11445 Uppsatser om Means-end-teori - Sida 23 av 763
Samsyn, samarbete, samvaro eller sammanträde? Några lärares syn på ämnesgruppers arbete och organisation
The aim of this study is to examine the attitude among teachers towards working in subjectspecific groups, so called professional learning communities. The questions being asked arewhat the teachers want to acquire from working in them and how they consider them to beorganised.Previous research show that professional learning communities are means of strengtheningteachers and their teaching from criticism from outside stakeholders such as local politicians,but also parents. They are also means of developing the teaching and the individualteachers at schools.A qualitative study has been made at a Swedish secondary school and is reported in thisstudy. It was done in a hermeneutic discourse and when analysing the results four categoriesof answers appeared. It showed that the teachers working in professional learning communitieswanted to acquire a qualitative discussion regarding what should be taught and in whatway that should be assessed.
CCCTB:s betydelse för gränsöverskridande förlustavdrag : - Resultatet av ett genomförande ur svenskt och EU rättsligt perspektiv
On the internal market within the EU, freedom of establishment under articles 49 and54 TEU stipulates that companies have the right to set up businesses in other MemberStates. On the internal market there are 27 different national tax law systems whichhave caused obstacles regaring taxation between Member States. These obstacles havebeen shown deterrent when a company enters a new market. One problem area is thelack of cross-border loss compensation for groups. This means that cross-bordergroups is over taxed when they are unable to set of gains against losses.
Genus : En studie inriktad på lärarnas medvetenhet med avseende på genus i ämnet idrott och hälsa.
The aim ofthis study was to examine how economic growth affects the level of democracy inauthoritarian states. Some of these states have experienced high economicgrowth. However, one can discuss how it affects the country?s democratization-process.For that reason this study was needed to contribute to a clarification of howeconomic growth can affect authoritarian rule and democratization. This wasdone through an examination of the development in China.
Mobility Management : vad är det?
Mobility Management is about affecting and changing the demand of mobility. It?s not about what traditional planning?s been focused on; to supply for the demand. The demand of mobility is created by us humans since the traffic exists of us. That means that Mobility Management is about changing our needs.
Att få ihop livspusslet : Konceptuella metaforer och bildspråk i debatten kring föräldraförsäkring
Med utgångspunkt i George Lakoff och Mark Johnsons teori om den konceptuella metaforen analyseras i denna uppsats bildspråket i opionsjournalistiska texter som behandlar frågan om individualiserad föräldraförsäkring. Därtill anläggs med hjälp av Yvonne Hirdmans teori om genussystemet ett genuserspektiv, för att undersöka om metaforerna är könade och/eller reproducerar det binära könstänkandet. Materialet är hämtat från DN, Aftonbladet, Expressen och SvD under perioden januari 2010-novmeber 2013. .
Fientliga förvärv : Michael C. Jensens teori om fientliga förvärv applicerad på den svenska aktiemarknaden
Den här kandidatuppsatsen har undersökt applicerbarheten av Michael C. Jensens teori om fientliga förvärv med både framgångsrik och ej framgångsrik utgång på den svenska aktiemarknaden mellan år 1995 till 2008. Totalundersökningen har funnit 44 fientliga förvärvssituationer på de officiella marknadsplatserna för aktiehandel under den granskade tidsperioden, varav 24 var framgångsrika och 20 ej framgångsrika. Genom att imitera Jensens tillvägagångssätt har konsekvenserna av de fientliga förvärven på både målföretag och förvärvande parter analyserats vid ett givet antal periodstudier med hjälp av måttet överavkastning. Överavkastningen har vägts mot respektive periodstudies antal och därmed har den vägda genomsnittliga överavkastningen räknats fram.
Företagens underlåtelse att göra nedskrivningar - Trots indikation på nedskrivningsbehov av immateriella enligt IAS 36
Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera de faktorer som ligger till grund för företagens underlåtelse att göra nedskrivningar trots extern indikation på nedskrivningsbehov. Undersökningsansats är induktiv. Metoden för undersökningen är en fallstudie genom en dokumentstudie och e-post intervjuer. Data i datainsamlingen är av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ karaktär. Utifrån analysen av det empiriska resultatet görs det försök att förklara agentteorin, positiv redovisningsteori och institutionell teori.
Arbetstidsdireketivets påverkan av den svenska arbetstidslagen : I vilken utsträckning kan parterna på arbetsmarknaden stifta kollektivavtal?
Sweden became a member of the European Union in 1995. When Sweden entered the Union the government also agreed on implementing every law, regulation and directive the Union have and will have in force. One directive the Union wants every country to implement is the Directive (93/104/EG) concerning certain aspects of the organization of working time. This directive includes regulations concerning the relationship between employer and employees. The regulations in the directive must be in force before January 1 2007.One of the main points in the directive is the possibility for the parties on the labour market to reach agreements through collective agreements that deviate from the legislation concerning work hours.
