

1891 Uppsatser om Mental föreställning (imagery) - Sida 39 av 127

"En Svensson orkar inte en hel arbetsdag" : En kvalitativ studie om hur hÀlsofrÀmjande arbete beskrivs i media

The aim of this study was to understand how social workers deal with honour-related violence, with special focus on the processing from sheltered housing. Our qualitative interviews with social workers that work with this kind of problems show that there are both obstacles and opportunities in the processing from sheltered housing. On the negative side are the loneliness, the shame and the guilt that the girls may experience when they need to leave their families. The social services can both be an obstacles and an opportunity. When the girls need to create a new life in a new city they have a lot of opportunities and in the same time it is hard to get to know new friends when you donÂŽt know the city or have much money.

FrÄn viskningar till rop : en studie av fem kvinnliga Jazz i Sverige-röster

Studiens syfte har varit att o?ka fo?rsta?elsen fo?r ro?stliga uttryck i jazzmusik, med fokus pa? hur samspelet mellan ord och musik verkar i skivinspelningar med utvalda sa?ngerskor. Utifra?n en hermeneutisk ansats har fem skivinspelningar med fem svenska kvinnliga jazzsa?ngerskor, samtliga utsedda till Jazz i Sverige-artister, beskrivits och tolkats ur ett vokalpedagogiskt perspektiv. I fo?rha?llande till jazzsa?ngtraditionen visade sig tva? av studiens sa?ngerskor pa? olika vis utmana vokala konventioner.

VĂ€n eller fiende ? hur konsumenten uppfattar modeannonser

In advertising, the target has traditionally been aimed towards the product?s advantages.Today the trend is that the advertisers want to create a restless and unsatisfied consumer. Theconsumer on her part is not trying to achieve a goal with her consumption, but experiences theconsumption itself as a goal. Because of this the consumer demands a fast and variedselection.In order to sell their products the companies must create a non-existent need amongst theconsumers. Therefore it is very common in advertising today to use emotions instead ofinformation to attract the customers.

Sjuksköterskors attityder till psykisk ohÀlsa : en kvantitativ enkÀtundersökning

SAMMANFATTNINGDet finns stora skillnader i hÀlsa mellan olika grupper i samhÀllet gÀllande bemötande och den vÄrd som erbjuds. Personer med psykiatriska sjukdomar har ökad ohÀlsa och kortare livslÀngd. Det har ocksÄ visat sig att denna grupp ofta fÄr sÀmre somatisk vÄrd och inte tillgÄng till rekommenderade lÀkemedel i samma omfattning som andra patienter. Detta beror pÄ att vÄrden, liksom samhÀllet i stort, fungerar inom en ram av diskriminerande strukturer som skapas av dominerande attityder och vÀrderingar i samhÀllet. Det Àr dÀrför viktigt att belysa svenska sjuksköterskors attityder till psykisk ohÀlsa.Syfte: Att undersöka sjuksköterskors attityder till psykisk ohÀlsa inom den somatiska vÄrden.Metod: Kvantitativ studiedesign, datainsamling via webbenkÀt med egenkonstruerade pÄstÄende, inspirerade av enkÀten MICA (Mental Illness: Clinicians? Attitudes Scale).

Whispers in the forest : a field study about communication within Vi-agroforestry

The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the social and structural dynamics of an organization working with questions regarding development. The organization in question is Vi-agroforestry, a Swedish based NGO that works around the lake Victoria basin and the focus will be on their office in Rwanda. I have used a qualitative approach and conducted participatory observation as well as semi-structured interviews to gather data. I have emanated from the individuals in the organization by using a theory of microsociological organisationperspecive to understand how the employees create and is created by the existing social structures. (Blomberg, 2003) Even though the office in Rwanda only is a relatively small part of Vi-agroforestry?s operations it is still highly individual and independent from the rest of the organization.

?Vad spelar det för roll dÄ om inte alla syns pÄ bild?? : En studie av representation i förskolans miljö

The aim of this study is, from a norm-critical approach, to find, investigate and analyse human representation in the visual culture of one preschool in order to understand if the children enrolled are represented or not. The research questions are: In what ways is there imagery of human representations in images and materials designed for play? What skin-colors and origins are dominant in the data collected?We carried out a qualitative study in the form of visual ethnography. This method allowed us to use a combination of different data collection tools such as photography and ethnographic field notes to collect our data. The photographs we took of images and material used for play, was then analysed through semiotic picture analysis.

Att bemÀstra sin vardag : Om den psykiska ohÀlsans inverkan pÄ det dagliga livet

Alla ma?nniskor har en vardag, med rutiner, vanor och fo?rpliktelser som upptar va?r tid. I denna uppsats underso?ker jag hur fyra personers vardag formas och pa?verkas av psykisk oha?lsa. Den vardag de beskriver handlar i fo?rsta hand om att bema?stra den psykiska oha?lsan och ta kontrollen o?ver hur de ma?r.

