

2726 Uppsatser om Mobilization of bias and power - Sida 26 av 182

Fiolmetodiken hos Leopold Mozart och Paul Rolland

AbstractThe future of ethanol is depending on good solutions for the production. ENA energy power plant produces electrical power and district heating by heating biofuel. By building an integrated bioenergy plant surplus steam could be used to produce ethanol as fuel to vehicle.This would mean that ethanol is produced renewable energy and the energy for the process derives from the surplus of power.  ENA energy, MDH (the University of Mälardalen) and the energy authority has initiated a research project were different bioenergy combinations integrate with existing power plant.  As a part of the project which size an integrated factory should be to gain the best efficiency for the plant was investigated. Consideration will be taken to the cost of the production in order to be competitive to the price of imported ethanol.  Etanolens framtid vilar på bra lösningar för framställning.  I ENA energi kraftverk i Enköping produceras el och fjärrvärme genom eldning av biobränsle.  Genom att bygga ett integrerat bioenergikraftverk där skulle man kunna använda överskottsånga till att framställa etanol som fordonsbränsle.

Hemautomation : Spara energi genom att automatisera hemmet

In today's society there is a significant focus on energy efficiency. Despite this, people leave lamps, televisions and computer screens etc. powered on unnecessarily. The goal of this project is to build a simple prototype for home automation where a user, via an application on a mobile phone, can switch on and off the power of an electrical products in the home and as well as being able to check whether such products are switched on or off. The prototype will also collect data on power consumption for these electrical products.

Att leda som man lär : Införandet av en ledarfilosofi i en professionell organisation

Since a lot of the power in a professional bureaucracy lays within the operative profession with its strong corporate culture and strong co-workers the executive occupy a weak position. Their power comes from the complexity of the operative professionals work and the difficulties to supervise that work. To avoid conflicts it?s important to make all expectations on the executive equivalent. This can be done by defining the roles of the executives in a philosophy.

Instrumentvården i grundskolan. Intervjuer med fyra behöriga musiklärare

AbstractThe future of ethanol is depending on good solutions for the production. ENA energy power plant produces electrical power and district heating by heating biofuel. By building an integrated bioenergy plant surplus steam could be used to produce ethanol as fuel to vehicle.This would mean that ethanol is produced renewable energy and the energy for the process derives from the surplus of power.  ENA energy, MDH (the University of Mälardalen) and the energy authority has initiated a research project were different bioenergy combinations integrate with existing power plant.  As a part of the project which size an integrated factory should be to gain the best efficiency for the plant was investigated. Consideration will be taken to the cost of the production in order to be competitive to the price of imported ethanol.  Etanolens framtid vilar på bra lösningar för framställning.  I ENA energi kraftverk i Enköping produceras el och fjärrvärme genom eldning av biobränsle.  Genom att bygga ett integrerat bioenergikraftverk där skulle man kunna använda överskottsånga till att framställa etanol som fordonsbränsle.

"Jag förstår inte varför svenska manliga politiker är så rädda för de kvinnliga politikerna" : En maktstudie av svensk och filippinsk lokalpolitik

IIUniversity of KalmarSchool of Human SciencesPolitical ScienceTitle ? Jag förstår inte varför svenska manliga politiker är så rädda för de kvinnligapolitikerna?Author: Git Franzen Ekström  IIUniversity of KalmarSchool of Human SciencesPolitical ScienceTitle ? Jag förstår inte varför svenska manliga politiker är så rädda för de kvinnligapolitikerna?Author: Git Franzen EkströmAbstractIn the year of 2007, Sweden was the most equal country in the world, and the Philippines wasranked as number six of 128 countries, by the organization World Economic Forum. Thisthesis is a study of female politicians and power in Sweden and in the Philippines. Do thefemale politicians perceive that they have just as much power as the males have? I haveinterviewed 18 female politicians in a small city in Sweden, and 12 female politicians in thelocal and provincial politic in the Philippines.

