

6320 Uppsatser om Modern greek literature - Sida 7 av 422

Ett dubbelt mottagande: : Susanna Alakoskis Svinalängorna i pressen

Finnish-born writer Susanna Alakoski?s novel Svinalängorna became a big success after being published in Sweden in April 2006. Though the novel has many themes in common with earlier literature written by and about Finnish immigrants in Sweden, little attention has been brought to this fact by reviewers and journalists. This essay examines connections between Alakoski?s novel and Finnish migrant literature in Sweden, mainly from the 1970s, and how these connections have been recognised by reviewers in Sweden and Finland.

Ett dubbelt mottagande : Susanna Alakoskis Svinalängorna i pressen

Finnish-born writer Susanna Alakoski?s novel Svinalängorna became a big success after being published in Sweden in April 2006. Though the novel has many themes in common with earlier literature written by and about Finnish immigrants in Sweden, little attention has been brought to this fact by reviewers and journalists. This essay examines connections between Alakoski?s novel and Finnish migrant literature in Sweden, mainly from the 1970s, and how these connections have been recognised by reviewers in Sweden and Finland.

Kalvens beteende i olika uppfödningssystem :

The purpose of this literature review was to investigate how the rearing systems influence the behaviour of dairy calves. Calves are social animals that form groups within the herd where play and social licking between calves are important social activities. Suckling is a complex behaviour and essential for the calf's survival. In the modern rearing systems the calf is usually separated from its mother soon after birth. Calves are then kept in individual pens, group pens or, more rarely, with a foster cow.

Tillgänglighet, Läsförståelse och Skapande förräderi, eller, Den nutida svenska läsarens möjligheter att förstå de litterära allusionerna i Jane Austens romaner

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the modern Swedishreader?s possibilities to understand the literary allusions in Jane Austen?sfirst three novels in light of young people?s decreasing readingand understanding of classic literature. This is done by examining historicaloverviews of literature written in Swedish, curriculums forliterature courses at three Swedish universities and library holdings inSwedish libraries, both public and academic.In the thesis three different elements are combined ? informationabout the alluded authors and texts, a comparison between the Swedishand the English versions of the novels and the result from theabove mentioned investigation. The description of the alluded authorsand texts provide information about the connotations that can be madeby an allusion to them.

Djurens välmående i turism

The purpose of the paper is through a touristic view to see how the zoos have developed to modern zoss and interview Djurens Rätt and Skansen to see their view on "animal welfare". Another part of the paper is to see what the public thinks of animal welfare and if it's crucial when they choose a destination. We used a survey to see if the public has been influenced by any media in the aspect of their view of zoos. By seeing the evolution of zoos to the modern zoo, we can see how society had the power to influence. .

Förändringar i synen på bokprat för barn och unga. En diskursiv läsning av artiklar i Biblioteksbladet 1930-2007

My thesis is a study of how the perception of booktalk aimed at kids and youngsters in the Swedish educational system has changed between 1932 and 2007. A discursive reading of articles in the magazine Biblioteksbladet provides the basis for my investigation. The thesis argues that an older "authoritaritan" and "traditional" discourse has given way for a more modern, "anti-authoritaritan" and "lust"-directed discourse. The older discourse was designed to make sure that young people were provided with a certain well-defined quantity of "approved" literature. The new discourse stresses the importance of fostering kids and youngsters with a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards reading in general.

Ondskans ansikte : från brodermord och barnamord i medeltida konst till det onda skildrat av dagens konstnärer

The study focuses the evil within human beings and evil actions against other humans and the human kind. The evil is defined as evil actions such as murder and actions in war. The questions asked is whether the evil has a face and if it is possible in that case to paint that kind of face. The medieval mural paintings in old churches include Cain murdering his brother Abel based on the Bible. The study also includes reliefs, sculptures in stone describing Cains´s murder of Abel and sculptures with the Massacre of the Innocents in Bethlehem according to the Bible.

Dagligvaruhandelns Ekonomistyrning

Kedjor som äger sina egna butiker har en mer centraliserad styrning är butiker som ägs av handlare men ändå tillhör en kedja. De väletablerade butikskedjorna ICA, Coop och Axfood har en något mer modern styrning än de nyetablerade lågprisbutikerna Netto och Lidl. Detta beror främst på att modern styrning utgår från att lyssna mer på kunden vilket inte lågpriskedjorna är intresserade av då de istället har som strategi att lära kunderna att handla lågpris.

