

783 Uppsatser om Mild Cognitive Impairment - Sida 15 av 53

Ämneshantering hos flerspråkiga med Alzheimers sjukdom

In previous studies there has been indications that multilingualism has a delaying effect of the onset of dementia and damage on cognitive abilities (Bialystok et al., 2007; De Bot & Makoni, 2005, s. 58). Cognitive abilities refers to memory, attention, language, abstract thinking and understandings among other things (Läkemedelsverket). Other studies have seen that individuals with Alzheimer's disease (Swedish abbreviation AS from here on) have difficulties with managing a conversation (Hyltenstam & Stroud 1989). This study aims to describe the topic treatment in bilingual individuals with AS and compare their different languages.

Relationen mellan prokrastinering och upplevd stress : Effekter av cognitive behavioral stress management i stor grupp hos sjuksköterskestudenter

Prokrastinering innebär att individen trots medvetenhet om negativa konsekvenser skjuter upp en handling. Den bidrar till stress, färre hälsofrämjade beteenden och sämre prestation. Demografiska faktorer och pågående utbildning påverkar sannolikheten för prokrastinering. Relationen mellan stress och prokrastinering behöver utforskas, speciellt hur interventioner riktade mot stress påverkar fenomenet. En longitudinell interventionsstudie med upprepad mätning undersökte effekten av ett KBT-baserat stresshanteringsprogram (KBSP) på prokrastinering och interaktionseffekter med stress.

När religion och djurskydd kolliderar : slakt utan bedövning

The fact that animals have feelings is something that is commonly agreed. Many authors showhow animals' views of their environment is quite similar with human views. Animals, whichare slaughtered without prior stunning, find the moment of slaughter unpleasant and stressing.This is shown in numerous of scientific studies. The cognitive ability of animals can becompared to how they experience feelings and scientists have shown how the structures in thebrain that involves feelings and cognitive behaviours in animals are very much the same asthe structures in human brains. Because of this, some scientists consider that behaviour inanimals can be directly interpreted into human feelings.Halal- and kosher slaughter comes from traditions.

Depressionsbehandling via internet : En randomiserad kontrollerad studie

Depressionssjukdomar är vanligt förekommande och medför stor sjukdomsbörda. De psykologiska behandlingsmetoder som visat sig effektiva vid depression är bland annat kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) och beteendeaktivering. I denna studie undersöks effekterna av internetbaserad KBT med behandlarstöd vid mild till måttlig egentlig depression. Totalt 80 deltagare randomiserades till behandling respektive kontrollgrupp. De mätinstrument som användes i studien var självskattningsformulären Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale Self?assessment (MADRS?S) och Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI).

Leva på lånad tid : En litteraturstudie baserad på självbiografier om palliativa patienters upplevelser av sin sista tid i livet.

SammanfattningBakgrund Rehabilitering efter ett strokeinsjuknande ska påbörjas tidigt och vara målinriktad. För patienter som drabbats av mild till måttlig stroke rekommenderas i Socialstyrelsens riktlinjer vård på strokeenhet i kombination med tidig understödd utskrivning. Uppsatsen beskriver, analyserar och utvärderar ett förbättringsarbete där tidig understödd utskrivning med stöd av ett stroketeam prövades som arbetsmodell på en strokeenhet.Syfte Syftet med förbättringsarbetet var att patienterna skulle uppleva ett tryggt omhändertagande i samband med utskrivningen, samtidigt som strokeprocessen effektiviserades genom kortare vårdtid på sjukhus. Syftet med studien var att beskriva erfarenheter hos patienter, närstående och personal vid införandet av tidig understödd utskrivning från sjukhus med stöd av ett stroketeam för patienter med mild till måttlig stroke.Metod Förbättringsarbetet utvärderades genom mätning av vårdtider och mätning av patienternas upplevelse av trygghet i samband med utskrivningen. I studien av förbättringsarbetet insamlades data genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med patienter och deras närstående, samt i en fokusgruppsintervju med involverad personal.

Redovisningspraxis för goodwill : En studie av utvecklingen för de svenska börsföretagen mellan åren 1992 ? 2012

Bakgrund: Hur företag väljer att redovisa sina tillgångar, speciellt immateriella tillgångar, har under de senaste decennierna varit föremål för mycket diskussion med tanke på finanskriserna som varit. Sedan 2005 skall alla börsnoterade koncerner inom EU följa IASBs standardverk IFRS regelverk. Lagändringen betyder bland annat att goodwill inte längre ska skrivas av på den nyttjandeperioden som en kostnad i resultaträkningen men skall istället årligen prövas för nedskrivning, ett så kallat, ?impairment test?.Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen blir att kartlägga Svensk redovisningspraxis av goodwill. Detta för att se om eller hur finanskriserna och lagändringar har påverkat goodwillvärdet hos Svenska koncerner.

Konst att beröra : Om olika metoder för att tillgängliggöra konstutställningar för synskadade

The topic of this essay is how art exhibitions can be made available for - and conveyed to ? a visually impaired audience. Two visual impairment-displays and one available museum will be analyzed in this essay. They will be shown during the time period 2006 ? 2007 and focus on exhibitions in Sweden.Complex of problems that arises when art exhibitions are to be conveyed for those without eyesight is how you choose what can be conveyed and how this shall be conveyed.

