

4268 Uppsatser om Met-before concept image - Sida 37 av 285

Europeisk identitet

European identity is a topic constantly debated around Europe. There are many takes on whether there is a European identity and what the European identity consists of. In the European Union the Commission has worked towards developing a common European identity since the middle of the 1970?s. The development of a European identity is an important part in the commission?s quest to tie the union and its people closer together.

Automatisering av flexibel fixtur

This thesis was conducted at Linköping University and SAAB Aerostructures, Linköping, and focuses on the automation of flexible fixturing in machining applications. At Linköping University a project called "Koofix" is conducted with support from Strategiska stiftelsen and several manufacturing industries including SAAB Aerostructures. The purpose of this project is to develop a more cost-effective, flexible, technique for fixation of workpieces during processing and assembly.Fixtures are an important part during the machining process, especially if you process the parts with high accuracy. Today a large number of fixtures are used at SAAB and they would prefer to reduce the number of fixtures by using flexible fixtures instead. SAAB uses one fixture for each article and this result in a high fixture cost and it also takes time to design and construct a new fixture.There are several advantages with using a flexible fixture such as that you can process workpieces with different length, height and thickness in the same fixture.

Increasing Services - A Case Study at ABS Regarding the Change Process towards Service Orientation

The main purpose of this master thesis is to identify the issues concerning the transformation process of a product oriented company into a service oriented company, and how these issues can be overcome. We will exemplify this by developing a dewatering pump rental concept for ABS, and identify the drivers and barriers for ABS when implementing the service oriented rental concept in Sweden and Poland. This master thesis is based on the systems perspective. The reason for this is the required holistic perspective, where the system has to be regarded from different points of departure in order to be understood. The theoretical studies include services and change management.

Planeringsfasen i fokus : En studie av fyra eventverksamheters projektplanering

Event is something that an increasing number of Swedish cities are investing in since it contributes to higher attractiveness of cities and generate economic revenues. New arenas are built around Sweden to meet the increasing demands to host such events. Event projects are carried out in Sweden and it is important that the planning phase is carried out thoroughly to get a successful project. This thesis aims to look more closely at selected organizations and how they plan their projects and whether it is possible to follow project plans in the event projects. Karlstad has many events that recur annually, including the Swedish Rally.

Avsändare: Högskolan i Jönköping : - En studie av Jönköpings profil och inflyttade studenters uppfattning om staden

Svenska högskolor spenderar allt mer pengar på marknadsföring som används i arbetet med att attrahera studenter. Konkurrensen om studenterna är hård högskolorna emellan och resurser satsas på marknadsföring för att överleva i kampen om studenterna. Som i all marknadsföring bör den egna produkten särskiljas från konkurrenter och numera är det inte endast program och kurser som ägnas uppmärksamhet. Staden och dess attraktioner där den aktuella högskolan är belägen får idag en plats i den marknadsföring som sker.Högskolan i Jönköping presenterar Jönköping som stad i sin programkatalog med presumtiva studenter som målgrupp. Det förefaller oss som studenter vid Högskolan i Jönköping intressant att undersöka den bild som sprids av vår stad i programkatalogen.

Organisationsidentiteten på Migrationsverket : Relationen mellan organisationskulturen, -identiteten och -imagen

Dagens organisationer verkar i en allt mer komplex miljö. Samhället och media ställer nya krav där det inte längre räcker att tillfredsställa ägarna och kunder, utan hänsyn måste även tas till allt runt omkring verksamheten. Den här uppsatsen belyser utsuddningen av gränser mellan organisationer och dess omgivning. Genom att analysera identiteten hos Migrationsverket vill vi visa på relationen mellan kultur, identitet och image och hur den processen, integrerar och influeras av de interna och externa aktiviteterna för en organisation.Empirin bygger på intervjuer med chefer inom verksamhetsområdet Besök och Bosättning hos Migrationsverket. Genom att använda en intervjumall med olika teman såg vi olika fenomen hos respondenterna.

Värde för pengarna - Konsumenters prioriteringar och val vid inköp

Syfte: Att problematisera konsumentbeteende och de bakomliggande (prioriteringar) motivationsfaktorer som finns vid köp i dagligvaru- ochlågprisbutiker, såväl ur ett konsument- som ett företagsperspektiv. Frågeställningar: 1. Vad innebär och hur samspelar aspekterna: varumärke, rykte, image, kvalitet och service samt pris för kunders motiv (prioriteringar) i valet av dagligvarubutik?2. Vilka potentiella förbättringar skulle kunskap om aspekterna och dess betydelse kunna leda till ur ett företagarperspektiv som ett led i att nå ökad framgång? Resultat: Genom uppsatsen har författarna visat vad de ovannämnda aspekterna innebär för konsumentbeteendet.

Folkbibliotekssponsring : en undersökning av alternativa finansieringsmöjligheter för svenska folkbibliotek

As public libraries in Sweden receive the bulk of their budget from local government funding, which has stayed static or, at best, seen small increases, libraries have been faced with inadequate resources with which to satisfy increasing expectations from users. As few libraries are over-funded in the first place, ways may have to be found to combat this situation. The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine alternative sources of funding for Swedish public libraries, and my main focus of interest is that of sponsorship. The method used is a literature study combined with an empirical study, in which interviews were conducted with five persons each with long experience of working with public libraries. The literary study deals with the concept of sponsorship, and the motivations for companies to sponsor are also examined.

