

2437 Uppsatser om National museum - Sida 55 av 163

Konstsamlares agerande

Until recently, the art market has expanded for several consecutive years. The primary art market is characterized by an unclear pricing mechanism and an infinite as well as limited supply. Previous business studies have so far primarily focused either on art as an investment or on the gallery?s activities. This thesis takes an explorative approach and aims to shed a light on the art collector?s behavior on the Swedish market for contemporary art.

Kosmopolitiska identiteter och lojalitet : En studie om identitetsskapande hos svenskfödda ungdomar med utomsvensk härkomst

The purpose of this study is to illustrate, analyze and discuss how a group of Swedish-born adolescents of non-Swedish descent identify themselves in relation to personal experiences of belonging and loyalty. I have chosen a qualitative research methodology in the form of one group interview and two individual interviews.The result of the study shows that the group of Swedish-born adolescents of non-Swedish descent identify themselvs with one or more nation-states in different ways depending on different concept metaphors that underlie the concept of nation in different national discourses..

Det nazistiska hotet i Tidens spegel 1932-1939 : Arbetarrörelsen i spänningsfältet mellan demokrati och diktatur

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect the Nazi threat had on the swedish labour movement between 1932 and 1939 and to enrich what kind of pre-understanding they had about the fall of the Weimar Republic and the upcoming and effects of the Third Reich.Brought by the development in Germany, a debate and struggle took place in the Social Democratic journal Tiden over the meaning of concepts and there ability, in the hands of demagogs, to overthrow democratic structures. The concept of socialism and its concepts attribute play a major part in this investigation. By establishing fields of tension such as - nation vs internationalism, socialism in theory and in practice, political democracy vs evolved democracy and the diverse principles of neutrality, the first principle meaning the defending of national boarders, the other meaning not only defending your own country but taking an active part in defending democracy in the world - I was able to observe the movement and change of concepts within this fields. The result showing that the concept of socialism and near related attributes, in the hands of national socialists had undertaken a wast change of meaning, which applied in the Swedish debate threatened to undermine the power and force of the Social Democrats applied in the political discourse in Sweden. To defend itself and strengthening the Social Democratic hegemony as well as maintaining the goal of evolved democratic expansion, they were forced to win the confidence and votes of the middle class.

En IT-baserad plattform för skolförbättring : En kvalitativ studie av lärares informations- och erfarenhetsutbyte

This thesis has created an image of the exchange of information among teachers in the Swedish upper secondary school. The study indicates that the exchange of information seems to be limited at all levels and the exchange that takes place outside the own teaching team occurs mainly through teachers personal networks. The study also shows barriers that may exist and the opportunities that an increased exchange may generate. From the picture that the empirical material provides and the theory that is presented a discussion is made around how IT can best support the organizational learning in schools. A concrete proposal is that at national level an IT platform should be created, which primarily focuses on materials that are created by its users and has an open architecture with a single login..

Fiskevård och delning av fiske vid lantmäteriförrättningar : Studie av FBL 3 kap 8 §

AbstractThis bachelor thesis was performed at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm on behalf of the Land Survey Authority. The thesis is about fish conservation and division of fishing water at official duty. It is the Land Survey Authority that examines division of fisheries, but before a case can be implemented, certain requirements must be achieved such as FBL 3:8, which prevent divisions that are deleterious for fish conservation. The purpose of this thesis is: to obtain a clearer view how FBL 3:8 should be applied in practice, how the application differs between the offices in central Sweden, and how fish care is regulated at both international and national levels.At an international level, in EU the commercial fishery is regulated through the common fisheries policy (CFP). The fisheries policy consists of a reform that will last for 10 years.

