

2534 Uppsatser om Miljöplan - Sida 3 av 169

Tätortsnära skogsbruksplan i Borås stad

This report is part of an Bachelor of Science work in forestry, conducted for the community of Borås, Sweden. In order to create a forest management plan for the area of Hestra, a survey was conducted. People living in the area were given the opportunity to reply to the survey. The questions in the survey are both personal and forestry-related. The aim is to reach out to the different categories of people when it comes to age, living and the different aspects of visiting the woods.

Den moderna organisationen i en f?r?nderlig milj? - En kvalitativ fallstudie av ett f?r?ndringsarbete i en svensk nischbank

I en tid d?r samh?llet st?ndigt f?r?ndras och utvecklas har banksektorn f?tt m?ta nya krav och f?rv?ntningar fr?n marknaden. Efterfr?gan p? digitala l?sningar, tekniska innovationer och nya kundbeteenden ?r saker svenska banker beh?vt anpassa sig till under senare ?r. I ett f?r?ndringsklimat kan akt?rer i banksektorn beh?va genomf?ra strategiska f?r?ndringsarbeten f?r att forts?tta f?lja utvecklingen och den r?dande efterfr?gan.

PALLIATIV V?RD AV BARN Sjuksk?terskans omv?rdnads?tg?rder f?r ?kat v?lbefinnande

Bakgrund: 550 barn bed?ms vara i behov av palliativ v?rd i Sverige ?rligen, f?r sjukdomar som bland annat inkluderar cancer, infektion, HIV, neurodegenerativa eller progressiva metabola sjukdomar, och sv?ra kroniska tillst?nd med h?g risk f?r livshotande komplikationer, exempelvis CP och genetisk missbildning. Palliativ v?rd av barn kan bedrivas i olika milj?er, b?de i hemmet, i slutenv?rden och p? hospice. Vidare inneb?r den palliativa v?rden av barn ett holistiskt arbetss?tt, d?r kunskap kring barns utveckling och f?rm?ga till f?rst?else och kommunikation p? ett begripligt s?tt ?r av vikt.

Är biblioteksplanen ett viktigt styrdokument? En närgranskning av Helsingborgs stadsbiblioteks biblioteksplan

In this paper we have chosen to work with both the background to the Library Act § 7a and followed the process of creating the library plan of Helsingborg City Library. We have tried to follow the process through the public text documents that are available. We start by giving a background to the library act and its additional § 7a. Then we give a recap of the emergence of the modern public libraries in Sweden during the last century until today. When the working group at the City Library in Helsingborg was working with the library plan, they had to take in count the strategic goals set up by Region Skåne, since Helsingborg is place in that area.

Upplevelsen av arbetsmiljö i öppna kontor inom IT-sektorn : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Aim:The aim of the study was to describe the experience of working environment in open plan office within IT- sector.Background:Previously was the most common office model cell office, open plan office is now the most common. A good working environment in theise two office types needs different attributes. A theory to explain relationship between health and unhealth is Karasek and Theorells demand- control- supportmodel.Method:A qualitative interview study was performed to gain a deeper understanding of the experience of working in open plan office within IT- sector. Ten informants from two different organizations were chosen. The result has been analyzed with qualitative content analysis.Results:The analyses resulted in three themes and six sub-themes.

?tta l?rares uppfattningar av att arbeta med ?verg?ngar mellan aktiviteter f?r elever i ?rskurs 1?3 i anpassad grundskola.

Syfte: Syftet med studien ?r att unders?ka hur ?tta l?rare uppfattar arbetet med ?verg?ngar mellan aktiviteter under skoldagen f?r elever i ?rskurs 1?3 i anpassad grundskola. F?ljande fr?gest?llningar har anv?nts i studien: Hur uppfattar l?rarna att de arbetar med eleverna vid ?verg?ngar mellan aktiviteter i anpassad grundskola? Vilka m?jligheter och utmaningar uppfattar l?rarna i arbetet med elevernas ?verg?ngar mellan aktiviteter i anpassad grundskola? Hur uppfattar l?rarna att de vill utveckla sitt arbete med elevernas ?verg?ngar mellan aktiviteter i anpassad grundskola? Teori: Studiens teoretiska utg?ngspunkter ?r det relationella perspektivet som fokuserar p? l?rmilj?ns utformning i m?tet med eleven. Dilemmaperspektivet lyfts ocks? fram utifr?n att utbildningssystemet st?r inf?r vissa grundl?ggande dilemman som hela tiden kr?ver olika for mer av beslut. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie d?r semistrukturerad intervju och fenomenografi anv?nds som metodologi och metod.

Rekomendationer vid utformning av cykelparkering i två plan : Underlag till projektet Framtidens US i Linköping

I städer byggs allt fler fastigheter och anläggningar. Stark förtätning i stadsbygden innebär högre krav på samhällsplaneringen. Allt större fokus läggs på cykelinfrastrukturen i syfte att minska biltrafiken i städerna. Tätbyggda områden med stora cykelflöden kan förses med yteffektiva cykelparkeringar. En lösning till detta problem kan vara cykelparkering i två plan.

