

2714 Uppsatser om Micro enterprises - Sida 1 av 181

Kreditbedömningen av mikroföretag : Kreditbedömningens faktorer och påföljden av den slopade revisionsplikten

Introduction: 1 November 2010  came the amendment about the audit requirement into force. The amendment concerned only micro-enterprises. The most common form offinancing for micro-enterprises are bank loans, therefore the banks play a major role in the business and wellness of micro-enterprises.Purpose: Purpose of this paper is to examine if the credit assessment has been affected by the removal of the audit requirement for micro-enterprises.Method: This study will be conducted by a qualitative study in the form of interviews. Five interviews were conducted, with four respondents from the large banks and    one respondent from Almi Företagspartner.Conclusion: All respondents agreed that the audit is seen as a mark of quality, some lenders will continue to request it from the micro-enterprise while other lenders look at other factors such as ownership, relationship or business concept..

Ska pyramiderna rivas?: en studie om mikromakt

It has been demonstrated in this study how people working in frontline jobs in service organizations are exercising ?micro power?. The use of ?micro power? is defined as ?to in ones professional role, without objectively defensible reasons, impose sanctions on a customer?. The interviewees are explaining their use of ?micro power? with mood, working conditions, and customers? behavior.

Micro plastics in the oceans and their effect on the marine fauna

Small pieces of plastic, termed ?micro plastic? in the oceans derive mainly from degradation of big plastics such as beach littering, but also from sources of direct emission from e.g. beauty scrubbers and synthetic sand-blasting. These micro plastics are ingested by marine animals ? mistaking them for plankton ? or via prey.

HRM i Mikrotjänsteföretag

The purpose of this essay was to find out how leaders in micro service firms practice HRM and identify which HRM related problems they experience in their leadership. A case study consisting two cases was carried out. The study has shown that leaders in micro service firms use a highly personalised, informal management and involve their employees in the firm?s development. The findings were that leaders of micro service firms do not have any theoretical knowledge of HRM practises because of lack of education.

Män som mikroföretagare : Hur beskriver de balansen mellan arbete och övrigt liv?

The aim of this study was to explore how six men who run a micro-enterprisewith a maximum of 10 employees handle the balance between work and otherlife. Qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews was conducted and thesample consisted of six men with micro-enterprises of varying ages. The themesused in the interviews were boundless work, roles, boundaries strategies anddemand / control - social support. The results showed that micro- entrepreneursdo not experience any major imbalance between work and other life. The studyrevealed that the division of roles in the home of the elderly respondents was ofthe classical gender character that woman took great responsibility in the home.Among the younger respondents the unpaid work at home was equal divided.Social support was perceived highly by all respondents, and they alsoexperienced a high level of control over the requirements of the job.

Svenska mikrolån samt andra finansieringsmöjligheter för småföretag

When a country faces a decline in business activity, companies have to struggle to gain external capital. It is even more important for small enterprises to get capital, as they normally do not have enough collateral to receive traditional bank loans. In Bangladesh, Grameen Bank started with micro credit programs in the early 90?s, that included small capital loans and leasing of machines. Nowadays these micro credit programs have developed to function even in industrialized countries.

We make a living by what we get, but we make life by what we give : En studie om vad som driver mikrorosterier till att arbeta med CSR

Background: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a term that has become increasingly prominent in the corporate world. As the awareness of responsibly produced products is growing among both companies and consumers, it has become increasingly important for companies to get involved in sustainability issues. There may be several reasons why companies choose to integrate CSR in their business, where one reason may be related to company size. In the business category of micro, there is currently no widespread research, which makes this company size interesting to study. The choice of industry was made because coffee is one of the world's most important merchandise, and the coffee industry has come a long way with integrating CSR in comparision to many other industries.Purpose and research question: The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of why coffee roasters in the business category of Micro enterprises choose to incorporate CSR in their businesses.

Standardiserad systemlösning för mikroföretag

The thesis is about exploring possibilities for developing a standardised system solution for micro businesses, this since most of the micro business lack proper system solutions, a contributing factor of this is price and also incompatibility between the solution and the business itself. The system solutions we will refer to are solutions which task is to cover the most important needs that a micro business might have on their system. The main goal with this research is to see if this is possible, and if so, how the developers should think to take it further. We chose to do this by identifying the most significant of needs a micro business has when it comes to this type of system solution.In this thesis we will present three needs which were evaluated and brought forth through the analyses of various interviews and observations we had done during the study. The interviews took place at respective company with their employees and consisted both closed and open questions with our main focus on the open questions because we wanted to obtain as much information from the respondents as possible from several viewpoints.

