

1910 Uppsatser om Muslim identity - Sida 44 av 128

Vad gör egentligen en landskapsarkitekt? : en studie av hur yrkesrollen framställs och upplevs

This is a thesis written at the Swedish University of Agriculture inAlnarp within the landscape architecture education. The essay dealswith the landscape architect's professional identity and how it isdescribed in different contexts along with how it is perceived byprofessional landscape architects.Misunderstandings and preconceptions concerning the landscapearchitect's professional identity is common, both within and outsidethe branch of industry that includes the vocation. This raises problemswithin the industry and for the individual landscape architect. To findout if the root of the problems lies in available descriptions of theoccupation a study has been made. The study includes how thelandscape architect is defined in easily accessible information fromthe internet and in literature as well as in industry-orientedinformation such as dissertations and information from SverigesArkitekter (the Swedish Architects).

Boken som aldrig tar slut En undersökning om urval och inköp av kulturtidskrifter på folkbibliotek.

The purpose of this Masters Thesis is to explore the process of selection that librarians face when selecting and acquiring cultural magazines to public libraries. The methods used are qualitative interviews and literary studies. A brief review is given of acquisition policies at public libraries and of cultural magazines and the important role they play in public libraries. Five interviews have been made at five public libraries to find out what factors affect the process of selection when it comes to cultural magazines. Two theories are used as a basis for the analysis of the result of the interviews and literary studies.

Identitetsskapande bilder : En studie om bilddelning och identitet på Facebook

På Facebook är man författare till sin egen digitala självbiografi. Sociala medier och socialanätverk har gjort det möjligt för användare att kunna forma den bild av sig själv man vill visaomvärlden. Vi har gjort en studie om vilka strategier man använder sig av för att dela bilderoch vad dessa bilder säger om användarens identitet. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning samtvår egen studie bestående av intervjuer och enkäter har vi kommit fram till att man ofta delarbilder för att ta kontakt och känna gemenskap med andra människor/användare. Användarnavi undersökte vill visa den bästa bilden av sig själva samtidigt som användarna vill visa en såverklighetstrogen bild som möjligt.

NO NAME - Fenomenet förståelse

This thesis examines the experience value of the wolf and wolf hunting presented in mediaduring December 17, 2009-Feruary 15, 2010. I analyze news articles, editorials and letters tothe editor in three newspapers. In order to investigate the experience value of the wolf and thewolf hunt, I have with inspiration from a model employed in the assessment of experiencevalue of tangible cultural heritage, developed a model which I use to analyze the mediamaterial according to the criteria of aesthetic value, identity value, value of tradition andsymbolic value. In order to analyze the results of the analyze, I employ experimental andsociocultural theory and method, which means that I assume the experiences of the wolf andthe wolf hunt as related to a social and cultural perspective that partly depends on how weidentify ourselves and what kind of experiences and understandings we have of the landscapeand large carnivores. Since media affects how we perceive our surroundings and the wolfhunting attracted much attention in media, I found it interesting to examine how the wolf andthe wolf hunt were displayed in news articles and letters to the editor.

Identity Construction of Young Professionals in a Late Modern Emotion-Intensive Context: Multiple Faces of Family Discourse in a Big Four Auditing Firm

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study the adaptation of recently recruited young professionals to a top consulting firm through their identity construction efforts. We analyze the influence of a major organization-related discourse on young professionals in order to account for the effects of emotional labor on their adaptation to work. Methodology: We have studied our empirical material in the light of a reflexive pragmatic approach. Thus throughout the analysis of interview material, we try to interpret carefully the material from various perspectives. As authors, we also reflect critically upon our own interpretations.

Ompositionering av varumärken : en strategisk fråga

Background: Brand strategy tends to become an important management issue. It is therefore interesting to reach a greater understanding about how companies work to make their existing brands stronger. The purpose of a brand is to influence the customers? view of the brand image. The literature is insufficient concerning how leaders handle the process of repositioning a brand, in order to change the brand image.

"Den Andre" och skapandet av en identitet En teoretisk studie av begreppsliggandet av "den Andre" och dess påverkan på identitetskonstruktioner

The aim of this theoretical study is to explain how the notion of the Other and Otherness affect individuals possibilities to form multiple, personal identities. This is done by the use of the theory of the Other and the construction of identities. In my analysis I will be using the power perspective presented by Lukes. The purpose of my study is also to investigate whether a focus on similarity over difference between groups can change the situation for individualsMy study shows that otherness affect individuals identity constructions through stereotyping and categorising. This is made possible by the use of power from outside and inside different groupings.

Examensarbete i fördjupningsämnet språk- Integrering av modersmål i förskolan

Swedish preschools have a variety of children of different ethnic origins. The intention of this thesis is twofold; firstly to deeply examine how preschool teachers work with languages and secondly how to integrate the Swedish language with other native languages in practice. Hence, the aim is to get a deeper understanding and knowledge about how to integrate multilingual children that have other languages than Swedish as their mother tongue. The data collection for this dissertation is based on observations and interviews with three preschool teachers and child minders. The theoretical background is taken from literature which describes the social cultural perspective.