Svensken i fält : Svenskhet och soldatideal i dokumentära skildringar av den svenska insatsen i Afghanistan

The purpose of this thesis is to study how swedishness is constructed and narrated in two Swedish documentary series that picture the Swedish participation in the international ISAF mission in Afghanistan. The main focus lies on how the Swedish soldier as such is portrayed, on which values, characteristics and qualities that they are said to embody and how these are linked to notions of swedishness, particularly the strong historical narrative, formed during the second half of the twentieth century, that defines Sweden as a peaceful, neutral and humanitarian state, with peaceful, enlightened and democratically minded citizens. Theoretically it draws on the concept of metanarrative to explain how ideas of shared national origin translates in to a broad organizing discourse, that defines, interprets and communicates notions of what it means to be a Swede and what is needed to make claims on swedishness. Another concept, that of national bodyscape, is also used to further define and explain how ideas of nationality are embodied and take the form of specific characteristics and  personal qualities. The meaning-making in these two series makes use of the above mentioned definition of swedishness as defined by humanitarian concerns, democratic ideals and moral superiority to construct an image of the Swedish soldiers as on the one hand soft, humanitarians, who are needed in Afghanistan because of their especially strong sense of justice and moral, and, on the other, as tough soldiers, who are able to participate in every aspect of the war as fighters.

Cisterciensklostrens odlingar i Sverige under medeltiden

The aim of this paperisto find out which plants the Cistercian monks might have cultivated in Sweden during the Middle Ages and which types of plants it would have been practical to grow inside or outside of the Cistercian monastery precinct. Archaeologicaland archaeobotanical studies have been consulted to find out which plants were available in Sweden during the Middle Ages. Examples, mainly from Scandinavia, but also from the continent, are used to show that the monasteries were large institutionsthat had to feed a large number of people and that there would not have been enough space to cultivate everything needed within the monastery precinct.Secondary sources have in the main been used to gather this information, except in the case of the Swedish monastery of Nydala where F-Topo, a database developed by the County Museum of Jönköping,has been used to analyse the amount of land and the types of properties owned by the monastery.The conclusion is that for practical reasons the monks would have cultivated plants that needed to be close at hand, that were rare or delicate, that could not be stored for long periods and that were used in small quantities within the monastery precinct. This would include medicinal plants, herbs for cooking and some vegetables like lettuce, spinach,and similar,that do not keep well. Most other items, grains, cabbages, root vegetables, peas and beans could equally well be cultivated outside the walls.

Hur kan vi ta emot nyanlända invandrarelever på bästa möjliga sätt? : En undersökning av Örebro kommuns sätt att ta hand om nyanlända invandrarelever med hänsyn till Skolverkets allmäna råd

The purpose of this thesis is to study how swedishness is constructed and narrated in two Swedish documentary series that picture the Swedish participation in the international ISAF mission in Afghanistan. The main focus lies on how the Swedish soldier as such is portrayed, on which values, characteristics and qualities that they are said to embody and how these are linked to notions of swedishness, particularly the strong historical narrative, formed during the second half of the twentieth century, that defines Sweden as a peaceful, neutral and humanitarian state, with peaceful, enlightened and democratically minded citizens. Theoretically it draws on the concept of metanarrative to explain how ideas of shared national origin translates in to a broad organizing discourse, that defines, interprets and communicates notions of what it means to be a Swede and what is needed to make claims on swedishness. Another concept, that of national bodyscape, is also used to further define and explain how ideas of nationality are embodied and take the form of specific characteristics and  personal qualities. The meaning-making in these two series makes use of the above mentioned definition of swedishness as defined by humanitarian concerns, democratic ideals and moral superiority to construct an image of the Swedish soldiers as on the one hand soft, humanitarians, who are needed in Afghanistan because of their especially strong sense of justice and moral, and, on the other, as tough soldiers, who are able to participate in every aspect of the war as fighters.

Tillbyggnad vid Nationalmuseum

Nationalmuseum är ett statligt konstmuseum som ligger på Blasieholmen i centrala Stockholm i en byggnad från år 1866. Idag har en omfattande renovering och ombyggnation påbörjats, dels för att återställa byggnadens gamla arkitektoniska värden men också för att anpassa byggnaden till dagens högt ställda krav på utställningsmiljöer. Målet är att hela den gamla museibyggnaden ska användas till publika ändamål. På grund av detta behöver muséet byggas ut för att kunna inrymma den kontorspersonal och de verkstäder som verksamheten kräver.Detta projekt handlar om att utforma och gestalta den tillbyggnad som Nationalmuseum behöver. Förslag är en fristående byggnadsvolym som kopplas till Nationalmuseum under mark i det nordligaste hörnet.

