

982 Uppsatser om Multinational Team - Sida 21 av 66

Processkartläggning : Det nödvändiga förarbetet inför implementering av ett affärssystem

During the last decades the local business as well as the multinational organization hasexperienced prominent changes in the technical field. The requirements for reaching newmarkets and achieving higher efficiency in daily work have risen to a whole new level. Totake advantage of the possibilities of IT the user has to be aware of the company?s businessactivities, what shortcomings and chances of development exist today. This is what makes itinteresting to depict the current situation of the company?s business.

Barn- och ungdomshockey utifrån ett tränarperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om tränarnas uppfattningar om barn- och ungdomshockey

Abstract________________________________________________________________Författare/Author Richard TähtinenTitel/Title Youth hockey from a coach perspective. A qualitative study about coaches´appreciations concerning youth hockeyThe aim with this study is to strengthen the knowledge about coaches´ appreciationsconcerning youth hockey. This study contains interviews with three leaders that operate onthe strategic level within youth hockey and three coaches working with youth players in theages of 11 and 12. I have divided my main results into 4 categories, based on an earlier studyfrom Karin Redelius (2002). These categories include the following themes:1) Competition on the good and the bad2) The importance of winning3) Shake-out versus sports on children’s terms4) Instruction, play and learningThe main conclusions in this study show that leaders on the strategic level appreciate youthhockey in a very similar way.

Webbaserad träning ? en modell skapad för att öka compliance inom rehabilitering av hund

The aim of the present literature study was to define and describe the area ?compliance in veterinary medicine? (i.e. the way treatment recommendations are being performed) and discuss the factors that influence the level of compliance. Based on the findings, a model that intended to increase compliance in orthopedic postoperative rehabilitation of dogs was designed. In the daily work as a veterinary nurse it is essential that one provides the best possible care to the animals from the beginning to the end of the treatment.

Tillväxt och integration ? en granskning av Skånes regionala tillväxtavtal

The aim of this study is to examine which factors in a traffic wardens? situation at work that promote and which that inhibit satisfaction at work. The aim of this study is also to examine if there are any differences in the work experiences for traffic wardens that work alone versus those who work in a team of two. The following questions are examined in the study:?Which factors promote and which factors inhibit the work situation for traffic wardens??Are there any differences between traffic wardens that work alone and those who work with another colleague?The selection consisted of eight traffic wardens, of which four of them work with another colleague while the other four work by themselves.

Spridning av idrott, innebandyns expansion och kommunal planering

The aim of this study is to examine which factors in a traffic wardens? situation at work that promote and which that inhibit satisfaction at work. The aim of this study is also to examine if there are any differences in the work experiences for traffic wardens that work alone versus those who work in a team of two. The following questions are examined in the study:?Which factors promote and which factors inhibit the work situation for traffic wardens??Are there any differences between traffic wardens that work alone and those who work with another colleague?The selection consisted of eight traffic wardens, of which four of them work with another colleague while the other four work by themselves.

Sociala rörelser i rörelse - En analys av de jordlösas rörelses verksamhet i civilsamhället

This thesis analyses the rise and fall of social movements. Social movementsfunctions in the civil society, by contentious collective action they form identities,mobilize their forces and use repertoires of contentions to make new or previouslyunaccepted claims. They function in a limited timeframe, sooner or later they getinstitutionalized, marginalised or succumb into violence. The landless movementin Brazil is one of the most profound social movements in the world; their majorgoal is a land reform. Since the leftwing president Lula da Silva won the Brazilianelection in 2002 the president has been unable to live up to the expectations fromthe landless movement about implementing a land reform.

Den sociala kreatören

Den sociala omgivningen spelar en viktig roll för designerns kreativa förmåga. Framförallt har omgivningen en viktig inverkan för designerns emotionella tillstånd som i sin tur påverkar humöret och kreativiteten. Undersökningen visar också att inspiration oftast hämtas från arbetsgruppen snarare än den privata omgivningen, ett mönster som förstärks med erfarenhet och ålder..

Kommunikation fungerar för dem som jobbar på den! Kommunikationens betydelse för människan i det opererande teamet

I ett team ingår flera professioner och för att arbeta i ett team krävs det att kunna kommunicera med varandra. Genom att belysa vad som påverkar kommunikationen och hur kommunikationen påverkar människan, kan det leda till att människan utvecklar sin förmåga att kommunicera, vilket i sin tur leder till ett förbättrat arbetsklimat. Syftet med studien är att belysa kommunikationens betydelse för människan i det opererande teamet och eventuella orsaker som påverkar kommunikationen. Metoden är en litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ innehållsanalys av vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet redovisas med hjälp av tre huvudteman och 11 subteman där kommunikationens process belyses.

