4833 Uppsatser om Media storm - Sida 53 av 323
Letar Svenska kyrkan på rätt ställe? : - en kritisk diskursanalys av Svenska kyrkans reklamkampanjer
AbstractAim: The aim of this essay has been to study how the Swedish church has created the image of their religious activity through media. This has been by studying the three commercial campaigns launched by the Swedish church during the years 2000, 2001 and 2003. Questions asked are: How has the Swedish church chosen to profile it self? Which discourses can be recognized in the campaigns? Which messages has been communicated through the campaigns? How has these discourses created the image of the Swedish church?Method: The methodological framework is critical discourse analysis inspired by Norman Faircloughs? three-dimensional model. Thirteen images all part of the campaigns are analysed using a semiotic method.
Hur får du en student att lyssna? : - En studie av Academic Works kommunikation mot studenter
ABSTRACTTitle: How do you get the students to listen? ? A study of Academic Works communication towards students (Hur får du en student att lyssna? ? En studie av Academic Works kommunikation mot studenter)Number of pages: 38 (41 including enclosures)Author: Fredrik HanssonTutor: Peder Hård af SegerstadCourse: Media and Communication studies CPeriod: Autumn 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Aim: The purpose of this paper is to study the strategies involved in the communication process between an organisation and its target audience. The study also aims to examine the company Academic Work and its communication efforts towards the targeted audience students.Method/Material: In order to examine the aim above, interviews were made with two persons involved in the communication of Academic Work. In addition to the interviews, a questionnaire was carried out at campus Ekonomikum, Uppsala University.Main results: The main result can be summarized as:· Academic Works communications have a lot of resemblance with the papers presented theory.· Events and direct meetings is the communication effort by Academic Work that has the biggest impact on student?s awareness and knowledge of the company.· A large majority of the students at campus Ekonomikum at Uppsala University are interested in working part-time and are aware of Academic Work.
Hur påverkar olika faktorer prissättningen på produkten Komplett Media Center a20?
Prissättningen för ett företag kan påverkas av flera olika faktorer. Dessa faktorer är antingeninterna eller externa. När ett företag ska prissätta en ny produkt är det svårt att bedöma vilkafaktorer som är väsentliga. Utgångsläget är kostnaderna för produkten och därefter tas hänsyn tillhur de externa faktorerna påverkar prissättningen. Syftet med denna undersökning är att bedömahur marknaden, interna beräkningar och valutasvängningar påverkar prissättningen på produktenKomplett Media Center a20.För att bedöma hur de olika faktorerna påverkar prissättningen på produkten har vi utfört engruppintervju med företaget Komplett Data Sverige AB.
Missing People Sweden : Om en ideell förenings organisation, engagemang & verkan i samhället
I denna uppsats har vi undersökt frivillighetsorganisationen Missing People Sweden. Det är en volontärorganisation som anordnar skallgångar efter försvunna personer. Organisationen har varit väldigt framgångsrik med sitt arbete och uppmärksammats en hel del i media. Idag är Missing People Sweden en riksomfattande organisation med verksamhet över hela landet. Denna uppsats består av en kvalitativ metodkombination med personliga intervjuer från volontärer som arbetar inom organisationen samt av deltagande observationer vid en skallgång.
Undersökningsplikt kontra upplysningsplikt vid fastighetsköp
Title: Multi channel publishing: a qualitative study on how Norrköpings Tidningen publishes news in multiple channelsAuthor: Roland AlbinssonThesis supervisor: Per-Anders ForstorpBackground: In this day and age, the media is omnipresent and a part of our daily life. The phenomenon of media convergence can be traced back to the birth of the internet, and today all of the major newspapers have a website of their own. As a result of multichannel publishing, consumers have a wide range of tv channels to choose from, but there is still uncertainty as to whether more channels automatically equates to more and better news. There is no doubt about the fact that multi channel publishing is a necessary survival skill for media conglomerates today, but effects such as news recycling and the concentration of ownership are in conflict with the consumers? availability demands.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to, by means of a case study, describe how NT?s multi channel publishing is an expression of media convergence, as well as to study how the news are affected by multi channel publishing.Research procedure: This study is based on three different research methods, observations, text analyses and qualitative interviews.
Extrema sportutövare : Heroiska äventyrare, naiva idealister eller galna risktagare?
Man has always in one way or another had to take risks in order to survive, but in today's society, voluntary risks increased markedly. It is about both physical and financial risks. The aim of this essay is to problematize what it is for properties that drive people to extreme sports and adventure travel. We want to see how extreme sports performers own picture looks compared to how the media presents them. We have in this essay interviewed two long sailors, a BASE jumper and an ex-mountain climber to see how the performers own picture of reality looks.
Slaget om Guadalcanal : En studie över hur Slaget om Guadalcanal 1942-43 skildras i amerikanska filmer och dagböcker.
Background and aim: Media development and digitalization has expanded the PR industry's working area. More participants are on the media market and it is becoming more and more difficult to define what PR really is and what the PR agencies/departments really do. Is PR marketing, information, event marketing or maybe propaganda? We believe that the complexity to define the term PR can lead to a loss of critical approach to the business, especially among young people. Has the PR industry managed to eliminate their negative image among students in upper secondary school and what do they associate with PR today? The aim of this essay is to examine what a selection of students associate with the term PR and if they are critical to the PR industry or not.Method/Material: The method is a quantitative survey.