Näthinnesjukdomar hos hund :

An array of different retinal disorders is present as a threat in quite a number of dog breeds. These often lead to profound visual impairment or blindness. Many of the disorders are genetic, and they are, in Sweden as well as in other countries, subject to breeding programmes. The anatomy of the eye and the retina, as well as current examination techniques (ophthalmoscopy, electroretinography (ERG) and genetic analysis) are described. The more common retinal disorders encountered in dogs in Sweden are discussed: retinal dysplasia, generalized progressive retinal dystrophy, retinal pigment epithelial dystrophy, collie eye anomaly, sudden acquired retinal degeneration, retinal detachment and choroiditis. The possibly affected breeds are listed. The value of diagnostic findings is discussed and current advances on the subject in ophthalmologic research are accounted for..

Emotioner och livstillfredsställelsens betydelse för lycka : Emotioner och livstillfredsställelse

I den här studien undersöks hur lyckliga människor är och skillnader i livstillfredsställelse, mellan olika nivåer av positiva och negativa emotioner, samt vice versa. Insamling av data kommer från en databas. Frekvens analys, oberoende t-test och envägs ANOVA utfördes för att besvara forskningsfrågorna. Studiens resultat visar att de flesta människor värderar sin lycka (subjektivt välmående) positivt. Det finns signifikanta skillnader i livstillfredsställelse, mellan hög/låg och hög/måttlig/låg nivåer av positiva emotioner och negativa emotioner, samt vice versa.

Big Bath-Accounting- Sötrre engångskostnader vid VD-byten?

The purpose of this essay is to investigate if the companies listed on Nasdaq/OMX Stockholm Large Cap use the earnings management phenomenon Big Bath Accounting to a greater extent when a change of management (CEO) is made.Management tends to use earnings management when there is a bonus plan linked to the result of the company. To gain maximum bonus the management will try to manipulate the result in a way that in a long term maximize their utility. Through the earnings management technique Big Bath the management is given the possibility to take one large cost as a one-time expend, even though the cost is supposed to run over several financial years. This, of course, within the legal framework. A big bath may occur when there is an impairment of goodwill, tangible and/or intangible assets or larger provisions for future expense, or both of them at the same time..

Flytta till ett eget hem : lindrigt intellektuellt funktionshindrades syn på sitt boende

Young adults with mild intellectual disability and their thoughts about the own home was investigated and is described in this thesis. A qualitative research method was used, and the respondents thoughts about where and how to live were gathered through interviews. The investigation is based on the theoretical concept of normality, identity and quality of life since these aspects are important components of the individual's positive experiences of their homelife. People with disabilities has rights goverened by law, but in this thesis the individuals subjective experiences, feelings and wishes are described. The importance of the individual2019s rights to make their own decisions, feeling of pericipation and personal security was found to be important factors for a satisfying living environment.

Effekten av formativ bedömning : En studie kring effekterna av formativ bedömning i anknytning till kunskapssyn, problemlösningsförmåga och attityd

This essay examines if formative assessment causes any impact on upper secondary school students results in social science. Other questions asked are which group of students benefits most from formative assessment and if any connections can be found between the students result and their cognitive approach to learning, problem solving capability and attitude to school.Two classes from a school in Stockholm were chosen to participate in the study. The theoretical framework is mostly based on former research performed by Black and William (1998, 2003). Multiple methods were used, including an experiment with a parallel-group design with two groups, a survey and a problem solving test. Statistics is used to describe and analyze collected data.Both groups were taught during five lessons in the same field of knowledge with the same kind of teaching, apart from formative assessment.

Frukost och korttidskognition ur ett ungdomsperspektiv

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Breakfast and cognition from a youth perspectiveAuthor: Linn Kruse and Anneli HulldinSupervisor: Anna WinkvistExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 26, 2014Background: Breakfast as an influencing factor on cognition and is often on the table for discussion in society. A lot of research has been done about how omitting breakfast affects adolescents and their short time cognition. Cognition is complex as a concept and is measured in different ways and the existing research in the area often compares different types of breakfasts instead of the difference between eating and omitting breakfast.Objective: To evaluate the scientific evidence for an association between adolescents? breakfast eating and short time effects on cognition in adolescents.Search strategy: To find relevant articles a systematic literature search was made in the databases PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane. Search terms that were used were: children, young adults, adolescents, cognition, and breakfastSelection criteria: Ages 12-20 years, measures cognition, RCT, studies comparing breakfast eating with omitting breakfast, human studies, language English or Swedish, no sick adolescents or adolescents with diagnosis.Data collection and analysis: Two original articles met the inclusion criteria and were reviewed by the SBU audit template for RCT studies.

Från knackningar till blodspår - Analys av Marie Hermansons Mannen under trappan

This essay examines the differences and similarities, weaknesses and strengths of the two Cognitive Semantic theories Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Principled Polysemy Approach to Meaning Analysis. To illustrate the two theories, the Swedish verb-particle construction "gå upp" is examined and analyzed accordingly. The results showed differences in the number of polysemous meaning found. The methodological evaluation showed that the differences in the underlying ideas concerning meaning-construction behind these two theories make them incompatible..

LAURA: Kognitiv beteendeterapi för kvinnor med psykisk ohälsa till följd av en traumatisk förlossning : En randomiserad kontrollerad studie av internetadministrerad vägledd självhjälpsbehandling

The purpose of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the effect of internet- administered guided self-help for women suffering from psychological problems following traumatic childbirth. The eight-week treatment program consisted of written chapters based on cognitive behavioral therapy. 56 participants were randomly assigned to a treatment group (n = 28) or a waiting list group (n = 28).The results showed that post-traumatic symptoms decreased as a result of the treatment, with large within-group effects measured by both the Traumatic Event Scale (TES) (d = 1.33) and the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) (d = 1.3). The difference between the groups was only significant when measured by the IES-R in which case the between-group effect was large (d = 0.97). The proportion of the participants who showed clinically significant improvement was considerably greater in the treatment group than in the waiting list group.

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