

3620 Uppsatser om Modern marketing - Sida 21 av 242

Mode på nätet : En studie om hur nätbutiker marknadsför sig genom bloggar och andra sociala medier

This thesis examines how online fashion retailers utilize blogs and other social media in their marketing process. The study is focused on internet retailer Nelly and how they make use of fashion blogger Kenza in their marketing. Drawing on Kawamura?s fashion-ology theory, the study emphasizes the new role of the fashion bloggers in the fashion system, and illustrates their consumption power vis-a-vis the retailers, the consumers, each other and the whole industry as such.    .


Bakgrunden till detta arbete ligger i att Sportlife kommit ut med en egen kollektion med träningskläder. Problematiken är att den inte nått ut i den omfattningen som ledningen önskat. Metoden som beskrivs i denna rapport är intervjuer samt enkätundersökningar. Genom att intervjua ledning, personal och medlemmar har information samlats för att kunna hitta vart det brister i marknadsföringen. Syftet med arbetet är att öka försäljningen för ett företag med hjälp utav befintliga marknadsföringsstrategier.

Enkätundersöking om vad privata skogsägare vill se på en skoglig aktörs hemsida

This degree projects made on behalf of AB Karl Hedin to find out what private forest estate owners would like to have on a forestry-related website. The reason for finding out what estate owners think of the forest websites is to meet needs of the forest owners who are customers of AB Karl Hedin. Marketing and use of the Internet for information search for products and services are two key concepts in this study. To be able to perform the study, a telephone survey was made to find out what estate owners want and what they are missing on a forest site. The survey can be summarized at following conclusion: The marketing of AB Karl Hedin website must be stronger The forest owners want more information on forest business, prices and forestry services.

Mineralogiska analysmetoder : från klassisk metodik till modern elektronstråleteknik

Detta arbete diskuterar och belyser hur utvecklingen av mineralogiskanalysmetodik har sett ut genom att tillämpa samtbeskriva ett urval av både klassisk och modern metodik. Grundentill arbetet är en stensamling som byggts upp av HolgerJensen och beskrivits av hans son Rolf Jensen på 1940-talet.Den nya förteckningen som sammanställts jämförs med dengamla som Rolf gjorde. Den enda metoden som inte tillämpas ärgoniometri, vilken dock beskrivs på grund av dess historiskabetydelse i utvecklingen av kristallmorfologin. Klassisk metodikoch egenskaper som beskrivs och har tillämpats är exempelvisblåsrörsanalys, hårdhetstestning, streckfärg, spaltning ochbrott. Bland modern metodik valdes malmmikroskopi, röntgendiffraktion,elektronmikrosondanalys och Ramanspektroskopi.Tidigt under arbetets gång noterades att erfarenhet krävs oberoendemetodik för att få korrekt resultat och att det kommer dröjalänge innan de klassiska metoderna blir förlegade.

Sverigebilden - Ett Place Marketing Projekt

I september 2007 lanserades en ny varumärkesplattform för Sverige. Denna uppsats har undersökt hur denna är utformad och vilken betydelse den har för svenska företag. För att genomföra en genomförlig analys har även det svenska varumärket i helhet analyserats. Detta för att fastslå om det har någon betydelse för svenska företag. En kvalitativ metod har använts där den primära data blir de genomförda intervjuerna.

Informationsmäklare i Sverige marknadsföringsstrategier och konkurrensmedel i en outvecklad bransch

A new line of business has arisen on the Swedish information market. The information broker is still quite an unknown actor but the future seems to hold a prosperous outcome for this kind of alternative information service. The information broker has many definitions but can generally be described as an intermediary between information sources and users. The Swedish market for this kind of information professionals has not yet developed into a big, well-established and lucrative branch as for example the one in the USA. The Swedish actors are still coping with resistance in form of insufficient support from the government, competitiveness from other more established information services and the clienteles lack of understanding the brokers purpose and utility.

