

7974 Uppsatser om Media and political agenda setting - Sida 62 av 532

Sociala medier : Arbetsgivares möjligheter skydda sig mot vad arbetstagare skriver i sociala medier

The main purpose of this essay is to investigate the legal position for employers concerning protection against what employees can express about one?s employer in social media.It may regard dissatisfaction concerning employment, tort or so-called whistleblowing. The spread through social media may be comprehensive and thus cause more damage to the employer.Employees within the public sector as well as in the private are protected by the liberty of speech, which is constitutional, even the protection of sources or the right to criticize can offer some protection. This gives the employees the possibility to widely express themselves in private social media as long as it can?t be classified as a violation, which per se is very rare.However, certain differences between the both sectors will be pointed out.There are still no constitutional rights regarding social media, but a grey area has emerged concerning the legal position.

Nu är det dags för fotboll 2.0 : En studie om hur fotbollsklubbar i Allsvenskan arbetar med relationsmarknadsföring med hjälp av sociala medier.

Title: Nu är det dags för fotboll 2.0 I En studie om hur fotbollsklubbar i allsvenskanarbetar med relationsmarknadsföring med hjälp av sociala medier.Short explanation of the titleWe chose the title ?Nu är det dags for fotboll2.0?because it relates to the socialhabits that occurs between individuals within society today. People are moreinteractive online than before due to the development of Web 2,0 and social medias.Main purposeThe main purpose of this thesis is to describe how professional football clubs usesocial media tools to establish, maintain and develop relationships with costumerswithin the field of sports.MethodologyThe thesis is based on a qualitative research with an inductive approach to make itpossible to create a depth within the research. In addition, we have a hermeneuticperspective to build an understanding for the hard labour that is put in action byworkers in the football clubs only for the reasons of making relationships possibleand strengthening bonds by using social media tools. We have gathered theempirical information trough interviews with main leaders within chosenorganizations that use social media tools on an every day basis.

Acceptans av e-boken : Studenters uppfattning och användning av e-boken

The ever-evolving information technology gives users more opportunities, but also put higher demands on them. The digital agenda of the state and society clarifies the objectives and effects academic libraries? development. E-books influence the development of organizational, economic, legal and political perspectives. At the University Library in Gävle work is ongoing. The process is controlled by the acquisition policy which makes it clear that e-books should be purchased if possible.

En gemensam fiende? : -En jämförande studie om olika staters syn på terrorism

Even though terrorism has been on the political agenda for several years there is no general accepted definition of the phenomena of terrorism. Several scientist do also apply that terrorism have changed after the 9/11-attacks. The purpose with this thesis was to analyze and compare the image of terrorism represented by the United States, United Kingdom, Sweden and Norway, in an attempt to draw conclusions about similarities and differentials. The material that was used was these four nations individual counter terrorism strategy. This was made by using idea analysis and self constructed dimensions based on earlier science about security, terrorism and international law.

Mediadiskurs om registerkontroll

Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera hur media framställer lagen om registerkontroll avarbetssökande. Det som skall undersökas är vilka diskurser som kommer fram i media, vilkapersoner som kommer till tals och vilka argument de använder när de talar om registerkontroll. Dessutom undersöks om förhållningssättet till registerkontroll har förändrats över tid. Uppsatsens frågeställningar är: hur konstrueras bilden av registerkontroll i media och hur ser förhållningssättet till registerkontroll ut över tid?Som teoretisk referensram använde jag diskursanalys, definition av sociala problem ochnormalisering av det exceptionella.

Drömplanen blev en mardröm En studie om Framställningen av Norweigian och varuvärkesexponering i svensk media under Boeing 787:s kris

Executive summaryThe aim of this study is to examine how the favourability and brand exposure of Norwegian has been damage by their supplier, Boeing 787:s, problems concerning the aircraft Dreamliner. The theoretical framework underlies the content analysis that has been used to operate the study. In total the empirical data rise up to 623 articles that has been collected and analysed from the media archive Retriever. Compares to before and after Boeing 787:s problem with the Dreamliner, the results indicates that the favourability of Norwegian in the Swedish media landscape during the problems was negatively affected. The results also show that there was no increase in brand exposure for Norwergian during the problems.

Perspektiv på prostitution - En analys av hur Sveriges lösningar på prostitutionsproblemet tar sig uttryck

In Sweden, prostitution is politically defined as a social problem, more precisely, as a form of male violence against women. The definition is distinctly manifested in the government bill Kvinnofrid, characterised by the unique Swedish law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services.This thesis examines how the Swedish solutions of prostitution are carried out. By interviewing central actors working with prostitution in different ways we aim to answer the question: What measures are taken to decrease prostitution and what implications does the Swedish solution have?The analysis is divided into two parts. First, we analyse the concrete measures taken against prostitution ? what is done, how, and why? Second, we analyse the complexity of prostitution measures by applying complementary analytical perspectives: the symbolic and the discourse perspective.The study shows that measures taken to decrease prostitution vary and depend on individual actors? understandings of the political definition.

