

641 Uppsatser om Mathematics. - Sida 14 av 43

Integrering av estetiska uttrycksformer i kärnämnen matematik och modersmål : En jämförande studie av en svensk och en rysk lärare

The aim of my examination work was to compare and research how russian respective swedish teachers make use of educational aesthetic methods such as drawing, drama, music and dance in the teaching of core school subjects ? mathematics and swedish respective russian languages. The aim of this work was to find out which of these methods are used by pedagogues in the process of education and on what level are they integrated into the theoretical pedagogic work. The point was to also analyse the regulation documents used as pedagogical base in schools i've been doing my survey in. This was done to partly find out what arts perspective is given in the curriculum and partly to see what pieces of it are reflected in the process of education.

Bakåtvänd eller framåtvänd bilbarnstol för dem mellan ett och fem år.

This paper aims to analyze how child restraint systems (CRS) in cars should be positioned to protect children at the ages 1 to 5. The study is preformed in co-operation with the Swedish insurance company Folksam. Data from Folksam´s database on car crashes in the years 1999-2004 is being used in this study. Every child in the ages 1 to 5 was searched for in the database, which resulted in 184 observations. To perform the analysis, categorical data analysis is suitable.

Jämförelse av statistiska metoder för rangordning inom sjukvården

There has been an increasing interest for ranking of Swedish health care and a lot of emphasis has been placed on the creation of indicators in order to rank hospital units. However, essays on to what extent the choice of statistical method affects the final result of the ranking of health care units have not been given the same attention. For this particular reason, the main objective of this essay has been to investigate whether the choice of statistical model has a significant impact or not on the final result, by using five different, more or less common, statistical approaches: bar charts (with and without confidence intervals), control charts, logistic regression, multi-level analysis using shrunken residuals. The analyzed material in the essay comprises 24119 patients that all have been prescribed some form of the lipid-reducing medicine statin. According to directives given by Region Skåne, doctors are encouraged to prescribe a particular type of statin medicine, namely Simvastatin, which has been proved to be equally effective, but significantly cheaper than other statin medicines.

Numerisk värdering av amerikanska optioner

The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in Mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.

Statistisk analys av en genetisk studie av typ 2 diabetes

The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in Mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.

Diskret analys : En studie av polynom och talföljder

The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in Mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.

En jämförelse mellan självskattningar och läkarbedömningar vid depression

The aim of my study is to investigate how last year students in upper secondary schoolunderstand certain mathematical concepts, in particular the unit circle and its trigonometry.I have used intentional analysis to interpret student?s actions when they solve certain tasks onthe basis of a cognitive, situated and cultural context.Interviews with four university teachers in mathematics about the unit circle, trigonometry,and mathematical understanding, serve both as background for the study and as basis for adiscussion, where I relate students understanding to what the teachers want new students toknow about these concepts when they begin university studies in Mathematics.The students were arranged in three groups with three students in each group. Each group waspresented with two tasks, one in which they were asked to calculate the cosine values for onepointed, one blunt and one straight angle, each located in a separate triangle. They were alsoasked to decide whether the points (0,71; 0,71) and d (1 2 , 3 2 ) are located on the unit circleor not.My conclusion is that students mainly have an operational conception of the unit circle andtrigonometry. The lack of structural conceptions result in difficulties in seeing connectionsbetween the concepts in unfamiliar situations.

Mängdlära och kardinalitet : Cantors paradis

This paper is about basic set theory and cardinalities for infinite sets. One of the results are that the line R and the plane R2 contains exactly the same number of points. Because of that the set theory is described with a formal language this the paper has an appendix about formal languages..

Att bryta tystnaden: kommunikation i matematikklassrummet

The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers approach communication in their mathematics instruction. The communication involves concepts such as teachers' mathematical language, incorrect answers, and various interaction patterns. In line with this, the study also examines how these types of communication may affect students in the classroom. Furthermore, observations and interviews were conducted with five different teachers in Sweden using an observation scheme and an interview guide. The results reveal that four out of the five teachers use both child-directed and adult-directed language when addressing students at different levels of mathematical understanding.

