

6320 Uppsatser om Modern greek literature - Sida 33 av 422

Läs- och skrivutveckling i grundskolan

This essay deals with how the development of society, the media society in particular, has an impact on the teaching of the subject of art. In the society of today, we are bombarded with more images than ever before. As an effect of this, the curriculum of 2011 emphasises the importance of the ability to orientate oneself in the modern society. Furthermore, it describes art not only as a practical subject, but also as a verbal and community-orientated subject. Because of sparse and dated research, the subject of art is in danger of marginalization as a school subject. The purpose of this study is to illustrate art teachers? conception of the aim of the subject of art.

Är teknikämnet till för både flickor och pojkar? : inlärningsstilar ur genusperspektiv

This is an essay concerning the differences between boys? and girls? way of learning and how this difference influences the teaching in the technology subject. The method is divided in two. The first part is based on a survey over literature about teaching girls and boys in the technology subject. The second part is based on interviews with three male teachers in the same subject.

Identitetsutveckling och delaktighetsprocesser med stöd av internet -En beskrivande litteraturstudie om tonåringar med hörselnedsättning

A hearing loss may affect the identity development and participation among adolescents. To understand adolescents with hearing loss in modern society, it?s of great importance to ascertain how identity- and participation processes occur in new areas, such as the internet.Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate what research shown regarding identity development among adolescents with hearing loss and whether social processes on the internet may influence the participation of this group.Method: A literature review was conducted to obtain a cohesive framework of research about participation processes and identity development among adolescents. Included articles have been published 1995-2015.Results: The results show the importance of the individual?s identification with the surrounding.

Avslappning och massage i omvårdnadsarbetet. En litteraturstudie om hur avslappning och massage kan befrämja hälsa.

The purpose of this literature review is to gain knowledge of how a nurse can relieve a patient´s suffering and promote a patient´s health on his/her own without pharmacologic aid. The method is a literature review based on 10 scientific articles. The study is influenced by Antonovskys view of health. The result showed four clear themes: (1) reduced anxiety / worry and physiological effects, (2) well-being and quality of life, (3) steps towards self-care and (4) relations. Relaxation and massage proved to have calming and pain-relieving effects.

Om den goda badplatsen : beskrivning och analys över fem skånska badplatsers historia, nyttjande och gestaltning i kontexten av badkulturens allmänna utveckling i Skåne

The European history of bath has its roots in the Greek culture about 2500 years ago. In every Greek town was situated at least one center of culture, a gymnasium, that contained bath establishements, areas for physical training, restaurants, librarys and readingrooms. Already 400 B.C. Hippokrates, founder of the art of healing, spoke for the waters important qualities in medical treatements. After the Greeks the Romans overtook and maintained the polished manners of bathing, and thanks to them the culture spread to the north of Europe. During the middleages the art of swimming was well respected among soldiers and knights, and was frequently practised in tournament games and competitions. At the same time the bathhouses were developed in the towns of Europe.

Möjligheter och problem med organiserat avelsarbete inom renskötseln

The reindeer are kept in extensive pasture systems where the conditions are similar to thosefor wild reindeer. Since the reindeer have special demands on their pasture, it is difficult tokeep them in intensive production systems where they cannot graze selectively. Too manyreindeer on a small area will also facilitate spread of diseases. A selection program forreindeer needs special qualifications according to several different reasons. The purpose withthis literature review is to summarize the factors needed for a reindeer selection program andthe problems and possibilities included.Reindeer grazing right has a special meaning to the Sami and are reserved for them accordingto immemorial rights.

Ledarskap och ideologi : En textanalys av ledarskapslitteratur för lärarstudenter

This thesis is about how ideology affects the way leadership literature measures good and bad leadership qualities. The paper argues that ideological influences in leadership literature, from a teacher perspective, complicate the understanding of leadership in its practice and theory. The methodological tool used in this thesis is an idea- and ideology analysis approach applied on leadership literature that is used in teacher education. A theoretical discussion about the definition of leadership and its possible ideological connotations sets a frame for measuring ideological influences in the texts. The analysis from the textbooks showed clear signs of ideological influences when talking about leadership.

Chick lit i litteraturundervisningen? : - om kritisk läsning inom svenskämnet på gymnasiet

I have with this thesis sought to understand how chick lit could be useful in the classroom in the teaching of Swedish B-course in high school. Based on the model of critical literacy I am arguing that this genre would help to meet the objectives of the policy documents which, among other things, are to critically examine and analyze various types of texts.I have found that some of these texts could be used for analyzing and critically examine the ideological dimensions of texts and cultural heritage by the model of critical literacy, and also as a counterweight to the more traditional teaching of the canonical literature as a literary historical stuff that students should learn. I have also wanted to create a basis for discussions about literature in the classroom based on the chick lit genre. To do this I have, based on three themes and questions from the model of critical literacy, tried to focus on issues that might emerge from the ideological analysis and critical review. The model aims to deconstruct norms of society, and in the work of chick lit, I wanted to show how you could deconstruct norms around gender..

