

1814 Uppsatser om Music skills. - Sida 3 av 121

Kulturmöten - problem eller möjligheter?

This work is about Cuban music and my relationship to it. My study contains two different parts. In the first one I try to give a short summary of Cuban music history. The second part is about possibilities and problems that can arise in the meeting with foreign cultures. I have focused on three themes: Music and respect, cultural encounters and travelling, and communication.

Fokalisering i teori och praktik : En studie av tre teoretikers användande av fokalisering

This thesis, entitled The Headmaster and the Music, is based on interviews with four headmasters, who are all working in the Swedish compulsory school. The purpose is to investigate how they view music, both in general and as a school subject. Since the research on this topic is scarce, the study can be described as explorative.The result shows that the headmasters? personal experiences have an impact on the way they view music. Four different focus points on music in school have emerged from the material, and these represent the four very different views that each headmaster holds.

Identitetens Ljudspår: musik, smak & subkultur

This essay presents a picture of swedish reggae listeners and how their love of music give meaning to their lives and unite them in a sub-culture. Based on interviews with six young men about their involvement in reggae, it also investigates the relationship between music and identity, or more clearly; how identity is expressed through music. Furthermore, I discuss the notion of taste according to Bourdieu, and argue against his statement that taste in music affirms the class and social background of an individual. Results from my empirical data have indicated that reggae music is difficult to associate to a distinct lifestyle, which inclines me to argue that it has managed to transcend phenomena such as ethnicity, class and cultural affiliation..

Twelvestep - Down inside

Title: Music video: Twelvestep ? DownInside Made by: Benjamin Bondesson Christian Edgren Tutor: Silvio Ocasic Course admin: Peter Ekdahl Purpose: To create a music video that we can stand, that challenges us in the creative process. And to help a struggling band with another medium to spread their music. Goal:We intend to create a great product that is demanding and educational to us. Especially when it comes to cooperation and editing/post production. Keywords:Music video, digital video, film.

Att vinna musikmatchen: Hur skivbolag förblir framgångsrika i en strömmad värld

Music streaming services are changing the music industry from the inside. After being struck by the piracy wave in the early 2000's, the industry was characterized by declining sales, layoffs, and a seemingly futile battle on what had become a culture of copyright infringement. After the successful launch of the music streaming service Spotify, the Swedish recording industry took a turn for the better. Music streaming services are creating both new opportunities and challenges to the music industry. This paper aims to study some of the opportunities and challenges concerning the creation of new music.

Har musik betydelse för studieresultat

The purpose of my study is to examine if the total study results differ between music classes and regular classes. Are there higher grades in music classes? If so, what are the causes for this? I chose to make an inquiry at two schools in different town districts, with music classes. At those schools I also collected data of pupils grades, and was informed by the principals and the music teachers about the activities. The number of respondents were ninety.The inquiry showed that the grades were markedly better in music classes, and that you can see great differences in well-being, parental engagement and ambition level, compared to regular classes.

Musikalisk barnteater : Musikens funktion i barnteaterberättandet på Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg

Muscial theatre for children ? the function of the music in theatrical storytelling for children in Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg. Sweden, Växjö, 2006.The aim of this essay is to examine music in theatre for children. There is not much recent research about the subject so this essay is a way to discern this part of the theatre and to get more people interested in the matter. The survey will focus on how music is used in an institutional theatre (Regionteatern Blekinge-Kronoberg) that works with plays for children.

En ny musikarena utan solister

The music industry has been subject to great changes during the last ten years. The most significant factor contributing to this change is the increasing usage of broadband and thereby the increasing frequency of downloading music illegally. Music piracy and file sharing have caused record sales to plummet. Consumers have now moved on to consuming music in a digital format, not only through downloading but also from streaming music online, an activity partly made possible by social media channels such as YouTube. As the consumption patterns have changed companies within the music industry have been forced to find other sources of income than record sales and they have also needed to find alternate ways to market their artists.

