

2363 Uppsatser om Mediated learning - Sida 2 av 158

Hur förmedlas bilden av Svea? : - en studie om hur ESN, IKEA och UD förmedlar svenskhet

The purpose of this essay is to show how ESN, IKEA and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (UD) mediated swedishness. This will be done by illustrate and analyse the methods the research fields use to create and spread pictures and message about Sweden, Swedes and Swedish cultures. The essay use the method of represented informants and show three field where the meeting between people and cultures is conspicuously. Hopefully, this essay can be seen as a contribution to the research of identity (identity research). I have chosen to focus on three fields of research, which do not belong to the classic field of research to show how swedishness is mediated..

Individens lärande på arbetsplatsen : En studie av hur formellt och informellt lärande sker och samverkar

Background: Learning is important for companies? existence in today?s society and many studies discuss the importance of life long learning and learning organizations. An increased understanding for how the individual learn at the work place is importance to study to gain an accepting for how learning occurs, both formal and informal. Purpose: The purpose with this study is to describe the process of learning at the work place from an individual perspective, with focus on how formal and informal learning occur and interact. The purpose is also to confirm, contradict or develop existing theories.

Tv-spel som resurs för religionskunskap : En undersökning om tv-spel som resurs inom dygdetik

This paper examines the possibilities of using video games as a tool for education of virtue ethics. By comparing learning aspects in Marc Prensky?s theory Digital Game-Based Learning and Aristotelian virtue ethics, this paper tries to look for similarities in how each theory looks at learning. Prensky?s theory is about how one can use video games in education, which is why it is used here.

Ung Företagsamhets arbetssätt : Ur pedagogens perspektiv

AbstractThe aim of this paper is to, through interviews, examine what opinions teachers connected to "Ung Företagsamhet" (Young Enterprise, UF) have on the work of UF compared to contractual and traditional learning. The reason for this is to find out if UF´s way of working is successful in a world, where the definition of knowledge constantly changes. Through qualitative interviews the views of four UF teachers are scrutinised. The results of the interviews indicate that UF works in a way, which contains both contractual and traditional learning, where both directions complement each other in different stages of the learning process.Key words: Contractual learning, pedagogical perspective, Young Enterprise, traditional learning.

Skönlitteratur på svenska folkbibliotek: En diskursanalys

The view on which kind of fiction that should be mediated to the public through the Swedish public library system has since the late 60´s been dominated by what in this Master?s thesis is called: ´the discourse on quality of literary fiction´. The aim of this thesis is to examine to which extent this discourse still plays an active role in the Swedish public library system or if that discourse has been replaced by a more market-led, demand responsive view, where the features of ´quality´ and ´culture´ have been downplayed and replaced by a ´customer?s service view´ on how and why fiction should be mediated to the public. The methodological and theoretical perspective in this thesis is led by the understanding of the discourse analysis in Michel Foucault?s ´The Archaeology of Knowledge´.

Mobile Learning för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter

Denna utredning visar att förekomsten av mobilapplikationer specifikt riktade till dyslektiker är i det närmaste obefintlig. Dessutom är forskningen på området M-Learning mest inriktad på integrerade M-Learning-system och inte på enskilda applikationer. M-Learning (mobilt lärande) är ett forskningsområde som kan sägas vara en vidareutveckling av E-Learning. Detta är ett växande forskningsområde och med explosionen av smarta telefoner och surfplattor bör för- och nackdelarna med  M-Learning kunna utnyttjas i större utsträckning. På uppdrag av Gävle kommun och med handledning av Sogeti har en prototyp mobilapplikation för elever med dyslexi utvecklats för Android-plattformen.

Språkstimulerande miljöer och metoder - språkstimulering i förskolan

Syftet med min studie är att undersöka ett antal kommunala förskolors språkliga pedagogiska miljöer för att få kunskap om vilka metoder några pedagoger i förskolan arbetar med för att stimulera barns språk- och begreppsutveckling. Jag väljer att lägga fokus på en central frågeställning: Vad menar pedagoger med språkliga pedagogiska miljöer? I ett försök att få svar på mina frågor väljer jag att observera och samtala med yrkesverksamma pedagoger. Resultat visar att pedagogerna betonar att det sociala samspelet har betydelse för barns språk- och begreppsutveckling..

