

243 Uppsatser om Math developers - Sida 12 av 17


This project report shows the work around a mockup to a three-dimensional avatar-making application. An avatar-making application is a computer-based software program in which it is possible to create your own personal virtual character. The possibility to use three-dimensional avatars can in the future be essential for adding extra personal information or characteristics to social communication over the internet or over mobile phones. The problem of transforming a physical form and reconstruct it to a virtual basis has been an important problem to solve for many companies and software developers in the, for instance, virtual worlds area. Methods and ideas over making this transformation is the key throughout this project.

Babels torn återuppstår : Den interna kommunikationens påverkan i agila projektteam.

Internal communication is an important factor in organisations today. For many system development teams it?s critical that the communication works well. Without communication, success would be impossible. This study aims to highlight the effect communication has on the members of agile project teams.

Analysverktyg för webbsidor med JavaScript

New technological innovations like tablets and smartphones have a taken significant market share on the web and puts new demands on webpages, the user interface and compatibility among different client devices. The full test of a web-based system prior to the publication is often regarded as an important part of the process to create a complete and successful website. This bachelor thesis investigates the possibility to analyze mobile-adapted web sites using a system that first records the visitor's activities and then replays them for an expert analyst to provide valuable information to developers about how their site can be improved.The essay begins with a litterature study on today's most common web development tools and then examines the possibility to apply them during the development of the analysis tool. The work also describes two methods, pair programming and waterfall method used during the project. Three different evaluation methods are presented and one of the models is applied on the finished system.The project results in a web-based analysis tool written mainly in JavaScript using the jQuery library.

Programvaruutveckling med visuell programmering i en pedagogisk tillämpning

In visual programming the developer specifies her code, using visual tools. Within the range of visual programming languages lay icon-based languages, form-based languages, and diagram languages.Mediator is a multimedia authoring tool that allows the user to create interactive CD-ROM presentations, dynamic HTML pages and Flash projects, without any coding or scripting. The user can create interactivity in her project, using event driven and icon-based visual programming, through a ?drag and drop? user interface. This report intends to determine some of the qualifications of a tool of this kind, as well as its limitations.The report is based on a case study, in which a smaller software application was to be updated using Mediator 9.

Användarinvolvering i produktutveckling på små sportföretag

Small!size!enterprises!within!the!outdoor!industry!seldom!use!a!structured!process!or!method!when!involving!users!in!product!development.!One!reason!for!this!is!that!many!structured!development!processes!are!designed!for!large!companies!with!very!different!resources.!When!involving!users!in!product!development!processes,!the!most!common!user! is! an! elite! athlete.! She! or! he! often! has! different! requirements! than! the! regular!consumer!and!in!the!customers?!point!of!view;!this!leads!to!nonCmaximized!developed!products.!!The! result! of! this! thesis! is! a! user! involvement! process! for! small! outdoor! companies!based! on! the! Sister! Kenny! Research! Center! Innovation! Handbook,! a! product!development!process,!which!itself!is!based!on!a!phaseCgate!model.!The!process!focuses!on!the!user!category!enthusiastic!amateurs,!since!this!is!what!companies!in!the!industry!require.!The!process!also! focuses!on!how!and!where! small!outdoor! companies! should!involve!users!and!give!recommendations!on!how!many!users!that!should!be!involved!in!a! product! development! process,! different! from! what! the! theory! recommend.! The!process! also! builds! on! that! ideas! should! come! from! the! users! first,! and! then! being!further!developed!by!the!company's!product!developers.!The!degree!of!communication!between!users!and!the!company!is!shown!and!the!report!clarifies!the!user!involvement!intensity!in!product!development!processes.!!The!involvement!process!that!has!been!developed!has!also!been!summarized!in!a!guide!that! can!be!used!by! a! company!on! a!daily!basis.!This! contains! information!on,! among!other!things,!how!users!are!selected!and!how!to!plan!a!workshop.!!! !.

Visualisering av rotationer samt kvadratiska former i Linjär Algebra

Examensarbetet har genomförts på Campus Norrköping, Linköpings Universitet. Nätkursen och nätduggorna är ett samarbete mellan Linköpings Universitet (LiU), Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) och portalen MATH.SE.Målet med samarbetet är att skapa och underhålla en webbsida (http://webcourses.itn.liu.se) i kursen Linjär algebra. Detta samarbete har skapats för att öka studenters intresse och öka deras inlärning i detta ämne. Anledningen till att dessa program behövs inom Linjär algebra är att det är svårt att förklara begrepp i tre dimensioner eller mer på en tvådimensionell tavla.Syfte med examensarbetet var att skapa en webbsida, som ökar förståelsen hos studenter som läser Linjär algebra. Med webbsidan skulle studenterna själva kunna interaktivt visualisera de moment i kursen som kan vara svåra att undervisa i ett klassrum.

Att testa kvalitet : En validerande informationsinsamlingsmetod för ökad kunskapsåterföring

This master thesis has been carried out at Scania R&D at the department for Powertrain Control System Development during the winter of 2010/2011. In the thesis the writer examine and evaluate the existing method for collecting information from the tests carried out during the development of the Powertrain Control Systems software. It also contains suggestions for how a new method that enhance the validation elements could look like.The master thesis uses Vicentes theories of the ecological approach and theories of how knowledge sharing of tacit and technical information works within an organization and between the organization and its customers. First a workplace analysis at Scania R&D is carried out to see how Powertrain Control Systems work and how they test their software. Second a control task analysis, where the aims decided on after the interviews, is compared to the existing method.