Processer för långsiktig överlevnad. : Företag inom reklambyrå branschen.

The purpose of my essay is on one hand to research and evaluate the measures that one intermediate school in Sweden, uses in order to prevent bullying and stop it in the event that one pupil happens to get bullied or harassed. In other words, I would like to show how that school is capable of creating a safe environment. Qualitative research is used to obtain these findings.On the other hand, I also wish to examine what pupils at the school think about these measures and how they perceive the attitudes of the school?s teachers and management regarding the prevention of bullying. In order to acquire this information quantitative research is used.The conclusions that I draw after conducting my research are as follows:1- Regarding the ?Anti ? bullying Performance Plan?, my essay shows that school teachers and management actively work in order to maintain a safe environment and as a result bullying is successfully prevented the school.

I rörelse - ett trafikprogram för Nacka

In motion ?a traffic program for Nacka is the result of a survey of the traffic system and transportation situation in Nacka and suggests possible development opportunities. A new traffic strategy will be developed in the municipality of Nacka the coming years, which is the reason for this study: to map the current situation, identify strengths and weaknesses, needs and opportunities. This program suggests possible development opportunities and gives an historical overview of the transportation system, the current situation and an analysis of different transportation modes. A mapping of other municipalities? traffic strategies or programs have been done and included into the program as well as a prognosis for the coming years in the municipality.

Katastrofberedskaper : En studie om vad en katastrofberedskap är

AbstractThis thesis handles the subject about emergency preparedness. The cases that are chosen are Sweden and the tsunami catastrophe and Great Britain with the bombings in London. The purpose with this case study is to reveal what factors that are important for an adequate emergency preparedness plan by studying Sweden?s and Great Britain?s emergency preparedness plans and how they handled the two catastrophes. The questions for the report are as follows:1.

Krisberedskap i grundskolan : perspektiv på krishantering

A crisis is something that can happen to all of us in an unexpected situation, and the school should be prepared in a way that is the best way to handle a situation with a wide foundation through a crisis plan. On a well-defined way, you should have a developed and relevant emergency plan. Defining the word crisis can be difficult, it is an individual interpretation, and to get found out what the word stands for and it have to be discussed. The two selected schools that I have chosen to interview have discussed the understanding of the word crisis in able to get what the word means for them. The two selected schools have come to the conclusion that a crisis is something that creates disturbances for people or a person concerned to the everyday way of living.

Projekt Pet Shop

This essay presents a business plan for the idea of a Pet Shop in Stockholm. The initial purpose of the essay was to investigate weather the company would be financially profitable or not. During the process we encountered problems and pitfalls that we felt contributed to the fact that our business idea is yet not realized. Therefore the second purpose of describing the process that an entrepreneur goes through when starting a new business came about. Besides the business plan for Pet Shop we present a selection of the theories that we found relevant for our situation, among others behaviour of entrepreneurial teams, network theory and execution.

Arboga möter miljöutmaningar och klimatförändringar

Municipalities in Sweden are responsible for physical planning by developing a general plan. This plan contains intended land and water use for the area. This study aims to investigate the level of integra­tion of environmental issues in the general plan of Arboga municipality and also how well adapted the municipality is for climate change. Further on, the study intends to examine the focus of the gen­eral plan and at what rate the national environmental strategies are implemented in the local physi­cal planning of Arboga municipality. Methods used for this study are interviews and reviewing of the general plan itself and other key documents.

Sky Oculus- Autonomt spaningsflygplan.

Obemannade flygplan har de senaste °aren varit en v¨axande bransch som hela tiden utvecklasoch nya anv¨andningsomr°aden tillkommer i och med att tekniken g°ar fram°at och priset ned. Ettintressant anv¨andningsomr°ade ¨ar ¨overvakning och spanningsuppdrag. Detta ¨ar en konceptstudiesom syftar till att presentera ett l¨onsamt och milj¨ov¨anligt alternativ till de helikoptrar som densvenska polisen anv¨ander men ¨aven f¨or andra civila till¨ampningar som ¨ar av intresse f¨or elbolagoch andra industrier. Resultatet ¨ar ett autonomt v¨atgasdrivet flygplan som kommunicerar viamobiln¨aten och som kan styras med endast en laptop och en antenn. Flygplanet har en sp¨annviddp°a 10 m, en marschfart p°a 175 km/h och en r¨ackvidd p°a 473 km.

Romernas situation i Sverige : En studie över vilka typer av integrationsstrategier som återspeglas i Svensk politik

The focus in this study is on the situation of Roma in Sweden. The purpose is to see the integration strategies that are reflected in Swedish politics, considering the inclusion of Roma. Idea analysis has been used as method, and I have analysed the text to find expressions of four different ideal types that represent four different types of integrations processes. The material consists of the government?s strategy plan for the Roma?s inclusion in Sweden between 2012-2032.

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