914 Uppsatser om Municipal council - Sida 48 av 61
En fri marknad för fritidshus? : Lokala effekter av regleringar inom fritidshusmarknaden ? En studie om boplikt för fritidshus med exempel från Ven och Bornholm
The purpose of this study is to highlight the second home sector in Sweden and Denmark, in a comparative study of regulations for the second home market, and residence requirement. Two attractive second home island destinations is being compared in Ven, Landskrona and Gudhjem, Bornholm. The study addresses issues such as the local effects of a regulation of the second home market get at a local level, and the effects generated by deregulation, as well as local people's opinions about second home regulation in a popular second home area in southern Sweden. This has been examined using a mix between qualitative method and quantitative methods, and the study is based on six semi-structured interviews from informants from Ven, Bornholm, and Gudhjem which has been analyzed throughout a thematic analysis. In addition to the interviews, diagrams from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Sweden and Statistics Denmark, and various real estate websites, and a field observation from Ven and Gudhjem will be presented.The result shows that show that the discussion on residence requirement has been going on for a long time in Sweden and Ven, but the local organizations found more disadvantages than advantages and are now looking in to other solutions, while other locals believes that there are more advantages with a residence requirement. In Denmark it?s revealed that there is recently started discussion between municipal decision-makers and local organizations about the regulations, and if it should be abolished or not.
Nu måste jag välja! : Hur ungdomar i år nio upplever och hanterar sin beslutsprocess inför gymnasievalet
Ungdomar idag står inför en mängd valalternativ. Syftet med studien var att få förståelse för hur ungdomar i ett individperspektiv hanterar och upplever sin beslutsprocess beträffande sitt gymnasieval. En kvalitativ metod användes och intervjuer genomfördes med åtta elever i år nio från en skola i en medelstor kommun. Resultatet visar att tanken på gymnasievalet initieras främst från personer i ungdomarnas närhet. De har periodvis tänkt väldigt intensivt på gymnasievalet.
En jämförelse av RDF och avfall som förbränningsbränsle
In the EU the amount of waste increased by 14 percent during the years 2000 to 2010. EU?s target to reduce waste generation runs parallel with the aim of increasing the efficiency and profitability aligned with energy recovery. In Sweden the energy recovery through incineration is increasing steadily, and 46 percent of the municipal solid waste (MSW) is treated by combustion. This report aims to examine the profitability of processing MSW into Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) from an economic-, energy- and environmental perspective.
Norrberga Skolmodell- En ny modell av skola : Vad några elever i sjätte klass tycker om sin skola
This study titled School Model of Norrberga- a New Model of School. Some opinions that six pupils in the sixth grade have of their school is an explorative study. The purpose of this study is to some extent explain the ideas behind this quite spectacular model of school and the intentions of the City Council of Norrberga as they decided that all the schools that were to be renovated or built in the town of Norrberga had to follow a specific script. As I first visited The Moonlight School I was puzzled. How do the teachers work it out? But, above all: Do the pupils work it out? What do they think about their school? When I was to write my final essay I wanted to try to sort this school out in more scientific terms. There is a nice, warm atmosphere at the school and the pupils make good results.
Risker vid läkemedelshantering i primär-, kommunal- och hemsjukvård. En undersökning av Lex Maria-ärenden mellan 2006 och 2012.
Bakgrund: Läkemedelshantering utgör en stor del av det dagliga arbetet för sjuksköterskor. Varje år orsakas ett stort antal patienter skador på grund av brister i läkemedelshanteringen. Ett ständigt säkerhetsarbete där avvikande händelser rapporteras och utreds kan förhindra att fel upprepas. Lex Maria är en form av avvikelserapportering som syftar till att identifiera bakomliggande orsaker till den avvikande händelsen. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera vilka fel som begås i samband med läkemedelshanteringen inom primär-, kommunal- och hemsjukvården och som medför, eller riskerar att medföra, skada för patienten och där sjuksköterskan hade kunnat påverka händelseförloppet.
Den polska lastbilschaufförens verksamhet : Att i Sverige betraktas som egenföretagare eller anställd och vad blir inkomstbeskattningskonsekvensen?
Export is a top priority for Sweden's economy but for Swedish companies it may involve uncomfortable risks of exporting without sincere consideration. When the United Nations Security Council puts an embargo against a country, this often mean an import and export restriction. The thought is to push undemocratic regimes into respecting human rights. When the embargo is in force, however, the parties are not able to fulfill their contractual obligations, which practically means that the agreement will be suspended. The problem is what happens when an embargo is in force for a longer period of time.
Vems landskap ska förändras för att öka den biologiska mångfalden? : En studie av skillnaderna i odlingslandskapets konnektivitet med avseende på två skyddsvärda arter med olika preferenser
Organisms relevant for nature conservation dont follow administrative borders. Because of this there is a need for a landscape perspective within conservation and planning, and a need for the species of interest to have legal protection. Network analysis adapted for ecological purposes has grown to become a powerful tool for studying and communicating the relationships between species dispersion and access to habitat. In this study the following question is posed: How is the Osmoderma eremita and the Pernis apivorus dispersal possibilities in the small scale cultivated landscape of Borås affected by exploitation in respect to a) dispersal ability, b) habitat quality, c) position of habitat patches in a network? The analysis were based on municipal and regional nature conservation data, which in due to confidentiality is not accounted for in the report by maps, coordinates, etc.