Orsaker till mekaniska skador på nötslaktkroppar som uppstått under transporten till slakteriet eller på slakteriets stall :
In the Swedish abattoirs there are assistants that judge the slaughtered animals in regard to diseases and injuries. All diseases and injuries assign different codes. This master?s thesis is about code 42 which means injuries of different kinds like for example bruises etc. These injuries have risen during the transport from the farm to the abattoir lairage or during the stay at the lairage before slaughter.
En studie av normerna kring fildelning och piratkopiering
In this paper I have focused on the underlying reasons for people and piracy. The paper starts with a presentation of the Swedish laws of copyright as they are constituted today and the new law that is supposedly being ordained the 1st of July, 2005, a brief summary of what its effects will be for the people, according to the authorities and the critisism that has developed around it from the net-pirats. Then follows a definition of the expression "norms" and what it means here in my paper.Now comes a presentation of the research I have been doing, in the form of a survey concerning why and how often people download copyrighted material from the net, and if they have ever sold any pirated copies to more than selfprice and, if so, to whom. The presentations shows that the majority of the people that are downloading copyrighted material from the Internet is doing it for the own personal use and not to make any money out of selling the material on, since most people consider it unfair to charge for something that they have got for free.The survey also shows that many of those who download copyrighted material also upload it because it gives them a satisfactory feeling of giving something in order to get something. The survey also shows that although most of the people taking the survey knows what the new law means it has not affected them in anyway.
Avdrag för FoU : Innebär tillägget verksamheten i övrigt en faktisk utvidgning av avdragsrätten för FoU i förhållande till den tidigare lydelsen av IL 16 kap 9 §?
In recent years, the possibility to deduct expenses for research and development (R&D) has been interpreted narrowly. As a response, the Income Tax Act chapter 16, section 9 (the R&D-rule) was amended to increase the possibility to deduct R&D of more general character. The purpose of this thesis is to determine the meaning of the R&D-rule to be able to decide if the amendment is an extension of the deductibility and whether this amendment can be considered adequate.According to the R&D-rule, the recipient of the grant needs to conduct R&D activity and there needs to be a sufficient connection between the R&D activity and the company to be allowed deduction. The difficulty in applying the R&D-rule is mainly when the research is conducted outside the company and the aim of the research is not to solve the company?s specific problem.The connection between the R&D-activity and the company needs to be reasonable. This means that only R&D-activity that falls completely outside the company?s activities should be excluded from deductibility.
Från idé till succé - See everything you miss when you fly to Nice
Uppsatsen behandlar insourcing av stödtjänster där fokus ligger på att klargöra tjänstens allt större betydelse för företags kärnverksamheter. Forskningen gällande insourcing av tjänster brister eftersom den inte tar hänsyn till det mervärde som tjänster skapar och den interna kontroll över resurser som insourcing medför. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och analysera insourcing av stödtjänster. För att uppnå syftet med uppsatsen har teori samlats in som beskriver de aktiviteter ett företag består av. Vidare har teori som beskriver vikten av alla aktiviteter i ett företag behandlats samt teori som beskriver tjänsters särart och vikten av interna relationer.
Produktionen av skillnad i andraspråksteori
Syftet med denna uppsats a?r att underso?ka pa? vilka sa?tt facklitteratur avsedd fo?r la?rare och la?rarstudenter i a?mnet svenska som andraspra?k reproducerar den koloniala skillnadsdiskursen. Jag har med sto?d i framfo?r allt postkolonial teori gjort en textanalys av en antologi inom a?mnet andraspra?ksforskning och funnit att den koloniala diskursen oavsiktligt reproduceras genom fo?rmedlingen av en statisk kultursyn, fo?renklande dikotomier och en assimilationsideologi. Min slutsats a?r att detta riskerar att fa? kontraproduktiva konsekvenser fo?r andraspra?ksundervisningen och att la?rare i svenska som andraspra?k beho?ver ett medvetet kritiskt fo?rha?llningssa?tt i sin hela fo?rsta?else av a?mnet. .
Sjuksköterskans stöd till vuxna patienter med rheumatoid artrit - empirisk studie på reumatologmottagningar
Background: Rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease worldwide. The disease is described as a chronic inflammation that afflicts mainly the joints, the tendrons and the synovial joint. The inflammation breaks down cartilage, ligaments and bone. When the patient gets the diagnosis he/she frequently reacts with chock, denial or/and dissociation. Active support from the nurse can have an important impact on the patient in accepting and processing that he/she suffers from disease.
Spannmålsexport & exportsubventioner - hand i hand?
This thesis analyzes the effects of export subsidies on Swedish cereal export. The analyzes are based on data on cereal export from Sweden to countries outside the EU from 1990 to 2003. In 1995 Sweden became a member of the European Union. Before the membership, the Swedish agricultural policy was decoupled in a larger sense than the European CAP was, which means that the Swedish producers had decreased their production more than the European farmers. When Sweden became a member of the EU the production started to increase again to an EU level.