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Sjuksköterskors kunskap om smärta och smärtbehandling : En enkätstudie
Knowledge regarding pain and pain treatment is an essential part within nursing that a nurse is responsible for. Earlier studies have shown that lack of that kind of knowledge often results in inadequate treatment for pain. The purpose with the study was to describe nurses? knowledge regarding pain and pain treatment at a medical unit in a hospital in central Sweden, and to see if there was a distinction in knowledge related to professional experience. Data was collected through a questionnaire with questions referring to pain (6 questions) and pain treatment (6 questions).
Ultraljudsundersökning av buken på vuxna nötkreatur :
Ultrasound is still a relatively new method for the diagnosis of abdominal conditions in cattle. The objective of this study is to evaluate ultrasound as a diagnostic tool for the common diseases affecting high-producing dairy cattle, for example traumatic reticuloperitonitis, right- and left displacement of the abomasum, fatty liver, wound infections and abscesses. This paper is a combined litterature study and a report of the results from ultrasound examinations of bovine patients at the ruminant clinic at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The study includes two healthy cows from the ruminant clinic, and seven patients with abdominal related diseases.
The examinations were made with a 2-6 MHz curvilinear transducer and both the right and left sides of the abdomen were scanned.
Miljökonsekvensbeskrivning med stöd av geografiska informationssytem (GIS) : bullerstudie kring Malmö-Sturup flygplats
Den övergripande målsättningen med denna uppsats är att visa hur GIS kan fungera som stöd i en MKB. För att exemplifiera detta genomförs i denna uppsats en specificerad studie kring flygbullerpåverkade områden vid Malmö-Sturup flygplats. Flyg-bullerkartor erhölls från Luftfartsverket (LFV). Analyser gjordes för olika startriktningar om flygbullrets interferens med bland annat människor, naturvård, kulturmiljö, friluftsliv, fastigheter (egendomar) samt med några tätorters expansionspotential. Jämförelser genomfördes mellan flygplanstyperna McDonell Douglas MD80 och McDonell Douglas DC9.
Gymnasieskolans dyrbara poäng : elevers strategier vid individuella val
The purpose with this essay is to find out how aware students are about the environment, andif they believe that their actions can influence the environment. I have used both earlierresearch and questionnaire surveys in order to fulfill the purpose. In earlier research, I haveused research based on materials that are scientific. According to the researchers it isimportant that the children and young people become involved and dedicated to theenvironment and its surrounding world. It is important to listen to the children's thoughts andvisions as they are aware about what happens, but do not reflect on the worst, but hope that itbecomes an improvement in the future.
Biogaspotential hos våtmarksgräs
BIOGAS POTENTIAL IN GRASSES FROM WETLANDSMarvin MartinsThe purpose of this study has been to survey wetlands that are suitable for mowing and to analyze the biogas potential in the harvested grasses. A preformed investigation showed that there are suitable wetlands, which can be harvestable, namely those mowed formerly in traditional haymaking. The practice of traditional haymaking is dying out in Sweden today but there are several good reasons why it should to be reconsidered. Nature- and cultural values are obvious, also the unutilized energy in the grass.The suitable types of wetland that were specifically studied were the productive wetlands; meadow marshes and wet meadows. These wetlands are represented in the Swedish meadow- and pasture inventory database; (TUVA) and the Swedish national wetland inventory (VMI).
Equine metabolic syndrome
Obese horses with insulin resistance are often also afflicted with laminitis. Horses with these symptoms are given the diagnosis equine metabolic syndrome (EMS). Signs of insulin resistance are excessive accumulation of adipose tissue on the neck, around the withers and on the dorsal area of the hindquarters. Insulin resistance means that the function of insulin is defective and does not stimulate glucose uptake by the cells in the body in the correct way. This will result in an increased insulin release.
Sjuksköterskans sätt att bedöma postoperativ smärta : En litteraturöversikt
Postoperativ smärta fortsätter att vara ett stort och svåridentifierat problem. Omfattningen av okontrollerad smärta hos patienterna har inte förändrats märkbart de senaste decennierna. Sjuksköterskor tenderar att underskatta patientens smärta. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka olika faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans sätt att bedöma postoperativ smärta. För att uppnå vårt syfte valdes litteraturstudie som metod.
Prokrastinering hos högskolestudenter i relation till self-efficacy och studieresultat
Prokrastinering innebär att frivilligt skjuta upp en viktig aktivitet, trots vetskapen om att det leder till stress, ångest och ytterligare negativa konsekvenser. Enligt forskning anses 80-95 % av alla högskolestudenter prokrastinera, 50 % av studenterna uppger att detta leder till problem. Self-efficacy är individens tilltro till den egna förmågan att klara av saker. Syftet med studien var att undersöka prokrastinering i relation till self-efficacy och studieresultat. Metoden som användes var en webbenkät där två mätinstrument kombinerades, varav dessa är välkända inom forskning på området, Procrastination Assessment Scale for Students samt College Academic Self-efficacy Scale.
