914 Uppsatser om Municipal council - Sida 36 av 61
Delaktighet och inflytande : Vad främjar elevers vilja till delaktighet och inflytande
Welfare is every person's right. To create conditions for a good welfare it requires coordinated strategic interventions at national and local level. Efforts must be politically supported to be able to strengthen public health. Local welfare management is a measure used to control and monitor public health. The purpose of this study was to investigate local actors perceptions of collaboration in strategic public health efforts with local welfare management in a municipality in central Sweden.
Sätter jag mig i ett hörn, blir jag äldre än vad jag är : En kvalitativ studie om insatsen aktivering inom hemtjänsten
From the day we are born, we slowly grow old and sooner or later most people will have to use geriatric care provided by the community. In the Swedish model, society is responsible for the geriatric care, so the elderly can live a dignified, meaningful and active life. Home help insert activity is designed to help elderly get their social needs satisfied in the form of, for example, being outdoors, walk and visit a friend or some other form of social interaction. The study's purpose is to study how older people use and perceive bet activation in the municipal home care. To find out how this was conducted five interviews with older people who have help from home care to insert activation was made.
Södra Lapplands Kommun? Vad för effekt skulle en sammanslagning av Åsele, Dorotea och Vilhelmina kommun få på den lokala demokratin?
In 1974 the three municipalities of Åsele, Dorotea and Fredrika were amalgamated despite of hunger strikes, mass protests and a serious threat of violence. But after six years the marriage shattered as Dorotea left the other two after years of continued struggle. In 2005 the idea of an amalgamation of Åsele, Dorotea and Vilhelmina municipalities was brought to life by an older and ever declining population.By creating a democratic ideal type consisting of the three variables ? legitimacy, participation and identity ? this study assesses what impact an amalgamation of the three municipalities might have on local democracy.Combining a qualitative and a quantitative approach this study concludes that amalgamating the municipalities today could create a democratic unit lacking legitimacy, having a weak identity and impeding participation. But the study also brings forth that the impact of an amalgamation upon the variables of the ideal type as defined is not written in stone.
Långtidsfrisk eller arbetsglädje - vad speglar arbetsrelaterad hälsa?
The work related illness has increased and instead of focusing on what?s causing it more and more efforts are put on trying to find the health factors within and outside the work environment. During the past years the term ?long-term health? has arisen; instead of focusing on the number of employees on the sick-list, the focus should be put on the number of employees that has a record of long-term health within an organization, i.e. health-presence.
Aktörer och strukturer: en studie av Karlstads stadsbiblioteks framväxt
The aim of this thesis is to examine the underlying causes for the opening of Karlstad Public Library. In doing so a theory based on the actor/structure model within social theory is used. The structures and actors are intertwined and therefore need to be analysed together. To do so the theory poses a series of questions that needs to be answered. The method used is document analysis.
Socialarbetarens livspussel - En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie
The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the various factors that influence the balancebetween the working lives and family lives of social workers. The research questions posedwere: Do social workers consider there is a conflict between their working lives and familylives? Which factors make maintaining a balance between working life and family life moredifficult and which make it easier to do so? How do social workers describe equality betweenthe sexes in their own family? Regarding methodology, the selection method is strategic andcombines data sources with quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The material collectedand via online survey, targeted to 120 municipal employees social workers in a district councilin a big city, and through interviews with four social workers in a rural community. The studywas performed using gender theory and the demand-support-control model.
"Sök Er ej till Stockholm" : -Om sambandet mellan bostadsbrist och tillväxt
Recent years there has been discussed how the critical situation in the housing market threatens the Stockholm region's growth. The thesis objective is to examine whether there is a scientific link between the lack of housing supply and growth. The thesis also intends to identify solutions for increased housing construction, for instance by examining the conditions for a greater regional perspective and influence on the region's housing supply. The thesis empirical study is based on semi-structured interviews with representatives from the Government, municipalities and the housing industry.In Sweden, research on the relationship between housing shortages and growth has not been conducted to that extent it can be said to exist scientific evidence regarding the growth threat. However, in Britain and the U.S, empirical studies show that a lack of housing supply has hindered growth through negative impact on countries' gross domestic product.
Upplevelsen av att vara döende ur ett patientperspektiv
Palliativ vård syftar till att främja livskvalitet för patient och anhöriga. Hela människan skall tas i beaktande och fysiska behov skall tillgodoses i lika stor utsträckning som psykiska, sociala och andliga behov. Målet är att lindra lidande i största möjliga mån, vilket överensstämmer med vad International Council of Nursing belyser vara sjuksköterskans ansvar. Vald studiedesign var litteraturstudie med systematisk litteratursökning. Syftet var att beskriva vad patienter i palliativ fas uppfattar har inverkan på upplevelsen av att vara döende.
