

119 Uppsatser om Masculine - Sida 6 av 8

Melankolin som manligt privilegium : Studier av melankolin i breven från tre romantiska män

The essay deals with the idea of melancholia as an exclusively male feeling associated with geniality and eminence, as it is shown in the letters of three romantic men. These letters were written by the philosopher Benjamin Höijer, the poet P.D.A Atterbom, and the musician Adolf Fredrik Lindblad to their female friends Henriette von Rosenstein, Euphrosyne, and Malla Silfverstolpe. Romantic masculinity is a neglected topic that is in need of further research. An essential characteristic of romanticism is the appreciation of feeling. According to the traditional dualistic gender division though, women represented sensibility, while men instead were associated with reason.

Dominerad av Dominans : en kvalitativ studie om hur pojkar/unga män med rötter i den muslimska världen förhåller sig till etniskt svenska män och vad detta förhållningssätt innebär för deras egna föreställningar om maskulinitet och heder

Islamic masculinity which quite often associates with oppression of women has remained an underexaminated category despite its constant presence in the debate on honour related oppression. Honour has primarily been studied from a feminine point of view and theories of masculinity have taken insignificant interest in the issue of honour. The aim of this study is to understand what attitudes boys/young men from the Muslim world have toward native Swedish men and what these attitudes do imply for their own conceptions of masculinity and honour. The ambition of this study is also to make explicit the similarities, differences and connections between honour and masculinity.The empirical basis of this study consists of twelve interviews with boys/young men from the Muslim world about their notions of honour and masculinity. The theoretical platform arises from theories of masculinities and honour.Some prominent ?patterns? that I have found:- That religious norms and rules appear to be significant in how the Masculine manners of conduct should be adjusted.- That honour and women as carriers of men?s honour, play a crucial role for the constitution of proper masculinity.- That the Swedish context and its policy of equality seem to threaten the obviousness of the islamic masculinity.

Att få tillträde till trädgården: Om konstruktionen av chefskap i coaching

During the last decade executive coaching has become an increasingly popular method of management development. Few studies have been conducted within this area, especially in Sweden, and little has been said about the construction of management in executive coaching. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to study executive coaching from a social constructionist perspective, focusing on the construction of management. The two research questions are: How is management constructed in executive coaching? How can we understand the construction of management in executive coaching? Additionally, we identify gender as a social construction of importance and thus include a gender perspective in our analysis.

Kvinnor som objekt, män som subjekt : En genusanalys av hur manliga respektive kvinnliga författare beskrivs i läroböcker avsedda för litteraturundervisning i ämnet svenska.

ABSTRACTIn this study I have analyzed, throughout a gender perspective, two textbooks Den levandelitteraturen and Upplev litteraturen which are purposed to be used as teaching materials inSwedish schools in the subject of Swedish when teaching the history of literature. The intentof this study was to provide a gender analysis of two textbooks and the focus was on thepresentations of female and male writers, because they have not been studied earlier. In thisstudy, a qualitative text analytic method was used to achieve the best results as possible.Theories used in this study were Yvonne Hirdman?s and Raewyn Connell?s theories. Hirdmanclaims that there are differences between men and women at different levels in the societywhile Connell believes that this is a myth because, according to her, men and women arepsychologically alike.

Män i socialt arbete : En kvalitativ studie om manliga socialarbetares upplevelser av en kvinnodominerad arbetsplats

The aim of this study was to describe how male social workers who work in the section for children and family in one municipality in southern Sweden, experience that their gender influences their daily work. The main focus is to understand what it means to be a man in the social services department. The first research question was how the male social workers experienced how their gender influenced their contact with children and parents in terms of possibilities and obstacles. The second research question was how the male social workers experienced how their gender influenced their working place in terms of possibilities and obstacles. The third research question was how the male social workers experienced that their gender affected the work with women colleagues.

"De skulle väl aldrig ställa en ful kille där" : Unga män om mansbilden i Vecko Revyn och Cosmopolitan

Our study aims to discover how young men aged 15-19 perceive the image of men in women?s magazines. To do this we let eight young men read the two women?s magazines most read by young women their own age, Vecko Revyn and Cosmopolitan. We want to find whether they consider this image to be representative of their own reality.

Har längden betydelse? : En kvantitativ studie av elevers textstrukturer

AbstractJohannes Åberg 2012: Har längden betydelse? ? En kvantitativ studie av elevers textstrukturer.Does the length matter? ? A quantitative study of student text structures. Essay writing is one part of the national test in the school subject Swedish. Here the student gets the opportunity to demonstrate that it is able to follow instructions and produce a coherent text. The examinator's task hereby becomes a troublesome process with subtle distinctions between rights and wrongs.

?Det har blivit svårt att älska,när all kärlek lett till besvikelse? : ? En studie om kärlek och genusrepresentation i HåkanHellströms och Veronica Maggios låttexter.

This is an essay about love and gender representation in Håkan Hellström?s and Veronica Maggio?s lyrics. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how lyrics of indie-pop music represent gender, sexuality and love. The lyrics used is from love songs performed by Håkan Hellström and Veronica Maggio. The method for examining the lyrics of the love songs is discourse- theory and analysis.

Jämställt ledarskap? Genus, organisation och ledarskap i skolans värld.

