

1910 Uppsatser om Muslim identity - Sida 43 av 128

Jag & min framtid : En kvalitativ studie om HVB-hemplacerade ungdomars syn på sig själva och sin framtid.

Studies have shown that young people in residential care homes tend to be low achievers in school and are at high risk of entering adulthood with a low level of education. This group has also shown tendency to adverse psychosocial outcomes. The aim with this study is to reach an understanding of how teenagers and young adults view themselves and their future, what ambitions they have in life and how they see their opportunities to realize their goals. The study is based on a qualitative method and was conducted with semi structured personal interviews with five youngsters 15-21 years old in two different residential care homes. The theoretical viewpoints have been based on E.H Erikson?s theory about identity as well as the theory about resilience.The result of this study indicates that the persons we have interviewed have expressed difficulties in describing themselves.

"De är ett väldigt nyfiket släkte, barnbibliotekarierna". En kvalitativ undersökning av hur 1990-talets samhällsförändringar påverkat barnbibliotekariernas arbetsuppgifter, kvalifikations- och fortbildningsbehov

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate what the work situation of children's librarians looks like in the year 2000, after the changes in society which took place since the 1980's. Did the tasks of children's librarians change during the nineties, and if so, in what way and why have they changed? Which new knowledge needs emerged for children's librarians during the nineties, and what was the cause of these new needs? Finally I want to know which needs for professional development arose, and how these needs are fulfilled. The thesis is based on qualitative interviews with children's librarians, library managers, library consultants, one representative of the Swedish school of Library and Information Studies and one member of SAB's children and youth committee. The study reveals that the identity of children's librarianship is strongly associated with the stimulation of language and reading.

Hundra som mig : En studie i formandet av organisationsidentitet hos konsulter i bemanningsbranschen

Begreppet organisationsidentitet har vuxit i popularitet, både som teori för forskare och som strategi för företagsledning. Samtidigt ser vi en trend på den svenska arbetsmarknaden där det blir allt vanligare att hyra in arbetskraft istället för att anställa direkt i organisationen. Men vad händer med organisationsidentiteten när de anställda är tillfälligt där och dessutom har en dubbel organisationstillhörighet, både till konsultföretag och till kundföretag?Den här studien riktar in sig på konsulternas upplevelser av organisationsidentitet. Syftet är att bidra med kunskap till det teoretiska begreppet organisationsidentitet som tidigare inte har inkluderat tillfälliga medlemmar i en organisation, som till exempel konsulter i bemanningsbranschen.

Simundervisning med muslimska flickor? : -         En undersökning av arbetssättet hos ett antal idrottslärare i en mellansvensk stad.

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att få kunskap om hur ett antal idrottslärare arbetar vid simundervisning med muslimska flickor och detta för att på så sätt hjälpa mina eventuella framtida muslimska elever att bli simkunniga. Detta eftersom forskning visar att en stor del av eleverna i skolan som inte kan simma är elever med föräldrar från ett annat land eller elever som själva har invandrat. Intervjuerna har genomförts med fem lärare där alla undervisar i idrott och hälsa på mångkulturella skolor i en mellansvensk stad. Samtliga lärare anser att simundervisningen är ett mycket viktigt moment att arbeta med, men ingen av dessa lärare ägnar någon större tid åt att undervisa i simning. Undersökningen visade att simundervisning går bra att utföra även om eleverna är muslimska flickor.

"Tro - det är vägledning på något sätt" : om religiösa värderingar vid studie- och yrkesval

Syftet med denna undersökning var att analysera på vilket sätt den religiösa tillhörigheten influerat sex religiöst troende och praktiserande muslimers resonemang och värderingar kring studie- och yrkesval. Den metod som användes var semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visade respondenternas beskrivningar av hur de praktiserade sin tro i vardagen, vilket gav slutsatsen att islam upplevdes som en livsstil. Vidare visade resultaten att respondenterna upplevde islam som ständigt närvarande, men att det var svårt att urskilja relationen mellan det egna studie- och yrkeslivet och den religiösa tillhörigheten. Samtliga respondenter gav även uttryck för altruistiska värderingar om att bidra till ett bättre samhälle.

Kvinnojouren och kommunen : - En kvalitativ studie om relationen mellan kvinnojourer och kommuner 

The purpose of this study is to find out how the non-governmental shelters for battered women identify themselves in context of their dependence and cooperation with the municipality. Their legitimacy is also investigated which is based on, along with identity, key concepts of the neoinstitutional organization theory. The mutual dependency between these two actors is problematized along with the question of who is responsible for assisting the battered women, and who takes on the responsibilities for them. The empirical result that is analyzed was gathered through three qualitative semi structured interviews with employed personnel at three different battered women?s shelters in three different municipalities in Sweden.

Ras är en konstruktion- rasifiering en process En jämförande diskursanalys i hur den nationella identiteten konstrueras mellan `svenska invandrare` och `norska invandrare` bosatta i Oslo

The aim of this thesis is to seek understanding to how a national identity is constructed. Five women and five men at the age of 21-37 years old have been interviewed during November 2005 and January 2006. All of them lived Oslo at the time. The informants have been divided into two groups, `Swedish immigrants` and `Norwegian immigrants`, none of the people interviewed is ethnic `Swedish` or `Norwegian`. The empirical material has been analysed with the help of Billig´s theory about banal nationalism and Laclau and Mouffe´s discourse analysis.