Mekanismer i ett ungdomsprojekt ? hur insats blir till resultat och varför

Arbetslösa ungdomar är ett problem i dagens samhälle och kunskaperna om de projekt som finns om ungdomsprojektens innehåll, vilka deltagarna är, vilka resultat som uppnås och hur de uppnås är liten. Syftet med denna uppsats är att få en ökad förståelse för hur ett ungdomsprojekt kan påverkar en individ och se vad olika insatser kan ge för effekter och hur denna effekt uppstår hos individen. Syftet besvarades genom att finna svar på följande frågeställningar:? Vad anser de intervjuade före detta deltagare i Green Team varit betydande insatser?? Vilka effekter har dessa insatser haft på deltagarna?? Hur kan det förklaras att insatserna gett de effekter som uppstått? Kvalitativa intervjuer valdes som metod för att svara på frågeställningarna då det krävdes för att få informantens egen upplevelse av sin situation innan, under och efter Green Team. Två före detta deltagare i projektet Green Team intervjuades.

Biomekanisk analys av patientlyft i team

Background: The majority of the occupational accidents and work-related diseases at Swedish workplaces occur due to poor ergonomics during lifts and transportation of objects. The most common consequence of poor ergonomic conditions is low back pain (LBP) and the risk of developing LBP increases as the mechanical loading on the intervertebral disks grows. This study has investigated the biomechanical loading in the low back during two different types of patient lifts. The first lift (lift A) is developed by Modern Arbetsteknik (MA) and the second lift (lift B) is a common lifting technique among care workers. Objectives: The aim of the study was to identify any advantages or disadvantages with MA?s lift, regarding shear and compression forces in the L5/S1 disc.

Samverkansplanering : en jämförande studie mellan praktik och teori

Collaborative planning ? a comparative study of theory and practice Why There is today, according to my experience, a growing interest and demand for a more inclusive and transparent planning process. Also, if we are going to be able to reach a truly sustainable society it is my belief that there is a need for a more integrated collaboration between different actors. Where the social, economic and ecological values can influence and benefit from each other. The question then is, how can the planning system accommodate that kind of collaboration? Purpose My aim for this thesis has been to study a selection of the theoretical work that exist about collaborative planning.

Trolley Innovation Project - Serveringsvagn för flygindustrin

Bachelor thesis, Trolley Innovation Project, has been unique in the sense that it has been carried out over the borders of Sweden. Iacobucci S.p.A, located outside of Rome in Italy is one of the largest manufacturers of interior equipment for aircraft in the world. With approximately 30% of the market Iacobucci S.p.A is one of the world's largest manufacturers of catering trolleys.The aim has been to produce a new competitive catering trolley for the airline industry. With customers and users in focus, the project team found that weight, ease of use, ergonomics and design were important aspects. Having a low weight of all the interior is particularly important when there is lots of money for the airlines to save in reduced fuel costs.

Sannolikheter i fotbollsmatcher : -Kan man skapa användbara odds med hjälp av statistiska metoder?

Betting under ordered forms has been around for a long time, but the recent increase in Internet betting and the large sums of money that are now involved makes it even more important for betting companies to have correct odds. The purpose of the essay is to calculate probabilities for outcomes of football games using a statistical model and to see if you can find better odds than a betting company.The data contains the 380 games from the 2004/2005 season and the variables form, head-to-heads, league position, points, home/away, average attendance, promoted team, distance and final league position from previous season. After performing an ordered probit regression we only find the variable ?form of the away team? to be significant at the 5 % level. We suspect the presence of multicollinearity and perform a VIF-test which confirms this. To fix this problem we perform a second ordered probit regression where a number of variables are combined to index variables. In the second regression we once again find only one significant variable.

Finansiell värdering av patent

The purpose of this master thesis is to map and analyze the appropriate valuation approaches used for Intellectual Property rights and develope a model for valuing patents. This project has been executed on behalf of Electrolux?s Group Intellectual Property and is intended to be used for managerial purposes.Project limitations include patents that doesent concern technology oriented products and services, real option methods, financial forecasts, decisions concerning patents taken by the R&D division, patent applications in general and taking into account unexpected future management decisions regarding patents.Electrolux?s Intellextual Property team applies, manages and protects the groups Intellectual Property rights including patents, designs and trademarks. With an increased globalization and the rise of emerging markets, incentives have increased further to protect and safeguard the group?s innovations.Mainly there are three different valuations approaches for valuing intellectual property rights, these include the income based approach, cost base approach and market based approach.

Idrott för alla? : Intresse och engagemang för breddverksamhet

  Aim. The aim of the study was to describe how nurses in home care experience to pursue palliative care in ordinary housing. Methods. The study had a descriptive design with qualitative approach and was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 14 nurses in home health care from two medium-sized Swedish municipalities. The material was analyzed with manifest and latent content analysis. Findings. The underlying theme that emerged in the study was: Working with palliative care in the patient´s own homes is positive but challenging. Informants describe among other things that they perceived palliative home care as meaningful and that relatives have a central role in the palliative home care since they are close to the patient around the clock. The stress that emerges from the heavy work load and the long geographic distances are described as strenuous and to affect the care in a negative way. Informants describe the home environment as challenging as it is often not adapted for care and the collaboration with the palliative team is described to be experienced as both positive and negative.

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