libraries. Another intention of this paper is to highlight the potential rural-related attitudes of the responents. The study includes the sparsely populated municipality of Krokom and is based on interviews with librarians, the school director, principals and politicians who work there. The theoretical basis for this paper is Loertscher?s model för school libraries and a centerperiphery perspective.
Historiebruk och historiemedvetande i Venezuelas Förenade Socialistiska Partis Libro Rojo
This thesis examines the use of history, historical narratives and the relation to Venezuelan historical consciousness in Libro Rojo, a publication of The Unified Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). It consists of four parts: an introduction, a declaration of principles, statutes and finally what is called the programmatical bases (bases programaticas) of the party.A starting point for this thesis is that this is an under prioritized area of research about the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela. It aims to show the centrality of history in these fundamental documents of the biggest left-wing party in Latin America.The thesis finds that symbolically charged historical figures ? mainly national icons of Venezuela´s struggle for national liberation - are mobilized to back up contemporary aspirations and influence public perception of what kind of future is possible and desirable. Libro Rojo structures the relationship between past, present and future in order to influence historical consciousness.It also finds that Libro Rojo constructs a vision of socialism which aims to show that the ideas and actions of Venezuela´s symbolically charged historical figures are compatible with the ideas of 19th and 20th century western Marxism.
Parallel Import of Pharmaceuticals in the EU
Parallel import in the European Union is the perfectly legal activity under Art. 28-30 EC of buying goods in a low-price country in order to ship and sell them in a high-price country. The pharmaceutical market in Europe is subject to the subsidiartiy principle of Art. 5 EC and heavily characterised by national regulations that lead to significant price differentials between – generally speaking – Northern and Southern Europe. This incites the activity of parallel traders in the first place, who act as arbitrageurs.