

7974 Uppsatser om Media and political agenda setting - Sida 41 av 532

Inramning av klimatförändringar : I svensk dagspress 2012 och bland unga vuxna

Something that all people have come across and more or less experienced is climate change. Climate change in itself is a very complex problem since there are no borders between countries that can stop the problem. The link between science and the public is largely in the hands of the media, since the media play an important role in defining environmental issues and to inform the public about research findings. In recent years, reports from the media showed a slightly skeptical and uncertain picture of this problem. This is despite the largely prevailing consensus among climate scientists that there is an anthropogenic climate change.

Hälsosamhället: En kvalitativ studie av medias påverkan på människors livsstil

Hälsa och sättet man valt att leva sitt liv på ligger i fokus i vårt samhälle idag. Detta väckte mitt intresse att studera vilken påverkan media har på vår livsstil. Media har en inflytelserik position när det gäller människors inställningar och kunskaper i området hälsa och livsstil. Mitt syfte är att få en förståelse för hur människor påverkas av medias rapporter om livsstil samt att ta reda på om media kan motivera till ändringar i människors livsstil. Frågeställningarna jag kommer att söka svar på är; Hur fungerar medias påverkan av människors livsstil? Vilken betydelse har media när det gäller val av livsstil? Det är en kvalitativ studie där jag valt att genomföra intervjuer vid insamlandet av min empiri.

Vilddjuret sliter sig : En studie i etablissemangets och vänsterns attityder kring politiskt våld i en svensk småstad 1925.

In this Bachelor thesis I am going to look at attitudes towards political violence in a small town in Sweden in the 1920s. The town I have picked for this study is Kalmar situated on the east coast of Sweden. This study is a micro historic case study. The specific case is a strike at the city?s water and gas plants for higher salary.

"Alla känner alla" : En studie om musikbolags relation till media

The purpose of our study has been to analyze the character of the interaction between music labels and media and to examine to what extent the artist brand is being considered in music labels relationship with media. This has resulted in our research question:What characterizes the large music labels relationship with media?For this study we have used a qualitative approach to achieve a deeper understanding of our chosen topic. We have conducted seven interviews with representatives from both major record labels and media companies with great knowledge about our subject. Five of the interviews were conducted face-to-face and two were performed via e-mail.In the final chapter we answer our research question and thus present our conclusions.

Vem är du? : En studie om företags granskande av Facebook profiler

Title: Who are you? A study on companies reviewing of Facebook profiles.  Social media has opened up new possibilities in recruitment situations in forms of background checks on social networks such as facebook. Even though there are many advantages, there are few recruitment workers who choose to embrace the possibilities with social networking..

Den statsvetenskapliga diskursen : En innehållsanalys av statsvetenskapliga doktorsavhandlingar 2000-2013

A possible "discursive turn" is believed to have been observed within Swedish political science in later years. The purpose of this study is to examine whether or not such a turn has actually taken place, in order to further determine if a resulting theoretical homogeneity poses a risk to the ability of Swedish political science to identify and respond to its full width of possible research problems, and to determine its perspectives on both these problems and the results that are later communicated to the general society. To do so, the study poses the following primary research question:"Has a discursive turn occurred within Swedish political science?"This question is then broken down into two specified research questions."Has discourse analysis become a more common approach for doctoral dissertations in political science during the period of 2000-2013?""Have ideas corresponding with discourse theory become more common within doctoral dissertations in political science that are not pure discourse analyses during the period of 2000-2013?"These questions are then answered by examining all known 406 doctoral dissertations in political science published in Sweden during the 21st century up until (and including) the year of 2013, using two forms of content analysis, one manual and one computer-assisted. The study finds no clear evidence of a discursive turn in Swedish political science since the turn of the century.

Kultur och marknad i svensk kulturpolitik under 1970- och 1990-talen: En kontextuell ideologianalytisk studie

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine the view of market-led culture, focusing on literature, within Swedish governmental cultural policy. The main issue is to discover changes in attitude towards cooperation between culture and business by comparing the attitudes and ideas expressed in the governmental policy documents from the 1970s with the governmental policy documents from the 1990s. To illuminate, and with an effort to explain, these attitudes and ideas expressed in the documents their political and social context has been studied as well. The theoretical starting point is two political ideologies, and Danish cultural policy researcher Dorte Skot-Hansens theories of cultural policy in the Nordic countries. The methodological starting point is two variants of analyses that are textual ones.

Hur man vinner ett val i Sverige

Studies have found that the applicability of commercial marketing strategies within politics have increased in recent years as a result of a rising number of swing voters. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effects of the commercial theory of incongruent information in political marketing in Sweden. Subsequently, an experiment with 742 participants was conducted, testing the effects of congruent and incongruent ad messages for two established Swedish parties. The effect of ad message choice on several well-established measures of ad effectiveness such as awareness, credibility, attitude, conviction and voting intentions was analyzed. The results showed that incongruent information effectively increases attitude, conviction and voting intention for voters who decide on the election day what party to vote for.