Implementation av Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync mot en molntjänst

This report describes a bachelor thesis work performed at the cloud storage company CloudMe in Linköping, Sweden. The storage service provided by CloudMe allows users to access their files seamlessly from multiple units at the same time. In the cloud there is storage provided for contacts, calendar and e-mail, which is data nowadays normally used by smart phones.Exchange ActiveSync is a protocol developed by Microsoft which, among much more, provides functionality to synchronize the previously described data. This protocol is supported by the smart phone developers and the ability to synchronize over the exchange protocol is implemented in products by default. Due to this fact it would be preferable to implement support for synchronization from CloudMe to phones over this protocol.

Visuellt typinstrument : en metrologisk studie

Visual Type Instrument - VTI, is a tool containing a typeface and a set of geometric calculations that generates numerical data in spreadsheets. The data is determined from the typefaces visual dimensions and is used to calculate leading, type size, margins and format. The aim is to offer, for all of those working with typography and design, a practical way to manage text, image and format in relationship to visual size. Instead of using point measurements, VTI uses a new device called Edo. An Edo is the same as one twelfth of a millimetre.

Mobile Ajax

This report describes a master thesis performed at SICS (Swedish Institute of Computer Science) and KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm.Ajax stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML" and it's not a programming language, but a suite of technologies used to develop web applications with more interactivity than the traditional web pages.Ajax applications can be adapted for mobile and constrained devices. This has been called Mobile Ajax. While the technique is the same, Mobile Ajax generally is considered to be a special case of Ajax, because it deals with problems specific to the mobile market.The purpose of this thesis has been to examine which possibilities and disadvantages has the Mobile Ajax from developers and users perspective. In addition we compare Mobile Ajax with Java Micro Edition (Java ME) and Flash Lite.This has been done through literature studies and development of a databased chat client (MAIM -Mobile Ajax Instant Messenger). The application sends and receives direct messages in real time between differently mobile devices.

C, C++, Java och Python - En prestandajämförelse mellan fyra programmeringsspråk

In today?s society computers are getting a much more important role. To get a computer to work as intended it has to be programmed. A computer program is written with programming languages. There is an abundance of programming languages available today and there are many differences and similarities between them. The different languages have their advantages and their disadvantages where some of them are intended for fast performance, some to be cheap on memory usage, and some are developed to be easy to program on. In our thesis we have chosen to compare four of todays most common languages, C, C++, Java and Python.

Nätbaserad utbildning för en hållbar besöksnäring

A system to regulate both quality and sustainability regarding Swedish tourism industry is under way. In order for the system to be successfull it needs to be accompanied by an education, in this case a net based education is studied.High requirements are demanded for a successful net based education for a sustainable tourism industry. This is valid both for the didactic area,  which is how an education is structured and planned and in the organisational area, which is how and education best is implemented in a company. The aim with this study is to increase the understandings of which aspects that are important for  developers  if this net based education. The study was conducted at three hostels in Stockholm with surrondings. Both managers and  employees participated in the study.  The managers where interviewed and got to answer a questionniare.

Dataspelsarvet - klassiker och kanonisering

This master thesis deals with computer game classics and a possible computer game canon. It looks closer at four computer game genres - adventure, RPG, action and strategy - in order to discern which games are considered classics and what characterizes them. To answer the first question a quantitative research method was used. 675 computer game reviews from 5 Internetsites were examined in order to see which games are mentioned most often in this context and therefore might be considered classics. To answer the second question a qualitative research method was used.

Automatiskt kabelmärkningssystem

Risk management is a key competency that is constantly being researched how it can be improved within project management. The risk management process consists of four major steps: identify risks, assess the risks? significance on the project, evaluate and address the key risks and follow up.The majority of companies seem to neglect certain identified risks, and decide not to mitigate if the risk does not cause adverse effects to the business. To counteract undesirable consequences and help organisations to become more effective at managing risks an initial work has been conducted for a risk repository.The project develops a proposal on the design of a risk repository which aim to effectively support a database implementation. The study includes literature studies which resulted in a relational model for database implementation.

Gräsrotsplanering från femte våningen : eller tankar kring exploateringen av Stockholms ytterstad

This essay is about the planning of Stockholm's border regions (areas on the outskirts of the city) during the first seven years of the 21st century. It describes how planning decisions are made in reality, in respect to a 'green' perspective. By describing what a "markanvisning" is (the right to negotiate with the city about a certain piece of land) and by discussing examples of what has happened with a hundred applications for markanvisning, this essay shows how Stockholm's border regions are planned. In the majority of cases it is the initiative of the future developers that begin the planning and construction processes. Research shows that the application to get a markanvisning in Stockholm does not follow a clear, structured system. However, the existing system in Stockholm does work and it seems like almost all the employees within the municipality, the politicians, and the future proprietors are happy with the current situation. Interviews have been held with key individuals involved in the planning process.

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