Working with Words

A comparative essay between the findings of research and practical methods in the English classroom conserning vocabulary learning in a foreign language..

E-learning ? en utbildningsmetod och dess nytta

Companies that invest in e-learning have different expectations regarding the outcome of the investment. According to literature and articles it is common that companies see reduction of costs as the primary benefit with e-learning. Therefore we ask ourselves the question if companies have attained the expected benefit of the investment in e-learning and to what extent cost reduction have been a determining factor in the investments? The purpose of the thesis is to examine if companies that invest in e-learning have attained the expected benefits. We also want to examine what the reason for investing in e-learning is and if cost reduction is the primary reason for investing.

Att lära på olika sätt : En studie om pedagogers syn på elevers olika lärstilar

The intention with my study is to examine how teachers in school relate to the concept of learning styles and how they define an individualized education that focus on students? different learning abilities. My intention is also to raise their thoughts about what they think the benefits and the deficits may be with an individualized education that focuses on students? individual ways to learn.My study is based on the empiric material I have collected from interviews with five teachers, whom all worked in grade three. To analyze and discuss the interview answers I have had to my help Dunn-, Kolbs- and Gardners theories about peoples different learning abilities and learning styles.

Yrkesidentitet och yrkeskultur i det Arbetsplatsförlagda lärandet : en intervjustudie med sex handledare för elever på Barn- och fritidsprogrammet.

The purpose of this examination was to find how supervisors interpreted the termsvocational identity and vocational culture, found in the diploma goals in workplace-based learning at the Child- and Recreation Programme. To reach the purpose, I formulated questions that I answered through a qualitative study. I made six interviews with pre-school teachers who had been supervisors for students at the Child- and Recreation Programme. The informants answered the same questions and the answers were recorded. The result of the study showed that the supervisors made a fairly consistent interpretation of the terms.

Lärcentra och lärmiljöer på folkbibliotek ? en studie av personalens synsätt på motivation och metoder

The aim of this thesis is to investigate what distinguishes the views of staff at centres for learning as regards users? motivation at centres for learning in public libraries. The following questions were asked:? How do staff at centres for learning view the users? motivation to studies?? How do staff at centres for learning view causes for lack of motivation and obstacles for motivation to studies?? What methods do staff at centres for learning use to motivate potential users to studies and to market the learning centres? ? What distinguishes these views of staff on users? motivation at centres for learning in public libraries?The methods used in this study are: literature studies, qualitative interviews and questionnaires. Interviews and questionnaires were done with six employees at six centres for learning.

Lärplattformar- verktyg för lärandet : Hur bör det utformas för att förbättra e-lärande för studenter på Linneuniversitet?

The development of the web has become an attractive area, with continuously and rapid development in the area it has led to a big change in the way of learning. Learning is a concept with many definitions, but a definition that is many at hand is that learning means that individuals seeking new knowledge and experiences that shape their goals, behavior and environment.With the development of the web a new way of learning emerged, E-learning. E-learning integrates information technology with the traditional learning to offers a flexible way of learning for students where they won't be dependent on time, place or others issues that would prevent their learning. E-learning takes shape of an application, LMS (Learning Management System). Today LMS are widely used in many universities, but with new technique comes new problems. The constant developments of the LMS have made the decision to use LMS difficult.

Därför flyttar vi till Nyköping : En studie av Nyköpings kommuns positiva flyttnetto

The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.

Gruppsammansättning och lärande : Hur elever ser på sitt lärande i grupparbeten

The aim with the study has been to get an overview of how students perceive their learning in group projects. The survey has been implemented with a quantitative questionnaire with qualitative elements during guidance. Students in grade 9 in a secondary school answered a survey study where they should take side to several proposals about learning and group work. The result shows that students in general do not find learning in group as the best learning method, but instead prefer individual learning methods when to learn new things. On the contrary, students claim that they learn best when group members not think as they but think in another direction.

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