"Lets Play!" : En studie av kunskapsöverföring mellan digitala spel och musikinstrument.

The purpose of this thesis was to examine if users of digital music games may acquire skills from the games that may be of use in learning to play a real instrument, that is a non-digitally simulated instrument like an acoustic piano. We have used Gee?s theory regarding a possible interconnection between different semiotic domains, and how this connection may enable a transfer of skills between related domains. In this thesis we examine possible skill transfer between the domains ?digital games? and ?non-digital instruments?. To examine our question formulation we chose to conduct a pilot study from which we collected both quantitative and qualitative data.

Musikens roll i förskolan : Musikens roll i förskolan ur fyra pedagogers perspektiv

With this empirical essay I want to research how and why pedagogues use music in their preschool activities. Music is important to me and in relation to the new educational plan I have cautions about that the esthetic subjects may be less prioritized than before. The purpose with my study is to find out preschool pedagogues perspective in learning and evolving children?s educational matters through music. I base my literature theories in this study on Vygotskij and Fröbels theoretical perspectives.

Rektorn och Musiken : En kvalitativ studie om fyra rektorers syn på musikämnets värde i den svenska grundskolan

This thesis, entitled The Headmaster and the Music, is based on interviews with four headmasters, who are all working in the Swedish compulsory school. The purpose is to investigate how they view music, both in general and as a school subject. Since the research on this topic is scarce, the study can be described as explorative.The result shows that the headmasters? personal experiences have an impact on the way they view music. Four different focus points on music in school have emerged from the material, and these represent the four very different views that each headmaster holds.

Musikterapi för patienter med schizofreni och annan psykossjukdom

The aim of the study was to illustrate how music therapy can be used in the care of patients with schizophrenia and other psychotic illness.The method used was a literature review. Scientific articles were searched in PubMed, Cinahl, PsycINFO och Scopus databases with an outcome of ten articles, with in total 330 participants, that underwent quality and outcomes analysis.The results showed that music therapy could provide potential improvement in the patients' social functions and that it could also improve negative, some positive and general schizophrenia and psychotic symptoms in some patients. The form of music therapy used was often creative music activities with music therapist, with or without structure, or individually customized. The length of treatment varied widely. It was not possible to draw conclusions about which type of music therapy was best.

Musikens betydelse i TV-reklam : En analys av jingel, bekant och obekant musik

This essay examines the communication value of music in television advertising. It studies different forms of music and whether these forms contribute positively or negatively to how television advertising is perceived and remembered. The forms are jingle, familiar song and unfamiliar song. 100 high school students participated in the study through a questionnaire.                      The study shows that music is an important tool that complements television advertisings visual aspects. Music creates feelings, emphasizes aspects of the image and clarifies the advertised message.

Läs- och skrivinlärning i förskoleklass : Läs- och skrivinlärning i dagsläget och utveckling under tiden 1994-2012

AbstractThe purpose of this survey is to examine how educators work with reading- and writing-skills in preschool with six year old children. I want to examine if the new curriculum, Lgr11, has affected the school teachers in their teaching of reading- and writing and if their work has changed through the years. Using a qualitative study, five preschool-teachers, working in preschool for several years, were interviewed to be heard of their thoughts about this topic. The survey shows that preschool-teachers are more familiar with the curriculum of today, in relation to previous curriculums. Much because of that the new one is more addressed to preschool compared with earlier curriculums but also that the teachers in an easier way can see the pupils? way to knowledge.

Hyllningsmusik till Karl XI : En studie kring 18 tillfälleskompositioner

This paper is a study of 18 extant pieces of panegyrical music for the Swedish king Karl XI (1655?1697). The compositions are preserved in two forms. There are a few contemporary prints, but the largest amount of music is preserved as manuscripts in the Düben­collection (Uppsala University Library). The paper focuses on four different aspects of the production of these 18 compositions.

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