285 Uppsatser om Milk ejection - Sida 17 av 19
Nu a?r det dags att agera! : en analys av konsumentbeteende fra?n mjo?lkupproret i Ska?ne
At the end of 2008, Arla concluded agreements with several supermarkets in southern Sweden. The agreement with the supermarkets excluded Ska?nemejerier from the stores. This meant that Ska?nemejerier lost approximately 7% of sales volume.
Ambitionen om det essentiella : Innebörder av urmjölkning utifrån levda erfarenheter för mammor vars barn fötts prematurt
Bakgrund Många mammor som fött barn prematurt önskar amning som uppfödning för sitt barn för bröstmjölkens immunologiska faktorer och som en kompensation för att graviditeten avslutats för tidigt. Amningens etablering kan vara komplicerad och kräva tålamod när barnet behöver vård. Beroende på barnets känslighet kan det ta olika lång tid tills barnet kan påbörja amningsträning. En av de viktigaste faktorerna för att amningen ska kunna etableras är att mamman får igång en tillräcklig mjölkproduktion motsvarande den mängd ett fullgånget barn skulle kräva. För att få igång en tillräcklig produktion är det bra att komma igång med urmjölkning så fort som möjligt efter barnets födelse.
Hackelselängdens betydelse för tuggtid och foderkonsumtion hos mjölkkor :
Today, our cows experience a harder pressure to achieve higher milk yield. To manage this challenge the animal needs first class feeding and treatment. An important aspect of the feeding is to fulfil the need from the cows of especially fiber; and fiber with a sufficient proportion of long particles. Both too much and too little fiber is bad for the wellbeing of the cow, and she might get diseases like acidosis.
Many models for feed management have been developed to secure that the animal gets enough of e.g. fiber with a sufficient proportion of long particles.
Äppelpressmassa i Sydsverige - nuvarande användningsområden och möjligheter till nya produkter
Pomace is the solid remains (i.e. stems, pulp, seeds, and skins) after pressing for juice. The annual production of apple pomace is 593 000 ton worldwide. Its field of application depends on local conditions. In order to investigate the field of application of apple pomace in the Southern Sweden, six persons on companies with production of apple juice were interviewed.
Mjölkkors välbefinnande i AMS och konventionell lösdrift : skillnader i beteende och hormonstatus för oxytosin och kortisol mellan kor av hög och låg social rang
The purpose with this study was to investigate how the behaviour and physiological parameters differ between high ranked and low ranked cows, and between cows in an automatic milking system verses conventional milking parlour. The study was carried out at the Kungsängen research Centre, Department of animal nutrition an management, Swedish University of Agriculture Sciences, Uppsala. Twelve cows, the six highest and the six lowest in social rank were selected from the automatic milking system for the experiment. Ten cows, the five highest and five lowest in social rank were selected from the conventional system. Blood samples were taken during milking and resting.
EU ger eko bland korna - från uppbundet till lösdrift :
For hundreds of years there has been a tradition with tethered dairy cows in Sweden. The last
decades the old fashioned way to hold cows have been questioned and the number of dairy
cows in loose housing has been increasing. Last year (2004) 19 percent in total of all farms
with milk production in Sweden had their cows in loose housing. Because of EU-legislation
concerning all organic production no farms are allowed to build tie stalls any more and after
2010 all organic dairy cows are supposed to live in loose-housing systems.
The aim of the thesis was mainly to find out the number of farms with tethered organic dairy
cows and if they will continue after the year 2010. Furthermore the purpose was to study if
there are any regional differences, how countries similar to Sweden interpret the EU-decision
about tethered cows and differences in buildings between organic and conventional farms and
the reasons to them.
Optimal välfärd och hälsa för kalvar :
In order to optimize calf welfare and health it is important to know the behavior of cattle in free ranging conditions. When the cow is about to give birth to a calf she will leave the heard about 12 hours before. It is then rather obvious that isolating the cow about calving time in a single pen is imitating the cows? natural behavior. To save space and minimize building cost it?s common that the farmers build calving pens for four of five cows especially at larger farms.
Kan probiotika förebygga atopiskt eksem hos högriskbarn?
Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Can probiotics prevent atopic dermatitis in children with high risk?Author: Laura Pienihäkkinen and Max OlinSupervisor: Heléne Bertéus ForslundExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 22, 2012Background Allergic disease is today common, this including atopic dermatitis, which is the most common inflammatory skin disease in the world. Heredity has been shown to play a major role in the development of this disease. It is therefore of high interest for both the individual and society to find effective methods for preventing atopic dermatitis in individuals with high risk profile. Probiotics are beneficial for the bacterial profile in the intestine and it is therefore of interest to study if they through their anti-inflammatory effect could prevent atopic dermatitis.Objective The aim was to study whether administration of probiotics to the mother and the child (directly or via breast milk) could prevent atopic dermatitis in children with high risk profile (at least one first degree relative with a diagnosed allergic disease).Search strategy A systematic literature search was done in databases PubMed and Scopus with search terms maternal, prenatal, probiotics, allergy, atopic dermatitis, prevention, and children.Selection criteria Randomized, controlled human studies and original articles in English were included.
