

285 Uppsatser om Milk ejection - Sida 16 av 19

A screening for Schmallenberg Virus among sheep and goats in Tanzania

Schmallenberg virus (SBV) is a novel arthropod-borne orthobunyavirus emerging in Europe in 2011 to 2012. Acute SBV infection causes diarrhoea, fever and reduced milk production in dairy cattle, but it is mainly the reproductive disorders (abortions, malformed foetuses and stillborn animals) in ruminants that have caused substantial economical losses. The prevalence of the virus outside of Europe is poorly investigated. SBV or SBV-like antibodies were detected in Mozambique in 2013, which raised interest for a similar study in Tanzania. In this study in Tanzania, blood samples were collected from 478 sheep and goats from 39 herds in 15 different villages in three districts, covering areas in the north, south and east of Tanzania. The epidemiology of the virus was investigated by tracing antibodies by ELISA and mapping of the virus by PCR was started.

Risker vid kalvutfodring med mjölk från Staphylococcus aureus-infekterade kor

Staphylococcus aureus är både den vanligaste mastitorsakande bakterien hos svenska mjölkkor och den bakterie som orsakar flest matförgiftningsutbrott hos människa världen över. Utveckling av tekniker som möjliggör subtypning och genkaraktärisering av S. aureus-isolat har möjliggjort stora framsteg inom S. aureus-epidemiologin på senare år. I Sverige är det mycket vanligt att kalvar utfodras med mjölk som kan innehålla S.

Proteinkvalitet och biogena aminer i ensilage ? effekt på mjölkkors hälsa & foderintag

The aim of this paper was to explain protein degradation in silage and protein quality and biogenic amines in silage and their effects on the health of the dairy cows. After harvest-ing, the plant proteases degrade the proteins in the plant. The protein degrades to different fractions with different digestibilites in the rumen. Fraction A contains non- protein nitro-gen which is peptides, free amino acids and amines. True protein is in the fraction B and is further divided into three subfractions depending on their solubility.

Effects of rubber alley flooring on cow locomotion and welfare

This study investigated the effects of rubber alley flooring on cow locomotion, claw and leg health, production, cleanliness, grooming behaviour and cow exclusion rate in a free stall herd. The study was conducted in a new dairy house with a rotary milking system, with a matched group of cows on traditional scraped concrete alleys used for comparison. All claws were trimmed and lesions recorded at the beginning and end of the 4-month study. Locomotion, claw and leg health, behaviour and hygiene were observed and scored at regular intervals during the study. The results showed that cows on rubber alley floors displayed significantly (p.

Kokvigeproduktion baserad på köttraser : en fältstudie

Most of the beef production in Sweden has been integrated with milk production. Since the 1990:s, the number of dairy cows has decreased. A specialised beef production has developed in purpose to compensate for this decrease. The consumption of beef have increased in the last decade, but the Swedish production has no followed this trend. In 2004, the percentage of beef self-sufficiency in Sweden was 60 %.

Betydelsen av social rang på beteende och mjölknings­parametrer i ett automatiskt mjölkningssystem (AMS) :

The purpose with the study was to find a pattern in the behaviour of dairy cows which could be related to their social rank. A behavioural study was conducted at the University Cattle Research Centre (Kungsängen) in Uppsala, Sweden. The study included 12 lactating dairy cows, 6 high ranked and 6 low ranked. The cows were housed in a loose housing barn with an automatic milking system (AMS) to which they had access 24 hours a day. During the experiment the total number of cows in the barn was 46.

Betesdrift för mjölkkor :

The Swedish Animal Welfare Act say that all milking cows must have access to pasture in summer time. That was a gift to Astrid Lindgren o her 80th birthday from the Swedish Government. Sweden is a predecessor in animal welfare, but how well do we live up to these big expectations? In this thesis I will examine how well the pasture for milking cows works. I have been interviewing farmers with milking cows and people in the business. I have also been searching information on Internet, and using the library of Alnarp. Cows that are kept on pasture are exposed to different kind of parasites, but on the other hand they run a smaller risk to getting acetonemi, pareses and udder infection. Veterinary Pierre Nordmark means that cows on pasture are more healthy then cows kept inside all summer.

?Processutveckling av metod f?r tillverkning av en funktionell tibetansk mejeriprodukt?

Probiotics is a special group of health products on the market. The most common type of  these is live cultures of lactic acid fermenting bacteria from raw milk . These include, among others, yogurt and various trademarks such as Hälsofil ®, Acidophilus ®, Dofilus ® and Kefir ®. Such products are often used by patients who are treated with antibiotics to combat the intestinal flora eliminated, thus causing digestive problems. The present work deals with yet another type of health product, viz.

