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Naturvärden i Killingeskogen : Biologisk mångfald och friluftsliv
Killingen is an area situated on an island called Resarö in the municipality of Vaxholm. The areais covered with forests with a varied topography and a mosaic of environments. The municipalitywants to keep the area unexploited, for recreational purposes but what are the natural values inthe forests? The survey concluded that a mosaic of nature types had high values and could behosts for vulnerable species.As part of the study, measures that will improve the quality of the paths and bathing areas for thelocal population was proposed as well as means to heighten or preserve the natural values in thearea..
Transporter på väg - En studie över Sveriges lastbilscentralers metoder för att möta ökande drivmedelspriser
Background and problem: In the last few years the threat against the environment and especially the emissions of carbon dioxide has become increasingly debated. The government have set up a goal to lower the emissions of carbon dioxide with 40 percent until 2020 compared to the level in 1990. The emissions in the transportation sector have, in contrast to the total emissions, increased since 1990 and will continue to increase unless powerful control measures are implemented. The lorry centres have to use strategies to answer to these external threats which lead us to the two questions of this thesis: - What methods do the lorry centres use actively and which do they consider as the most important methods for fuel saving? - Are there any differences which methods small, medium and large centres considers as important? Purpose: The main purpose of this thesis is to examine which methods lorry centres use actively and which they consider as important for fuel saving.
Mödradödlighet i Afrika söder om Sahara: En kvantitativ studie om den nationella utvecklingens påverkan på mödradödlighet.
About 1000 women in the so called developing countries die every day associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Sub-Saharan Africa is the worst affected region. This study aims to explore the different key factors in national development that can interact with a reduced maternal mortality. The study compares 15 countries in sub-Sahara where the greatest reduction in maternal mortality occurred with 15 countries in sub-Sahara where maternal mortality reduction has been at its lowest, between the years 2000 to 2010. This study also analyzes the link between reduced maternal mortality and various key factors for national development.
Hedersrelaterad problematik : Fyra socialarbetares och en politikers syn på ungdomar som utsätts för hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck
The purpose of this study was to conduct a qualitative study with a case study research design, where we studied social workers and politicians view on honor-related problems of underage girls and boys in the age 13-17. We need knowledge about honor related violence and oppression in the political community and social services to work with honor-related problems. Political decisions affect how social work is developed around the honor problem; therefore, it is also important to highlight this direction for the work. It requires a knowledge complement of honor-related problems not to risk exposing the child to further risk from the family (Hedersförtryck, 2009). This is to live up to, for example the law of Social Services, school law and Human Rights (Hussein & Kinuka-Svedberg, 2010).
Gammal och förvirrad : Sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder vid konfusion hos äldre
Konfusion är mycket vanligt förekommande hos äldre och skapar stort lidande, ger höga samhällskostnader och orsakar hög mortalitet. Syftet med studien var att belysa sjuksköterskans icke farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärder vid konfusion hos äldre patienter. Metoden var en litteraturstudie, vilken innefattade tio artiklar där relevanta omvårdnadsåtgärder framkom, dessa presenterades i resultatet under VIPS - modellens åtgärdssökord. Resultatet av studien visade att patienter med konfusion mindes och uppmärksammade vad som skedde med och runt omkring dem. Viktigt var att få information om sitt konfusionstillstånd för att förstå vad som hände och varför.
Habitat preference and dispersal of a sandassociated beetle, Apalus bimaculatus
Species that have a high degree of specialization and poor dispersal ability can be more prone to extinction than more generalist species and good dispersers. How these species traits affect the viability of populations is dependent on landscape factors,such as isolation and connectivity. Additionally, interactions between species (e.g. symbiosis), and how these interactions vary spatially and temporally can have a large impact on populations. When the range and habitat areas of a species continuously decrease, management strategies are often needed if the species shall be able to survive.
"Impact can come in many guises" : en kvalitativ studie om forskares erfarenheter av parallellpublicering
Self-archiving as a way to provide open access to research publications is gaining ground in the area of scholarly publishing. An increasing number of research funders and universities are mandating open access for output associated with their research, which calls for evaluation of the effects of the phenomenon.This two years master?s thesis aims to investigate researchers? experiences of self-archiving. A qualitative web survey was conducted and answered by 41 researchers from several different countries, and a vast majority of the respondents concur with the principle of open access. Although self-archiving shows not to be a guarantee of increased impact for the single researcher, the study shows that might be the case.
Faktorer som inverkar på situationer med hot och våld inom vuxenpsykiatrin
Objective: To investigate the experiences of ambulance nurses when using Boussignac CPAPcompared to their previous model, and their suggestions for possible improvements in the use of CPAP in the care of patients with pulmonary oedema. Method: A qualitative study with a descriptive and exploratory approach. Data was collected through ten semi-structured interviews with ambulance nurses, seven men and three women. The analysis was conducted using Lundman and Graneheim?s content analysis.