Stiliga herrar : Stilanalyser av Hjalmar Söderbergs "Doktor Glas" och Bengt Ohlssons "Gregorius"

The aim of this study is to analyse the sexual power relations in contemporary urban novels of Swedish female writers.I have identified a discourse in these novels as a heteronormative matrix which power is ruled by norms and assumptions about normality in both the heterosexual and lesbian stories. For this purpose I have related to Ivar B. Neumanns theory that individuals always find a way to confront the discourse by three different strategies. These strategies are used in my study as tools to organise these novels, because it is possible to see that the protagonists find at least one of these strategy?s to her protest.The first strategy I studied was the docile.

"Det var inte mitt val" - en narrativ studie om upplevelser av elektrokonvulsiv terapi (ECT)

This study aims to highlight patients´ experiences about and thoughts of side effects fromelectroconvulsive therapy (ECT), a therapeutic method commonly used when having severedepressions. The framing of questions were how the respondents of this study describe theirlife before, during and after ECT-treatment, how the treatment has affected their daily life andhow these experiences may contribute to the awareness of power in professional relations.The study is based on three semi-structured narrative interviews and the main result showedthat, according to my interpretation, ECT as a treatment obliterated memories, quality of lifeand daily structure for all participants. Unfortunately they have all become subjects ofpsychiatric power and have faced considerable difficulty in getting professional recognitionaccording to their severe memory issues. The respondents have lost the ability to relate totheir past which clearly makes them struggle in their present context. A point in commonamong them is that neither of them wanted ECT but, because of the lack of communicationbetween them as patients and the health care in general, they all ended up getting it..

Begärets erotiska identitet : Queera tendenser i språk och bild hos Marguerite Duras

The aim of this thesis has been to discuss whether remainders of colonial influences exist within the UN's definition of torture or not. The discussion has been presented from a postcolonial point of view, in dialogue with contemporary power critical theorists. In order to raise awareness of a potential colonial influence, the following questions were intended to be answered:?                                        Are there any reasons, if so ? which ones, to regard the UN's definition of torture as a colonial project? And;?                                        To what extent is the term ?inhumane? limiting for the prohibition against torture from a postcolonial perspective?One of the most central arguments of the chosen theories is that the term ?inhumane? evokes prejudices that a racializing apparatus within the social norms of the UN automatically produces. These prejudices are, according to the theorists, influenced by images of people in non-western and non-secular (especially muslim) societies as more prone to exercise ?violence? and ?cruelty? towards their own citizens as well as towards the population of the world in general.

Reglering av turbins ledskenor i vattenkraftverkmed hjälp av elektriska ställdon

Hydropower is the largest renewable energy source available in today's society. Operation and production is handled by high-tech electronics. This thesis is done on behalf of Statkraft Sweden AB who wants to explore the possibility of replacing the hydraulic cylinder with an electric actuator, generally as well as a case of a small power station on the river Nissan. Whether it is the chaplain or francis turbine vanes are actuated by hydraulic cylinders. Because of Gustavsberg hydropower is inconstant operation, this report is based on power calculations, which are read and computed according to the available hydraulic diagram.

Musikskolecheck. En undersökning om den nya musikskolechecken i Nacka kommun

AbstractThe future of ethanol is depending on good solutions for the production. ENA energy power plant produces electrical power and district heating by heating biofuel. By building an integrated bioenergy plant surplus steam could be used to produce ethanol as fuel to vehicle.This would mean that ethanol is produced renewable energy and the energy for the process derives from the surplus of power.  ENA energy, MDH (the University of Mälardalen) and the energy authority has initiated a research project were different bioenergy combinations integrate with existing power plant.  As a part of the project which size an integrated factory should be to gain the best efficiency for the plant was investigated. Consideration will be taken to the cost of the production in order to be competitive to the price of imported ethanol.  Etanolens framtid vilar på bra lösningar för framställning.  I ENA energi kraftverk i Enköping produceras el och fjärrvärme genom eldning av biobränsle.  Genom att bygga ett integrerat bioenergikraftverk där skulle man kunna använda överskottsånga till att framställa etanol som fordonsbränsle.