Unga kvinnors kroppsbild: En kvalitativ studie
Syftet med studien var att beskriva vad unga kvinnor avser med begreppet kroppsbild, hur den egna bilden av kroppen upplevs och hur denna kroppsbild skapats. I denna studie intervjuades tjugo personer och designen var en multipel fallstudie. Informanterna menade att kroppsbild betyder ?en bild av kroppen? och många relaterade till sin egen kropp när de skulle beskriva begreppet. Fyra informanter menade att ansikte/huvud inte ingick i begreppet kroppsbild.
Miljöledningssystemet ISO 14001 : En fallstudie av institutionen Vatten och Miljö, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
The purpose of this study has been to maintain a deeper understanding of how unestablished, professional musicians can get discovered by the music industry by communication, branding and positioning of their brand at social media.We found that fans have a greater impact on unestablished musicians than we previously thought. They have to create an identity for their brand, keep active on social media and engage their fans. Musical artists must maintain an ongoing dialogue to keep their fanbase, preferably with emotions involved. No fans equals minimum attention from the industry. Uniformity and professionalism is also important, because it evokes seriousness.
Vad är hälsa?: en kritisk diskursanalys av tv-programmet Toppform
I media ligger stort fokus på kropp och hälsa. Under det senaste årtiondet har flera hälsorelaterade tv-produktioner sänts i svenska kanaler. En av dessa är Toppform på Sveriges Television. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att ta reda på vad tv-programmet Toppform menar med hälsa. Genom en kritisk diskursanalys tolkar jag vika diskurser som är dominerande i programmet och om Toppform förändrar eller reproducerar den dominerande diskursordningen.
"Aha, det är bara studentradio" : En kvalitativ studie om medielandskapets underdog och kampen om legitimitet
The Bachelor thesis ?Oh, it?s only student radio? is a qualitative study of the Swedish student radio and its members. The study aims to investigate the professionalisation of the radio hosts through Pierre Bourdieu?s theories of field and habitus as well as theories of profession. In order to do so, it?s also necessary to establish the radiostations? perceived role in today?s media landscape by analysing their ambition in relation to other media organisations.
"Utanförskapets reservarmé": talet om Rosengård i svensk dags- och kvällstidningspress
The aim with this study has been to examine and to analyze the discourse of Rosengård in Swedish media. With the concept of discourse is meant here specific ways to speak about and to understand the world, or a part of it. In order to reach increased understanding regarding media presentations and constructions of Rosengård, I have done a study about how Rosengård has been presented in the Swedish daily and evening press during the violent acts that took place in Rosengård in the spring and summer of 2008, when youths regarding to media put cars and containers on fire, and also threw stones at fire engines and other emergency service vehicles when these had to turn out to put out the fires. The collected data, containing newspaper articles, has been analyzed on the basis of the critical discourse analysis, CDA, which is a mould of a textanalytical method. This study applies a social constructivist perspective.
Nationellt identitetsskapande : en diskursanalys av framställningen av homosexualitet i ghananska medier
Den diskurs eller världsbild som vi som individer har påverkar vår tolkning av omvärlden. Diskurserna är föränderliga och skapas i en ständig dialog mellan olika aktörer i samhället. En aktör är medierna som tillhör eliterna i samhället och utövar makt på så sätt att de kan påverka vårt sätt att tänka. Syftet med denna artikel är att genom en diskursanalys studera hur en nationell identitet skapas i förhållande till ?dom andra? och tar sin utgångspunkt i framställningen av homosexualitet i ghanansk media.
Vargens värde. Upplevelsevärden av vargen och vargjakten i media under licensjakten 2010
This thesis examines the experience value of the wolf and wolf hunting presented in mediaduring December 17, 2009-Feruary 15, 2010. I analyze news articles, editorials and letters tothe editor in three newspapers. In order to investigate the experience value of the wolf and thewolf hunt, I have with inspiration from a model employed in the assessment of experiencevalue of tangible cultural heritage, developed a model which I use to analyze the mediamaterial according to the criteria of aesthetic value, identity value, value of tradition andsymbolic value. In order to analyze the results of the analyze, I employ experimental andsociocultural theory and method, which means that I assume the experiences of the wolf andthe wolf hunt as related to a social and cultural perspective that partly depends on how weidentify ourselves and what kind of experiences and understandings we have of the landscapeand large carnivores. Since media affects how we perceive our surroundings and the wolfhunting attracted much attention in media, I found it interesting to examine how the wolf andthe wolf hunt were displayed in news articles and letters to the editor.
Konstruktionen av ett socialt problem : en diskursanalytisk fallstudie av hur hedersrelaterat våld återges i dagspress och fackpress mellan åren 1997 ? 2007
The purpose of this paper was to describe how a phenomenon is constructed into being a social problem, by studying articles on honour killing in the Swedish daily press and in the technical journal Socionomen. The main questions were: can different discourses on honour killing be identified, and if so, have they changed over time, and are there differences between the discourses identified in the daily press and in Socionomen? The method used was a qualitative analysis of discourse influenced by Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis. The main conclusion was that honour killing has been textually constructed as a social problem in the studied media. There was one main discourse which clearly pointed out groups as bearers and victims of the social problem.