

782 Uppsatser om Mild Cognitive Impairment - Sida 6 av 53

Kultur för flera marknadsföring av teater för personer med dövhet eller hörselskada

Today many people with disabilities are excluded from cultural activities. The reason for this is that activities and the environment are not adapted to people with disabilities. The aim of this study is to describe the process to make cultural activities accessible and to describe the importance of good communication between cultural suppliers and their customers. Other questions raised are accessibility to cultural activities for people with hearing disabilities, the activities in the marketing process, the interaction between theatre companies and its audience and if the interaction has contributed to the theatre's future development. Qualitative interviews with staff responsible for integration at seven theatres have been performed.

Gymnasieelever och fostran av demokratiska medborgare : En enkätstudie av elevgruppers nivåer av moraliska och kognitiva utveckling.

This study is grounded in an interest in the Swedish Upper Secondary Schools? role as an educator of democratic citizens, with a specific interest in the moral and cognitive development of Upper Secondary School students. Development in these two areas is treated as results of citizenship education.The purpose of the study is to examine moral and cognitive development of students in Upper Secondary School to see if there are any structural differences to be found between the Upper Secondary School programs that are vocationally oriented and the programs that are preparing for further studies on higher levels ? since these differences have been both theoretically and empirically implied. The study is based on an enhanced version of Lawrence Kohlberg?s stages of moral development (with teachers? evaluations of students? capacity as a reference point of the students? actual level of moral development) as well as on Kieran Egan?s theory of development through the use of cognitive tools (as seen in five different ?shapes of understanding?).

IKT användning och digital kompetens : En studie om sju lärares IKT användning i historieundervisningen.

ICT and digital artifacts is an important resource in the society, especially in schools. That is why we have chosen to study if and how teachers uses ICT and other digital technology in their education in the history subject. We think that both subjects are important because history is a subject that has to do with the past, the present and the future.We made qualitative interviews with seven teachers from three different schools. We have analyzed if the teachers sees ICT as a burden or a resource in their education and also in which extend they have digital literacy. We have chosen to discuss different authors view on ICT in the education and digital literacy.

En studie om lärarstudenters informationssökning

The main purpose of this Master?s thesis is to contribute to anincreased understanding of student teacher?s informationseeking for their studies. The role of cognitive authorities andapproaches to the critical evaluation of sources are taken intoaccount as well as what student experiences of informationseeking imply for their future profession. The study takes asociocultural perspective and the empirical material is based oninterviews with six student teachers at the end of theireducation. The interviews have been analysed with a departurepoint in the research questions to the following themes; seekingand finding information, critical evaluation of sources and,analysing and using information.The major findings concern the teacher students? emphasis onthe importance of the critical evaluation of sources and theirscepticism towards Internet use, both for their own studies aswell as for their future pupils.

Medborgarskap i daglig verksamhet : En jämförande analys av identitet och deltagande

The aim is first to identify concept of citizenship and the dimensions of the same, in the political science theory, which can be crucial, to that a citizenship may be found available for people who have a cognitive delay. Thereafter examine the prevalence and significance of these, in policy documents from two different organizational forms, through an analysis, in the form of a discussion, on the basis of political science theories in the field. The study's aim in a reflective way, highlighting key requirements for an accessible citizenship for the target audience, and thereby clarify the priorities in daily activities that can support an emancipatory citizenship process for people who have a cognitive delay..

COMMIT : ett internetbaserat stödsystem för KBT vid mild till måttlig ångest och depression - kvantitativ och kvalitativ utvärdering

Syftet var att utva?rdera hur det internetbaserade sto?dsystemet COMMIT fungerade som komplement till KBT face-to-face fo?r personer med mild till ma?ttlig a?ngest och depression. Internetportalen COMMIT med funktioner anpassade fo?r att sto?dja behandling under och mellan samtal baserades pa? kunskap och teknik fra?n internetbehandlingsforskning.Totalt 15 klienter och 8 behandlare deltog i studien och behandlingarna pa?gick i a?tta till nio veckor. Under samtalen anva?ndes surfplatta (iPad 2, Apple) fo?r a?tkomst till COMMIT och mellan samtalen anva?nde klienter och behandlare dator med internetuppkoppling.

Värdering av Goodwill - vid impairment test

Bakgrund:De internationella diskussionerna kring goodwill är och har alltid varit många. Man har bland annat diskuterat huruvida goodwill överhuvudtaget är en tillgång samt hur denna tillgång skall värderas, redovisas och skrivas av. Goodwill har fått allt större betydelse i företagen på senare år, bland annat genom de många IT-företag som uppkom i slutet av 1990-talet och därefter. Goodwill, som utgör den största delen av immateriella tillgångar i den ?nya ekonomins? företag, har varit ett av de största redovisningsproblemen.

