

243 Uppsatser om Math developers - Sida 11 av 17

Bättre användarupplevelse med responsiv webbdesign

The use of mobile devices has increased dramatically in recent years and the development of newtechnologies has made it difficult for developers to know what screen size and device the visitor isusing. This has resulted in the fact that today there is a problem with the interface for web pages onmobile devices. They are not adapted to the flexibility required for the interfaces to be recognizedon various mobile devices. Instead of developing two separate web pages, where one is designed formobile devices and one for desktop and keep them both continously updated, responsive webdesign simplifies the work process. Responsive web design is a flexible and dynamic interface thatadapts to mobile device and screen sizes.

Utvecklingen från traditionell ekonomistyrning till verksamhetsstyrning : En studie inom ekonomistyrning

This thesis primarily includes a study on whether companies can develop a mathematical activity that supports students' motivation in mathematics. The work was done together with Midroc Electro, a company that pays attention to the difficulty of recruiting and therefore was interested in investigating how the business world would be able to contribute.The thesis can be divided into three stages. The first part comprised by a exploration into research on student motivation regarding mathematics as well as numerous interviews with engineers to see how the research findings did fit with Midroc Electros reality. In these studies it became clear that the student who aims for a profession whose education or work requires math belongs to the group of students who primarily manage their studies in mathematics, that is, those that have the greatest motivation to work hard and complete their studies.Research information and interviews were compared and resulted in the thesis second part, Midroc Challenge. An activity where students primarily came to learn about the engineering profession and secondly how mathematics can be used in the engineering profession.

Pekplattan leksak eller didaktiskt verktyg?

The information technique is developing at a fast pace and almost all new technique is being welcomed with opened arms. The newest on the market is the tablet device, it´s a device used for surfing the web, sending email, watching movies and playing games. It is now also being used in some schools for educational purposes. My research goal has been to find out how the teachers feel about using the tablet device for educational purposes. I have conducted interviews to find the answers to my questions.

Matematik : Hur motivera elevens lärande i köksmatematik?

In Adult Education-Restaurant students often have a negative attitude towards the subject of math. Often mathematics is associated with what experiences the students had of this subject in elementary school - experiences that many times reduce the motivation for the same that is so frequent in the catering industry, in different contexts. Mathematics more or less unconsciously permeates restaurant profession at large, and as a chef you must realize the importance of mathematics in your daily work in the kitchen. The purpose of the work is to develop the mathematics lesson weight and volume by planning and designing more stimulating lessons accommodated in the kitchen - combining calculation problems with the work in a real kitchen environment. The aim is to help increase the students? motivation for and understanding of the importance of mathematics in the kitchen work. An action-oriented research method was used where students in a survey were asked to answer questions about their previous experiences with mathematics and how they themselves thought that motivating lessons on mathematics in cooking should be designed. The survey revealed that the majority of the students thought that the mathematics lessons weight and volume preferably should take place in the kitchen.

Matematikundervisningens varierade arbetssätt : En kvalitativ undersökning om tre grundskolelärares undervisningsmetoder inom matematik

There is a constant change in the world of school, new curricula and syllabi are made and the view of teaching and learning is changing. The desire to improve maths teaching in Swedish schools is strong, especially by laboratory work. How is it then that several teachers in our schools are still using the traditional way of teaching mathematics, which I consider to be relying a lot on the textbook and work for an automated approach?The purpose of my study is to investigate how three different math teachers on an F-5 school in the southern Stockholm area, choose to work with mathematics and why they choose to work according to a special approach. In order to obtain the information I seek, I have chosen to use the qualitative method to get a better understanding of my results.

Pragmatisk mjukvarutestning : Hur kan agila metoder implementeras i ett pågående utvecklingsprojekt?

There are several ways of conducting software testing where some may include users and others may include personnel whose work task is to execute test on systems. Although most developers and project managers understand the point of testing the system, it is not always being done and the most common reason is that there is no time for it. However, this is a false assumption as it may instead cause some bugs in the system that would not have been there in the first place if tests had been there to prevent bugs in the code.My purpose for this thesis was to find suggestions for changes in the development process in an ongoing project used by Acino and Svenska Försäkringsfabriken in order to increase the quality of the system used. In this thesis, I have approached the purpose by pursuing a case study of the two companies through observation and interviews. By doing this I acquired the relevant information to make suggestions for change.

Lärarkompetens och måluppfyllelse. : Uppföljning av en läs- och språksatsning i Stockholms grundskolor

Syftet med studien är att undersöka effekterna av en läs- och språksatsning. Fokus ligger på att identifiera faktorer som påverkar skolor att delta, huruvida dessa har förbättrade elevresultat samt läs- och språkutveck-larnas upplevelser av förändringar i undervisning, lärarkompetens och elevernas måluppfyllelse. Undersök-ningen omfattar två extremgrupper; dels åtta skolor som deltagit, dels åtta skolor som ej deltagit. Data kommer från Skolverkets databaser samt från en enkät ställd till skolornas läs- och språkutvecklare. Den teoretiska ramen utgörs av en pedagogisk samspelsmodell.