The use of artificial insemination in dairy farms in urban/peri-urban Kampala, Uganda : a study of knowledge, attitude and practices
Uganda is one country with fastest growing populations in the world and with more than 25% of the population living in poverty. There is a rapid rural urban migration with increasing demands for food for low income earners especially in these areas. One way to mitigate food insecurity is to increase milk and meat production efficiency, and thus reproductive performance of cows is crucial for good production. A well-documented strategy for improving dairy cow productivity through faster genetic improvement is to breed dairy cows using proven semen via artificial insemination (AI). AI has been used in Uganda for over 60 years but only less than 10 %, a small population of the country?s herd has been bred that way.
The aims were to study knowledge, attitude and practices factors influencing cow fertility results on dairy farms around Kampala using AI and to propose ways of promoting increased use of AI in Uganda.
Importance of epigenetics in animal breeding : genomic imprinting
ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to give an overview of the evidence for genomic imprinting in livestock and other mammals as well as outline the potential use of gene imprinting in livestock breeding. Epigenetics is the mitotical and meiotical partial hereditary variation in genomic activity without any alterations of the DNA sequence. An example of epigenetic regulation is genomic imprinting where one allele?s expression differs depending on which parent it was inherited from. These parent-of-origin effects are currently overlooked in livestock production.
Småskalig livsmedelsförsörjning av mjölk :
During the last year?s Swedish agriculture have had difficult times, with decreasing
prices and at the same time increasing production costs, which has led to bad
profitability and faith in the future.
The dairies in Sweden have also had a rough time and there have been large
rationalizations during the years. In the beginning of the 20th century there were almost
1700 diaries in the Swedish countryside. There has been a large technical development
during the 20th century resulting in a decrease in diaries to only 46 in the whole country
today. They are owned by 15 diary companies, of which 7 large and dominate on the
market and the rest are small-scale companies.
With this development the confidence and feeling for the diary companies also has
Tillsyn av djur på bete : betydelsen av lockgiva och regelbundna tider
During natural conditions cattle live in large herds, which are divided into subgroups of 10-15 animals. Humans have held cattle for over 9000 years. Today we mostly have cows for milk and meat production during more or less intensive forms. Most of the Swedish cattle have the opportunity to graze during the summer time. This partly arises from the Swedish Animal Protection law which stipulates that cattle must have the option to be outside and graze, also partly because it makes it easier for the farmer.
Vildsvinsskador inom jordbruket : hur stora är förlusterna?
Problems with wild boars are increasing in Sweden and some people argue that the wild boar population must decrease. This is mostly the opinion by farmers, while the hunters want more wild boars in Sweden. Today the population is the strongest in the south of Sweden and in the eastern parts of the country. However the population is growing stronger in other parts of Sweden as well. The population origins from these areas where they escaped from pens around 1970.
Brunstvisningsförmåga hos SRB- och Holsteinkvigor
Oestrus in dairy cattle has changed over the last decades, the duration has decreased and the intensity of oestrus has declined. A possible explanation can be their high and increasing milk production. Heifers ability to show oestrus is probably not affected to the same extent. The aim of this study was to estimate and compare oestrus duration and strength in heifers of the Swedish Red and Holstein breeds. Standing oestrus has been the primary oestrus sign during many years.
Hypomagnesemi som riskfaktor för kalvningsförlamning hos mjölkkor
I sen dräktighet och vid laktationens inledning avger mjölkkor stora mängder kalcium till fostret och mjölkproduktionen. Kons förmåga att upprätthålla kalciumbalansen sker med hjälp av mobilisering av kalcium från skelettet samt upptag av kalcium från tarmen, mekanismer som regleras hormonellt, huvudsakligen av parathormon (PTH) och 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (calcitriol). Om kons regleringsmekanismer inte lyckas återställa kalciumkoncentrationen i plasma drabbas djuret av klinisk hypokalcemi som kan orsaka kalvningsförlamning. Flera olika strategier har etablerats för att förebygga denna utveckling. En väletablerad metod är
lågkalciumdieten som syftar till att stimulera djurets metabolism för att öka aktiveringen av de endogena regleringsmekanismerna vilket resulterar i en bättre förmåga hos djuret att återställa kalciumförlusterna.