Mjölkkyl till espressomaskin : Impressive cooler

The project was made in cooperation with Coffee Queen AB, Arvika. The task was to develop and design a new cooler for the milk to Jura Impressa X9, an espresso machine. The good assistance with staff at Coffee Queen and engineers in China and at KPA in Karlstad led to a solution to the problem. It was a long road to get there, many different concepts was developed. When the day came to decide which concept to work with, the choice stood between two different technical solutions.

Ombyggnation av ett stall för bundna mjölkkor till boxsystem för rekryteringskvigor

To reconstruct a building is a long-term investment for farmers and it is important that people with different qualifications are involved at an early stage for making the system adapted to the animals as well the animal keeper. Therefore, ethologists who can contribute with their expertise are needed to design the system and get it to function well for the animals.A Swedish farmer who planned to rebuild her stall for tied dairy cattle to a loose-housing system for recruitment heifers for milk production asked me as an ethologist to find a system which can be fit to her existing tie-stall barn for 30 dairy cows, considering the animal needs in terms of movement, social interactions and play behaviors, and to theoretically compare the system with other systems with respect to the behaviors mentioned.The theoretical comparison between different systems was made through a scientific literature review.In agreement with the animal keeper I set out to fit a system with feeding cubicles, a system with cubicles and a system with deep straw bedding to the barn. After measurements were taken and preliminary drawings were outlined it was found that only the feeding cubicle system was possible to fit to the barn.The space provided will limit the animals to perform some playing behaviors. To decrease aggressive interactions between animals even thought a limiting area it is possible to provide partitions between resources animals compete around to prevent that more than one animal can get success to the resource at a particular place at one time. To increase the animal movement in the system the water trays were moved to the outer wall instead of kept in contact with the stalls.Although this report provides guidelines for rebuilding, other competences regarding building construction and a pre-test of the suggested building solution according to Swedish legislation are needed before the rebuilding can start.The results are directed mainly to the owner of the barn, but the literature review can be used by other cattle farmers and might bring increased understanding of the possible effects of different building solution on the animals..

Effekten av sulforafan på genuttrycket av breast cancer resistance protein i MCF-7 celler

Sulforafan är en isothiocyanat-förening som finns i stora mängder i olika kålväxter. Sulforafan har setts ha en kemopreventiv inverkan bland annat genom att inducera fas II-enzymer styrda av transkriptionsfaktorn nuclear factor E2-related factor-2 (Nrf2). Nrf2 är mycket viktig i cellers skydd mor oxidativ- och elektrofil stress och inducerar uttrycket av många olika gener, bland annat olika tranportproteiner. Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) är en av transportörerna som tros induceras av Nrf2. BCRP finns i stora mängder i lakterande juvervävnad men också i många andra vävnader där den transporterar läkemedel ut ur cellerna.

Genetisk modifikation möjliggör resistens mot mastit orsakad av Staphylococcus Aureus

ABSTRACT. Mastitis is one of the most common diseases affecting dairy cows worldwide. In Sweden annu-ally about 60% of the dairy cows get infected and Staphylococcus aureus cause approximately 30% of these infections. Mastitis causes enormous economic losses. In Sweden, the costs to cure mastitis are estimated to be 192 million SEK per year, excluding the costs for mastitis prevention.

Introduktion av förstakalvare i AMS : en enkätstudie

Habituation to an automatic milking system (AMS) for cows in their first lactation differs from habituation to other milking systems. In AMS the cows are supposed to visit the milking station (MS) voluntarily. The milking takes place individually during the whole day, except when the milking system is cleaned. Milking is carried out without any human survey. The aim of the study was to describe the cow?s introduction in AMS in their first lactation.

Kons fertilitet : kostnader och åtgärder

To get a good economy on the dairy farms the fertility control of heifers and cows is a crucial factor. It is also important to know which key parameters that should be tracked. In this work well established routines for heat detection have to be applied. When the dairy farmers use technical aid in estrus control it is important not to forget that technical aids can not replace the human eye. Approximately 50 % of all opportunities to inseminate are missed because clear signs of estrus have not been displayed and/or recorded. The cattle fertility has been declining over recent years. During the same time the cow?s proceeds have increased, consequently applying a higher pressure on the cow and the manager.

Effekter av investeringsstödet i miljö- och landsbygdsprogrammet för perioden 2000-2006 : en studie på företagsnivå

Investment aid is a part of the Rural Area Programme, which contains support to Swedish agriculture and the countryside. There is a new programme every seventh year and SLU (Swedish University of Agriculture) has the mission to perform the evaluation of the previous programme, which lasted between 2000 -2006. The investment aid's aim is to support investments that, among other things, support the adaptation or conversion to more environmentally friendly production methods, improves the product quality, develops new or complementing activities, and improves the environment and the animal- and working environment. The question is if it's only money that matters for these kinds of investments to be done and what has happened with the money that was paid? This thesis investigates how the investment aid has affected the receivers.

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