Arkitekturer i operativsystem : en fallstudie i monolitisk och micro kernel

Den tekniska utvecklingen driver fram allt mer avancerade datorsystem. Samtidigt ställs allt större krav på stabilitet och flexibilitet i de operativsystem som ska användas på dessa system. De senaste årtiondena har micro kernel arkitekturen varit föremål för intensiv forskning och det finns idag ett flertal operativsystem på marknaden som använder denna arkitektur. Traditionella monolitiska operativsystem är relativt resurskrävande system som ofta anklagats för att sakna struktur. Micro kernel baserade system är en lösning på detta problem där man bantat ner kernel till så lite som ett tiotal kilobyte och flyttar ut tjänster som normalt ligger i kernel till user space.

Marknadsföring via sociala medier : Vilka marknadsföringsmöjligheter ger sociala medier för småföretag inom turism- och upplevelseindustrin?

This paper intends to show how micro- and small businesses in the tourism and experience industry makes use of social media as a marketing tool. The study also shows the possibilities for businesses to market themselves to customers through social media. Small businesses usually don?t have the same conditions or the same marketing resources that larger companies have. For small businesses that lack marketing resources, social media is a great addition to marketing since the technology around social media is relatively simple.

Utvärdering av micro-Devalvärden: för makadamballast för järnväg

Det huvudsakliga syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att utvärdera micro-Devalmetoden för att eventuellt fastställa ett kravvärde. I rapporten behandlas även hur LT-index och kornlängd förhåller sig till varandra samt om differentierade krav på Los Angeles-tal kan ställas beroende på olika axellaster. Examensarbetet har i huvudsak grundat sig på en litteraturstudie samt sammanställning av inkomna analysprotokoll via Banverket. Analysresultaten presenteras i form tabeller och diagram. Rapporten har mynnat ut i en slutsats där författarna anser att ett krav på kategori MDERB 7 är lämpligt.

Arkitekturer i operativsystem: en fallstudie i monolitisk och micro kernel

Den tekniska utvecklingen driver fram allt mer avancerade datorsystem. Samtidigt ställs allt större krav på stabilitet och flexibilitet i de operativsystem som ska användas på dessa system. De senaste årtiondena har micro kernel arkitekturen varit föremål för intensiv forskning och det finns idag ett flertal operativsystem på marknaden som använder denna arkitektur. Traditionella monolitiska operativsystem är relativt resurskrävande system som ofta anklagats för att sakna struktur. Micro kernel baserade system är en lösning på detta problem där man bantat ner kernel till så lite som ett tiotal kilobyte och flyttar ut tjänster som normalt ligger i kernel till user space. Solaris och Linux bygger på en utveckling av monolitisk kernel där man byggt operativsystemet i ett antal sinsemellan beroende lager vilket bidrar till ökad struktur i systemet. Flexibilitet uppnås i dessa system genom att man lägger till funktionalitet för att under exekvering länka in ny kod i kernel. Windows NT och Mac OS X är baserade på micro kernel arkitektur.

Migration of a very large database with Swedish demographic data, using Microsoft SQL Server

SMC is in the process of developing a micro simulation model. The existing micro simulation model developed at Cornell University for US data, CorSim, is one of the fundamental parts for the new micro simulation at SMC. To develop the Swedish model, Swedish data on all individuals in Sweden during 11 years are also available. These data are organized in a database. This paper describes the process of rebuilding the database to a more useful structure.


My questions at issue for this report has it´s beginning in the growing problems of thenegative effects of burning fossile fuels and the rapidly growing energyprices.1. Is it possible to design a micro scale powerplant?2. Is it economically interesting for a potential customer to by such a product?The aim with this report is therefor, with the help of design work and calculations, to answerthese questions and to create a platform for building a fully functional micro scale powerplant.The material used in the report is mostly product catalogs from various industries but alsostudy course littrature about steam engines.The result of the report is that it is fully possible to design a fully functional micro scalepower plant.

Förenklad revision av mikroföretag? : En kvalitativ studie sedd ur fyra revisorers perspektiv

Background: Sweden has, since 1983, had a statutory audit for all joint-stock companies. However, according to EG?s fourth corporation directive, member countries can decide on their own if this applies for small joint-stock companies. An investigation was launched in the fall of 2006 to form an opinion on the importance of the audit reporting by law and what an abolishment of this rule would mean for small joint-stock companies. Critics are claiming that the cost of audit for small companies is exceeding the cause in these micro companies.Audit is regulated by Swedish translation (RS) of International Standards on Auditing (ISA) and is to be applied in all companies comprised by the statutory audit.

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