Yrkeskompetens inom offentlig- och privat sektor
Title:Professional skills in public and private sectors Date:2011-05-18 Authors:Zinajda Avdic & Binasa Jasarevic Tutor:Viktorija Kalonaityte Examiner:Richard Nakamura Key words:Competence, professional, public sector and private sector. Thesis purpose:To find out what factors are behind the company and the authority identifies their training needs, what methods they use in the evaluation of outcomes can be integrated into the organization.Method:A qualitative study with a hermeneutic approach and an abduction approach. Theory:The theory depends substances skills, skills needs and skills assessment. Empirical data:Data collected through two interview people on the two public sectors authorities, and two companies in the private sector.Conclusion:We found that organizations put a lot of time and resources to develop, identify and plan professional skills through internal and external courses. The differences between them are determined not by the fact that they are in the public sector or the private, but from organization to organization.
Som man frågar får man svar : En studie av skriftliga prov på ett yrkesprogram
Utifrån att elever verkar ha en förmåga till att endast söka svar på uppgifterna de får och inte vilja intressera sig för att förstå området, så uppkom iden om detta arbete. Syftet med arbetet är att studera vilken kunskap som mäts i skolan. Begreppet kunskap beskrivs utifrån olika synsätt. Området lärstil beskrivs i arbetet med en tyngd på att beskriva ytinlärning och djupinlärning. Vidare beskrivs området kunskapsbedömning där olika frågetyper beskrivs.
Talet hos femåriga barn med läpp-käk-gomspalt: En jämförelse mellan internationellt adopterade barn och svenskfödda barn
This retrospective study aimed to examine differences at age fivebetween twenty-six internationally adopted and twenty-six Swedish-bornchildren with cleft lip and palate regarding age of surgery, speech andintervention. Correlation between age of surgery and speechvariables andgender differences was examined. Blind assessment of audio recordedsentence repetition or naming of words was performed by two speechpathologists. Soft palate was closed significantly later for the study groupthan the control group. Age at closure of hard palate did not differ.
Jämförelse av platsspecifika föroreningsrisker i samband med muddringsaktiviteter
Stora volymer förorenade sediment kommer att behöva tas om hand under de kommande åren då bottensediment i svenska farleder, hamn- och kustområden under lång tid har konta?minerats av både tungmetaller och organiska föroreningar. I examensarbetet studeras fyra möjligheter för hantering av förorenade muddermassor. De tre traditionella metoderna är tippning till havs, utfyllnad i vik eller deponering på land. Stabilisering/solidifiering (s/s) är ytterligare ett alternativ som innebär att muddermassorna kan nyttiggöras i geokonstruktioner genom att massornas hållfasthet ökas.
Undersökning av artikulation, prosodi, förståelighet och kommunikativ delaktighet hos vuxna postlingualt döva personer med cochleaimplantat
The aim of the study was to investigate the performance of postlingually deaf adults on parts of the swedish dysarthria test Dysartribedömningen, and to compare these results with a matched group consisting of normal hearing speakers without any known speech disorder. The group consisted of 17 participants ranging between 42-86 years of age. Participants were assessed focusing on articulation, prosody, intelligibility and through a self-assessment of communicative participation. There was a statistically significant difference between groups on prosody that manifested primarily as a slower speaking rate in the cochlear implant users. No significant differences between groups as to articulation, intelligibility or communicative participation could be found.
RELATIONSMARKNADSFÖRING : Att skapa relationer över Internet
Schizophrenia can cause symptoms such as auditory hallucinations, delusions, emotional blunting, apathy and lack of motivation. These result in a diminished ability to participate in daily activities and bring the client group into the domain of occupational therapists. The purpose of this literature review is to compile the latest findings in occupational therapy interventions for individuals with schizophrenia. Furthermore guidance regarding the utility of the interventions will be given based on the author?s assessment of the evidence in the 22 articles included.
Påverkas röstkällans egenskaper av förändrad stående kroppshållning? En experimentell studie av otränade mansröster
The aim of this study was to investigate whether a direct shift inpostural alignment results in changes in voice source characteristics. Ninemales with untrained voices were recorded standing in ideal posturalalignment and in the deviant postures swayback and kyphosis characterizedby extended hips and a slump back respectively. The voice source wasderived from the audio signal by inverse filtering. The parameters pulseamplitude, maximal flow declination rate, level difference between the firstand second voice source partials, closed quotient and the normalizedamplitude quotient in relation to subglottal pressure were compared betweenideal postural alignment and swayback and kyphosis respectively. Resultsindicate an impact of changed postural alignment on the voice source.Swayback posture gave significantly less pulse amplitude and maximal flowdeclination rate and significantly higher subglottal pressures thus resulting ina less effective phonation.