Simulering av indirekta val : en studie i att förbättra användbarhet

As a teacher in baking and patisserie courses there can be difficulties in following the curriculum for Patisserie 1. If this leads to an education that is not the same for all the schools in the country, it creates a problem that has to be solved. The results of this investigation show that teachers generally do not follow the curriculum but instead chooses their own solutions. Some conclusions that have come forth are that the National Agency for Education needs to make the curriculum clearer and give tangible examples of products, that can either be classified as easy or complicated, in the field of baking and pastry courses. I have chosen the standardized interview method.

Klimatinvesteringsprogrammet som styrmedel : på väg mot klimatmålen med Östersund som fall

The swedish national environmental goals have different policies and developments connected to them in order to achieve the goals on time, but the implementation of the different policies differ and is hard to evaluate compared to the theoretical background. With this thesis I have chosen to investigate the climate investment programmes results in Östersund compared to its goals with a case study. The different projects within the climate investment programme have reduced the emissions of CO2, but not in the amount that was anticipated and a lot of the projects were within projects that the municipality already was developing or doing. .

En svensk konstskatt i fara

Svenska konstskatter i faraTusentals verk försvunna i landets kommunerSkulpturer i skolkorridorer och tavlor på tjänstemannarum. Vår offentliga konst, finansierad av skattepengar, är ett museum dit ingen behöver lösa inträde. Men konst för miljarder riskerar att gå förlorad och antalet försvunna verk är alarmerande.Kontrollen över kommunernas konstsamlingar brister på flera punkter. Enligt vårenkätundersökning som skickats till samtliga 290 kommuner, är det mer än tredjedel av de 192 som svarade som inventerar sällan, och inte har sett över sin konstsamling på fem år eller mer. Elva kommuner vet inte ens när konsten senast setts över.

Effektutveckling i den koncentriska fasen i bänkpress och knäböj

Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate 1RM and what power could be generated in bench-press and half squat concentric at certain percentages of 1RM. Special interest was put to evaluate men (M) and women (K), strength trained (ST) verses non strength trained (EST) in generating absolute power as well as power relative to 1RM.Method: In total 59 subjects mean (± SD) age 24.9 ± 4.1 years divided into four test groups: 20 male non strength trained GIH-students (EST M), 20 female non strength trained GIH-students (EST K), 10 male strength trained - sprinters on national/regional level (ST M), 10 female strength trained - sprinters (ST K) on national/regional level. They did two tests on 1RM and power in events of concentric bench-press and half squat in a Smith machine. In the first test session 3 ? 5 lifts were made to measure 1RM in each event.

E-arkivering hos stadsarkiv : Mellanarkivslösning i sitt sammanhang

Digital preservation is a relatively new subject to Swedish archives. Alhough computers have been used for a long time, preservation has been made on paper and stored on shelves. These days a lot of cities in Sweden have investigated how to best secure the digital information for the future through electronic archiving, e-archives. One option is to hand in the information as soon as possible, but to let the producer keep the information ownership yet some time. The idea is to let the producers of the information answer questions and hand out material, since they are more competent on their field.

Glaset i Centrum : En fallstudie på New Wave Group

Seen in many trends and studies, consumers of today feel a growing desire to experience the uniqueness in products and services. This is forcing companies be more innovative and creative in their marketing, in order to distinguish and differentiate themselves and their products/services. We believe that creating a top-to-bottom experience strategy is one way that a company can succeed in this.The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and clarify how a business can reinforce their product experience through a complete experience strategy. In order to demonstrate this we have made a case-study research for the New Wave Group, advising them on how they can place blown glass art at the heart of the town of Kosta.The authors have used qualitative methods and an abductive approach. Four interviews have been completed with executives from the New Wave Group, including the project manager, hotel manager, head of the Kosta Boda smeltery and head of guides and visitors at Kosta museum.

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