

3022 Uppsatser om Mathematical learning object - Sida 5 av 202

Undervisning för elever med särskilda matematiska förmågor : En studie om hur lärares undervisning i grundskolans tidigare år bedrivs och anpassas till elever med särskilda matematiska förmågor.

The purpose of this study is to see how some teachers in primary school creates and adapts their mathematics teaching for students with special mathematical abilities. It also aims to identify opportunities and challenges that teachers see in creating a teaching adapted to these students.In this study, qualitative interviews has been done to collect data. The interviews were conducted with five teachers who all are active in the primary school.The study results show that there is great variation in how the interviewed teachers create their mathematics teaching for students with special mathematical abilities. The use of mathematics book proved to be significant for how this adaptation took place. The result also shows that the teachers? explanations for the choice of the adaptations that they make in teaching vary.

Testeffekten som medel för att förbättra läsförståelse?

Swedish school children exhibit deteriorating knowledge results in terms of reading comprehension. Previous research shows that a method to increase the level of knowledge is the use of evidence-based learning techniques. Test based learning generates what is commonly referred to as a test effect, which proved to strengthen the relationship between learning and memory, as well as being applicable to various test formats. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether test based learning, in terms of learning english words leads to increased performance in a reading comprehension test, more specifically a cloze test. The study was based on a within-group design and was conducted three times over four weeks.

"We'd go crazy without each other!" : En studie om kollegialt lärande på arbetsplatsen

This study means to research the importance and significance of the social and informal learning opportunities offered at a workplace. With Wenger?s theory about social learning and communities of practice as a starting point, this study will create understanding about how teachers at a school comprehend their opportunities for learning within the teacher community. The study is conducted at an independent school in Sweden, and is based on interviews with eight of the teachers employed at the school. The purpose of the study was to research how employees perceive how their social interactions with their colleagues can create learning, and what obstacles they might face along the way.

Förgät mig ej

I examine how relationships between people and objects are created and continues through contiguity every time one use or touch an object and through participation through use and memories. The aim is to continue a relationship and to keep a communication alive with people beyond time and space, then, now and henceforth. I take advantage of and transform the traces in an object that belonged to someone. Parallel I create new space for bodies to put their mark for the first time. I compare my work with the Nordic Museum's task to preserve the present for the future.

Att lösa sudoku med SAT-lösare

Yahtzee is a popular dice game around the world. The complexity makes the game interesting to play and analyze. This report compares the effectiveness of the mathematically optimal strategy with a strategy that can be used for casual play. The rules used are those of the Nordic variant Yatzy, in which a few but important rules are different from the American Yahtzee. To evaluate the everyday strategy 100,000 games was simulated in a java program written specifically for this purpose.

Individens lärande på arbetsplatsen : En studie av hur formellt och informellt lärande sker och samverkar

Background: Learning is important for companies? existence in today?s society and many studies discuss the importance of life long learning and learning organizations. An increased understanding for how the individual learn at the work place is importance to study to gain an accepting for how learning occurs, both formal and informal. Purpose: The purpose with this study is to describe the process of learning at the work place from an individual perspective, with focus on how formal and informal learning occur and interact. The purpose is also to confirm, contradict or develop existing theories.

Tv-spel som resurs för religionskunskap : En undersökning om tv-spel som resurs inom dygdetik

This paper examines the possibilities of using video games as a tool for education of virtue ethics. By comparing learning aspects in Marc Prensky?s theory Digital Game-Based Learning and Aristotelian virtue ethics, this paper tries to look for similarities in how each theory looks at learning. Prensky?s theory is about how one can use video games in education, which is why it is used here.

Ung Företagsamhets arbetssätt : Ur pedagogens perspektiv

AbstractThe aim of this paper is to, through interviews, examine what opinions teachers connected to "Ung Företagsamhet" (Young Enterprise, UF) have on the work of UF compared to contractual and traditional learning. The reason for this is to find out if UF´s way of working is successful in a world, where the definition of knowledge constantly changes. Through qualitative interviews the views of four UF teachers are scrutinised. The results of the interviews indicate that UF works in a way, which contains both contractual and traditional learning, where both directions complement each other in different stages of the learning process.Key words: Contractual learning, pedagogical perspective, Young Enterprise, traditional learning.

Mobile Learning för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter

Denna utredning visar att förekomsten av mobilapplikationer specifikt riktade till dyslektiker är i det närmaste obefintlig. Dessutom är forskningen på området M-Learning mest inriktad på integrerade M-Learning-system och inte på enskilda applikationer. M-Learning (mobilt lärande) är ett forskningsområde som kan sägas vara en vidareutveckling av E-Learning. Detta är ett växande forskningsområde och med explosionen av smarta telefoner och surfplattor bör för- och nackdelarna med  M-Learning kunna utnyttjas i större utsträckning. På uppdrag av Gävle kommun och med handledning av Sogeti har en prototyp mobilapplikation för elever med dyslexi utvecklats för Android-plattformen.

Working with Words

A comparative essay between the findings of research and practical methods in the English classroom conserning vocabulary learning in a foreign language..

Besittning av och rådighet över medel innestående på konto

The possession over bills and coins has, on the whole, been replaced with a credit balance on an account. Almost all payments today are processed by transmitting digital data and not by using cash. The credit balance on an account is a demand that the holder ofthe account have towards his bank. Law regarding three part relationships: By using Göranson?s theory you can say that the credit balance on an account may be object of possession.

En jämförelse mellan den matematiskt optimala strategin och en ivardagligt spel tillämplingsbar strategi

Yahtzee is a popular dice game around the world. The complexity makes the game interesting to play and analyze. This report compares the effectiveness of the mathematically optimal strategy with a strategy that can be used for casual play. The rules used are those of the Nordic variant Yatzy, in which a few but important rules are different from the American Yahtzee. To evaluate the everyday strategy 100,000 games was simulated in a java program written specifically for this purpose.

Att lära på olika sätt : En studie om pedagogers syn på elevers olika lärstilar

The intention with my study is to examine how teachers in school relate to the concept of learning styles and how they define an individualized education that focus on students? different learning abilities. My intention is also to raise their thoughts about what they think the benefits and the deficits may be with an individualized education that focuses on students? individual ways to learn.My study is based on the empiric material I have collected from interviews with five teachers, whom all worked in grade three. To analyze and discuss the interview answers I have had to my help Dunn-, Kolbs- and Gardners theories about peoples different learning abilities and learning styles.

Matte på burk - en lekfull arbetsmetod på förskolan : En intervjustudie om sex pedagogers syn kring arbetsmetoden Matte på burk

The purpose of this study was to find out what the educators view on the working method Matte på burk in preschool looked like. I also wanted to find out what the educators thought about the working method. My questions are:How does the educators in preschool experience the method Matte på burk?What do the educators in preschool believe that Matte på burk can give the children?The study was carried out through a qualitative interview study with six educators. During the interviews with the educators it became apparent that the method not only focused on mathematical exercises.

Hur kommuniceras värderingarav matematik i kursplanen? : En diskursanalys av värderingar i kommentarmaterialet tillkursplanen i matematik.

This study is part of an international project, The Third Wave Project. The project aims to conductstudies with students of different cultures to see what they value as important in mathematics andmathematics learning. Part of the project involves carrying out a survey, the WIFI study. The WiFistudyaims to examine values of mathematics teaching that may affect student learning. The valuesthat are examined in this study are based on the mathematical values which are described by Bishop(1991).

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