Humanitära interventioner En teoriutvecklande studie.

Konflikterna i Somalia respektive Darfur (Sudan) är två av likartad karaktär men med olikautfall, i den tidigare initierades och genomfördes en intervention medan i den senare har ensådan uteblivit. I fallet Somalia tog det inte lång tid innan FN med USA i spetsen hade tagitplats i landet med avsikt att få till stånd ett slut på den interna konflikten. Fallet Darfur är avlikartad karaktär där hundratusentals människor redan mist livet och än fler drivits på flyktmen till skillnad från Somaliakonflikten har ingen intervention ännu initierats. Med bakgrundoch en historisk överblick till konflikternas start görs ett försök att analysera de båda utfallen.För att förstå situationerna använder vi oss av fem olika förklaringsvariabler,aktörsperspektiv, system, media, suveränitet och intressen. De olika förklaringsvariablerna gertillsammans en sammansatt bild av vilka faktorer som spelar en avgörande roll i huruvida enintervention har goda eller mindre bra förutsättningar att bli ett faktum.

Mediebilden av PR och lobbying : En komparativ studie av Dagens Nyheters och Svenska Dagbladets framställning  av PR och lobbying åren 2000 och 2010

Många PR-konsulter anser att mediebilden av PR och lobbying är negativ och att branschen skildras som manipulativ och dold. Det finns dock en annan uppfattning som går ut på att verksamheterna inte framställs lika negativt som för tio år sen, att de har naturaliserats. Uppfattningarna är motsägelsefulla. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka om de stämmer överens med den verkliga mediebilden av PR och lobbying (aktiviteter och utövare), och därmed också få en insikt i om olika aspekter av verksamheterna har naturaliserats. En jämförelse har gjort av DN:s och SvD:s rapportering senhöstarna 2000 och 2010 genom en kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultatet visar att mediebilden är mer negativ 2010 jämfört med 2000. Någon egentlig naturalisering kan inte skönjas.

Sant eller falskt? : hur skildrar de nätbaserade media SANA, BBC och CNN händelserna mellan 1.4. och 18.4.2012 i Syrien?

This essay will try to analyze how Syria?s official news agency, SANA, describes events taking place in Syria in the days between 1.4 and 18.4.2012. This will be contrasted with how BBC and CNN describe the events. These other two news agencies were chosen, because they represent media from democratic countries in Europe and the USA. This rebellion became a full scale civil war over time.

"Man vill ju se bra ut" : En kvalitativ studie om ungdomars syn på sociala medier

This thesis examines young people's thoughts about their presence on social media. With asocial constructive approach the study focused on how young people think and act on socialmedia in relation to constructions of gender and normality. The analysis is based on fourgroup interviews with 13-year old boys and girls. The theoretical approach is based partly onsocial constructionism where discourses and ideas of normality are identified and analyzed.Erving Goffman's theory of social interaction was central to illustrate how young peoplepresents themselves based on the prevailing discourses. It is clear that they adjust theirrepresentations of themselves depending on the context.

Från botten till toppen? : en undersökning om underifrånperspektivets genomslag i kommunalt arbete för hållbar utveckling

Med FN:s konferens om miljö och utveckling i Rio de Janeiro 1992 fick handlingsprogrammet Agenda 21 och begreppet hållbar utveckling en enorm internationell uppmärksamhet. Samtidigt bröt Agenda 21 dokumentet mycket med tidigare insatser på miljö- och utvecklingsområdet i det att medborgarnas direkta deltagande i beslutsfattandet uppmuntrades. Tio år efter Rio hade 70 procent av landets kommuner antagit en lokal Agenda 21 i kommunfullmäktige och en folkrörelse hade startat där politiker, tjänstemän och eldsjälar involverade allmänheten i studiecirklar, direkta dialoger och övergripande kommunalt planeringsarbete. På detta sätt gjordes underifrånidealet till en demokratifråga där tjänstemän och politiker överlämnade delar av förvaltningsorganisationens maktutrymme till allmänheten. Under senare år finns dock en tendens som pekar på att arbetet med hållbar utveckling blir alltmer toppstyrt och att underifrånperspektivet gått förlorat.

Konstverksamhet på folkbibliotek med utgångspunkt i statliga kulturpolitiska direktiv

This master thesis is about art activity in the public library. The essay takes its starting point from Government cultural political directives and my purpose has been to study how these are followed up in the municipal level. My survey takes place at the main library of Flen in the county of Södermanland. What I am looking for is, what the art activity looks like, what is decided regarding it and what the strategies are. Furthermore I look into how library visitors understand and participate in the art activity.

Bilden av den ostyrige ynglingen i media: en stereotyp?

The purpose of this study was to examine how a local newspaper, Landskrona Posten, describes the youth that commit crimes. More specifically the aim was to see what kind of discourse the newspaper had about the young criminal and to see if that picture could create and confirm stereotypes. The theory and method used in the study is a discourse analysis. The study was based on nearly seventy articles that were published in Landskrona Posten in 2006. Three items were identified in the newspaper's description of the youth.

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