Den svenska äldrevården : Behov, konkurrens, kvalitet och valfrihet ur ett fastighetsperspektiv
In this thesis an explorative study was undertaken with the aim to study how a number of private care providers, as well as politicians and officials from councils in and around the Stockholm and Uppsala counties, think about the future of the Swedish elderly care from a property perspective, i.e. homes for the elderly. The analysis shows that there is a demand for capacity in 6 out of 16 municipalities, and that the property is an important part of this capacity, and the fulfillment of it. This was mainly due to the cost of capital, but also because of several other factors such as lack of land, a wish to guide the design, ideology, and in many cases a wish to use the property as an instrument of domination to control private health care providers.Also, the property was show to be connected to economic competition, to freedom of choice, and to quality. The problems related to the property in the market for elderly care still remains to be solved.
Vad lockar barn till aktivitet och rörelse på förskolegården?
The purpose of this study was to investigate what attracts children to activity and movement on the playground in a central and municipal preschool in a town located in middle of Sweden. The method was to use a qualitative group interview with five children, two girls and three boys, at the age of five. The interview consisted of a general question about what kids think is fun to do on the playground and was complemented with follow-up questions depending on what the children said. A qualitative interview with a preschool teacher and observations were carried out in the hope that they would confirm what children claimed about play and movement. This study showed a gender difference when girls like to swing together while the boys are making the swinging for a contest.
Grön Flagg : En kvalitativ studie kring barns delaktighet i de tre dimensionerna i hållbar utveckling
It is important to work with economic, social and ecological dimensions in order to reach sustainable development. Furthermore, these dimensions are supposed to work opon together. Green Flag´s aim is to process these dimensions in the thematic work in preschool, where children are involved. The aim of this study is to find out how certificated Green flag preschools work with the three dimensions in the education of sustainable development practically and how the children participate in this work. I have used a qualitative semi-structured interview to find out preschool teachers´ thoughts and opinions about how they work with sustainable development and how they make the children involved.
Är hälsa orange? : En kvalitativ studie av Norrbottens Läns Landstings byte av färg på Vårdcentralers logotyper i Norrbotten
Colours have been proven to have both a great physical and psychological impact on human beings. This essay investigates the rebranding of 37 Health Care Centers, located in Norrbotten, Sweden, and how 10 interviewees have experienced the new choice of colour on the logotypes of these Health Care Centers.The theoretical framework used in this research process, consists of theories related to rebranding, the communication process, encoding/decoding and Goethe?s Theory of Colours.To gather information about how the 10 inhabitants have experienced the new choice of colour, a semistructured form of interview was used. In addition to these interviews, three people employed by Norrbotten County Council (NLL) were interviewed, to get to know more about the rebranding process and the message behind the chosen colours of the logotype.Results show that the inhabitants had an overall positive reaction to the new colour choices, but that younger target groups lacked information about the new logotype and the rebranding.Due to these results, recommendations were made that NLL should expand the quantity of media channels to reach these younger target groups, and thereby be able to attract more patients to their Health Care Centers. NLL would also profit from investigating the inhabitants experiences related to the new colour choices themselves, but in a larger scale, to achieve greater knowledge of how to proceed with colour choices in the future..
Mångfald i bilderboken ur ett litteratursociologiskt perspektiv.
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how diversity takes shape in children?s picture books published in Sweden. Twelve picture books, which touch the aspect of diversity in the categories of gender, ages, culture, nation, ethnicities, language, class, sexuality and functional disorder, were chosen from the Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs catalogue for youth and children?s books 2006. They have been analysed with the conception of ikonotext and with the theory of Pierre Macherey?s image in the mirror, of how literature reflects the reality of society.
Att arbeta med strategier och mål i en offentlig verksamhet - En fallstudie om strategiimplementering inom ett kommunalt bostadsbolag
Background: During the 2000s, there has been an increased interest in studying
business management and strategy implementation with customer focus in public
organisations. To achieve business goals it is important to continuously work
with strategies to meet customerdemands for increased efficiency and service.
Purpose: The aim of the essay is to examine how to work on strategy
implementation in a municipal real estate company from a management perspective
in order to achieve overall goals.
Method: The study?s methodology is a case study based on qualitative telephone
that were conducted with representatives in managerial positions from various
levels of the
company. The choice of the qualitative data was considered relevant in relation
to the chosen
topic of the thesis. The empirical data was then compared to the theoretical
framework of the
Results: Strategies guide the company to achieve the overall goals, which are
later on broken down into operational targets.
Skadedjursbegränsare i horisontella avloppsrör
The purpose with this project was to invent a product that secures buildings sewersystems against rats. The problem was presented to us by a local building maintainer inHalmstad, who had experienced big problems with rats in his real estate. The project hasbeen carried out by Per Johansson, Robert Lidén and Niclas Nilsson under our ownauspices. We are primarily sponsored by AMLI Business Partner but also byInnvationsgruppen, Halmstad Fastighets AB and Anticimex.To be able to secure a whole building with only one product we came to the conclusionthat the product must be placed in the horizontal sewer pipe that connects with themunicipal sewer system. Our goal was to invent a product that prevent rats from passingand at the same time not affect the water flow.