

1455 Uppsatser om Mining operation - Sida 2 av 97

Multikriterieanalys av potentiella konflikter vid markanvändningsplanering - Naturstenbrytning i Lysekils kommun

The purpose of the essay Multi criteria analysis of potential conflicts concerning land use planning - natural stone mining in Lysekil municipal is to study possibilities and limitations in GIS based multi criteria analysis as a tool for land use planning. How GIS based multi criteria analysis can be implemented to localize potential conflict areas between natural stone mining and other land use activities and what advantages and disadvantages the method holds are the main issues of this study. The essay studies these questions through a case study, concerning the geographical area of Lysekil municipal in western Sweden and problematizes the interest of natural stone mining in relation to other land use interests. A literature study was carried through, concerning multi criteria analysis and planning. After collecting and processing of data the multi criteria analysis could be implemented in the ArcGIS tool Weighted Sum.

Med kroppen som vapen : en studie av aktivism, mobilisering och motstånd mot en gruva i Gállok

This study departs from Gállok, an area 40 kilometres northwest of the city Jokkmokk, in northern Sweden. This is a place to which local people and Saami reindeer herders have material interests and emotional bonds. The mining company JIMAB wants to prospect for extracting minerals from this area. In the summer of 2013 local people, Saamis and environmental activists gathered in Gállok in order to protest and make resistance against these plans. Activism was made, debate articles were written, demonstrations were organized and information about what was going on in Gállok was shared through social media.The aim of this study is to examine the cultural processes of the anti-mining movement, in particular the happenings in Gállok in summer 2013.

Gruvrätten vid Stora Kopparberget 1641-1682 : en undersökning över rannsakade brott och utdömda straff

The purpose of this essay is to examine and explain how the Swedish mining court of Stora Kopparberget (the Great Copper Mountain) implemented its judicial legislation between 1641-1682. Questions are asked about which counts of indictments the court tried, which sentences they handed out, in what quantities and how these results looks in comparison with other contemporary courts. The index cards of the court judicial protocols are the primary source of information. The methods are those of quantity- and comparative analysis.The results show that theft of copper ore was the most common crime ransacked by the court. Other common crimes were (in order): sin of omission, transgression of work directions, fights, slander and disdain, trade of stolen ore, failing appearance in court etc.Fines were by far the most common sentence followed by shorter imprisonments, gauntlets, loss of right to mine possession, twig beating, loss of work, penal servitude, banishment, ?wooden horse riding? and finally military transcription.

Användarorienterad förarsituation för bergavläsning vid fjärrstyrt skrotningsarbete

Mechanical scaling is one of the most complex operations of all in the mining process. The operators are using both hearing, sight and feel to read the rock and to know where to scale and where to leave. They say they go on gut feeling in great extent, something that comes with experience. The scaling machine is placed into the edge of unsecured and newly blasted rock to hammer off the blocks that has become loose after the blast, but not enough to fall down. It goes without sayingthat it is a risky job.

Samverkan är inte en frivillighetsgrej, utan det ingår i vårt arbete helt enkelt.

How do you do co-operation between government agencies? It is a wide spread view that there can be quite a few hitches in co-operation between agencies. In later years this idea has spread to the media where there has been negative coverage of the social service agencies. This generally applies to cases where children suffer because the right assistance takes too long to co-ordinate or does not get co-ordinated at all between schools, healthcare and social services. The social welfare law dictates that it is the social welfare office duty to co-ordinate the government agencies for the child?s best interest.

Användningsområden för Big data inom analytisk CRM

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) är ett ofta använt konceptför verksamheter att hantera sina kundkontakter. En viktig del av CRMär användningen av tekniska lösningar för att lagra och analysera informationom kunder, till exempel genom data mining för att upptäckamönster hos kunders beteende. Idag produceras allt större mängderdata genom människors användning av informations- och kommunikationsteknik.Traditionell teknik klarar ej av att hantera den variation ochmängd data som existerar, vilket lett till utvecklingen av nya tekniskalösningar för dessa uppgifter. Begreppet Big data brukar användas föratt beskriva stora datamängder. Syftet med denna studie har varit att geökad förståelse för hur Big data kan användas inom CRM.

Concept description genom klustring

Concept description är en data mining-uppgift som strävar efter en begriplig beskrivning av koncept och klasser, inte exakta prediceringar. Syftet med studien är att visa hur prototypbaserad klustring kan skapa förståelse för en datamängds underliggande domän, enligt concept description. Experiment har utförts med data från pokerdomänen. Datamängden samlades in från ett low-limit, shorthanded bord, hos en av de stora Internetsiterna för online pokerspel. De två experimenten utfördes med samma datamängd, men där uppsättningen attribut skiljde sig åt.