Scientologirörelsen : Scientologirörelsen en systematisk litteraturstudie

Scientologin a?r en nyreligio?s ro?relse som skildrats flitigt inom popula?rlitteraturen, vilket go?r att den blivit na?got bekant fo?r ma?nga. Syftet med denna uppsats a?r att anva?nda en bekant nyreligio?s ro?relse och utifra?n denna skapa ett undervisningsunderlag som ro?r inneha?llet i Religion 2. Uppsatsen behandlar scientologins ka?nnetecken samt fo?rha?llande till va?rldsreligionerna.

DUBBELDIAGNOS Upplevelser av bemötandet frÄn psykiatrin, socialtjÀnsten, omgivningen och personalen pÄ boendet.

With this study, we have chosen to continue our B-essay about dual-diagnosis. In the essay we have done some research on how this target group feels about the treatment from the dependent unit, psychiatry unit, social services unit and the housing environment. We wanted to know about the feelings because during the B-essay we found out that individuals whit the dual-diagnosis is skipped between different caregivers. We used a qualitative method with six interviews from two different housings in south of Sweden. The information we got we used in our result and analysis part, where we found out that the caretaker?s thought the treatment were fine and that it was the surroundings they found the most fault with..

Gemensam pensionsrÀtt : - en studie av nyttan med gemensamma annuiteter inom ramen för DC-system

I Sverige finns till skillnad fra?n ma?nga andra la?nder inget fullt efterlevandeskydd fo?r efterlevande na?r det ga?ller pensionerna. Ett info?rande av gemensamma pensionsra?tter har tagits upp som fo?rslag i Statens offentliga utredningar men har a?nnu inte genomfo?rts.1 I denna uppsats analyseras hur gemensamma pensionsra?tter pa?verkar levnadsstandarden under pensionstiden fo?r par och fo?r den efterlevande i paret. Detta genomfo?rs genom en sammansta?llning av tolv par och bera?kningar av hur stora utbetalningarna blir med individuella respektive gemensamma pensionsra?tter.

Passivhus vid polcirkeln : Fungerar det?

This report is the product of the course AF101X, a bachelors degree in SamhÀllsbyggnad atKTH. The task of the course is to design a small house at a given location and also implement adeepening study. The house in this report is located in Kiruna in the north of Sweden, where theclimate is much colder than in the rest of the country.The deepening study of this report is to evaluates how realistic passive housing north of thePolar Circle is based on those facts. The house will to some extent be designed to fit the passivehousing standard.

Kvinna, Liv, Frihet: En antropologisk studie om betydelsen av den feministiska protestr?relsen i Iran f?r svensk-iranska kvinnor

Jina Mahsa Aminis d?d har uppm?rksammats ?ver hela v?rlden d?r omfattande manifestationer och reaktioner i den politiska v?rlden har n?lat fast kvinnors r?ttigheter p? den politiska tavlan. Denna studie unders?ker betydelsen av den feministiska protestr?relsen i Iran f?r svensk-iranska kvinnor genom att titta p? den komplexa fr?gan om kulturell identitet och dess p?verkan. Studien visar att kvinnornas erfarenheter av patriarkala strukturer och kulturella normer spelar en betydande roll i deras inst?llning till f?r?ndring och hur de f?rh?ller sig till sin kulturella identitet.

En kringflackande studie, i tre resande romaner : En lĂ€sning av romanerna Sargassohavet, Desirada och De osynliga stĂ€derna utifrĂ„n Édouard Glissants Relationens filosofi. OmfĂ„ngets poesi

In this essay I have read the novels Wide Sargasso Sea (Jean Rhys 1966), Desirada (Maryse CondĂ© 1997) and Invisible Cities (Italo Calvino 1972) through Édouard Glissant?s notion of the primary scene in Philosophie de la relation. PoĂ©sie en Ă©tendue. I have examined how the primary scene can be seen as a political/an aesthetical strategy in the three novels. This was done in order to question the blunted tool of the notion of the identity, which is often considered in studies regarding ?postcolonial novels?.

Skyddsv?rt? En explorativ studie om generativ AI och musikaliska verk?

Denna uppsats a?mnar utreda den upphovsra?ttsliga problematiken som uppsta?r vid anva?ndandet av generativ AI, med sa?rskild inriktning pa? musikbranschen. Uppsatsen underso?ker anva?ndningen av upphovsra?ttsligt skyddade verk som input i AI-system samt den genererade musikens upphovsra?ttsliga status. I syfte att utforska de tva? dimensionerna av generativ AI och upphovsra?tt fokuserar uppsatsen pa? relationen mellan input och output, med ma?let att belysa det komplexa sambandet mellan tra?ningsdatan och musiken som genereras.

"Det finns ju ingen annan som skulle vilja anstÀlla mig liksom..." : Om sex personers erfarenheter av arbetsintegrerande sociala företag

The aim of this study was to understand how social workers deal with honour-related violence, with special focus on the processing from sheltered housing. Our qualitative interviews with social workers that work with this kind of problems show that there are both obstacles and opportunities in the processing from sheltered housing. On the negative side are the loneliness, the shame and the guilt that the girls may experience when they need to leave their families. The social services can both be an obstacles and an opportunity. When the girls need to create a new life in a new city they have a lot of opportunities and in the same time it is hard to get to know new friends when you donÂŽt know the city or have much money.

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