3022 Uppsatser om Mathematical learning object - Sida 6 av 202
Lek kring stol
The aim of this project was to develop a product which gives one or more objects of daily use an additional function. Thru the creativity of children the object shall transform into a new source for play for pre-school children.The purpose of this work was to research how fantasy and free play of children could be enhanced. I wanted to know how I can motivate children to use their fantasy transforming objects into new sources for play.This was achieved by means of developing a number of different prototypes which I tested in Kindergarden. My observations lead to the development of a cloth-wrap for the chair which provides the required source for ongoing role-play. The chair suddenly transforms into a new landscape and multi-purpose object where children?s fantasy is stimulated and creative play is supported..
Lärcentra och lärmiljöer på folkbibliotek ? en studie av personalens synsätt på motivation och metoder
The aim of this thesis is to investigate what distinguishes the views of staff at centres for learning as regards users? motivation at centres for learning in public libraries. The following questions were asked:? How do staff at centres for learning view the users? motivation to studies?? How do staff at centres for learning view causes for lack of motivation and obstacles for motivation to studies?? What methods do staff at centres for learning use to motivate potential users to studies and to market the learning centres? ? What distinguishes these views of staff on users? motivation at centres for learning in public libraries?The methods used in this study are: literature studies, qualitative interviews and questionnaires. Interviews and questionnaires were done with six employees at six centres for learning.
Dyskalyli och allmänna matematiksvårigheter
Dyscalculia and General Mathematical Dificulties.
Begreppsbubblor/Visuella representationer i matematikundervisningen : En studie om bemötandets och undervisningens betydelse och möjligheter för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter
The aim is to examine how students with attention difficulties may demonstrate their mathematical understanding through visual representations. A curiosity about how students think about mathematics, national tests and Concepts cartoons has also permeated the study. With help of observations combined with interviews and actively work for a week, the study shows an idea of how visual representations can help students with concentration difficulties to stay focused on their tasks. I chose a selection of pupils to do some mathematical tasks from the national tests which they had not been able to solve before. Now in the form of Concepts cartoons, which I designed, they managed to solve the same mathematics data. In my study treatment and interaction reveals as key pillars for a successful educational work with the students with concentration difficulties. Thus, all pupils who previously have been unable to solve these assignments on the National test were now able to show their mathematical understanding supported by visual representations..
Lärplattformar- verktyg för lärandet : Hur bör det utformas för att förbättra e-lärande för studenter på Linneuniversitet?
The development of the web has become an attractive area, with continuously and rapid development in the area it has led to a big change in the way of learning. Learning is a concept with many definitions, but a definition that is many at hand is that learning means that individuals seeking new knowledge and experiences that shape their goals, behavior and environment.With the development of the web a new way of learning emerged, E-learning. E-learning integrates information technology with the traditional learning to offers a flexible way of learning for students where they won't be dependent on time, place or others issues that would prevent their learning. E-learning takes shape of an application, LMS (Learning Management System). Today LMS are widely used in many universities, but with new technique comes new problems. The constant developments of the LMS have made the decision to use LMS difficult.
Virtuella vävnadsobjekt för medicinska träningsapplikationer
This Master thesis discusses the development of a virtual human soft tissue object for use in exercise applications of various medical procedures.The soft tissue object to be developed shall look like, feel like and behave as living human tissue. It shall give the user a realistic feeling of weight, softness and roughness, and shall behave in a correct way for exercise purposes. The soft tissue model is to be used in a three dimensional stereo graphic environment with haptic feedback. A prototype for practicing the procedure of inserting a catheter is built. The prototype is used to evaluate the potential of the virtual environment for medical exercise applications, and to assess the realism and usability of the soft tissue object.
Därför flyttar vi till Nyköping : En studie av Nyköpings kommuns positiva flyttnetto
The aim of this study was to analyze the assessment of the primary school, from the teacher?s perspective. There has been an ongoing discussion regarding assessment and about the purposes of assessment for a long time. But there is a paucity of research on what teachers believe about. This study examined primary teachers? beliefs on major purposes of assessment.Assessment is the process of gathering and interpreting information about students? learning.
Gruppsammansättning och lärande : Hur elever ser på sitt lärande i grupparbeten
The aim with the study has been to get an overview of how students perceive their learning in group projects. The survey has been implemented with a quantitative questionnaire with qualitative elements during guidance. Students in grade 9 in a secondary school answered a survey study where they should take side to several proposals about learning and group work. The result shows that students in general do not find learning in group as the best learning method, but instead prefer individual learning methods when to learn new things. On the contrary, students claim that they learn best when group members not think as they but think in another direction.