Tjänsteutbud i stadsnät : Vilka faktorer påverkar utbudet?
Under IT-boomen i början av 2000-talet släpptes regeringens IT-proposition som bland annat behandlade svenska folkets tillgång till bredband med hög överföringskapacitet. Kommunerna fick i uppdrag att bygga en infrastruktur för bredband baserad på fiber genom så kallade stadsnät. Förhållningen från staten var att näten skulle byggas enligt en öppen modell som skulle stimulera fri konkurrens och operatörsneutralitet. Detta skulle i slutändan resultera i ökad valfrihet för kunden och ett ökat tjänsteutbud.I denna magisteruppsats har vi undersökt hur affärsmodellen som stadsnät ar-betar efter inverkar på tjänsteutbudet. Vi har även identifierat andra faktorer som påverkar tjänsteutvecklingen.
Arboga möter miljöutmaningar och klimatförändringar
Municipalities in Sweden are responsible for physical planning by developing a general plan. This plan contains intended land and water use for the area. This study aims to investigate the level of integration of environmental issues in the general plan of Arboga municipality and also how well adapted the municipality is for climate change. Further on, the study intends to examine the focus of the general plan and at what rate the national environmental strategies are implemented in the local physical planning of Arboga municipality. Methods used for this study are interviews and reviewing of the general plan itself and other key documents.
Att skapa ökad hälsa och välfärd : Rehabrådgivarnas påverkan på individens hälsa och livskvalitet i ett governmentalityperspektiv
From a view of health strategies and techniques this thesis wants to throw a light on how the individual in its"health thinking"is governed. A thinking that, according to the author, can lead to a new way of governing as in municipal activity, an activity whose focus is on health and ill-health. The study is done whit a theoretical approach of power, with qualitative interviews as method and analysed from a perspective of Governmentality. The object for the study is Socsam and Rehabrådgivarna in Finspång. Socsam is a local project, and their main task is to create cooperation between health- and medical services, social services and social insurance.
Central Peripheries: speculation and strategy for a land less mentioned
As the contemporary discourse surrounding urbanism is almost exclusively focusing on aspects of density and traditional urban qualities, it entrenches notions of what constitutes a proper city and countryside. But beyond this urban-rural dichotomy is another highly contemporary landscape. A territory usually mentioned as sprawl, peri-urban, wasteland, edge city, etc. Although its existence is due to mobilization, telecommunications, globalization and other phenomena of modern life, it is a landscape without an own name or place in public awareness.This thesis provides a case study of how to map and intervene in such a landscape, specifically along the border between Malmö and Burlöv municipalities in southern Sweden. Its structure is composed of a sequence of three parts:1 Spatial Conditions:Divided up in the sections Network, Fringe and Void.
Stress i arbetslivet - organisationsstrukturers påverkan på anställdas upplevda stress
The right to freedom of conscience is protected by international conventions and declarations of human rights that have been ratified by Sweden. Nationally, the issue of health professionals? right to freedom of conscience in the abortion care is not resolved by public inquiry. This has led to that Sweden has been notified to the European Committee of Social Rights on the grounds that the country is considered to be violating the Council of Europe Resolution 1763 and that the proper question to be determined by regulations of the interests that are balanced, based on their legal value in relation to each other. Freedoms, rights and obligations conflict with each other.
Rätten till naturaprestation : Bortfaller rätten efter det att ett långvarigt embargo har lyfts?
Export is a top priority for Sweden's economy but for Swedish companies it may involve uncomfortable risks of exporting without sincere consideration. When the United Nations Security Council puts an embargo against a country, this often mean an import and export restriction. The thought is to push undemocratic regimes into respecting human rights. When the embargo is in force, however, the parties are not able to fulfill their contractual obligations, which practically means that the agreement will be suspended. The problem is what happens when an embargo is in force for a longer period of time.
Mobil verksamhetsapplikation för Nationell patientöversikt : Implementation och automatiserad testning av mobil applikation
While the technological infrastructure that enables collaboration between municipalities, counties and private health care providers improves, so does the need for health-care providers to gain access to the right patient journal at the right time. For doctors, nurses and other health-care organization employees this goal is achieved by NPÖ, National Patient Summary. NPÖ effectively enables health-care records to be shared across organizational boundaries. This thesis is based on a demand by a mobile application that can give district nurses access to health-care records wherever they are.This thesis describes the development of a prototype of a mobile application aimed for NPÖ. This includes investigating a suitable mobile platform, investigating available card readers for reading electronic identification from SITHS cards and the ability to connect to external services such as NPÖ.
Finansbubblor & babybooms : - en studie av sambandet mellan ekonomiska faktorer och fertilitet i Sverige 1960-2008
Variations in fertility have caused a problematic situation in Sweden among other European countries. According to the Council of Europe we are facing an economic and demographic challenge, when the baby boomers of the 1940?s are retiring. Economists have for a long time studied the connection between economic factors and fertility, and several studies have found a correlation between business cycles and birth rates. This connection is again of current interest 2008, when a financial bubble bursts at the same time as a baby boom occurs.