

2726 Uppsatser om Mobilization of bias and power - Sida 1 av 182

Det viktiga är inte vad man tror på, utan vad man har i hjärtat. : En studie om religionens roll i den sekulära förskolan.

This essay examines the role religion plays in kindergarten. Today, the Swedish kindergarten provides child care for a secular and multicultural society where religion is considered a private matter that should not influence government nor the policy documents of kindergarten and elementary school. According to a study by Jenny Berglund, there is a so-called Protestant bias present in the Swedish elementary school. Protestant bias is shaped by a ?marinade? of liberal Protestant Christianity and has an indirect influence on how other religions are described, how religion is defined and how concepts such as religion, tradition or culture are viwed.The study was also based on Ninian Smart?s dimensions of religion, whichcorrelates to Berglund?s theory on Protestant bias.

I linje med styrdokumenten? - en fallstudie i tre läromedel i engelska

This study focuses on an analysis of three text books in English, Prime Time, Second Time, and Third Time, written for Swedish pupils between grade seven and nine. The main focus of the study is to investigate to what extent the books may be considered to follow the steering principles of the Swedish education system. The theoretical backbone of the essay is centred on the construction and maintenance of stereotypes, and is written from a social constructivist point of view. In this context, I also reason around power relations and norms in the Western society ? arguments which I, in the main analysis, apply to the books in question.

Är en annan värld möjlig? - En studie från urban- till world-bias

The purpose of this thesis is to explain one aspect of how and why the development in the third world is lagging behind. The precondition is that development through an agricultural revolution is necessary and that all countries benefit from trading. But these two conditions are not met today. By using the urban-bias and the world system theory I have analysed how the situation appears to be according to the precondition. It appears that both the urban-bias and the world system theory are essential to understand how and why the situation in third world still has not reached the same development phase as most other countries.

Det permanenta mätfelet: En studie i förändringen av det permanenta mätfelet

This thesis studies the relationship between book values and market values in different assets and liabilities in Swedish Large Cap companies balance sheets. The aim is to find out if the relationship, the permanent measurement bias, has changed during since Mikael Runstens doctoral thesis from 1998 called The Association between Accounting Information and Stock Prices. Although some changes in the permanent measurement bias are found, this probably is due to other aspects than the introduction of IFRS..

Civilsamhällets mobilisering i demokratiseringsprocessen -en fallstudie av Sydafrika

This essay captures the process toward a democratic transition in South Africa and tempts on analyzing the efforts made by civil society before the negotiation with the government in the beginning of the 90´s. The method used is a case study.By applying the theory of Elisabeth Jean Wood about the importance of continued mobilization, I try to answer the question: to what extend did civil society influence the democratization process. The focus of the study lies on the years of intensified popular mobilization, from the start of the 80´s until the beginning of the 90´s.The results following this study shows that COSATU, Congress of South African Trade Unions) and ANC(African National Congress) played both a crucial role for the democratization process in South Africa. UDF, however played a role in the process, but not in the same significant way that COSATU and ANC..

Attityder till tabuord bland amerikaner : Kognition, intensitet och frekvens.

This essay examines the role religion plays in kindergarten. Today, the Swedish kindergarten provides child care for a secular and multicultural society where religion is considered a private matter that should not influence government nor the policy documents of kindergarten and elementary school. According to a study by Jenny Berglund, there is a so-called Protestant bias present in the Swedish elementary school. Protestant bias is shaped by a ?marinade? of liberal Protestant Christianity and has an indirect influence on how other religions are described, how religion is defined and how concepts such as religion, tradition or culture are viwed.The study was also based on Ninian Smart?s dimensions of religion, whichcorrelates to Berglund?s theory on Protestant bias.

Politisk Mobilisering och Kollektiva och Sociala Identitetskonstruktioner -en studie om dess interaktion med Nicaraguas Atlantregion som empiriskt exempel

This thesis is concerned with political mobilization and the construction of a collective andsocial identity. The main purpose of the study is theoretical which emphasize their interaction.In order to do this I study the two phenomenons by seeing them as cases of each other. Wecannot understand one of the two phenomenons without taking into account the other as well.In addition, the secondary aim of my thesis is empirical. I use the political transformationduring the 70th and 80th on the eastern seaboard of Nicaragua to relate my theoretical analysisof political mobilization and the construction of identities. Nicaragua will provide mytheoretical analysis with new insights.

Genusbias i suicidprevention - en litteraturbaserad studie

Introduction: Suicide is a major public health problem both internationally and in Sweden. Itis known in research that sex and gender have a bearing on the incidence of suicide andattempted suicide. Gender Bias in medical research could lead to medical errors and to thatthe problem is made invisible. That is why it is important to identify and eliminate them. AimThe purpose of this paper was to examine whether there is gender bias in scientific articlesdealing with suicide prevention interventions and how this is expressed.

