2164 Uppsatser om Modern landskapsarkitektur - Sida 38 av 145
Vart tog brevskriverskan vägen? : En analys av Iselin C. Hermanns Prioritaire
The objective with this essay was to compare the modern epistolary novel Priority by danish author Iselin C. Hermann with the epistolary genre during its heyday in late seventeenth to early nineteenth century. I especially looked at gender: the similarities and differences between the female character in Priority and the female characters during the epistolary novels days of glory. I concluded that Priority has the same structure, characteristics as the heyday epistolary novel and that the female character does not have any typical similarities with its stereotypical female characters. In addition I also came to the conclusion that she is reminiscent to their original model Héloïse and follows the epistolary novels heyday convention when she dies at the end of the novel..
När ett företag ska kommunicera : En explorativ fallstudie kring hur en kravspecifikation tas fram i syfte att välja ett internkommunikationssystem
The importance of internal communication within companies has increased in recent years. However, there are still a number of companies that are not adapted to the modern world and the new modes of communication the Internet provides. This study evaluates the internal communication of a medium sized company by holding semistructured interviews with the employees. The goal of the interviews was to develop a requirement specification. This requirement specification was later used as the basis to analyze possible aids for the internal communication of the company.
Röhsska och konsten att marknadsföra sig genom sociala medier
Titel: Röhsska och konsten att marknadsföra sig genom sociala medierFörfattare: Elisabeth Björnram och Michelle LindholmUppdragsgivare: Röhsska museetKurs: Examensarbete i Medie? och kommunikationsvetenskap vid Institutionen förjournalistik, medier och kommunikation, Göteborgs universitet.Termin: Höstterminen 2009Handledare: Ingela WadbringSidantal: 62 sidorSyfte: Syftet är att undersöka vilka möjligheter som kan finnas för Röhsska museet attgenom sociala medier kommunicera med sin publik.Metod: Informantintervjuer, kvalitativ innehållsanalys med ECA?modellen som grund.Material: Intervjuer med Martin Sjögren, Daniella Rogosic, Lennart Hast, AnnicaLjungberg, Anders Mildner och Jerry Silfwer. Dokumentanalys av hur Tate Modern,Museum of Modern Art, Acne, Filippa K, Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair använder sig avsociala medier.Huvudresultat: Studien har resulterat i både övergripande och konkreta råd tillRöhsska museet om hur de bör arbeta med sociala medier. För att en organisation somRöhsska museet ska kunna bygga en relation med sina besökare med hjälp av socialamedier måste de lyssna på sin publik. Sociala medier går ut på interaktion, inteenvägskommunikation.
Rehabiliteringsträdgården : hur människan påverkas och utformningens betydelse
In today?s hectic society more and more people experience stress and our lifestyle gives us a very limited chance to recover. For some it sometimes goes that far that they get burnt-out, they have pushed themselves to the ultimate limit. There are different methods and treatments to recover but one very efficient treatment is to spend time in a rehabilitation garden. There the patients get treated by therapeutics that uses the garden as the main tool.The fact that gardens and parks have a positive effect on humans have been used by people for a long time but it?s not until recently that the research has taken speed.
"Att utnyttja de andras kompetenser är det värdefulla". En professionsteoretisk undersökning av personalens kunskaper i en mångspråkig biblioteksverksamhet
This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.
Uppsatsreferenser i svenska doktorsavhandlingar i arkeologi 1972-2002. En teoretisk diskussion och en bibliometrisk undersökning
This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.
När gamla lagar och nya teknologier möts : En diskussion om den illegala nedladdningen av musik idag
Research shows that almost 30 per cent men and 20 per cent women at the age of 16-24 in Sweden download music on a regular basis instead of buying records. Thanks to modern technologies teenagers of today have become used to downloading music illegally from theInternet. Even though legal alternatives, such as Spotify, have become popular, the behavior of illegal download of music still persists. What do record companies do to prevent this phenomenon and why do they go to such length to stop this widespread movement? The question is, why is illegal download of music a problem ? and for whom? To investigate this I?ve read books about the subject, analyzed web pages of alternative record companies and interviewed a drummer in a local band.
Obstinat och rabiat eller lat och flat? : En diskursanalys av medias framställning av socialtjänsten.
The aim of this essay was to deepen the knowledge of how child-protection-work is illustrated by massmedia. The essay takes it stand in discourse analysis to explain what image is displayed of social work concerning child-protection that is published in news media during 2007 in one of Sweden?s most read evening-papers. The result of the study is that social workers involved in child-protection-work often are categorized as either too zealous or too uncommitted, in the media. The result reflected the current discourse concerning how social workers do their duties in the modern society..
Keramisk List : produktutveckling för Askersunds Kakelmakeri
In this report presents a thesis by Frida Altskog performed in collaboration with Askersunds Kakelmakeri. The project?s goal has been to produce a ceramic ledge after the company?s specifications. The company?s desire and production facilities have been in focus.
Gestaltningsförslag för Bölekläppen : utveckling av upplevelsevärden i ett friluftsområde i Umeå stads utkant
Taking a qualitative approach, this research investigates different theories and methods for creating parks that people will cherish and visit during their daily life. It also takes on the task to understand how principles of developing recreational values in a small forest is affected by the addition of a new element to the landscape, i.e. a major highway. Data was collected through the combination of focused literature review and study trips. This provided a framework which in turn was applied to the subject of the study, i.e.
Att nyttja marken 30 meter från järnvägen : hur platser, syften och miljö vävs samman
The purpose of this work is to raise ideas and interest for land that is very much forgotten,unused and neglected in terms of maintenance and usability. Railroads are often seen as adirty and loud intrusion in the landscape and therefore cities turn their backs on them. Theland around railroads is not considered useful despite its often central location and scrublandis common in these areas.The starting point of this work is the restrictions and possibilities linked to the land withinthe security distance 30 meters from the railroad center. Within this security distance thereare numerous limitations and regulations due to the nature of railroad use. These limitationsare counted for in the initial chapter and lay the foundation for the rest of the work.
Kan grönare arbetsplatser minska stress?
Stressrelaterade sjukdomar och utbrändhet blir allt vanligare i takt med att pressen på arbetsplatsen ökar. Detta är ett samhällsproblem som inte bara drabbar individerna oerhört negativt, det skapar även stora problem för företagen med ökat antal sjukskrivningar och kostar samtidigt samhället stora summor pengar varje år. Samtidigt finns forskning som tyder på att grönska och natur har mycket positiva effekter på mänskliga stressnivåer. Denna kandidatuppsats ämnar att genom en litteraturstudie behandla och diskutera huruvida en grönare arbetsplats kan minska den stress som idag drabbar allt fler. Den ämnar också undersöka hur en grön stressdämpande miljö bör se ut och vad den innehåller.
"Det börjar bli problem att hitta offensiva, kreativa bibliotekarier". En professionsteoretisk studie av Svenska Kommunförbundets bibliotekarieskildringar
This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.
Från bibliotekskunskap till Biblioteks- och Informationsvetenskap. Institutionaliseringsprocessen av B o I som forskningsämne vid svenska universitet 1977-1990
This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.
Den internetpublicerade skönlitteraturens förutsättningar och dess plats på folkbiblioteken. En teoretisk diskussion med kompletterande empiriska studier
This paper addresses the need to review the modern presentation of textile archaeology in museums. It is time to look at textiles in archaeology with new eyes. The reality behind archaeological textilestudy is holistic, embracing many different aspects of society. The presentation of textiles has in my opinion become old-fashioned. I will show in my paper that Jonathan Adams? `seven constraints´ model, developed for research on ancient ships, can also be applied to textile research.