En värld utan matematik - skulle det bli svårt? : En studie om elevers uppfattningar om matematik

Syftet med föreliggande studie är att, genom intervjuer med tolv elever ur år fem, undersöka deras uppfattningar om matematik. För att studera detta har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ metod med inspiration av den fenomenografiska ansatsen. Utifrån studiens syfte och frågeställningar har tre temaområden framtagits inom vilka elevernas uppfattningar analyserats och därefter kategoriserats. Ur resultatet framkommer en relativt snäv syn på matematiken där läroboken är dominerande i elevernas uppfattningar. Boken fungerar som utgångspunkt både i definitionen av matematikämnet och vid beskrivningen av hur ämnet upplevs.

Lyfter matematiken? : Lärares syn på utvecklingsarbete inom matematik

Rubriken till detta arbete kommer från Matematikdelegationens betänkande, ?Att lyfta matematiken?. Utbildningsdepartementet fick i uppdrag att ta fram en handlingsplan som skulle syfta till att förändra synen på matematik och öka intresset för matematikämnet hos Sveriges elever. I betänkandet presenteras fyra huvudmål för matematiksatsningen: 1. Stöd och utveckla aktiviteter som ökar intresset för och insikterna om matematikens värde, roll och betydelse i vardag, yrkesliv, vetenskap och samhälle.

Kreativ matematik

Forskning har visat att elevers intresse för matematik avtar ju äldre de blir. En av orsakerna till detta kan vara den traditionella matematiken som till stor del består av symboler och tekniker för att hitta rätt svar. För att få engagerade elever som intresserar sig för matematik måste undervisningen förändras. I min uppsats vill jag därför lyfta fram författare och lärare som intresserar sig för den matematiska utvecklingen..

Räknar skolan med alla? : En studie om hur lärare uppfattar kunskapsskillnader mellan elever i årskurs 6 kopplat till matematik

Syftet med den här studien var att se vilka uppfattningar lärare har om att eleverna i en klass befinner sig på olika kunskapsnivåer kopplat till matematik. Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med lärare som arbetar i årskurs 6. Litteraturen tydliggör vikten av att alla elever får möjligheter att utvecklas utifrån sina egna förutsättningar och behov. Hur undervisningen läggs upp och hur grupperna ser ut varierar, men dialogen mellan lärare och elev samt en varierande pedagogik är två betydelsefulla inslag som lyfts fram. Resultatet visar att lärarna ser stora fördelar med att ha elever som är på en jämn kunskapsnivå, men de vänder också skillnaderna till något positivt och utnyttjar det i undervisningen.

Matrismodellen vs Two-part regressionsmodeller - effekter på Region Skånes resursfördelning

An important task for Region Skåne is to allocate resources to the health care districts. From 1999 to 2002 Region Skåne used needs-based resource allocation as a model for allocating resources. In a needs-based resource allocation individuals with the same socioeconomic and demographic characteristics are assumed to have the same level of need and are therefore allocated the same amount of resources. During the period of needs-based resource allocation a matrix model was used as a method. In the matrix model individuals were divided into cells after each combination of the socioeconomic and demographic variables.

Jag skulle ju också vilja tänka lite : En kvalitativ studie om matematiskt begåvade elevers uppfattningar kring matematikundervisning

Matematiskt begåvade elever är i behov av lika mycket stöd, variation och utmaningar som alla andra elever. Därför är det viktigt att dessa elever inte kommer i skymundan och får ?klara sig själva?. Syftet med denna studie är att synliggöra matematiskt begåvade elevers uppfattning om hur deras matematikundervisning ser ut idag, hur de själva lär sig bäst, samt hur de anser att matematikundervisningen ska utformas för att de ska ha möjlighet att utvecklas efter sin fulla förmåga. Med stöd i teori och tidigare forskning valdes sex matematiskt begåvade elever från år 4 ut för att medverka i denna undersökning.

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