Bolivia kvinnorörelser och multietnisk stat

This thesis examines the possibility of Bolivian indigenous women?s social movements? getting their demands of a gender equal society fulfilled in the new state which was initiated in 2005 when Evo Morales became the first president representing the indigenous people of the country. By using a qualitative method I have showed that although the Bolivian indigenous women?s social movements? historically has been significant political actors for social change in the country, with representation at both regional and national level, Bolivian women are still subordinated in the social and political sphere. By applying a feminist intersectional perspective which takes its point of departure in a understanding of power as multidimensional, where gender, ethnicity and class are constitutive principals, multiculturalism theories and a social movements theory framework, I have found that even if institutional changes, that opened the system increased the indigenous women?s social movements political participation in Bolivia, power structures based on gender limited their possibilities to influence both socially and politically.

B?r gravida och ammande ta jodtillskott? En systematisk ?versikt om jodtillskotts p?verkan p? barns kognitiva utveckling

Syfte: Syftet med denna systematiska ?versikt ?r att unders?ka evidensen f?r om jodtillskott under graviditet eller amning, hos personer utan allvarlig jodbrist, p?verkar barnets kognitiva utveckling. Metod: Litteraturs?kningen utf?rdes i databaserna Scopus och PubMed den 21 mars 2023. S?korden delades in i fyra block utifr?n valt PICO. Populationen var barn 0?7 ?r, interventionen var jodtillskott under graviditet eller amning, kontrollen var inget jodtillskott/placebo under graviditet eller amning, och utfallet var resultat p? kognitionstesterna Bayley-III eller WPPSI-III. Inklusionskriterierna var att studierna skulle vara RCT:er och att jodtillskotten/placebo skulle vara i tablettform.

Utredning av frekvensregleringens påverkan på mekanisk utrustning i en kaplanturbin

As a consequence of increasing wind power installations in the Nordic grid the last years, the need for regulating power has become larger. In the Nordic grid, regulating power is mainly provided by hydro power. One part of the regulating power is called frequency control, which ensures that the grid frequency is stable and close to 50 Hz.However, setting the turbine into frequency controlled operation may cause stress and wear of the components in the mechanical control system. Frequency controlling implies large and frequent servo forces and longer travelling distance of the sliding bearings in the Kaplan turbine.Based on one selected Kaplan turbine, Selsfors G1, measurements and MATLAB calculations have been performed in order to determine forces and movements of the linkage system. With these forces and movements as input, stresses and fatigue have been determined as well as sliding distances, bearing pressures and wear of bearings during a typical lifetime of 40 years.The results indicate that no severe wear exists on the bearings during 40 years of service.

Natursyn och kärnkraft / View of nature and nuclear power

Kärnkraften har så länge den funnits varit en omdebatterad energikälla. Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda och få en bild av hur och på vilket sätt natursynen hänger ihop med åsikter om kärnkraft. Jag har redogjort för vad energi är, kärnkraftens historia i Sverige och som energikälla samt beskrivit för- och nackdelarna med kärnkraften. För att kunna ge en bild av kärnkraft och natursyn har jag genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med personer som på olika sätt är insatta i problematiken kring kärnkraften. Min undersökning visar bland annat att natursyn är ett komplext och stort begrepp som vi bör vara medvetna om hur det fungerar i arbetet för att förbättra miljön..

Skolverkets kursplaner - blev det som det var tänkt? En undersökning om grundskolans musikundervisning

AbstractThe future of ethanol is depending on good solutions for the production. ENA energy power plant produces electrical power and district heating by heating biofuel. By building an integrated bioenergy plant surplus steam could be used to produce ethanol as fuel to vehicle.This would mean that ethanol is produced renewable energy and the energy for the process derives from the surplus of power.  ENA energy, MDH (the University of Mälardalen) and the energy authority has initiated a research project were different bioenergy combinations integrate with existing power plant.  As a part of the project which size an integrated factory should be to gain the best efficiency for the plant was investigated. Consideration will be taken to the cost of the production in order to be competitive to the price of imported ethanol.  Etanolens framtid vilar på bra lösningar för framställning.  I ENA energi kraftverk i Enköping produceras el och fjärrvärme genom eldning av biobränsle.  Genom att bygga ett integrerat bioenergikraftverk där skulle man kunna använda överskottsånga till att framställa etanol som fordonsbränsle.

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