De kritiska aspekternas betydelse för elevers utveckling av lärande : En studie på en Learning Study
Jag har studerat en Learning Study i syfte att studera innebörder av kritiska aspekter i olika skeenden i en Learning Study. Detta med utgångspunkt i följande forskarfrågor: Vilka kritiska aspekter identifieras under processen i Learning Study träffarna?, Hur realiseras de kritiska aspekterna under försökslektionerna?, Vilka identifierade kritiska aspekter, ges möjlighet att erfaras av eleverna under försökslektionerna och resultatet i eftertestet?Studien kan ses som en form av praxisnära forskning av kvalitativ karaktär och har sin grund i min roll som en av deltagarna i ett FoU-arbete i Learning Study anordnat av utbildningsförvaltningen i Stockholm i samarbete med Stockholms universitet. Studien har sin utgångspunkt i granskning av avhandlingar och forskningsartiklar som innehåller studier kring och inom området Learning Study. Resultatet visar på att förståelse i variationsteorin och dess kritiska aspekter i Learning Study cykelns olika skeenden har betydelse för elevernas utvecklande av lärande..
Estetiska lärprocesser i förskolan : för kunskap och berikande upplevelser
The purpose of my study is to illumine the aesthetic learning process significant in the preschool. Focus has been on allowing educators in different preschools to answer questions valid the use of aesthetic learning processes. I chose to do my study using an opinion poll and a literature review. The result shows that the preschools use aesthetic learning processes and according to the educator?s aesthetic learning process is a very important tool for education in the preschool. The notable in this study is that the educators have different views of what aesthetic means. The first view is that you only work with aesthetic subjects.
Hot mot yrkesrollen eller vardagligt verktyg? En studie av lärares inställning till lärplattform
Today an increasing number of schools and organizations are investing in so called Learning Management Systems. Researchers disagree on the pedagogical value of these tools. Some mean that Learning Management Systems cement old-fashioned behaviouristic teaching practices; others mean that the systems provide good opportunities in supporting learning in a socio cultural perspective. The aim of this study is to reach better understanding and increased knowledge of how the introduction of a Learning Management System influences the role of the teacher and how the learning is organized. We have conducted two case studies.
Grundvattenpåverkan kring järnvägstunnlar i berg
Rock groundwater has always caused major problems when tunnelling. Water leaking into tunnels can cause large problems, not only on the construction itself but also on the environment. A continuous water leakage can lead to a declining water supply, and geotechnical problems can occur as subsidence in the ground. Therefore it is of great importance to predict the consequences that can appear in the surroundings due to a declining groundwater surface.The aim of the study was to investigate different methods for predicting leakage and changes in groundwater level due to tunnelling excavations in rock. This thesis was performed by comparing mathematical methods, actual groundwater changes and results from preliminary investigations.Investigations were made for three railway tunnels planned by Botniabanan AB.
Ett rikare lärande med variationsteorin som vägledande princip!? : En Learning study om det vita ljuset och dess färgspektrum.
Utifrån arbetsmodellen Learning study, med variationsteorin som utgångspunkt har forskning genomförts i två klasser i Sverige med syftet att försöka identifiera kritiska aspekterna för elever i årskurs nio inom ämnesområdet det vita ljuset och dess färgspektrum. Studien är en vidareutveckling av en tidigare genomförd studie i Hong Kong och har därför även haft till syfte att undersöka om de identifierade kritiska aspekterna är generaliserbara från en skolkontext till en annan kontext.Den svenska skolan styrs nationellt utifrån styrdokument, skollag, läroplan och kursplan för skolämnet och läraren har även riktlinjer för att få en yrkesetisk förankring. Dessa delar är viktiga att läraren tar i beaktning inför planering av undervisningen. Elevernas bakgrund och förkunskaper i ämnet är av stor vikt för läraren att ta hänsyn till för att de ska kunna ta till sig undervisningen om det som läraren har tänkt att de ska lära sig.I denna studie kunde åtta kritiska aspekter identifieras i de två klasser som undersökningen genomfördes i. Fem av de kritiska aspekterna var redan identifierade i Hong Kong.
Matematikundervisningen i IB, International Baccalaureate, programmet. En jämförelse med svenska program.
Syftet med detta arbete är att jämföra International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB), med svenska SP och NV program. Detta görs genom att besvara frågan hur innehållen i matematikkurserna på IB programmet skiljer sig från matematikkurser som ges i de svenska programmen. Inte enbart innehållet i kurserna jämförs utan även timplanen granskas för att undersöka om arbetsbördan i programmen skiljer sig åt. Den lättaste matematikkursen som undervisas i IB programmet, Mathematical Studies är mest lik de svenska Matematik A-C kurserna. Den andra IB kursen, Mathematical Methods täcker framförallt Matematik A-E kurserna medan den tredje kursen, Mathematics Higher Level stämmer bäst överens med Matematik kurserna A-F och Matematik-diskret.
Matematik i förskolan : Hur arbetar pedagoger med matematik utomhus på förskolor med olika pedagogiska inriktningar (traditionell, i ur och skur och Reggio Emilia)?
In this essay, I have interviewed four pedagogues from three preschools whit different pedagogical purposes. The purpose was to find out how they work with mathematics outdoor. In addition to interviews, I have conducted observations at each preschool. The different preschools are one traditional, one Reggio Emilia and one ?all weather? (Friluftsfrämjandet) preschool.