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Elektronisk referenstjänst vid några svenska universitets- och högskolebibliotek

This is a study on the electronic reference work of some Swedish university and university college libraries. The purpose of the study has been to find out how the service works at the different libraries, to study the electronic reference interview and to find what is important when you start a new electronic reference service in the light of Brenda Dervin's sense-making theory study. Furthermore, we examine the aims of the electronic services offered and the differences between electronic and traditional reference interviews. In the background to the study we place electronic reference services in a context by describing the role of information technology and electronic mail in the libraries. The electronic reference interview is studied with the help of literature on the traditional reference interview.

Val av liggplats och väderskydd hos dikor vid utedrift vintertid

If you keep cattle in a herd outside all year round on big varying grounds, their possibilityto perform their natural behaviour increases. This way of keeping cattle requires that youprovide them with their other needs, like shelter and a dry and clean resting place.According to the animal welfare authority´s regulations on livestock farming, only animalsthat are suited to stay outside during the cold season are allowed to be kept outside. Theyshould also have access to a shelter or another building that gives them protection from theweather and wind and provides a dry and clean resting place.Research has shown that as long as cattle do not get exposed to precipitation and wind theywill manage low temperature well. Some of the things that will affect how well the animalshandle different climates are the isolation ability of the fur, the animals´ body size and thefeed intake. A dry lying place that is both insulating and moisture absorbent is also of greatimportance.

Varför ryska? ? En fråga om genus? : En fallstudie om motivation till att läsa ryska

The teaching of modern foreign languages within Swedish educational system has been a subject of a number of alarming reports in recent years. Several studies have shown that students lack motivation to learn any language but English. Of particular concern is the young males? underachieving and disinterest in foreign languages. In the meantime, a number of international studies and the statistical data from Swedish national agencies of secondary and higher education (Skolverket and Högskoleverket) have indicated that Russian is one of the languages that are favoured by males. The primary goal of my case study was, therefore, to examine students? motivation to learn Russian and their attitudes towards language, community and Russian-speaking people.

Bräkanden från förr : att skilja får från getter utifrån kv. Apoteket 4-5 i Visby

To differentiate between bones from sheep (Ovis aries) and bones from of goats (Capra hircus) is a long lasting challenge for zoologists, archaeozoologists and osteologists. Especially considering archaeological remains which are often found fractured and poorly preserved due to taphonomic processes. Zeder & Pilaar?s (2010) and Zeder & Lapham?s (2010) methods of species differentiation has shown promising results when used on bones from modern sheeps and goats. This paper aims to evaluate these methods by exerting them on excavated bones from kv.

Vem har makten att besluta om jämställda läromedel?

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) är en kampsportsgren som blandar tekniker från diverse andrakampsporter och där utövaren växlar mellan brottning, så kallad grappling (brottning medlås), samt stående kamp. Sporten har tidigare mött på hårt motstånd och diskuterats en hel delbland annat i media, men dess popularitet har växt mycket det senaste decenniet. Många somidag väljer att börja träna kampsport väljer just MMA.Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vad MMA fyller för funktion för dess utövare. Fokusligger i att undersöka hur stor påverkan MMA har i utövarens liv och hur man kopplar ihopMMA med sin egen identitet. Detta gör vi genom att med MMA-utövares egna berättelserexemplifiera hur detta kan ta sig till uttryck.Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod och det empiriska materialet harsamlats in genom totalt fyra individuella intervjuer.

Förskolebarns möten med biologiämnet i naturmiljö : En observationsstudie med fokus på barnens perspektiv

Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på hur mycket biologi man kan få in i verksamheten genom att uppmärksamma när ämnet naturligt visar sig hos barnen under utomhusvistelse, i deras egna lekar, upptäckter och utforskande. Bakgrunden till min undersökning är att den svenska förskolan sägs befinna sig i en brytningstid, med större fokus på ämneskunskaper och att läroplanen samtidigt poängterar vikten av att ta tillvara barns perspektiv, frågor och idéer. För att få svar har jag gjort observationer på två olika förskolor/avdelningar. Även enkäter har skickats till de medverkande pedagogerna. Resultatet av mina observationer visar att barnen ofta uppmärksammar olika djur och växter och andra områden inom ämnet biologi när de vistas ute i naturen.

Trovärdighetsbedömningen av muntliga utsagor i brottmålsprocessen

In some criminal cases, the only existing evidence is the verbal statement of a witness or the plaintiff. The typical example is an alleged rape where victim and perpetrator have had some kind of relation, and their records of the incident differ. In these cases, the assessment of the value of the evidence drawn from the plaintiff's story is of crucial importance. On the one hand, a false positive judgment means that a person is wrongly convicted, on the other hand, a failure to correctly identify a truthful claim of rape means that a victim of a severe crime is left without judicial remedy. That the prosecutor must prove that the crime is committed by the defendant without reasonable doubt, means that there is much more chance of a failure to convict guilty felons, than of the opposite.In the essay, the rules of criminal procedure directed at the evaluation of the verbal statement are identified and critically evaluated from the perspective of how they may or may not facilitate the judgment of a verbal statement presented before the court, either in person, or through other media such as video.

?Ge mig ett tält med bubbelpool och jacuzzi, då säger jag ja till friluftsliv? : en komparativ studie om friluftsundervisning

AimOur aim with this study was to examine how outdoor education is designed and experienced in three upper (senior) levels of compulsory school in Stockholm, and to compare it with the Norwegian equivalence.MethodOur method has been interviews with ten teachers, of whom six are Swedish teachers and four are Norwegian teachers. Two Swedish teachers are teaching in other subjects than Physical Education, four are teachers in Physical Education, two are teachers in Norway in Physical Education at and two are teachers in Norway at university level. Questionnaires were used to examine the Swedish pupils? attitudes towards outdoor education. 90 questionnaires were delivered, and 70 answered them.