Europeiska arkivhandlingar : Europeiskt identitetsskapande i samtida ABM-projekt

The aim of this master?s thesis is to analyse the construction of European identity in three ofcontemporary EU initiated projects for the digitisation of collections from museums, archives, andlibraries. The source material consists of the web pages of the projects Minerva, MICHAEL, andEuropeana, as well as some other policy documents on digitisation and access from EU authorities.Theories on nationalism and construction of heritage are used as an overall context to the problem.After a brief description of the mentioned projects, the author undertakes an analysis of theways that the concept of ?European heritage? is depicted in the source material. The result is thefollowing: normally, the true European heritage is considered being united even though it isdiveded culturally, historically and linguistically.

Ett hindutempels verksamhet och funktion i diaspora : En etnografisk studie om ett swaminaryantempel i Mellansverige

 This essay has been investigate a Hindu swaminarayantempel in central Sweden, its activities and function from a diaspora perspective. Also to investigate the relationship between Hindu diaspora groups and in relation to South Asia. An ethnographic method was used.The result of this study shows that the key activities temple provides the puja. Pujan is the most frequent activity in the investigated Temple. The temple also provides other activities that often are linked to anniversaries and celebrations of festive calendar, such as Diwali or gods' birthdays.The investigated temple has a similar function as other diaspora groups.

Gestaltning av vägar i Skåne - kopplat till sju regionalt viktiga stråk :

This work derives from the question ?What is a beautiful road??. The question is being discussed in interviews with two employees at the Swedish National Road Administration and two former members of the ?Council of environment and beauty? at the Swedish National Road Administration. The interviews are summarized in my own discussion about the concept of ?Beautiful roads?.

De små stegens tyranni : En studie av Sverigedemokraternas förhållande till islam

The aim of this essay was to determine 1. How Muslims were described in the Sweden Democrats official magazine and 2. What the purpose with their descriptions could be. The material, the SD-Courier was chosen due to it being an official magazine that was easily accessible. A hermeneutic method was used where each article selected was read several times to create a greater understanding for the material and the phenomenon within.

Interkommunal IT-samverkan. Faktorer och effekter av ett framgångsrikt samarbete

Today more and more municipalities interact across a wide range of sectors. The reasons tostart interacting are varying and for those who succeed with this form of work, there arebenefits in terms of efficiency and knowledge exchanges. But are the reasons that interactalways obvious? Sweden currently has 290 municipalities of varying size and allmunicipalities have basically the same mission, to deliver services to its residents.Information technology allows municipalities to digitize much of the workload, but theintroduction of the technique is not without problems. For small municipalities, there are greatdemands to deliver reliability and support for their internal and external services.

Våra sociala medvetanden: En diskussion om ett socialt perpektiv angående medvetandet

In this essay a social perspective on the mind is explored and argued for. The essay moves from a discussion of a social collective foundation for the individual mind to a discussion ofthe main alternative ways of describing the shared social world, namely an action-centred perspective and a power-centred perspective. It is shown that these two perspectives are combinable. A combination of the two perspectives is therefore recommended for a more balanced way of describing the shared social world. In this essay it is argued for that the individuals? mind and her identity is dependent on the surrounding community.

Reproduceras genus i religionsämnets läroböcker? : En diskursanalys över två valda läroböcker för religionskunskap på gymnasieskolan

Teaching materials are a constant matter of discussion as they represent the school curriculum and what the students are reading in the classroom. Within religious studies in upper secondary school, a new approach emerged since the new curriculum from 2011, which is to interpret religion in relation to gender. This study aimed to see which gender performances two selected teaching materials represented, in both their texts and images. This study was performed using both discourse analysis for the texts and content analysis of the images. The study showed that traditional gender performances appear both in the chapters that touched human identity and also ethics and morals, and also in the chapters that touched the world religions.

Att tala fritt är stort, att tala rätt är större - En komparativ analys av statens användning av språk som instrument i nationsbyggnadsprocessen i Ukraina och Kazakstan

This thesis is a comparative analysis of language policy in the Post-Soviet states Ukraine and Kazakhstan, wherein the states are seen as rational actors using language as an instrument in the nation-building process. With a take-off point in an underframe of theories on the nation, national identity, instrumentalism, power and the particular role of language in the nation-building process, this thesis shows that language is a key instrument used by the two states.The Ukrainian and Kazakhian language policies create and put across a certain image of the nation, by emphasising the titular languages as symbols of the new states. The line of argument in the language policy is a balance act between large-scale promotion of titular languages and a careful and inclusive attitude towards the Russian language. The biggest differences are that Ukraine, compared to Kazakhstan, has a more comprehensive and consequent language policy with a deeply rooted historic rhetoric. The most obvious instruments of the states in language policy is censuses, corpus-planning and the state choosing one official language..

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