Imageination: En uppsats om imageöverföring inom sponsring och Event Marketing

There are two main reasons for why companies engage in sponsoring and Event Marketing; affecting the brand awareness and/or the image of the brand. Historically the main focus within the research field has been on how sponsoring and Event Marketing can create and achieve high brand awareness. More research regarding the image transfer from event to brand has been requested and this study is to be considered as an attempt to begin filling this gap. Today we see more and more brands choosing to arrange their own events; hoping to attain a more direct connection between the event and the brand. This trend raises questions such as - Do brands arranging their own events receive more image transfer from event to brand compared to brands sponsoring the same kind of event? - Are there any differences between an established well-known brand and a new unknown brand? - Will an event fully owned by a brand attract more or less people than an event arranged by someone considered to be less biased? These are some of the questions asked and answered within this thesis.

Fastighetsmäklarbranschens rykte

Title: Real Estate Brokerage Industry's reputation - a study from a relationship marketing perspectiveLevel: Bachelor thesis in business administrationAuthors: Sanna Soininen & Sofia PulkkinenSupervisor: Jonas KågströmDate: 2013 ? AugustBackground: The background to this investigation was primarily another survey, conducted by Fastighetsbyrån, a Swedish real estate agency. According to the survey, only 5% of the Swedish population claims to have high confidence for realtors. The problem discussion revolves around statistics about how few real estate agents who are notified and receive sanctions each year. We believe that those numbers doesn't make sense when compared to how few people trust realtors, which is where our aim with the study comes from.Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the real estate brokerage industry's reputation by previous research in relationship marketing.Method: The study was conducted with a deductive and for the most part with a positivistic approach.

Secondhandapparnas dilemma: milj?hj?ltar eller konsumtionsdrivare. Analys av secondhandappars inverkan p? unga vuxna kvinnors konsumtion

This thesis examines how marketing by secondhand apps affects young adult women's consumption habits, investigating whether these platforms promote or counteract overconsumption. While the secondhand market is considered more sustainable than buying new, these apps may still encourage overconsumption. The study focuses on the marketing strategies of three major secondhand apps in Sweden: Tradera, Sellpy, and Vinted, analyzing their impact on consumer behavior using the AIDA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). Based on qualitative interviews with eleven women aged 20-27 and the authors observations of the apps marketing activities, the study finds that secondhand apps often emphasize environmental benefits and makes secondhand shopping accessible and appealing. However, the marketing tactics used by these apps, including frequent push notifications, targeted advertisements, and influencer collaborations, may lead to increased consumption. Overconsumption causes significant environmental damage, and while the secondhand market can mitigate these effects by extending the lifecycle of items, the emphasis on convenience end environmental benefits can inadvertently encourage more consumption. The study concludes that secondhand apps play a complex role in consumer behavior, balancing the potential for sustainability with the risk of promoting overconsumption.

Möjligheter och fördelar med plattrambroar utförda i modern injekteringsbetong och rostfri armering

När en ny plattrambro byggs påverkas miljön på ett negativt sätt, detta eftersom den kräver stora mängder betong och armeringsstål. En av betongens huvudsubstanser är cement som står för en betydande del av det globala koldioxidutsläppet. Även stålet släpper ut en stor mängd koldioxid vid tillverkning.Plattrambroar dimensioneras ofta efter L100 vilket innebär en förväntad livslängd på 120 år. Men med dagens utförande på plattrambroar är det svårt att uppnå den förväntade livslängden då broarnas beläggning och kantbalkar slits sönder efter 30-40år.Denna rapport tar upp nya lösningar på plattrambrons konstruktion där modern injekteringsbetong kommer att användas istället för den konventionella anläggningsbetong som idag används för att bygga plattrambroar. Den moderna injekteringsbetongen har många fördelar jämfört med en konventionell anläggningsbetong.

Buzz : Med individen som insats

abstract buzz marketing, the phenomena Have you ever thought about why the small French pastries called macarons suddenly became so extremely popular? Soon they were seen everywhere in the media, on every celebrity party and shortly after of course on every Swedish person?s cake dish. Could it be that a trendy it-girl happened to mention these lovely creations in her blog?What (or who) is it really that decides and controls what is popular and what is going to sell? If one individual can influence a whole group of followers it is definitely something marketers should take advantage of. One cannot any longer rely on traditional advertising, one needs to be more creative and rethink the possibilities to get through the media noise.