Serbiens väg mot en konsolidared demokrati

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to illustrate Serbia?s democratic development on the basis of consolidate democratic perspective. Linz & Stepan´s five arenas (political, civil, economic, legal and bureaucratic) are required for the possibility to become a consolidate democracy. In order to fulfil the aim, I have chosen to focus on the political and civil arenas that are most central in the study of consolidate democracy.The purpose of this study is to process how far Serbia has come towards a consolidate democracy and which obstacles still remain in the transition.The questions in this study are:? What problems has Serbia faced since the democratic transition in the beginning of 1990?? What possibilities are there for Serbia to consolidate the democracy, with focus on the two key arenas of consolidation?By applying the theoretical framework to the data, I have been able to present answers and build up an analysis.

Inblick i hur jugoslavisk kultur påverkar media i tiden : Två fallstudier som visar hur emtionella, kulturella och kunskapsmässiga perpektiv på mångfald, med bakgrund från forna Jugolsavien, präglar media i Sverige.

As we all know Sweden as a country, appears to be homogenus. At the middle of 1960?s the emigrants from ancient Jugslavia came to Sweden as an workforce. At that time it was the majority of the emigrants from ancient Jugoslavia that established their lifes in Sweden. The second period for the emigrants from ancient Jugolsavia was at the biginning of 1990?s because of the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

En medial fusion : En studie av Telia-telenor fusionen.

Bakgrund: Telekomindustrin har på senare tiden genomgått en period av strukturella förändringar. Dessa strukturella förändringar har bland annat medfört fusioner och sammanslagningar av företag inom branschen. Fusioner har en inverkan på en rad olika faktorer för företag och samhällen. Att kommunicera med media är viktigt då ett företag genomgår en fusion. Syfte: Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att öka förståelsen för företags kommunikation under en fusion samt hur media reproducerar fusionen.

Governance och genus- en pilotstudie om att analysera ett nutida stadsvetenskapligt begrepp från ett genusperspektiv

Following essay discusses the possibilities of using a gender perspective when studying local governance within a Swedish context. Governance is an international concept used to describe a more lose, informal and network based way of doing politics The main purpose for conducting this essay is that traditional theoretical frameworks used in the study of local politics are not enough to fully conceptualize the complexity of our changing political environment.After a broad summing up of what had been done in the recent decades within Swedish political science on the topic of local politics and gender I came to the conclusion that so far nothing had been written on governance. The next step was therefore to conduct a pilot study to cover the subject matter of governance and gender. The study was based upon interviews with five female politicians in Malmoe city.Results showed that governance, in terms of informal networks did exist, and had influence over the local politics. Some of the networks were male dominated.

Att tyda tecknen -En alternativ syn på förändringarna av Japans säkerhetspolitik

Japan's foreign and security policy has seen some substantial changes as a result of events like the first Gulf war and 9/11th. This has been taken as proof, by some, that Japan is abandoning its antimilitaristic stance and pursuing a more traditional hard power role through military means. This essay aims to explore if these shifts have coincided with any substantial shifts away from antimilitarism, which has had a strong influence on the country's security policy since the end of WW2.To do this I use constructivist theory, specifically regarding the impact of norms and identities on states security policy and briefly look into the problem of actor designation. The thematic focus is on security policy, from a narrow perspective, and thus I examine areas like the input and output to the Japanese military and the actual applications of this force. State identity is used to explore the prevalence of nationalistic sentiments and support for anti militarism in the public opinion and the political elite.The result of this study points to the further relevance of constructivist theory and especially the application of norms and identity.

Nedläggning av folkbibliotek : Är ideellt idealt?

This study examines the closure of public libraries, and the nonprofit organizations takeover of them as a phenomenon. The aim is to understand why the nonprofit takeover is common and what the takeover symbolizes and if the discourse in media invokes the views on libraries and the profession.Interviews were made with librarians, politicians and representatives of a nonprofit organization to study different sides of the phenomenon. Other empirical data were found in local and national newspapers and media-channels. I discovered that public libraries are highly valued by both politicians and the community. The study also showed that a library in a community makes people feel valued.

Bilder från det inre Afrika : Representationer av afrikaner i den svenska skämtpressen 1880-1920

This paper investigates the representations of Africans in the Swedish comic press around the time 1880-1920, with the purpose of establishing how Africans were depicted and how these representations can be explained. The sources consist of four comic magazines: Kasper, Söndags-Nisse, Strix and Naggen.Results show that images of Africans in the late 19th and early 20th century Swedish comic press highly conform to international representations. Traditional stereotypes and overall caricatures are widely applied, mediating racial difference and black subordination. The comic strips and jokes can be divided into categories, defined by their main theme: 1) Exotic animals and nature 2) Skin colour 3) The unintelligent or uncivilised savage 4) Cannibalism 5) The civilised African 6) Imperialistic overtones. The use of international stereotypes indicates that some comic strips might have been directly copied from foreign publications, and incorporated into Swedish contexts.Several theories, likely interacting, can be considered in explaining the imagery.

Behöver tillväxten en stad? Om Dublin som politisk arena, aktör och tillväxtmotor

This thesis intends to examine the role of the city, Dublin, in the Irish economic growth during the 1990s. It is a case study where Dublin is compared with current theories on post modern cities as growth machines and increasingly prominent actors in the global context. The study has an interdisciplinary approach but focuses on political science issues such as power distribution, global-local governance and local political organisation. It is a theory driven study that also intends to add aspects to the understanding of the cities of our time. I argue that Dublin has faced a lot of changes during the last decades in accordance with the post modern city.

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