Litteraturläsning och nya kursplaner i svenska : En studie av övergången till GY11:s kursplaner i svenska med avseende på litteraturläsning

Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera litteraturläsningens utrymme och status i nuvarande kursplaner i svenska och i förslget på nya kursplaner i svenska i GY11, hur detta tolkas av gymnasielärare i svenska samt hur den moderna forskningen återspeglas i de olika kursplanerna. I studien används teorier kring hur skönlitteratur kan fungera som kunskapskälla och tidigare forskning om litteraturläsning och svenskämnets kursplaner. För att uppnå syftet genomfördes en komparativ textanalys av nuvarande kursplaner i svenska och förslaget på nya kursplaner i svenska och kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra gymnasielärare i svenska. Undersökningsresultatet jämfördes sedan med vad som framkommit inom modern litteraturteori. Resultatet av textanalys och intervjuer visar att GY11:s kursplaner i svenska är formulerade på ett tydligare sätt och att kraven är skärpta för vilka kunskaper som ska uppnås med litteraturläsning.

Curlingföräldrar - Från Traditionella Föräldrastilar till ett Modernt Föräldraskap : Uppfostran i ett Förändrat Samhälle

A study was conducted to investigate the new and frequently discussed concept curling parents. There were no previous studies of curling parenting, and therefore traditional classifications of parenting (Baumrind, 1967, 1980; Maccoby & Martin, 1983) have been used for comparison. Parents (N=140) born between 1959 and 1981 participated. They completed questionnaires to establish their level of curling behaviour. The high Cronbach's alfa confirmed coherence in the curlingcriteria, which implied that curling parents exists as a group.The results confirmed our hypothesis that participants exhibiting high levels of curling behaviour were permissive in their parenting style, had a bad conscience concerning their parenting and wished for more time with their children.

Underliv och överordning ? En diskursanalys om motståndsaktivisternas tal om kvinnlig könsstympning/omskärelse i Tanzania

The aim of this study is to analyze the discourses of activists who work against female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in Tanzania. The study focus on the discourses that arise during interviews about FGM/C with five activists. To examine this we asked the following questions: What discourses are presented in the interviews? How do these discourses interact together ? are there any discourse conflicts? How do the activists talk about FGM/C in comparison to our western view? The study is based on discourse theory. We also use feminism and postcolonialism as theories in our analyze.

Euthanasi : avlivning av häst

The term euthanasia is derived from the Greek terms eu meaning good and thanatos meaning death, "good death". The penetrating captive bolt is an effective method of euthanasia, when use of drugs is inappropriate. The horse becomes immediately unconscious and falls to the ground. First after the blood is emptied from the body the horse is dead. The use of injectable euthanasia agents is a rapid and reliable method of performing euthanasia. The aim is to stop the flow of oxygenated blood to vital organs and tissues. The muscle relaxants may be used either in combination wih or following an anaesthetic dose of barbiturate, their use use as a sole agent is totally inhumane.

Jeg har vært så satans flink : Manlighet och samhällssyn i Doppler av Erlend Loe

I denna uppsats har jag jämfört mottagandet i dagspressen av Agnes von Krusenstjernas roman Kvinnogatan och Karin Boyes roman Astarte. Syftet med uppsatsen var att analysera och jämföra hur två romaner av författarinnor som är kända för sina moderna och progressiva verk togs emot av en framförallt manlig kritikerkår. För att kunna göra det använde jag två teorier. Den ena är utformad av Gunilla Domellöf och tittar på hur kritiker, framförallt manliga, i allmänhet tog emot kvinnliga författare under det tidiga 1930-talet. Den andra, utformad av Tomas Forser, utgår istället från kritikern och handlar om kritikerns uppgift.

?Det är böcker som är meningen med ett bibliotek?: Hur bibliotekarien i barn- och ungdomslitteraturen bemöter användare.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the librarians? perception of the users of children?s and young people?s literature. Questions posed in this study are: How are the librarians described according to appearance, personality and interaction with the users? How are the librarians described compared to former studies on the subject? Which perception can be seen, based on Douglas Rabers?s theory which describes the role the public libraries can take in the society? The study is based on content analysis. We have examined 15 descriptions of librarians in both picture books and literature for young adults, published between 1985 and 2006.

Emotioner och emotionella uttryck i Sverige och Grekland

The purpose is to explore and describe norms and values concerning emotions and emotional expression inSweden and Greece from an emotionsociological perspective. Do emotional regimes on a national level existand if they do, how do they differ? To answer this question qualitative interviews have been conducted withnine Greek/Swedes, men and women of different ages, who have lived in both countries and who speak bothlanguages. A quantitative survey study, employing a survey previously used in a Swedish study about emotions,has also been undertaken. Previous studies have shown that emotional regimes do differ historically and acrosscultures, but no study so far has focused on the differences between examples of North European and SouthEuropean cultures.The theoretical framework consists mainly of Hochschild´s theories about feeling/display rules and emotionwork, but the analysis also draws on Collin´s theory of interaction ritual chains and on Sociology of Emotionsmore broadly.The results suggest that different national regimes can be distinguished primarily in terms of display rules andin the skills of emotional alternations.

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