

782 Uppsatser om Mild Cognitive Impairment - Sida 1 av 53

Utveckling av kognitiva färdigheter och läsförmåga hos barn med mild och måttlig hörselnedsättning i ett ettårsperspektiv

The capacity to process and to remember information is a basic condition for language ability and for coming reading ability. Reading ability is strongly connected to phonological awareness, receptive vocabulary knowledge and working memory capacity. In what way hearing impairment in children affects development of cognitive skills and later on reading ability is an area that has attracted minor attention for research.The aim with this study was to investigate changes in cognitive skills and reading ability in children with mild or moderate hearing impairment after one year of progress and furthermore if any connections between any increases of the abilities were to be found. Comparisons were made with results from age adequate normal hearing children. Moreover prosodic ability on word-level was tested this year.

Språkliga förmågor och deras relation till läsförståelse hos barn i 12-årsåldern med lätt till måttlig sensorineural hörselnedsättning - en jämförelsestudie

The aim of this study was to examine language abilities and their correlation to reading comprehension in 12 year old children with mild tomoderate sensorineural hearing impairment. Eight children with mild to moderate hearing impairment were tested in listening comprehension, grammatical comprehension, receptive vocabulary, phonological short termmemory, word finding, semantic relations, reading comprehension, comprehension of written words and decoding of words and non-words. The results were compared to results from a comparison group. The children with hearing impairment had significantly lower results in phonological short term memory and decoding. No significant difference was found between groups in reading comprehension.

Läsförmågan hos barn med mild och måttlig hörselnedsättning : Hur ser sambandet med underliggande kognitiva förmågor ut?

While reading in deaf children has been the object of a number of studies, the reading abilitiesof children with mild and moderate hearing impairment and their relation to cognitiveprocessing have not received very much attention. Predictive factors of reading ability inhearing children are well known, with phonological and working memory abilities beingnecessary prerequisites for reading development. Existing studies suggest, however, thatcertain hearing-impaired children achieve a reading level comparable to that of hearingchildren in spite of impaired phonological abilities. In the present study, reading abilities anda range of cognitive processing abilities were measured in a group of hearing-impairedchildren and compared with hearing controls in equivalent school grades. Comparisons weremade at group and school-grade level, and the cognitive profile of hearing-impaired childrenat level with controls (those being within one standard deviation) was discussed.

Kan fysisk aktivitet förebygga Alzheimers sjukdom? En litteraturbaserad studie.

Introduction: We are facing an aging population, which means that the incidence of age related diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, are expected to increase. In the current situation there is no cure for the disease, whereupon it is important to develop preventive strategies. Objective: To examine the association between Alzheimer's disease and physical activity. Method: A systematic literature search was done to identify the current state of knowledge from the year 2006 onwards. The reason for this limitation was that the SBU commissioned a systematic literature review in 2006, where the relationship between physical activity and Alzheimer's disease could not be determined.

Finns samband mellan riskfaktorer och subgrupper av Mild Cognitive Impairment?

Lindrig kognitiv sto?rning (eng. Mild Cognitive Impairment, MCI) a?r en term som bo?rjade anva?ndas pa? 1990-talet fo?r att bena?mna personer med kognitiva tillsta?nd i gra?nsomra?det mellan normalt fungerande och demens. Syftet med MCI-forskningen a?r att identifiera individer med demenssjukdom i ett mycket tidigt skede av sjukdomen fo?r att i framtiden kunna sa?tta in behandling tidigare a?n idag.

Cannabis påverkan på kognitiva funktioner : ? en litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether cannabis use can affect cognitive functions. The method that was chosen to answer the purpose of the study was a general literature review. Article search occurred in the databases PsycINFO and PubMed. Nine articles were selected based on the study?s inclusion criteria.

Muskuloskeletala besvär bland kvinnlig tandvårdspersonal : En kvantitativ studie

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether cannabis use can affect cognitive functions. The method that was chosen to answer the purpose of the study was a general literature review. Article search occurred in the databases PsycINFO and PubMed. Nine articles were selected based on the study?s inclusion criteria.

SMS för personer med kognitiva och kommunikativa funktionsnedsättningar ? en intervjustudie av användares upplevelser

Current technology offers many possibilities for remotecommunication. Nevertheless, people with cognitive and communicativedisabilities have limited access to common communication technology like textmessaging via a mobile phone. This study is part of the project Text messagingwith picture symbols - a possibility for AAC users and people with cognitiveimpairments. Semi structured interviews were used to investigate three menand four women?s experiences of using Windows mobiles with adaptedfunctions for text messaging.

Personer med utmattningssyndrom: : Finns det ett samband mellan subjektiv och objektiv kognition?