Kan supplementering med vitamin E förbättra kognitiv funktion vid Alzheimers sjukdom?

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of internal medicine and clinical nutritionAbstractTitle: Can supplementation with vitamin E improve cognitive function in Alzheimer?s disease?Author: Malin Andersson and Elin LöfqvistSupervisor: Elisabet RothenbergExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: 2012-04-11Background: Alzheimer?s disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. As the average life expectancy rises the prevalence increases. The disease leads to gradual deterioration of cognitive functions. A recent Cochrane review describes how several studies demonstrate an increased oxidative damage in the brain in those with AD.

Fonologiskt korttidsminne hos tvåspråkiga barn med och utan språkstörning

Repetition of Non- word (make- up word that has not some semantic content) has been proposed as a reliable index of phonological memory in children with language impairment (LI). The aim of this study was to find out the possible similarities and differences concerning phonotactic non-words and working memory in 18 bilingual Swedish-Arabic children with and without LI ages 4-6 years. The investigation was undertaken by conducting three tests including NEPSY, WPPSI-III and a Word repetition test. The results showed that there are not significant differences between the two groups regarding various parts of NEPSY. On the other hand the results showed two significant differences in WPPSI-III regarding Picture categories and Word repetition tests for Swedish Non-word.

Upplysning enligt IAS 36 : En kvantitativ fallstudie av två branscher

Background: Goodwill has been a hot and debated topic for a longer period of time. Researchers have debated how goodwill should be accounted for and have not come to a solution. In 2005 IFRS standards came which meant that goodwill no longer will be amortized according to plan, but to be put through a yearly impairment test.Problem: A number of disclosure requirements in the financial reports have been made in an effort to avoid companies to account for goodwill differently. Apparently there still is a problem of how companies account for goodwill and there are several studies in the subject. But no one has studied how it is between two different industries, which make this study interesting to execute.Purpose/questions: This study have the purpose to investigate how the industries day to day wares and health care regards the disclosure requirements for goodwill by the impairment tests.

Ett kognitivt branschperspektiv : Bemanningsbranschen

Background: The way in which corporate managers interpret, reason and evaluate uncertainties and constant changes, and how they take advantage of their experiences and wisdom can make a big difference for the long term survival of their companies. The requirements for efficiency and flexibility have increased in many ways, especially concerning the workforce needed and its degree of competency. In Sweden, employee recruiting industry has grown concurrently with the changes in the Swedish economy. Purpose: The purpose is to better understand the recruiting industry by performing a theoretical evaluation from a cognitive perspective. Delimitation: We intended to study the cognitive characteristics of the Swedish recruitment industry.

En kognitiv semantisk analys av partikelverbet gå upp: : Conceptual Metaphor Theory (CMT) kontra Principled Polysemy Approach to Meaning Analysis (PPAMA)

This essay examines the differences and similarities, weaknesses and strengths of the two Cognitive Semantic theories Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Principled Polysemy Approach to Meaning Analysis. To illustrate the two theories, the Swedish verb-particle construction "gå upp" is examined and analyzed accordingly. The results showed differences in the number of polysemous meaning found. The methodological evaluation showed that the differences in the underlying ideas concerning meaning-construction behind these two theories make them incompatible..

Livet efter stroke : -förändringar av det dagliga livet

Abstract      Background: Stroke, caused by a blood clot or a bleeding in the brain, is one of the large endemic diseases in Sweden. The symptoms are very individual and depend on where the stroke is located. The nurse is a key person due to the importance to individualize the rehabilitation of the patient. The consequences after a stroke are not only visible functions reductions but also cognitive and practical problems. Stroke often leads to extensive changes in life, and individuals who get a stroke have to adjust their daily life. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe individuals? experiences of changes in daily life, one year or more after a stroke. Method: An inductive, qualitative approach was used.

Tillgänglighet ? en kommande självklarhet

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bebyggelseantikvariskt program15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2011:33.

Arbetsminnesträning i grundsärskolan : En undersökning om metoder och material för arbetsminnesträning

The aim of my thesis was to investigate in what grade teachers who work within special education make use any methods to train the working memory of their students to improve learning ability. I also wanted to examine the material used to train working memory and if any results were noticed. My choice of method was qualitative semi-structured interviews that were recorded during the interviews I conducted these in five different school with education for children with intellectual impairment. The result shows that the schools that are aware of recent research on working memory training had methods for training with their students. They could also see a result that shows that working memory can be improved with training.

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