

3117 Uppsatser om Mobile Art Production - Sida 53 av 208

The cow eye-Function and effect of light on milk yield

The purpose of this review was to study the cow eye physiology, focusing on how it registers light, and to see how light affects the cow?s milk yield. It has been showed in studies that more hours of light per day (16 hours of light a day) as opposed to about 9-12 hours of light a day, increases milk yield for dairy cows. This review contains suggestions on how this is connected with the physiology of the eye. Vision is an important sense for many mammals, and is used to check out the animals surroundings. Sensor cells in the eyeball help in turning photons from the light into signals to the brain.

Implementera BIM i produktionen : Vilka produktionsparamterar krävs i en BIM-modell för att produktionsledare ska kunna tillämpa BIM som verktyg till sina arbetsuppgifter?

Detta examensarbete syftar till att exemplifiera vilka informationsparametrar som är nödvändiga för att Building Information Management på ett bättre sätt ska kunna implementeras i produktionsfasen. För att uppnå detta mål har vi analyserat utvecklingen och nyttjandet av Building Information Management genom tre olika datainsamlingsmetoder; litteraturstudie, observationer och intervjuer.  I detta examensarbete har vi fördjupat oss i för- och nackdelar samt hur Skanska Sverige AB kan tillämpa Building Information Management som hjälpmedel i arbetsberedningar. Denna fördjupning har lett till att vi kan analysera vilka produktionsanpassade informationsparametrar som en produktionsledare behöver i sin tjänsteroll för att dra nytta av Building Information Management.Vi anser att användandet av en BIM-modell kompletterar produktionsledarens ledaregenskaper, vilket gör det lättare för denne att nå fram med informationen till yrkesarbetarna, då visualiseringen underlättar förståelsen inför aktiviteten. I denna rapport kan läsaren ta del av de slutsatser vi kommit fram till..

Mjölkraskvigors tillväxt på naturbete :

To turn the dairy heifers out on pasture is the most natural way for the cattle to get feed. At the same time it is cheap and if it is right treated a feed of high nutritive value. The problem today is to get dairy heifers to grow enough when they are grazing at natural pasture for the entire summer. Therefore, the opinions differ whether pasture is a resource or a problem. The increasing interest of pasture production is due to the fact that you can receive grants for preserving valuable natural assets and cultural landscape elements in the pasture land. A high grazing pressure is necessary to preserve an open landscape and a great variety of species. In the same time the heifers have to supply their nutritive needs in order to grow and be large enough to show heat and be pregnant in right time to calve with a sufficient body size and at an economically right age. This paper includes a literature review on natural pasture, pasture production, and growth of dairy heifers together with own interviews with dairy farmers about their point of view to the pasture husbandry on the farms, how they plan for pasture, look after natural pasture, treatment areas and take care of the calves and heifers. The results indicate that the time it takes and the demanded work are the biggest factors to how and why the farmers do as they do..

Jämförelse av VO2 mätningar inom- och utomhus : på roddergometer med portabla utrustningen Oxycon Mobile

Syfte och frågeställningFöreliggande studies syfte var att jämföra den mobila syreupptagningsutrustningen Oxycon Mobile [OM] vid rodd på roddergometer vid mätningar inomhus och utomhus. Frågeställningen var om OM visar jämförbara värden mellan inomhus- och utomhusmätning vid standardiserad arbetsform. MetodSju manliga roddare från nationell och internationell elit rodde vid två tillfällen 4x4 minuter med stegrande belastning (+30 W) på submaximal (SMx) belastning följt av 4 minuter maximal belastning (Mx) på roddmaskinen Concept 2 modell D. Testtillfället inomhus genomfördes i välventilerad lokal och utomhus genomfördes testet under tak med tre öppna väggar med temperatur 20,5 ± 0,9 respektive 15,3 ± 1,9° C och luftfuktighet 50,2 ± 7,5 respektive 61,0 ± 8,5 %. För att mer likna rodd utomhus på vattnet simulerade en fläkt den fartvind som uppstår vid rodd på vattnet. Syreupptagning (VO2), respiratorisk kvot (RER), ventilation (VE), hjärtfrekvens, takt och skattad ansträngning i ben och andning på Borg skala (RPE) mättes.

Föreställningar om stadsomvandlingens Kiruna

Title in original language: Föreställningar om stadsomvandlingens KirunaLanguage of text: swedishNumber of pages: 106.


District heating covers around 80 % of the heating demand in apartment buildings and 10 % in single-family homes in Sweden. In the year 2010 the total input of energy to the Swedish district heating grids was about 70 TWh, which corresponds to 11 % of the total energy input to the whole energy system in the country. Through the combined production of heat and power the CHP-plants often reaches an efficiency of 90 % from energy in the fuel to produced heat and power. In order to keep the efficiency high it is important for the owners of the plant to have good knowledge about the plants performance at different operation points. Strängnäs Energi AB initiated this diploma work together with FVB Sverige ab in order to come up with a program for short term planning of the production of heat and power at the company´s CHP-plant.The work consists of three main parts.

Design och konstruktion av Splitmaskin

During springterm 2010 Erik Persson and Magnus Hansson performed their ThesisWork with DIAB Laholm, in Hallands County for University of Halmstad.The project has been a product development project without exterior customers. Thusit had a great emphasis on functionality and less emphasis on marketing and such.This reflects the ambition to develop machinery to be used within the productionfacilities of DIAB Laholm, not to be sold to exterior customers.Main objective has been to create machinery which enables the production ofrotational symmetric work pieces within a NC-milling machine with 5 axles. Thework pieces milled will be made of DIAB?s material Divyncell with varyingdensities.The project has followed Fredy Olssons method involving Principal ? Primary ?Manufacturing constructions. However a complete manufacturing construction hasnot been made since DIAB just wanted a good Primary construction which will serveas a base for finishing touches at DIAB.By the end of the project material including calculations has been sent to DIAB andthey will finish the work and manufacture the machine if they find economic viabilityin this.The work method has been suited for this by several reasons, it was created withthese projects in mind and it?s also the method most familiar to us..