Research shows that people with burnout experience a high degree of impairments in a range of cognitive functions including memory, attention and concentration. The overall aim of the present study is to investigate whether there is a correlation between subjective estimates of cognition and cognitive performance with objective tests in people with burnout with a focus on working memory and executive functions. Three specific questions were addressed; First, what cognitive problems are described and to what degree? Second, is the performance of executive and working memory tests related to self-reported cognitive problems? Third, are the self-reported cognitive problems related to measures of psychological distress? The study included 77 patients, 65 women and 12 men, with a mean age of 43.48 years. The results show that patients with burnout perceive themselves as having significantly impaired cognition in everyday life, which is clearly evident on the basis of the self-assessment forms PRMQ and CFQ.

Blodtrycksfall, pulstryck och lindriga kognitiva symptom - En polytom logistisk regressionsanalys

People live longer. There is a growing need to increase the knowledge of aging and of the need among the elderly for medical care in the near future. As a step towards meeting this need, a survey among the elderly in Skåne is made by the division of Geriatric Medicine in Malmö University Hospital. This survey is called Gott åldrande i Skåne, GÅS. A frequent decease among the elderly is Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).

Jag läser och förstår det intressanta : Tillgänglig, förståelig och intressant information för personer med lindrig till måttlig utvecklingsstörning. Information på FUB:s webbplats, som skrift i samspråk med bild.

Most of the information online is difficult for people with cognitive disabilities to understand and assimilate. In this project I have had the expectation that this is possible to change. In cooperation with FUB, a Swedish organization working for people with cognitive disabilities, I have studied how to adapt content, pictures and writing to persons with the levels of mild to moderate cognitive disabilities. I have also taken the perspective ?design for all?, which means that you adapt a design for the weakest persons in the society to make it work for everyone.The purpose of my work is to study how to create a web text where content, writing and pictures are incorporated.To examine how to do this I have conducted qualitative interviews in which I have let the informants look at and read four different texts.

Hundfoder mot hjärnans åldrande ? kan det fungera?

Due to better nutrition, veterinary and overall care, pet dogs? lifespan has increased. With more old dogs we see more health problems associated with age, among those cognitive decline, leading to deficits in learning and memory, disorientation, anxiety and other altered behaviors. Cognitive decline can have severe negative impacts on the life of both dog and owner, when the dog for example forgets being housetrained or starts being awake at night. Two pet food manufacturers have developed food with specific ingredients in order to improve cognitive functions or delay the onset of cognitive impairment. Hill?s Pet Nutrition has developed a dog food with supplements of a broad spectrum of antioxidants and mitochondrial nutrients, aiming to diminish oxidative damage in the brain, thereby maintaining brain function and improving learning ability.

Vågar du bli gammal? : en fallstudie av ett äldreboendes arbete med kvalitetssäkring i form av brukarinflytande

Lindrig kognitiv störning (eng. Mild Cognitive Impairment, MCI) betecknar ett tillstånd av försämrad kognitiv funktion, som inte uppfyller kriterierna för demens. MCI tycks innebära en ökad risk att utveckla Alzheimer och andra demenssjukdomar. Syftet med studien var att förutsättningslöst undersöka antal och typer av subgrupper till MCI som bäst överensstämmer med kognitiva testresultat samt att undersöka utvecklingsförlopp för subgrupperna. En klusteranalys utfördes med testresultat från 287 MCI patienter som utretts på Huddinge sjukhus.

Subguppering av patienter med Lindrog Kognitiv Störning och dess betydelse för framtida utveckling av demens

Lindrig kognitiv störning (eng. Mild Cognitive Impairment, MCI) betecknar ett tillstånd av försämrad kognitiv funktion, som inte uppfyller kriterierna för demens. MCI tycks innebära en ökad risk att utveckla Alzheimer och andra demenssjukdomar. Syftet med studien var att förutsättningslöst undersöka antal och typer av subgrupper till MCI som bäst överensstämmer med kognitiva testresultat samt att undersöka utvecklingsförlopp för subgrupperna. En klusteranalys utfördes med testresultat från 287 MCI patienter som utretts på Huddinge sjukhus.

Synstörning vid fall och fallskador En registrering av det dokumenterade

Falls and fallinjuries are very common in peoples own homes in various institutions. Hospital inpatients often fall during daytime in connection with their visit to the toilet. Visual impairment such as cataract, glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy can cause falls. The purpose of this study was to examine patient´s records where falls and fallinjuries were documented at an emergency clinic and to examine if they were registered to visual impairment. The records from 68 hospital inpatients from the age of 65 years and older who did fall during the year of 2004, were examined.

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