I det glimrande mörkrets djup : om religiöst gränsöverskridande, identitetssökande och meningsskapande i svensk extrem metal-lyrik

This study is an attempt to investigate religious perceptions and its development, function and connection to religious practise within the Swedish extreme metal scene. This is performed mainly by a qualitative method of investigation, studying lyrical content published on a number of extreme metal albums, thereafter relating the lyrical progression to the progession of the scene as a whole and also to the development of individual religious belief and practise.The lyrically expressed manifestations of religiosity within the extreme metal scene prove to be related to religious practise in some cases, most visibly in the Christian parts of the scene.The study also indicates that development of religious expression often is evident regardless of religious preference. This development also regularly relates to an increase in musical evolution and prowess often achieved with increased age and maturity.Musically and lyrically, the extreme metal scene displays transgressive attributes which assist both individual and group in the process of creating identity, meaning and individuality.Experiencing extreme metal, in concert or in the privacy of one´s own home, can be one way of perceiving spirituality in this modern age..

Tysta skrik, krig eller kamp? : Islam och sexualitet i dokumentärfilmen A Jihad for Love analyserat utifrån ett intersektionellt genusperspektiv.

In this thesis I have done a discourse analysis of the documentary movie A Jihad for Love. A Jihad for Love came out 2007 and is directed by Parvez Sharma. The documentary movie is about homosexual Muslims and their jihad, struggle, for love and to be accepted in a world where they are barely recognized as a group. My aim of the thesis was to see how the movie portrays the persons who are in the film and their relationship to Islam and who gets access to the religion. I have also analyzed if Islam can be used to strengthen the sexual identity or if it works in the opposite way.

Tro på herren, hjälp din nästa och lita inte på indianen : Formandet av ett svenskt-amerikanskt kollektivt minne i efterdyningarna av Dakotakonflikten 1862

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the Dakota conflict in 1862 affected the Swedish immigrants in Minnesota and how the collective memory was shaped in that particular group of people. To examine the contents of the collective memory this essay uses the theories of Halbwachs on collective memory as well as Orm Øverlands theories on creating an identity and ethnic memory in USA since the concepts of collective memory and the process of creating an identity is connected on a basic level. The essay compares the collective memory created by the Swedish-Americans with the collective memories of the Dakota Indians and finds indications that both ethnic groups have a highly traumatized memory of the conflict. However the difference between the two groups is that the Indians have both positive and negative memories of the conflict while the Swedish-Americans only have negative memories. Furthermore the essay finds that the fear of Indians that was present in the Swedish-American ethnic groups can be traced back to events of the Dakota Conflict.

Bortom det kroppsliga : Prostitution som martyrskap i europeisk film

Here I study some European films from the late 1950?s and the early 1960?s by directors like Fellini, Visconti, Pasolini and Godard. By comparing them with different sociological studies on the subject of female prostitution I try to find out if these films are interested in the actual situation of the prostitute, or in their own image of the phenomenon. Is she an object used for sex or just an sex object? Is she positively or negatively pictured? With realism or as a stereotype? Which aspects of her situation is shown and which ones are concealed? What is the view on the men who actually use her services?It seems natural that different types of films, with different types of prostitutes, illustrates different aspects of what prostitution might be.

Med orden som bete : Identitet och framskrivande i Clarice Lispectors roman Levande vatten

Clarice Lispectors is one of Latin Americas most famous writers, and she wrote a number of books during her lifetime. Her novel Stream of Life (Água viva), which came out in 1973 and was translated into Swedish in 2007, is considered to be one of Lispectors most difficult texts to read. It consists of several fragments put together into one text; however the text has no traditional narrative or structure. It is the flow of moments that moves the text forward, as it is written down by the protagonist in the book.The primary aim of this essay is to examine how the protagonist in Stream of Life through different means, as the moment, the description, the word and the variations, creates an active participation in the formation of its identity. I will discuss the moment and its act of constructing the book?s circular structure, which is of importance.

Vem är/blir civilekonomen? : En studie om civilekonomernas identitetskapandeprocess.

Bakgrund: Inspirationen till denna studie uppkom av fo?rfattarnas intresse kring identiteter och deras intresse fo?r skapelseprocessen kring deras egna identiteter. Fra?gan som uppkom i samband med starten fo?r studien var vilka vi sja?lva har utvecklas till som blivande civilekonomer och vilka faktorer som hade pa?verkat oss.Syfte: Studiens syfte var att underso?ka skapelse- och fo?ra?ndringsprocessen av en civilekonoms professionsidentitet under studietiden.Metod: Studien a?r genomfo?rd pa? ett kvalitativt tillva?gaga?ngssa?tt. Studien har utfo?rts med en autoetnografisk teknik fo?r att presentera studiens empiri da?r a?ven fo?rfattarnas reflektioner presenteras som en empirika?lla.

Vikten av att skapa ett starkt varumärke

First time labelling occurred was when animal owners marked their cattle in order to distinguish the differences. The need for labelling was added when the trade had expanded during Roman times in order for the customers to know who manufactured their craft. Trademarks are characterized as a way to distinguish one's own product or service from someone else. The marketing purpose is to create an identity. The brand has an important role as an effective competitive tool for businesses.A brand can have many different functions, which will simplify a customer's decision making process in selecting a service or product.

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