Marknadsföring i podcast

Podcast is a new audio media in Sweden and has become larger and increasingly more popular in the past few years. In line with this, companies have seen the opportunity to use this type of marketing in the new coveted media and have created a new marketing tool in the form of sponsorship. Previous studies in this field indicate that this is a very effective method to reach a broad audience, but it still is a relatively new area with very little research in existence today. This study is an analysis of how receptive listeners are to marketing through podcasts and the ability companies have to create a sustainable and effective strategy for successful marketing through this type of medium. The collection of data for this study consists of two different qualitative interviews, the first one with listeners that were chosen, and the second with the sponsor company for two of the largest podcasts in Sweden. The essay´s empirical evidence shows how receptive listeners are to marketing via podcasts, what their podcast habits look like, what form of approach in marketing they prefer, and how often they take part in different offers. From the interviews with listeners and sponsoring companies in the study, it is concluded that the best and most effective strategy for marketing through podcasts is to weave advertising in the conversation and therefore increase the credibility and disturb the listener as little as possible.

Miljömärkningar på inredningsprodukter

Marknadsaktiviteter vid produktlansering är ett samarbete med Haglöfs Scandinavia AB. Våren 2010 utfördes ett samarbetade med Haglöfs då ett underlag för utökat produktsortiment inom konfektion togs fram. På uppdrag av Haglöfs ska ett förslag framställas på hur en lansering ska kunna se ut om juniorkollektionen introduceras på den svenska marknaden. Hur fungerar det med produktlanseringens strategiska och taktiska lanseringsbeslut och vilka marknadsföringskanaler är lämpliga vid en produktlansering inom outdoorbranschen.Rapporten behandlar hur dagens företag inom outdoorbranschen i Sverige fullgör sina marknadsaktiviteter vid en produktlansering. Strategiska och taktiska lanseringsbeslut illustreras samt utvalda marknadsföringskanaler skildras.En lanseringsstrategi beskriver de marknadsföringsbeslut som är nödvändiga för att presentera en ny produkt till respektive målgrupp och börja generera en inkomst i form av försäljning av den nya produkten.

Mystik och metod. Albert Schweitzers tolkning av Paulus teologi i ljuset av den "mystika vändningen"

This essay is an attempt to study some post-modern theological positions with regard to their growing interest in the use of mystical theology and mysticism in theological research in the academic post-modern world, and to see if the 19th century theologian Albert Schweitzer couldprove a resource for this understanding of mystical theology. This position is known in the essay as ?the mystical turn.?To present the background and understanding of this post-modern view of mystical theology the essay presents three theologians, namely: Andrew Louth, Mark A. McIntosh and Sarah Coakley.These three theologians argue for the use of a contemplative and transforming mysticism as a postmodern epistemology in relation to theological research, with growing concern of the status of theology in the secular and post-modern world. Having made clear the views of these three theologians the essay then presents Albert Schweitzer's view on the mysticism of Paul.

Spår av Senmodernitet: hur den sentida forskningen inom socialt arbete använder sig av teorier kring senmodernitet

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how frequently, and in witch ways, theories concerning the "late-modern" society are being used in the contemporary research of social work. My thesis is that theories concerning the late-modern society could be useful in social work research, foremost to shed light on, and broaden the understanding of, dilemmas and problems that are specific to the contemporary society. In the study I'm investigating all doctoral dissertations on social work written in Sweden between the years 2003 and 2006, and to execute the study I've applied a text analysis method in four steps. Simplified the four steps of the analysis can be said to investigate, if, how frequent, and in what way theories on the late modern society is being used in social work study. I'm also specifically investigating how problems exclusive to the late-modern society is being taken under consideration in the dissertations.In the analysis of my results I take a critical theory approach and I also discuss if theories on late-modernity is to be seen as a paradigm in the field of social work science.

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