Att utvidga med stil - en studie i varumärkesutvidgning inom modebranschen

Background: Today, the trademark is the heart of the company and the management of brandimage and identity require certain attention and care. In an increasingly tough business climatewhere the brand today has a central and important role, it is understandable that the companieswant to take maximum advantage of it. In the company the brand is a great resource with analready known identity and established values that can help new products to enter the market. Toextend the brand is a popular growth strategy but it is important to do it properly in order not tofail. J Lindeberg and Peak Performance are two Swedish fashion companies which both havemade brand extensions.

Fysisk förbättring utan svettning

The last decades the increased computerisation at the places of work has led to new physical loads in the working life and new demands on the working environment. The widespread usage of computers in the working life has led to more sedentary work and less daily movement.The purpose of the thesis is to develop a new product to a concept that in a low intensive and healthy promotional way will activate the body. The product will make a combination of healthy promotion activity and work during office hours possible and primary aims to those with a sedentary office work, which leads to that the body don´t get to be activated in the extent needed.Information has been gathered from studies already made in this area, interviews plus a study and an experiment. From the gathered information concepts and functional solutions has been generated and evaluated to result in a product concept.The thesis has resulted in a concept that consists of a work place unit where the user walks on a treadmill and works at the same time.A general conclusion which can be drawn is that the majority of persons that tested to walk and simultaneously work with a computor on the treadmill found this way of working attractive. Many were positively surprised and said that they would use such an physically activating work place implement if it was available at their place of work..

Barn av vår tid : Ett inredningskoncept för ett ungdomscenter

In the project Barn av vår tid (Children of our time), I have worked with Fryshuset in Malmo and created an interior concept which is designed to express Fryshusets identity, support and encourage its activities and to create a functional environment for young people as well as staff. The purpose of this concept is to help teenagers to feel involved, important and safe. Floor plan, materials and furniture is carefully adapted to support the activities of Fryshuset and to give young people a feeling of coming home. They are also of course chosen with care for the environment. I have studied interior branding, how the rooms can give a sense of security and homely atmosphere and how young people can actively participate in the design of the premises..

Syndabocksfenomenets betydelse i affärsvärlden -fallet Pehr G Gyllenhammar-

En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken. Uppsatsens titel: Syndabockfenomenets betydelse i affärsvärlden -fallet Pehr G Gyllenhammar- Seminariedatum: 2004-03-05 Ämne/kurs: Magisteruppsats i marknadsföring, 10 poäng Författare: Jon Bertilsson Handledare: Peter Svensson Nyckelord: Affärsvärlden, syndabocksprocess, funktion, image Syfte: Avsikten med denna uppsats är att ge en ökad förståelse för syndabocksfenomenet och dess betydelse inom affärsvärlden. Metod: En kvalitativ metod togs i anspråk för att uppnå uppsatsens syfte. Den kvalitativ metod som användes hade formen av en dokumentstudie av ett empiriskt fall. Det empiriska materialet tolkades med hjälp av den hermeneutiska cirkeln.

Mohammedkarikatyrerna och skapandet av den Andre : En diskursanalys av den andres dominerande roll och identitet i Sverige

The aim of the paper is to explore the dominating perception of the Other after the conflict regarding the Danish Mohammed caricatures. How Swedish newspapers have portrayed Arabs, which role they have been given in society and what problems they are struggling with is going to be the focus of this thesis.As methodological approach I chose discourse analysis, since it presents a view where language defines and structures our understanding of reality. Through the study of various Swedish newspaper articles, this essay tries to illustrate the implicit yet existent negative image of the Arabs as a group and potential alternative ways of understanding the Other.The perception of Arabs is a product of a necessary imaginary foe, a mirror image of the bad and strange in contrast to the idyllic and safe Swedish nationality. The rhetoric?s of the discourse are therefore constructed between a politics of acknowledgement and a will to culturally dominate the Other.

Kvalitet ... vad är det? : om staten och landstingets definition och användande av begreppet kvalitet i bidragsgivningsprocessen.

The concept of quality is difficult to identify clearly. Many attempts to define quality havebeen made, but the resulting definition remains vague.The quality concept (in the artistic sense) has since 1974 played a leading role in Swedishcultural policy. In the spring of 2009, a publication, named ?Kulturutredningen? waspublished. This report suggested a number of changes for the Swedish cultural policy.

Personlig image och stress på sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie om sociala mediers emotionella effekter på stockholmare i åldrarna 20-30

Studien syftar till att undersöka den ökade pressen på den personliga imagen på de sociala medieplattformarna Facebook och Instagram och studera hur stockholmare i åldrarna 20-30 uppfattar eventuella effekter av detta. Undersökningen har sin utgångspunkt i två vetenskapliga discipliner; medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap och psykologi och är baserad på fyra kvalitativa informantintervjuer och två fokusgruppintervjuer om fyra respektive fem gruppdeltagare. Datamaterialet har därefter transkriberats för att senare sammanställas med hjälp av ett kvalitativt analysschema. Tillämpad analysmetod är hermeneutisk meningstolkning som går ut på att analysera de separata delarna som skapar förutsättning för att förstå helheten. Analysschemat är därför uppdelat på fyra huvudteman: användarfrekvens, user gratifications, den personliga imagen på sociala medier samt psykologiska effekter av deltagandet på sociala medier.

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