

1177 Uppsatser om Mutant Prevention Concentration - Sida 5 av 79

Diagnosens värde i den pedagogiska planeringen för koncentrationsstörda barn i skolan

In my composition, I have choosen to examine the question: What value does the diagnoses have for the teacher when it comes to organizing the work with children troubled by apprehensive disabilities?The method I used to examine my question was qualitative interview.The teachers? I have interviewed are either pre-schoolteachers or schoolteachers.Most of the teachers speak highly of using methods like Komet or SET in the work with the pupils troubled by deficits in their ability to concentrate.During my investigation, I have learned that the teachers think that methods like the above mentioned may help preventing some of the problems at school.Former research as well as the interviewed teachers are saying that rules and structure are very important when you are teaching children troubled by deficits in their ability to concentrate.The teachers are feeling just like me, a little bit insecure when it comes to the diagnoses and most of the time the diagnoses just confirm what the teacher already knows.My intention with this study was to aquire a deeper understanding of what it means to have concentration disabilities and to broaden my knowledge of what the teacher can do to ease the years at school for these children.Keywords: Concentration disabilities, teachers, diagnose, educational planning.

Visualisering inom idrott och dess effekter på idrottslig prestation

ABSTRACTBackground and aims: Nutrition is a part of the medical treatment, and also a part of the nursingcare. In spite of this, malnutrition is a common problem in the health care sector. Studies show thatnurses have too little knowledge about nutrition and malnutrition and that nutrition has low priorityin the daily work. The aim with this study was to find out the nurses self-reported knowledge aboutand their attitudes towards malnutrition, nutrition screening, prevention and treatment of patientswith malnutrition.Methods: A questionnaire was handed out to 65 nurses in two different care units and 36questionnaires were answered.Results: The respondents from the two care units self-reported their knowledge about nutrition andmalnutrition low. Most of the respondents stated to have a big need of education about nutritionscreening and more than half of the respondents stated that they have a need of education forprevention and treatment of malnutrition.

BROTTSPREVENTION I EUROPA En kritisk komparativ diskursanalys av brottsprevention riktat mot ungdomsbrottslighet i England och Sverige

This thesis investigates how crime prevention is represented with the aim of preventing and reducing youth crime in two crime prevention strategies for Croydon in England and Stockholm in Sweden for the period 2022-2026. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to increased knowledge and deeper understanding about how crime prevention is represented by prevailing discourse in policy documents against juvenile delinquency in Europe by conducting a comparative analysis. The study was conducted based on Carol Bacchi?s theory ?What?s the problem represented to be?. Three adapted questions from the WPR approach were translated to critically discourse-analytically examine two policy-oriented strategies against youth crime on local level in Croydon and Stockholm.

När solen går ner : Japan som skådeplats för en negativ modernitet

Den här studien gjordes för att undersöka om lärare uppfattar ett samband mellan elevers koncentrationsförmåga och fysisk aktivitet i skolan. Den baseras på en enkätundersökning som gjorts i årskurserna 1-5 på sju olika skolor i närområdet. Studien visar ett positivt samband mellan all fysisk aktivitet i skolan och lärarnas uppfattning av elevernas koncentrationsförmåga, vilket även kopplats samman med tidigare forskning inom närliggande områden. Nyckelord: physical education AND concentration, physcial activity AND concentration ability, physcial acitivty AND effect in school, excercise AND brain, physical education AND brain..

Nischbanker - potentiella dynamikskapare

The banking industry is a fundamental part of the economy in Sweden. Despite its importance, the competition and the concentration level within the Swedish banking sector is relatively unexplored. This paper aims to examine the development of the concentration level in the Swedish banking sector during a period of ten years, 2003 to 2013. The examined banks in the study are the four largest banks in Sweden; Handelsbanken, Nordea, SEB and Swedbank, and four selected niche banks, ICA banken, Ikano Bank, Länförsäkringar Bank and Skandiabanken. In order to examine the development in percentage change, there are six selected variables; loans, deposits and borrowings (both public and households), net interest income and return on equity, which are observed during a period of ten years.

FN och EU ? två aktörer inom det konfliktförebyggande området - en studie av FN och EU: s konfliktförebyggande åtgärder i Makedonien

Conflict prevention is a term which has gained much influence during the last decades. To prevent conflicts from occuring have both humanitarian and economic incentives as the cost for war are much greater than the cost of acting preventive. To act in this matter has been regarded a priority for the United Nations during several years, and the European Union have also expressed a wish of playing a more active part. The essay compares the actions taken by the international organisations in Macedonia, a country which headed toward a violent conflict. The UN acted through the mission UNPREDEP and the EU through the mission of Concordia.

Jämförelse av fallhändelsedokumentation före och efter införandet av en kvalitetsnorm för fallprevention

ABSTRACTAim: The aim of this study was to examine differences in the documentation of the case incident reports, before (FRP) and after (FRE) the introduction of a quality standard for fall prevention in the geriatric departments at a Swedish University hospital. Method: 51 fall incident reports were collected before the introduction of quality standards for fall prevention and 63 after. Differences in documentation between the fall incident reports were analyzed with a Chi-2 test. Results: Number of case incidents in which the use of the alarm mat was documented increased after the introduction of quality standards for fall prevention and documented use of shoes and walker decreased. The majority of all documented case incidents occurred inside the patient room according to both FRP and FRE.