?Hon gör sitt bästa efter sin förmåga? : en juridisk studie av LVU-domar med barn tillföräldrar med utvecklingsstörning
The purpose of this paper is to investigate on what basis a child is committed into care according to the law and to see on which grounds the decision about committed child care in law practice are taken when a child is committed to care due to parents who are mentally retarded. To better understand the juridical grounds for these decisions I will also in a short background describe the meaning of the term mentally retarded, how mental retardation and parenthood has changed over time and how different opinions are expressed in the law. Both people with mental retardation and children have in recent years gained their rights and sometimes these rights end up in conflict with one another. In those cases, what is in the best interest of the child, should be decisive. The children who have mentally retarded parents are at risk to not have their physical, psychological, emotional, social and intellectual needs met and are therefore being unfavourable developed.
Maskinskydd på rullriktverk
ESAB is a world leader in production of welding consumables and equipment. The company manufactures, among other things, welding electrodes. A roller straightening unit is used in the cutting process to straighten the wire, which the welding electrode consists of, by adjusting some of the rollers during operation. According to ESAB?s standard and the European machinery directives, moving parts of machinery, such as rollers of the roller straightening unit, must be out of the operator?s reach.
Kunskaper om karies och gingivit hos barni årskurs 3-5 - en enkätstudieKnowledge of caries and gingivitis among third to fifth grade school children
The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge of caries and gingivitis among third to fifth grade school children. A questionnaire was distributed to 117 children of a primary school in the south of Sweden. The result of the study indicate that the children had good knowledge regarding development and prevention of caries and gingivitis. However, the children did not know the meaning of the words caries and gingivitis. The children also appeared to lack important information about dietary measures to achieve good dental health.
Effekten av klimatförändringar påkontrollbehovet av åkerogräs
With a changing climate, we can expect higher temperatures and more precipitation in Sweden.As the temperature increases, new weed species are expected to migrate in from more southerlylatitudes, resulting in requests for new techniques for weed control. In addition, we might see agreater number of weed species and higher biomass production due to increased concentrationof CO2 in the atmosphere.Increased understanding of the biology of specific weed species will become more importantin future weed control. This will help to control the weeds more efficiently. Higher prices onpesticides and a public demand for reduced use of pesticides make growers more inclined to usemechanical weed control on a larger scale and to a greater extent prevent weed establishmentbefore sowing. A well-planned crop rotation is the most important preventive measure, whichmight also include delayed sowing, and dark harrowing and sowing.Research takes place on many levels within the weed area and several alternative methodsare being developed.
Yrkesutbildningens förändring från 1960 till 2011 ur utbildningspolitiskt perspektiv
We conducted this study because a new school reform begins in 2011. Our study is in between 1960 - 2011. The survey methodology is the following; we use literature, previous studies and curricula. Rating has returned to a more equitable system. This means that the range has decreased in each grade level. Industry has been involved and affected programs and curricula. Short courses have disappeared and GY11kommer to tighten eligibility requirements. This places greater demands on schools and students. The new grading scale will be fairer to the students. The courses have been following the development of society. It is also true that businesses have had opportunities to customize programs for their purposes, so that they have professionals with the basic knowledge they need.
Post Authorization Safety Studies (PASS) & Patient Support Programs (PSP) : Läkemedelsföretagens säkerhetsverktyg efter lansering
Introduktion: I juli 2012 uppdaterades regelverken för farmakovigilans inom Europa och flera förändringar gjordes i de bestämmelser som rör säkerhetsstudier på godkända läkemedel. En sammanställning av dessa behövdes för att lyfta fram viktiga bestämmelser och ge en tydligare överblick av de myndighetskrav som berör PASS (Post-Authorization Safety Studies) och PSP (Patient Support Programs). Syfte: Projektet syftar till att analysera och tolka regelverk och riktlinjer gällande PASS och PSP inom Europa samt utreda vad som gäller för PASS i de skandinaviska länderna. Detta för att lyfta fram viktiga bestämmelser och underlätta tolkningen för berörda företag. Material och metoder: Huvuddelen av projektet bestod av en litteraturstudie där fokus låg på lagar och riktlinjer inom Europa. Informationsinhämtning skedde även genom intervjuer med personal på Bayer AB och Läkemedelsverket. Jämförelser har sedan gjorts mellan svenska, norska och danska regelverk. Resultat: Myndighetskraven för PASS och PSP skiljer sig åt i vissa avseenden.
Hur en ökad marktemperatur påverkar fotosyntes och markrespiration i en boreal skog
During the year of 2008, a powerful earthquake hit the southern part of Iceland, which changed the geothermal conditions in the area around the city of Hveragerdi. Elevated soil temperatures in a nearby forest plantation have contributed to a unique opportunity for researchers to study how an increased soil temperature affects the boreal forest ecosystem, something that partly can be connected to the climate changes which are happening today. The boreal forest is representing a carbon sink and a buffert for the emissions that occurs. Changes in this ecosystem will for that reason contribute to major impact for the global carbon cycle. To study the impact of how elevated soil temperatures affects different processes in a plantation of Sitka spruce, studies were made on the photosynthesis of the trees and the respiration from the soil.