Outnyttjade resurser inom park- och naturvård

As a small and land scarce country, effective waste management is ofoutmost importance in Singapore. In this study the production of biogasthrough anaerobic digestion from the organic fraction of municipal solidwaste (OFMSW) was compared to incineration of the waste. At the momentalmost all of the OFMSW in Singapore is incinerated. Three differentscenarios were compared to the reference scenario (incineration): one with alarge scale biogas plant that can treat half of all OFMSW in Singapore, onewith a medium scale biogas plant about 15 times smaller than the large oneand one with a small scale biogas plant that can treat waste from e.g. ashopping center or a food center.By using life cycle assessment (LCA) the different scenarios were comparedin terms of global warming potential (GWP), acidification, eutrophication,energy use and land use.

?Corporate Social Responsibility?- Ansvarstagande i praktiken : En studie om hur H&M, Lindex & KappAhl säger sig arbeta med socialt ansvar

Background: The global responsibility for multinational companies is a current matter of subject. Now when the world increasingly is getting globalized, economic growth is created, which brings a bigger demand of responsibility on companies. The leading companies from every industry is often becoming the frame for how the production process works and is therefore exposed to outer pressure which, for example, is coming from consumers and the media. Since consumers at present are more aware of what they are buying and where it comes from, it is important that the companies take social responsibility. We have therefore studied three big companies within the clothing industry to see in witch way they are taking their social responsibility.Purpose: Our purpose was to explore how companies within the clothing industry describe their work with Corporate Social Responsibility, code of conducts and where the incentive behind this work is coming from.Method: We have, through a qualitative study, examined how three large companies work with Corporate Social Responsibility.

Ångsterilisering av morötter. Infekterade med Lactobacillus plantarum.

The purpose of the project was to exam steams ability to sterilize carrots infected withLactobacillus plantarum. The project was a cowork with Brämhults Juice AB. They hadobserved an increase of Lactobacillus in the production of carrot juice during the summer. Tokeep the flavour of fresh fruits, the juice is treated carefully with heat. This means that thejuice only stays fresh for a few days, around two weeks for an unopened package and threedays for an opened package.In an attempt to remove the remaining Lactobacillus of the carrots, steam is tested as an extrastep in the production of juice.

Expansionsmaskiner istället för strypventiler - en effektivisering

In Uppsala CHP Plant, there are six pressure reducing valves to reduce the pressure from 15 to 3 bars, before six absorption heat pumps. During the process the energy is conserved but losses occur in form of exergy. The aim of this thesis is to reduce the losses of exergy. This can be done by letting turbines replace the pressure reducing valves.In this thesis an investigation has been done of the conditions today, the conditions after the change from pressure reducing valves to turbines and a comparison of three different types of turbine solutions. The three examined solutions are one turbine, several helical screw expanders and several small turbines in parallel with asynchronous generators.The six absorption heat pumps have been divided into two groups; one group of four and one group of two absorption heat pumps.

Bevingad service? : En fallstudie av företaget Ving och dess kunder

The purpose of this thesis is to compare if a charter company's attitude and vision of service can be reconciled with the attitudes and visions that the customers have in the same area. In order to carry out the study a qualitative approach is used. The data has been collected by interviews, focus groups and observations. The framework is theories on the subject of customer satisfaction, quality of service at customer meetings, Self-Service technologies, quality assurance and gap in service.The study has concluded that the approach to service is relatively equal between the company and customers, but the future visions differ. Focus group participants have been thinking bigger and further into the future, while the company focuses more on specific functions.

Framgångsrika logistiska förändringsprinciper i hälso- och sjukvården : En studie över vilka logistiska förändringsmetoder som gett framgångsrikt resultat vid förändringsarbete inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård.

Hälso- och sjukvården har höga krav som branschen har svårt att uppfylla. Logistik har fått en ökad betydelse inom sektorn och handlar i detta fall om att på kortast tid få en patient färdigbehandlad. Denna rapport tar fram logistiska förändringsprinciper som är framgångsrika i hälso- och sjukvården. En litteraturstudie visar att det finns ett antal logistiska förändringsprinciper och verktyg som med positivt resultat har anpassats till hälso- och sjukvården. Dessa är; Lean production, processorientering, flödesorientering, Time-based competition, Theory of Constraints, Supply chain management, Planering, Mål och mätmetoder, Patienten i fokus, Genombrott och Advanced access.

A survey of cassava plants in the coastal region of Tanzania showing severe symptoms of cassava mosaic disease

Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a root crop that plays an important role in many households in Africa. It is sometimes called ?Africa´s food insurance?. The advantages with the crop are that cassava is drought-resistant and it can grow in a semi-dry land. It is a perennial crop and does not require much labor.

Mobile Operators Future Business Model - Strategic Implications of Emerging Networks

Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera mobil operatörernas behov att omsätta och värdera sig till de teknologiska förändringar ch marknadsförutsättningar genom att lägga fram alternativa affärsmodeller. Nya nätverk och teknologier håller på att förändra den stabila mobiltelefonimarknaden och därmed branschförhållandena för opertörerna. För att inte tappa marknadsandelar och attrahera nya kunder måste de vara proaktiva i med sina strategier vilket inte är falle idag. Vi har i analysen kommit fram till tre olika affärsmodeller vi anser vara lämpliga att ta i beaktning vid anpassning till de kmmande marknadsförhållandena..

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