Investeringskalkyl för en ny såglinje : en rapport om investeringskalkylering

This report presents an investment calculation based on an assumed initial investment of a new saw line to an existing sawmill. In order to get as close to reality as possible, we have received data material from northern forest owners who recently made an initial investment in their sawmill in Kåge. In order to calculate and evaluate investments are several different methods, but we, we have chosen to use the discounted cash flow method. The method sums up with the help of a fixed cost of capital together with any future costs and revenues, thereby giving a present value of the investment. We also do a sensitivity analysis to examine how selected factors affect the investment research they change. The study is carried out to a fictitious investment, and therefore the result should not only be studied as a result of the figures. The purpose of this study was that with the help of an investment calculation studying the profitability of a hypothetical investment, and by means of a sensitivity analysis to study the sensitivity of investment to changes. The result demonstrates that the calculations according to the present value method requires a lot of information of the prospective investment.

Samband på individnivå mellan akuta klövskador och cellhalten i mjölk hos mjölkkor :

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the cow-level association between acute hoof lesions and the somatic milk cell count in dairy cattle. Cows from three loose-housed Swedish dairy herds were enrolled in the study if they had an acute hoof lesion treated by a veterinarian or professional hoof trimmer during the preceding year, according to farmer records. Studied lesions were sole ulcer, dermatitis, interdigital necrobacillosis and hoof abscess, in each case causing lameness. For each hoof-diseased cow, 0 to 3 healthy cows were included, matched with respect to herd, breed, parity and lactation stage. Cell counts were obtained from monthly test recordings from one month before to three months after the hoof-lesion diagnosis, and log-transformed.

Söka eller browsa? : En undersökning om personliga mönster i sökbeteendet vid informationssökning på nätet

This Master's thesis in Library and Information Science aims to explore if personal patterns can be detected in web-searching. It is based on a study where the search sessions of nine test persons were video-recorded, transcribed into logs and analysed.A major objective was to find out whether there is a correlation between individual searchers' personal attributes and their web search behaviour. The logs were therefore compared with the test persons' results in a learning style test (Kolb's Learning Style Inventory) and with interview answers about information behaviour and personal background.While several patterns were indeed discovered, none of them turned out to be strictly personal. The nine test persons could be divided into five types of searchers: the purely analytic searcher; the generally analytic searcher; the balanced searcher; the mixed searcher and the browser. All types of searchers were found to have the attribute learning style in common.

Cancersjuka patienters upplevelse av livskvalitet och välbefinnande i samband med yogautövning. : En deskriptiv kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer.

AbstractAim: The aim of this study was to describe cancer patients? experiences of quality of life and wellbeing in relation to yoga practice.Method: A descriptive qualitative study with semi structured interviews was carried out during the fall of 2009 at the University of Uppsala. Informants in the study were cancer patients who were participating in the yoga/psychotherapy group at the clinic of oncology at the Akademiska hospital in Uppsala.Result: Five out of six informants experienced that their quality of life and their wellbeing improved by practicing yoga. One informant had mixed feelings which were not due to the yoga practicing, but to the place where it was practiced. For her this place was associated with illness.

Variation i temperaturrespons (Q10) vid nedbrytning av biopolymerer

Nedbrytningshastigheten för organiskt material i marken kan komma att förändras vid varmare klimat. I dagsläget råder dock oenighet om hur nedbrytningen av organiskt material kommer att reagera på förändrade temperaturer; forskningsrapporter pekar åt olika håll. För att kunna förutsäga framtida scenarier är det viktigt att vi får kunskap om hur organiskt material kan komma att påverkas. Om koncentrationen av koldioxid i atmosfären ökar och den globala medeltemperaturen stiger kan nedbrytningshastigheten för organiskt material öka. Detta kan leda till en positiv feedback loop där mer koldioxid avgår från marken till atmosfären.

Den förvrängda invandraren : En kvalitativ studie om hur publiken tolkar och genomskådar invandrarrepresentationer i svenska medier

The aim of this study was to seek knowledge about how the media audience interprets media representations of immigrants as well as the construction of ?us? and ?them? that is created from the media report.We implemented two focus group interviews, one containing only ethnical Swedes and one holding a variety of people with different ethnical backgrounds. The focus groups got to read nine news articles from different Swedish news papers selected by us, based upon previous research. These articles got to serve as the basis of the discussion.To supplement the focus groups, which got to represent the media audience, we also interviewed two different persons we choose to call informants, whom are both immigrants and are or have been politically active and often appear in local media.The interviews were our empirical material which was used for analysis. The method we used was qualitative analysis of meaning and was based upon a hermeneutic starting point, meaning that all humans are interpreting beings.

Äldres personers upplevelser av ensamhet : En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Åldrandet innebär naturliga biologiska, sociala och psykologiska förändringar, andelen äldre i samhället beräknas öka och äldre upplever ett lägre socialt deltagande kontra resten av befolkningen. Ensamhet beskrivs som en obehaglig eller oacceptabel avsaknad av relationer och involverar hur en person uppfattar, upplever och utvärderar den avsaknaden. Hälsoproblem och upplevelsen av livskvalitet är knutet till ensamhet. Ingen konsensus om fenomenet ensamhet finns inom vårdvetenskapen. Sjuksköterskan har viktig roll att upptäcka, motverka och förebygga ensamheten, därför behövs mer kunskap om fenomenet.

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