

2965 Uppsatser om Means of coordination - Sida 25 av 198

Måltiden; näring för gemenskap : En kvalitativ studie kring den äldres upplevelser av måltidssituationen på ett särskilt boende.

The aim of our study was to examine how the elderly experience their meal situation in a sheltered housing. We have used a qualitative approach. We conducted individual interviews with six elderly in a sheltered housing to collect our empirical material. To reach the purpose of this study we tried to answer the questions: which factors affect the elderly person?s experience of the meal and which significance does the meal have for the elderly? To reach deeper understanding for our collected material we used Maslow?s theory of human motivation, the two concepts of Tönnies; gemeinschaft and gesellschaft, disengagement theory and the concept of Bourdieu, called habitus.

Patientupplevelser vid brachyterapi mot prostatacancer

Heart failure is an illness that requires life-long treatment and often affects everyday aspects of a person?s life. Self-care is a significant part of the treatment. Good self-care resources make it possible for people with heart failure to make the lifestyle changes they often need to maintain or improve their level of health. Self-care means having knowledge of and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs of deterioration that can occur with heart failure, so that the person can take appropriate measures ? and it also means knowing when it is time to seek professional help.

Farmers preferred end-values related to their use of forward contract : a means-end chain analysis

Today?s farmers are constantly affected by the fluctuating world market prices on grain and thereby the price risk that comes with the price fluctuations. The volatile prices of grain increase the price risk within the business, which in turn affects the profitability of the business. The fluctuating prices together with the increased price risk within the farm business have opened up the market for hedging instruments. In this master thesis project, the aim is to identify the underlying end-values of 30 Swedish farmers? related to their choice of using hedging and the product; forward contract.

En ekonomisk hållbar växtodling i sörmländsk mellanbygd :

We have been looking at three different types of agriculture in Södermanland, in the middle east of Sweden. We call the different types for Intensive, Extensive and Mix. The purpose is to get an economic defensible plan for how to run different farm sizes. We also have been looking at the working hours and how many hours the different types will give. We have a farm called Taxinge Gods as our pilot farm. Taxinge Gods grow 407 ha land and is located 60 km southwest from Stockholm.

Mätning av implementeringen av lean inom sjukvård

The purpose of this thesis is to discuss how an instrument originally developed for measuring changes toward lean thinking inservice organizations in general should be adjusted in order to be of use in service organizations within the healthcare sector, andin hospital organizations in specific. The adjustments are suggested based on difficulties specifically arising when implementinglean within the healthcare sector.Thesis starting point is a pre-existing lean assessment instrument developed for service organizations in general. The thesis appliesa qualitative method and integrates literature from the health care sector and lean production movement with the expertise of tenacademics and practitioners in order to find difficulties associated with the implementation of lean within the healthcare sector.These difficulties then lie as the substratum for the adjustments suggested to be made on the instrument.The thesis finds that lean, as a philosophy, does not differ between service organizations in general and service organizationswithin healthcare settings. However, due to deficits in the general understanding of lean some adaptions on the instrument mustbe made. First, some words associated with production must be changed to words associated with healthcare.

Gabioner - Ett alternativ vid vägbanksbygge i lösa leror

The use of gabions means a reduced amount of filling material in the road section and a more narrow construction. Also the use of limestone cement columns can be reduced. All together this results in lower costs. The columns stand for about 55% of the total costs for the road. If gabions are used you can reduce the total costs with over 10%..

Turordningsreglerna : En studie avturordningsreglerna vid en verksamhetsövergång i Karlstad

Metso Paper in Karlstad is acquiring Kvaerner Pulping and Kvaerner Kamfab, also located in Karlstad. Following this acquisition, there are going to be changes in the organizational structure and some employees might even loose their jobs. There are guidelines from the European Union how to handle situations like this, the purpose of these are to protect the employees. There are also Swedish laws that regulate the protection of the employees when a company is acquired, who is going to keep their job and who is to be made redundant.The transaction between the companies is large why they need an approval from the European Union. The European Union has certain demands for the approval.

Hör du vad jag ser? -Kommunikation för koordination av skadeplatsarbete genom awareness

Skadeplatsarbete är en arbetsform med en speciell karaktär. Det som formar denna karaktär är dess uppkomst genom inträffandet av en olycka av något slag. Detta medför att olika aktörer och aktörsgrupper temporärt stålar samman och genomför ett samarbete med utgångspunkt från platsen för det inträffade. Ambulans, brandkår, polis och SOS Alarm AB är de vanligaste aktörsgrupperna på en skadeplats. Att rädda liv är ett samarbete mellan olika aktörsgruppers på en skadeplats. För att detta skall möjliggöras ställs det höga krav på både deltagande aktörer och de kommunikationsartefakter som används.

