

119 Uppsatser om Masculine - Sida 7 av 8

Mellan Bröst och Rumpor : En Kvalitativ Studie av The Playboy Interview

Playboy is a magazine that, for more than a half century, has been mostly known to the wider audience for its stylized pictures of naked women. What a lot of people do not know is that the magazine, with its editor in chief Hugh Hefner in the lead, has been frontrunners in human rights. Playboy has been fighting protecting the right of freedom of speech, fighting for equal rights for all people during the civil rights movement and supported the feminist movement by funding precedent cases on abortion rights. According to a series of text analyses by Beggan & Allison (2000, 2002b) Playboy?s editorial direction contradicted conventional definitions of masculinity. Also, the magazine portrayed its Playmates with complex identities that, in many cases, contained a number of traditionally Masculine abilities.In this thesis we have done a critical discourse analysis of the Playboy interview and how the gender of its subject is portrayed by the magazine.

Kön i minoritet : En jämförelse mellan manliga socialsekreterare och kvinnliga poliser.

Traditionally and historically certain jobs have been recognized as male or female professions leading to the assumption that the barrier crossing men and women working in these gender atypical jobs are being less Masculine and less feminine. The aim of this study is to examine similarities and differences among male social workers and female police officers in the experience of being a gender minority in their workplace and how it effects the construction of their gender identity. Working with a qualitative approach and using semi-constructed interviews the study was conducted by interviewing a total of five social workers and four female police officers, in six different communities, about their personal experiences of being a gender minority in a gender atypical job. The result shows both differences and similarities between the genders and their occupation; on a personal level neither of the respondents seemed to have a problem working in a gender atypical job although admitting that working in a ?female? and ?male? profession  had effects on their personality but not on how they viewed themselves as men or women.

The Male Gaze som retorisktverktyg : En utredande litteraturstudie över hur the Male Gaze kan användas inom retorikvetenskapen

The thought behind this bachelor essay regarding gender and rhetorical feminist criticism developed years ago out of the fact that I read just a little too many dirty chick lit-pockets as a teen. Those chick lit-pockets were my first introduction to sex, to gender roles, to how men and women react and are supposed to react to each other and, in some sense, even to feminism. Those chick lit-pockets, later turning into hardcore Harlequin-books, became my benchmark when I started to contemplate the fact that this is a man?s world, produced and reproduced by a male gaze which influences everything from sex, porn, advertising, gender roles, jobs and payment to dirty pockets for teenage girls.The essays aims to show how the male gaze-phenomenon could be to use for the rhetoric discipline: first combined with other rhetorical theories as a way to analyze and understand gender and objectification. The main question asked; How to put the male gaze on a rhetorical leash? This bachelor essay consists of a qualitative literature study focusing on four articles and one book in which five different male gaze-perspective appears.

Aktioner och reaktioner - Kristna kvinnors motreaktioner till Femens aktioner i en proteströrelse på internet

Religion is not only manifested in the more traditional forms such as church attendance, but also in various expressions on social media. Facebook is seen by many as creating a social platform where different opinions and more unconventional discussions may flourish unlike how the traditional media convey information. Internet is therefore an interesting platform for investigating how information about religion is spread by researching religious behavior and expression. The focus of this essay is to examine visible, which includes text as a social practice, forms of religious expression shown by the discursive struggle between the Facebook-group Christian Women Against Femen and its counterpart feminist movement Femen. The essay seeks to answer how notions of femininity on the Internet are formulated and reproduced based on the discourse between these two women's movements.The essay highlights how the women?s movements, with their bodily manifestation and by their usage of words, construct and reproduce different images of gender and womanhood.

Individuell lönesättning : Rätt väg för jämställda löner?

Today there is still irrelevant pay differential in society. In Sweden in 2010, the average pay differential was 15,4 percent between the sexes. Only 0,8 percent better than EU:s average.In Sweden the individual salaries increasingly have begun to characterize the Swedish labor market. Based on this, the aim of this study is to highlight the issue of equal pay between men and women from the perspective of individual salary. This would also been doing with a background in the regulatory environment of equal pay.When it comes to equality between women and men it is the area of labor law in EU who is the most developed and in Sweden this is the area who is most affected by EU law.