Diversifiering och fenomenet Home Bias

Denna uppsats studerar huruvida internationell diversifiering medför några vinster gentemot att följa en inhemsk strategi. Genom analys av dels sverigefonder och dels globalfonder slås det fast att så är fallet. En internationell strategi medför en lägre risk än en sverigekoncentrerad. Uppsatsen undersöker också fenomenet Home Bias, d.v.s. den snedvridning som innebär att en allt för stor andel av kapitalet placeras i hemlandet.

Göteborgs Stad och bostadsbyggandet.

Debatten om matfett är ständigt aktuell och i stort sett dagligen så matas vi med olika aktörersåsikter om vilket fett som är att föredra. Ska vi äta omättat eller mättat fett? Vilket matfett ärdet mest hälsosamma? Fokus i denna studie har varit att synliggöra den professionellapedagogens förhållningssätt till matfett och vilka olika strategier som lärare i hem- ochkonsumentkunskap har använt sig av i sin undervisning relaterat till matfett. Studiens syftevar att synliggöra och analysera hem- och konsumentkunskapslärares skilda förhållningssättrelaterat till matfett i undervisningen med utgångspunkt i perspektiven hälsa, ekonomi ochmiljö. Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer samt observationer med lärare i hem- ochkonsumentkunskap på högstadiet.

Analys av det nordiska kraftnätets påverkan på det svenska elspotpriset.

During the last few years, there has been a lot of debate regarding the price ofelectricity on the Swedish market. According to a recent survey from Sifo, anon-bias governmental institute for consumer research and testing, the priceof electricity is what worries Swedish households the most. An investigationof the eciency of the Nordic power grids inuence on the Swedish spotprice is therefore both relevant and valuable. Three quarters of all electricityproduced in the Nordic region is traded at the Nord Pool Spot power market.This survey examines how much of the variation of the swedish spot pricecan be descried by the variation of the nordic system price and how much iscaused because of ineciencies in the power grid. Primarily, linear regressionwith adjustments for endogeneity and heteroskedasticity has been used in orderto analyze data obtained mainly from Nord Pool Spot and Vattenfall AB.The results show that the variation of the system price can account for all butabout 40% of the variation in the Swedish spot price.

Trovärdighetsattribution : Skillnader i lögn- och sanningsbias beroende på syskonplacering, femfaktormodellen och misstänksamhet

The aim of this study was to investigate people?s ability to detect deception and if variables such as birth order, personality and suspiciousness affect this ability. The study was conducted at Växjö University with students as participants (n = 278). A film of two people arguing both for and against their own personal opinions was constructed and participants assessed credibility on a categorical scale (Honest/Dishonest). Neither birth order nor level of suspiciousness revealed significant differences as pertains to credibility attribution.

En studie av kvinnogrupper och social mobilisering i Babati District ur ett feministiskt empowerment-perspektiv : Hur kan kvinnors agentskap och sociala interaktion transformera de strukturella förutsättningarna i Babati?

The results and the analysis of this essay are based on an empirical study of women groups in Babati District in Tanzania from 2005. The study has shown that the reason for women in Babati to organize themselves is to overcome traditional and structural obstacles that restrict women?s economical integration. Through the creation of social networks and a common source of income within the group, women are trying to strengthen their position within the household and in society. The significance of empowerment on an individual level is the sense of abilities in everyday life and the feeling of increased options.Social mobilization means that individuals come together and with united strengths and according to a common interest are trying to fulfil articulated goals.

Actor observer bias : Påverkar könet hur vi attribuerar?

Actor-observer bias är benägenheten för människor att attribuera sitt eget beteende utifrån omständigheter och andras beteende utifrån deras person. Vi tenderar dessutom att favorisera och vara mer förlåtande i attributionerna till de som tillhör vår ingrupp. Studiens syfte var att undersöka huruvida graden av tillhörighet till ingruppen, kön, påverkar hur vi attribuerar. Studien genomfördes med 102 deltagare, 51 kvinnor och 51 män. En konfliktsituation mellan ett par presenterades för deltagarna där den ena parten i förhållandet (X) beter sig illa mot den andra.

Bias vid skattningar av tidsvinst, bromsförmåga och olycksrisk itrafiken: Är de ett bestående problem och finns det ett sambandmed bedömarens upplevelse av sin numeriska förmåga?

Svenson (2009) har visat att olycksrisker, restidsvinster ochinbromsningshastigheter i trafiken skattas med systematiska fel.Svensons studier har replikerats i denna studie för att se om de biassom tidigare upptäckts består. Studien undersöker också om det finnsen korrelation mellan storleken på bias och resultatet på subjectivenumeracy scale (SNS). Fagerlin et al. (2007) utvecklade SNS som ettverktyg för att mäta den subjektiva upplevelsen av en personsnumeracy. I denna undersökning har SNS översatts till svenska frånengelska och skalegenskaperna för den svenska versionen har ocksåundersökts.

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