Visualisering av Linjära Avbildningar i Linjär Algebra

Detta examensarbete har genomförts på Campus Norrköping, Linköpings Universitet. Arbetet är en del av ett samarbete mellan Linköpings Universitet, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan och Math.se. Målet med samarbetet är att skapa och underhålla en hemsida för webbstöd i kursen Linjär Algebra. Genom åren har det upptäckts att det finns en problematik i många studenters inlärning av kursens teori. Detta beror på att det är svårt att undervisa något som berör fler än två dimensioner på en tvådimensionell tavla eller papper.Examensarbetets syfte var att utveckla grunden för en produkt som hjälper till att öka förståelsen hos studenter som läser linjär algebra.

Lärsituationens komplexitet för elever som upplever svårigheter i matematik : Rutiga Familjen i en ny lärmiljö

The Squares Family is a game developed as a learning aid in mathematics. With its graphical representation of the decimal system, the four basic arithmetic operations and positive and negative numbers together with a learning agent as pedagogical approach, the game?s primary purpose is to motivate students in their learning of mathematics. Although the game is strictly based on mathematical rules it attempts to encourage students to play and work with math without experiencing it as mathematics as this is initially not obvious. The game being internationally tested on normal performing students, this project introduced the game to six Swedish students who experience low motivation for and/or difficulties in mathematics.

Svårigheter och begränsningar vid utveckling av dashboards som stöd vid beslutsfattande

Behovet av beslutssto?dsystem o?kar sta?ndigt bland fo?retagen va?rlden o?ver. Fo?r att ett beslutssto?dsystem skall vara anva?ndbart och generera en nytta till ett fo?retag, sa? finns det krav pa? att den information som visualiseras skall uppna? en viss datakvalitet. Sa?ledes a?r syftet med detta arbete att underso?ka vilka problem som uppsta?r vid utveckling av dashboards i stra?van efter att uppna? en ho?g datakvalitet.I stra?van efter att identifiera vilka problem och sva?righeter som uppsta?r vid utveckling av dashboards fo?r beslutssto?d sa? utfo?rdes intervjuer med sex olika utvecklare av dashboards fra?n olika fo?retag i Sverige.

Matematik och ingenjören : Utveckling av en aktivitet för att öka elevers motivation för matematik

This thesis primarily includes a study on whether companies can develop a mathematical activity that supports students' motivation in mathematics. The work was done together with Midroc Electro, a company that pays attention to the difficulty of recruiting and therefore was interested in investigating how the business world would be able to contribute.The thesis can be divided into three stages. The first part comprised by a exploration into research on student motivation regarding mathematics as well as numerous interviews with engineers to see how the research findings did fit with Midroc Electros reality. In these studies it became clear that the student who aims for a profession whose education or work requires math belongs to the group of students who primarily manage their studies in mathematics, that is, those that have the greatest motivation to work hard and complete their studies.Research information and interviews were compared and resulted in the thesis second part, Midroc Challenge. An activity where students primarily came to learn about the engineering profession and secondly how mathematics can be used in the engineering profession.

Operatörsoberoende SMS-leverans med designmönstret Bridge

When different type of programs are developed one wants to make these adjustable to future changes and requirements. It must be done a good design of the program from the beginning to make it possible to continue development of it without having to redo big parts of it to high costs. In the area of object orientation there are design pattern, which can be used to design systems that can be adjusted to new changes in an easier way. I have in this thesis chosen to take a closer look at how to design a program that sends SMS to cell phones through a system of an operator. One requirement on the program is that it has to be possible to change what operator to send though in an easy way.

Operatörsoberoende SMS-leverans med designmönstret Bridge

When different type of programs are developed one wants to make these adjustable to future changes and requirements. It must be done a good design of the program from the beginning to make it possible to continue development of it without having to redo big parts of it to high costs. In the area of object orientation there are design pattern, which can be used to design systems that can be adjusted to new changes in an easier way. I have in this thesis chosen to take a closer look at how to design a program that sends SMS to cell phones through a system of an operator. One requirement on the program is that it has to be possible to change what operator to send though in an easy way.

Användarinvolvering i ett systemutvecklingsprojekt -Är det effektivt?

In most software engineering project, users are only involved in the beginning of the project as a help to design the requirements specification but users can be involved after this phase too, but is it effective to do so? With this report we would like to investigate how effective it is to involve users after the requirements specification has been written and approved. To find out how effective it is to involve the users we try some fast and simple involvement techniques on a quite far gone project. These techniques include ethnographic studies, prototypes and surveys. We also interviewed a couple of people who work with usability and finally delivered a report with our results to them to find out if they found our result relevant. By also documenting how much time we spent involving users we will show to which degree user involvement is effective. We found out that a couple of fast techniques could get very much result in the form of usability enhancing suggestions to the developers.

C, C++, Java och Python : En prestandajämförelse mellan fyra programmeringsspråk

In today?s society computers are getting a much more important role. To get a computer to work as intended it has to be programmed. A computer program is written with programming languages. There is an abundance of programming languages available today and there are many differences and similarities between them.

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