På EU:s gränser Den nya nordliga dimensionen

In this paper I attempt to analyze the ways the European Union defines its external borders in cross-border co-operation with its neighbours. The analysis is based on case study examining the founding components of a updated version of the Northern Dimension policy of the European Union.The analytical framework of the study is composed of three different perceptions on the cross-border co-operation; regionalisation, integration and flexible integration. I conclude that the model of cross-border co-operation laid by the Northern Dimension policy would have an impact on the EU's external border with Russia, making it more flexible and vague.As far as the geographical terms of the co-operation are concerned, they seem to shift from regional co-operation to greater emphasis the role of networks as basis for co-operation instead of traditional regions..

Landfill Mining som en hjälp vid materialåtervinning från deponier : Informationsunderlag för prospektering

Att gräva upp och återvinna värdefulla material från gamla deponier har en enorm miljöpotential i form av utvinning av resurser. I dagsläget innebär emellertid sådana återvinningsprojekt stora osäkerheter och därmed ekonomiska risker för företag. Anledningen är att det finns många deponier att välja mellan och dessa skiljer sig ofta åt med avseende på ålder, storlek, typ av avfall och lokalisering vilka alla är faktorer som direkt kan påverka om ett projekt blir lönsamt eller inte. För att minska de ekonomiska riskerna behöver företag i återvinningsbranschen på förhand kunna identifiera skillnader mellan olika deponier. I denna uppsats genomförs en systematisk litteraturöversikt över inventeringar av deponier.

SSP : En kvalitativ studie av ett samarbete mellan socialtjänst, skola och polis

This thesis has examined a co-operation called SSP, between the social authorities, the school and the police, located in Malmö. The intention with SSP is to prevent crime and drug use among juveniles but also to evolve a structure for a long-term co-operation between the authorities.The purpose of the thesis was to understand and analyse what the co- operation represented and stood for. The study also examined how the co- operation was effected by differences in the organisation of the three parts.The main questions were the following; what does SSP contain, is SSP preventive and for whom, what motivates the co-operation and how is the cooperation effected by the view the authorities have on the target group?The method used for answering the questions was based on qualitative interviews with the three authorities involved. We have also searched for literature on the subjects involved.The main content of the thesis has showed that the limits of SSP are diffuse, and the focus of the co- operation lies at a structural level.

Finanskrisens påverkan på Stockholmsbörsens volatilitet : En jämförande studie

The network with its virtual business structure challenge the established vertical business structure. Part of the network theory that has developed focuses on relationships that forms B2Bnetworks. One way to create a B2B-network is for independent businesses to form a organization promoting co-operation. For co-operation to be successful it requires well thought-out actions, but a lack of how these actions are implemented have been noticed. This study explores how encouragement of co-operation can be done practically.

Samarbete i nätverk : En studie om hur främjande av samarbete realiseras i ett orkestrerande affärsnätverk

The network with its virtual business structure challenge the established vertical business structure. Part of the network theory that has developed focuses on relationships that forms B2Bnetworks. One way to create a B2B-network is for independent businesses to form a organization promoting co-operation. For co-operation to be successful it requires well thought-out actions, but a lack of how these actions are implemented have been noticed. This study explores how encouragement of co-operation can be done practically.

Datainsamling med Web Usage Mining : Lagringsstrategier för loggning av serverdata

Webbapplikationers komplexitet och mängden avancerade tjänster ökar. Loggning av aktiviteter kan öka förståelsen över användares beteenden och behov, men används i för stor mängd utan relevant information. Mer avancerade system medför ökade krav för prestandan och loggning blir än mer krävande för systemen. Det finns behov av smartare system, utveckling inom tekniker för prestandaförbättringar och tekniker för datainsamling. Arbetet kommer undersöka hur svarstider påverkas vid loggning av serverdata, enligt datainsamlingsfasen i web usage mining, beroende på lagringsstrategier.

Skapa ett equalized underhålls/planeringsprogram samt minimera driftstopp

This report is a thesis on requests from Sandvik Mining and Construction (SMC) in autumn of 2012. The goal of this work was to study the feasibility of creating and implementing an Equalized preventive maintenance program in SMC maintenance operations and reduce downtime for preventive maintenance (PM). To investigate whether this was possible, the authors studied the current procedures for the PM. The authors have collected and analyzed all relevant information within the maintenance department reporting system as well as through interviews determined whether it is practical to introduce a Equalized PM programs. The authors had also studied the possibilities to entrust part of the maintenance work to the operators of the machine cells.

?Normative Military Power Europe?: a contradiction in terms? : En fallstudie av EU:s militära insats i Somalia i förhållande till Normative Power Europe.

This thesis paper is based on Ian Manners Normative Power Europe-theory with a focus on EU?s military operation in Somalia. By examining documents from EU institutions in the form of reports concerning EU NAVFOR ? Operation ATALANTA ? EUTM Somalia ? EUCAP NESTOR. This study shows that the Normative Power Europe-theory can get expressed and that the EU continues its normative statements in Somalia. This result is an interesting contribution to the theory of Normative Power Europe witch have gotten a lot of critic about how a military operation should effect and diminish the theory..

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