"Harry Potter är inte lämplig i skolan" : En jämförande studie mellan serbiska och svenska lärares syn på litteraturundervisning.

This thesis is about Swedish and Serbian teachers and their views on how literature should be taught to students in high school. The twist is that these teachers live in two different European countries, and work under two different educational systems. Three of them work in Stockholm, Sweden and the other three in Belgrade, Serbia. The purpose of this thesis was to find similarities and differences in the practice of teaching literature among teachers in these two different educational systems. The teachers were interviewed separately and spoke freely about their views and methods when teaching literature.

Den viktiga barnlitteraturen : Om förskollärares uppfattningar kring normkritisk barnlitteratur

The purpose of this study is to find out what preschool teachers think about antisocial children's literature. Based on five qualitative interviews with teachers at a preschool that works with a standard critical approach. In order to fulfill my purpose with this study, I focused on how these teachers felt that it was important to use the standard critical children's literature in preschool. I wanted to find out what the teachers' thoughts were on the concept of standard critical children's literature and how and whether they use it in their daily activities. When I analyzed the results of my interviews I used the queer theories that include standard critical pedagogy and literature in preschool.

Perspektiv på läsning : En högstadielärare och sex av hans elever om skönlitteratur i svenskämnet

This essay is about literature instruction in the last three years of Sweden?s compulsory school from one teacher?s and six of his pupils? perspective. The research is analysed from a socio-cultural perspective on learning and literature reception.The empiric material is based on interviews with the teacher and six of his students.The research shows that there is a difference between what the pupils read on their spare time and what they read during Swedish instruction. It also shows that the pupils wants literature full of action where descriptions of people and the setting don?t slow down the reading experience.The teacher is successful in finding literature the pupils appreciate but sees the value of literature on another level ? in the processing of the reading experience.

Det moderna Torpet: En studie i ombyggnation av äldre byggnader

Uppsatsen handlar om hur en äldre byggnad av torp-liknande slag kan renoveras till att bli enbyggnad av modern standard. Detta görs genom att stegvis gå igenom de delar som behöveruppdateras och ge exempel på hur de kan förbättras för att nå upp till en modern standard.Samtidigt har även två modeller gjorts. En i ?Revit Structure? över byggnadens konstruktion,men även en i ?Revit Architecture? där en möjlig ny planlösning ges. Till slut mynnar detta uti ett förlag till ny planlösning som innehåller alla de beståndsdelar som behövs för att skapa enmodern bostad.

Att legitimera litteraturläsning i skolan

This essay will treat questions regarding why we should read literature, more specifically fiction, in schools. My issues regards how the curriculums of the swedish school subject legitimizes reading of literature, and my main focus is on the curriculums themselves. As a complement, I have completed three interviews with professional teachers to see how they legitimize reading for the pupils and for themselves. I have also discussed the potential democratic values of teaching and reading literature in schools, and I discuss my results in relation to the "values" of the swedish schools. My study is based on a study of the old curriculums, completed by Magnus Persson in 2007.

Arbetarklasskildringar i Ragnar Järhults och Per Gunnar Evanders författarskap.

The main purpose of this Master?s thesis is to analyse the portrayals of working-class life in a selection of works by the Swedish authors Ragnar Järhult and Per Gunnar Evander. The research questions are: * How is the working conditions described?* What political messages can be found in the works?* What image of the class society is shown?The second aim of this Master?s thesis is to analyse the concept of working-class literature and to investigate if the works of Per Gunnar Evander could be seen as working-class literature. Methodologically, the study draws on established theories, concepts and methods from the sociology of literature and the history of ideas.

Bygga broar mellan kulturer: En studie av skönlitteratur, identitet och integrationsprocess

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to explore the meaning of literature forliterate immigrants in regards to identity and integration. The study is based onqualitative interviews with eight Swedes of various backgrounds, but with thecommon experience of an immigration process. In addition to being migrants, therespondents are also public library users who have an interest in literature and whoread literature during their leisure time. To analyze the empirical material ananalytical framework, consisting of a number of analytical concepts from Libraryand Information Science, Literature Science, and Sociology, has been used.

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