Mindre åkeriföretags konkurrensstrategier

The amount of cargo has since the 1970s increased in Sweden and the road traffic accounts for a large part of the transported volume. In Stockholm County the amount of cargo is calculated to be doubled in size from year 2001 to 2020 which means a greater need for transport is required. Much of these transports are being carried out by haulage companies of varying sizes which acts externally as carriers for their customers. All of this despite a greater awareness, laws and demands regarding environmental performance.The trend shows that the haulage industry in Sweden are moving towards fewer but larger haulage companies, which means that the competition is getting tougher for the smaller haulage companies. Smaller haulage companies and research about their competitive strategies is a neglected part of this industry.

Hur påverkas aktiemarknaden av räntan, valuta- och obligationsmarknaden? : En empirisk studie under perioden 2005-2009

Introduction: Interplay between all the different subsystems of the financial markets is currently considered as an important internal force in the market. In a financially liberalized economy exchange rate stability is a basis for a wellbeing stock market. If these interactions between all the different subsystems of the financial markets are not detected, this means that there is information inefficiency in the markets.Problem: Can we find any correlation between changes in currency, interest rate and bonds with the stock market index? If so, how do these changes affect the Stockholm Stock Exchange?Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine if there is any linkage between the interest rate, currency and bonds with the stock market. The researchers wanted to find out how these variables affect the stock market index OMX S30 which consists of the 30 largest companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.Method: This research has been based on a quantitative approach.

Att undervisa i musik på mellanstadiet: Tre berättelser utifrån hur lärare som undervisar i musik på mellanstadiet talar om sin undervisning i förhållande till Lgr11

My interest in the problem I have chosen has grown from my practise as a music teacher in Swedish compulsory schools. It springs from my own reflection, that the content pupils meet during music lessons in year 4-6 of compulsory school, seems to vary. My ontological and epistemological standpoints belong to a life-world-phenomenological way of thinkink. This kind of thinking implies that human beings are indissolubly connected to the world, which means that the only way to access the world is trough human beings lived experience. The aim of this study is to describe and analyse how music teachers, who work in years 4-6 of compulsory school, talk about the subject music and its content in relation to the new curriculum, Lgr11.

Statushantering i Virtual Map med ledningssamordning i BIM

For many years, the construction industry in Sweden has not developed much of an integral approach for design across disciplines. The sector?s impact on society, economics and environment is huge. To make the interactions within the construction industry more efficient, a relatively new concept called BIM (Building Information Modeling) has been introduced. The idea with BIM is that the different actors of the construction industry will work through intelligent CAD software, with common file formats and more cooperation between different actors during the various steps of the building and construction process.The technical consultancy company WSP Sweden is working actively to implement BIM within the frame of its activities.

Löser förordning nr 883/2004 begreppsproblematiken? : En jämförelse av lagvalsregeln i art 14.2 i förordning nr 1408/71 med art 13.1 i förordning nr 883/2004.

Nationella socialförsäkringssystem är inte anpassade för internationella situationer. Problem beträffande socialförsäkringstillhörighet kan därför uppstå när en person arbetar i flera länder samtidigt. EU har skapat ett samordningssystem för att nationella regler ska passa ihop i internationella situationer. Samordningssystemet uppdaterades nyligen genom införandet av förordning nr 883/2004 samt tillhörande tillämpningsförordning som ersatte förordning nr 1408/71 och dess tillämpningsförordning.Samordningssystemet innehåller lagvalsregler som pekar ut vilket stats lagstiftning som är tillämplig på en person i en gränsöverskridande situation. Endast ett lands lagstiftning kan tillämpas på en viss situation.

Den fysiska planeringens påverkan på människans rekreationsmiljöer : tillämpning av de åtta parkkaraktärerna inom balanseringsprincipen

The development of our time, is due to great progresses in technology and an enormous ex-plosion of knowledge, has lead to an increased effort of our attention as a result of a boundless torrent of information . Higher productivity and efficiency in our workplaces and homes crea-tes fewer opportunities for rest, leading to a community where stress has become a national disease. Recreation is an important part of our lives in order to be able to deal with stress and is now considered to be an essential resource when it comes to sustainable development. Green spaces are therefore today viewed to play a considerable roll for the national health. Nature has proven to have positive influence on man which leads to a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in power of concentration and lowered production of stress hormones.

Energikartläggning hos RostiGP i Gislaved

In today?s modern age, energy consumption has become a major issue, both from an environmental viewpoint and cost perspective. Because of a rapid technologic change and increased costs of production of electricity, the demand to develop effective methods for energy efficiency industries have grown.The electricity-intensive industries, such as plastic industry, the demand to reduce energy consumption has grown significantly over the past 10 years, which have led to the development of different methods to determine and locate energy-consuming parts in the industry. This also means being able to prioritize and organize activities in the industry.In this study the measurements of voltage, current, power and PF performance on injection molding machines (K-TEC 275 form Ferromatik Milacron in Germany) with a focus to locate, within a machine, various measures that could improve energy use in the plastics industry, in this case RostiGP in Gislaved. These measurements have been carried out with the help of a power quality clamp meter to carry out time logs of the machines for some time during normal word rate.

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