Testikelmått och daglig spermieproduktion hos svenska halvblodshingstar :

Testicular measurements and daily sperm output (DSO) are important factors affecting reproductive capacity of stallions. In the present study testicular measurements of 10 Swedish half-blood stallions were determined (height, length, width and volume). Ejaculates were collected from each stallion once daily for 10 days to evaluate some important seminal characteristics: gel-free ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, percent progressively motile spermatozoa and total number of spermatozoa (TSN). The gel-free ejaculate volume was measured with a graduated cylinder, the sperm concentration was counted in a Bürker chamber, the sperm motility was estimated in a phase-contrast microscope and TSN was determined by multiplying the gel-free seminal volume by the sperm concentration. Testicular measurements were as follows (left and right testis): height 7,5 cm and 7,8 cm, length 10,6 cm and 10,8 cm, width 6,5 cm and 6,6 cm, volume 278,2 cm3 and 293,8 cm3, scrotal width 12,3 cm and total testicular volume 572,0 cm3 .

The school as an arena for alcohol prevention : A study on how alcohol prevention / promotion can be carried out in upper level of compulsory school

The consumption of alcohol has stabilized in Sweden 2007, after several years of high increase. Despite the stabilization of the consumption the avaliability of alcohol has been raising, which constitute a big and in future years likely an increased risk in health among young people. The aim of the study was to describe how the staff on a secondary school works among pupils with alcohol prevention and promotion. Aquired knowledge are received from litterature, scentific articels and Internet to strength the relevance of the study. The school is an important arena in the work with alcoholprevention among pupils.

Likviditetsva?gen till mer informerade investeringsbeslut : En studie om sambandet mellan a?garkoncentration och likviditet pa? Nasdaq OMX.

Abstract Master Thesis in Business Administration, School of Business and Economics at the Linnaeus University, 2013 Authors: William Funseth and Tobias Åkesson Supervisor: Magnus Willesson Examiner: Sven-Olof Yrjö Collin Title: The liquidity route to more informed investment decisions - A study on the relationship between concentration of ownership and liquidity on Nasdaq OMX. Background and problem: Previous studies have shown that liquidity can explain differences in returns in corporate shares, the company's cost of capital and the valuation of the company. Based on the effects of liquidity we developed a research question concerning how concentration of ownership effects liquidity of corporate shares the studies conducted for companies listed on Nasdaq OMX during a period with major changes on the stock market and is also investigating weather other company-specific differences can explain differences in liquidity. Purpose: The study's purpose is to study the relationship between ownership concentration and liquidity, and whether other factors might explain differences in liquidity. Method: The study is conducted with a quantitative method and it?s based on data collected from 2006-2011 for companies listed on Nasdaq OMX.

Prevention mot spridning av resistenta bakterier på särskilt vårdboende

Bakgrund: Vårdboende har setts vara en reservoar för resistenta bakterier, och prevention är av stor vikt, då äldre har ökad risk att drabbas. Sjuksköterskans kunskaper om hur dessa bakteriers sprids, kan utgöra grunden för hur arbetet läggs upp. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva prevention mot spridning av resistenta bakterier på särskilt vårdboende. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie. Resultat: Införandet av handhygienprodukter, skyddshandskar, skyddsrockar, screening och städrutiner var effektiva preventionsmetoder.

Rörelsens inverkan på barns inlärning : En studie om hur fysisk aktivitet påverkar barns inlärning utifrån ett fåtal lärare och elevers åsikter

The purpose of this investigation is to find out how the children?s exercises affect their learning capabilities. With exercise, I mean all kinds of movements, like physics, walks and games.The method I will use in this investigation is interviews, where I choose to interview both teachers and their pupils at a school which uses an exercise-program called röris. Röris is an exercise program which involves moving to music. I also choose to look at Bunkefloprojektet, were scientists has investigated how the power of concentration is affected by exercise.My conclusion from the interviews and the literature is that I can?t prove that the children?s exercises affect their learning capabilities.

Prevention- ett sätt att förhindra uppkomsten av trycksår

Trots att stor kunskap finns vad det gäller riskfaktorer, prevention, bedömning och vård fortsätter prevalensen av trycksår att stiga oroväckande. Trycksår fortsätter att förbli ett betydande hälsoproblem och en signifikant ekonomisk belastning för sjukvården runt om i världen. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv belysa hur uppkomsten av trycksår kan förebyggas. I studien framkom att ett av de viktigaste aspekterna av trycksårsprevention är att en korrekt riskbedömning av trycksår görs så att förebyggande åtgärder kan sättas in tidigt till de patienter som är i behov av det. Det finns en rad olika bedömningsinstrument, men de flesta av dem har inte fått sin validitet beprövad i någon undersökning, och utav de som har prövats visar ingen på en tillräckligt hög tillförlitlighet.

REE-förande fosfater i Blötbergets apatitjärnmalm

The Blötberget deposit is situated in the north-western part of Bergslagen. The mineralization is an apatite-iron oxide ore of Kiruna type. In Bergslagen the apatite-iron oxide ores occur along a zone from Grängesberg through Blötberget to Idkerberget in the northeast and they represent the largest and the most important iron oxide deposit in Sweden, south of Norrbotten.Different REE hosting phosphate phases has been studied by optical microscopy and analyzed by EDS attached to an electron microscope.The key minerals other than iron oxides are apatite, monazite and xenotime. The relative concentration of the REE-bearing phases differs from the other apatite-iron oxide mineralizations in the area, for example Grängesberg, by a higher concentration of xenotime and lower contents of allanite..

ADHD och musik : Jobbar skolan med musik som inlärningmetod för barn med ADHD?

A pupil with ADHD is constantly getting new impulses and is unable to focus and remain concentration on their task at school. When the pupil loses concentration he or she can often be loud and thereby disturbing all the other pupils in the classroom. One of the reasons for losing their concentration is that these pupils got poor working memory. A recently study shows that working memory can be improved by playing and practice music.A theory that all people have a multiple intelligence that emerges from learning is a part of this study because school should encourage all children and ensure their individual learning. Multiple intelligences means that each person learns in different ways, for example through the musical intelligence that this essay partly focuses on.

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