Manlighet i mellanstadiet : En kvalitativ studie om maskulina ideal bland pojkar i mellanstadiet

The aim of this study has been to examine, describe and analyze how masculinities can be represented and understood among boys in a Swedish primary school context. The study was conducted within a school located in a small community on the country side. Through the use of a qualitative research design we interviewed 13 boys from the fifth grade of this school, who all got to express and reason their perspectives of what it meant to them to be a boy in primary school and how that could impact their social life. For a wider understanding of the different dimensions of masculinity we used R.W. Connell's (2008) theoretical framework, hegemonic masculinity, which implies that there are multiple definitions of masculinities that are constructed in relation to each other in a hierarchical order.

Från periferi till piedestal

AbstractThis paper is a study in press reception with the intent to examine how twelve female actionheroes have been portrayed in Swedish media between 1974 ? 2006. The purpose is to discern patterns and differences in how the female movie character is received by their contemporary journalists and to relate their views to social and gender related theories. The female actionhero is an independent and brutal character, often alone and without a mother or a child. This separates her from typical female roles, which historically been characterized by passivity, fear and dependency on the male characters in the movie. The female actionhero as a character opens up for complex reception. One perspective in the research identifies the independent woman as a feministic icon.

?It was easy to write about whores, but to write about a good woman was much more difficult? : En queer läsning av Charles Bukowskis Women och Love is a Dog from hell

A Queer Reading of Charles Bukowski?s Women and Love is a dog from hellThis thesis aims to examine how the representation of gender is portrayed in relation to sex and power in Charles Bukowski?s novel Women and poetry collection Love is a dog from hell.The theoretical frame of the analysis is based on Judith Butler?s queer theory regarding the heterosexual matrix and gender performativity. The analysis consists of a textual comparison where a specific selection of poems is analysed parallel to the novel to see how they interact and how they oppose each other, through a queer reading.The analysis is divided in three parts where the first one discusses the construction of masculinity in Charles Bukowski?s protagonist Henry Chinaski and how this is presented differently in the two literary genres. The second part reveals how sex is presented in relation to power and how active and passive women are considered as sexually acceptable.

Konstituerandet av en maskulin respektive feminin identitet : En socialpsykologisk studie av sociala relationers betydelse för konstituerandet av en maskulin respektive feminin identitet för ungdomarna i Rädda Barnens projekt Ellen & allan

Denna uppsats tar sin början i ett intresse av att studera ungdomars konstituerande av identitet. Vi valde att utföra vår studie i Rädda Barnens projekt Ellen & allan som arrangerar samtalsgrupper med en normkritisk agenda för ungdomar i 14-års ålder. Syftet är att genom en kvalitativ studie skapa förståelse för hur ungdomarna som deltar i Ellen & allan konstituerar en maskulin respektive feminin identitet, samt betydelsen av ungdomarnas sociala relationer för detta konstituerande. Studiens omfattning utgörs av tre intervjuer med projektledare och samtalsledare för projektet och av sex timmars observation vid fyra separata tillfällen i en Ellengrupp och i en allangrupp. Intervjuerna bidrog till kunskap om projektet som förberedde oss och skapade ett tydligt fokus inför vårt möte med fältet. Intervjuerna var utformade på ett sådant sätt att de kom att generera material som korrelerade med våra observationsdata. Från vår analys av intervjuer och observationer drar vi slutsatsen att ungdomarnas behov av att skapa och upprätthålla sociala relationer leder till en konformitet inom samtalsgrupperna som bidrar till att ungdomarnas konstituerande av maskulin respektive feminin identitet görs med ursprung i en maskulin heterosexuell hegemoni.

"I världen, men icke av världen" : Konstruktionen av kristen manlighet i Skånes Missionssällskap ca 1939-1945

The aim of this study is to analyze the construction of "Christian masculinity" during the modern era. This is made in opposition to earlier research that has claimed that masculinity could not be constructed religiously, that is, without at the same time being constructed as effeminate or anti-Masculine.Using a wide variety of theoretical concepts - such as discourse analysis, class, secularisation, masculinity as constructed from countertypes, and finally masculinity as a homosocial construction - I analyze a free church in Sweden, the Scanian Missionary Society (Skånes Missionssällskap), during the period of ca 1939-1945 (the society was a district of the Swedish Covenant Church, or Svenska Missionsförbundet), in order to argue for the standpoint that masculinity, in fact, could be constructed religiously. The primary source is the society's weekly journal Sydposten.The main results in this study can be summarized as follows: 1) The leading men in the Scanian Missionary Society did, in fact, construct a Christian masculinity, i. e. a masculinity whose core values and ideals were Christian, e.g.

?Women will never fight in the UFC? : En kvalitativ inneha?llsanalys av kvinnlig MMA?s framsta?llning i media

?Never!? That was the answer UFC President Dana White gave when asked when women would be seen in the UFC. Two years later the first fight between two women took place and now there?s more than 50 female competitors in the UFC - an organisation that earlier was reserved only for men.?Women will never fight in the UFC? ? A qualitative content analysis of the depiction of women?s MMA in media is a study which focuses on how women?s MMA and Ronda Rousey as an individual athlete are portrayed in american internet based MMA media, with a gender research perspective. This study also investigates how the introduction of the first women?s division in the UFC might have affected the depiction women?s MMA in media.The theoretical framework consists of gender theory concepts such as gender performativity, the man as norm, sports and masculinity.

Musik och genus - Hur genus konstrueras i musikundervisning

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur genus - vårt socialt skapade kön skapas i en musikpedagogisk verksamhet. Finns det någon skillnad mellan pojkar och flickors intresse i ämnet musik, val av instrument eller agerande i undervisningen? Hur bemöter eleverna varandra, hur bemöter läraren eleverna och tvärtom ur ett genusperspektiv? Studien utfördes på en grundskola i klasserna sju och nio med hjälp av observationsmetoden och videokamera. Resultaten visade på skillnad mellan könen genom att pojkarna generellt dominerade musiklektionen genom att prata, bråka och ta mer uppmärksamhet än flickorna. Undervisningens innehåll och lektionstid blev kraftigt negativt påverkad då lärarens uppmärksamhet riktades åt pojkarnas bråk.

MÄN MED KLASS - En jämförande studie om maskuliniteter och klass

The focus of our dissertation is masculinity which is often a topic of debate in today?s society concerning areas such as violence, sport and paternal leave. Male studies are a relatively new field which means there is a lot remaining to be explored. We have chosen to explore how social class reflects on male identity. The reason we have chosen social class as a variable is due to a focus in the general debate of identity amongst the social sciences towards identities formed through consumption in the world of global mass-media.

Hurtiga Vasagossar och lata pojkar : En studie av manlighet och patriotism inom Vasa Skyddskår i samband med det ginska inbördeskriget 1918

Title: Jaunty Vaasa-lads and lazy boys ? a study of masculinity and patriotism in the Civil Guard in Vaasa in relation to the Finnish Civil War of 1918.This paper deals with the subject of expressions of masculinity in relation to patriotism and nationalism as a part of the mobilisation of the so called white side in the Finnish Civil War of 1918. With regards to how this was expressed in the local Civil Guard in the town of Vaasa. The focus   lies on the construction of an ideal masculinity within this specific Civil Guard as expressed            in the Guards own documents of different varieties, during the events in the spring of 1918 and at the one year anniversary of its outbreak. The study is first and foremost based on Joan W.

Kampen om Könskriget : - en diskursteoretisk analys av meningsskapande kring Dokument Inifråns granskning av extremfeminismen

AbstractTitle: The struggle of ?The war of the sexes?- A discoursetheoretical analysis of Dokument Inifrån?s review of extreme feminism (Kampen om Könskriget ? En diskursteoretisk analys av meningsskapande kring Dokument Inifråns granskning av extremfeminismen)Number of pages: 40Author: Anna OsterlingTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies DPeriod: March ? May 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: To analyse the debate in Dagens Nyheter from May 2005-June 2005 concerning the documentaries ?The war of the sexes? and to use discourse theory to reflect upon how the texts create different thruths and discources. A second purpose is to analyse how the texts create identities and groups, mainly concerning feminism. A third purpose is to relate the creation of meaning to structures of power and genderrelations.Material/Method: The material consists of 57 texts from Dagens Nyheter published during the chosen period, all relating to the documentaries. The method is textual analysis with a discoursetheoretical persective and analysis of societal structures and power using theories from Foucault, Conell and Säljö.Main results: There are several discourses struggling to create mening around ?The war of the sexes? of which some are greatly antagonistic towards each other.

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