In today´s labour market, men and women are segregated, both vertically and horizontally. Exceptions to the rule of gender segregation are few. There is, however, one managerial group where women and men are equal in numbers: school principals. In a short period of time, the distribution in terms of sex among principals in Sweden has changed dramatically. How does gender equality in numbers affect gender equality in a qualitative sense? That is the focus of this thesis.

"Det är så mycket män överallt" : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga sportjournalister i en mansdominerad bransch

This study was focused to highlight the problems that comes with being a minority on a workplace, in this case female sports journalist who are working in a male dominated sports field. The objective was to find out how the female sports journalist was experiencing working in such a domain, with focus on journalists who works on local news papers. The study also wanted to look on how these workplaces incorporated gender in their daily work.       In combination with gender theory, with concepts as Masculine hegemony and power structures, I also choose to apply the american researcher Rosabeth M Kanters concept ?token?. With these aspects in mind I analyzed the five interviews that I carried out with female sports journalist with a qualitative data analysis.           The results of the study showed that the female sports journalist in some aspects were aware of the difficulties of being a woman in a male dominated area ? when they were talking about the profession at large.

När båtarna sattes i vattnet : Genus och klass i Svenska Dagbladets och Aftonbladets rapportering om Titanic-katastrofen

The purpose of this paper is to examine the image of the Titanic disaster in two Swedish newspapers reports of the disaster. By analysing various newspapers reporting of the disaster, we wish to investigate whether there are differences in reporting of gender and class in order to say something about the contemporary outlook and the prevailing social beliefs.The source material that the study is based upon comes from the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet and their reports from the 15 April to the 30 April 1912 and the reporting from the time of the sea-hearings completion (22 May and 31 July 1912).The study finds that news reporting follows the same standards, however, are different in style of performance because of the newspapers' differing positions.The study finds that a distinction is made between the reporting of men's and women's behaviour. Whether a man followed or violated norms leads him criticized or praised in the newspapers. Women's behaviour is hailed independent if they followed the standard of what was feminine or Masculine behaviour in a disaster.The study also finds that a distinction is made between passengers of the various classes in the reporting. The majority of reports concerning individuals in the First Class are in positive terms.

Sara Wennerberg-Reuter : att vara kvinna och kompositör kring sekelskiftet 1800 / 1900

This essay presents an example of the musical life of a female composer active in Sweden during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Through a case study on composer Sara Wennerberg-Reuter (1875-1959), the essay contributes information to her biography, which had been lacking specific details.Wennerberg-Reuter's biography has been discussed regarding traditional roles of women in music, her relationship to her own artistry and other active women composers, and finally the contemporary reception of Wennerberg-Reuter as a legitimate composer. Aesthetical theories prevalent during Wennerberg-Reuter?s life has been applied in these discussions, such as those presented by Citron, Öhrström and Hanson, combined with Citron's additional theories considering Masculine/feminine elements in the musical approach.The main conclusions reached regarding the specific conditions enabling a professional status as a composer and woman in Sweden during the given time are;a) the liberal permission by the family to pursue higher education in composing, since this was in opposition to the traditions of the time.b) the access to a network of musically active women, from which a sense of being part of a female community can be created.c) the acceptance from musical institutions such as higher educations, composer's societies and media critics..

"And the World has Somehow Shifted." : En kvantitativ studie av genuskonstruktioner i Walt Disney Pictures animerade långfilmer

The Disney princess line includes nine films, in our study we have extended this line to include the latest three films from Walt Disney Pictures that follow the same pattern. These films are Tangled (2010), Brave (2012) and Frozen (2013). We have conducted our study using the same method used by England, Descartes and Collier-Meeks (2011) in their study of the first nine films, starting with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs produced in 1937 to Princess and the Frog from 2009. A quantitative study was executed where we focused on gender role portrayal, the main characters behavioral characteristics and performed rescues. We applied the following theories to our result; the Social Constructivism, Laura Mulvey?s theory of the Male Gaze, Michel Foucault?s theory of power and discourse, intersectionality and Claude E.

Lovecrafts kvinnor : En undersökning av kvinnlig monstrositet i Howard Phillips Lovecrafts litteratur

While the strategy of lending a voice to the monstrous is a well known aspect of Howard Phillips Lovecraft's works, the female monster is a notable exception to this case. In this thesis, I excavate a theory of female monstrosity through a reading of some of Lovecraft's most read stories and the agency of female characters that appears within. Comparing these female registers of monstrosity to their Masculine counterpart, I develop a concept of female monstrosity manifested through categories of class, race and gender with the help of Judith Halberstams theories of monstrosity.Rather than treating these women as active characters, I argue that Lovecraft's inability to handle these monsters forces him to literally put them away ? in attics, cellars, or boxes. These are the marginalized positions from which these women elaborate a monstrous form that transcends the boundaries of sex, gender, class and race.

Könsroller och Härskartekniker i Twilight : (re)produktion av patriarkalgenusstrukturer genom smäktande kärlekshistoria?

This essay aims to describe and problematize gender roles and master suppression techniques in Stephenie Meyer?s Twilight Saga. This is done in order to enable me, in my future profession as a teacher, to start an emancipatory discussion in class where pupils can become conscious of different ways of reading the love story. I will use the following two research questions to fulfil the purpose: 1) investigate which gender roles that appears in the book?s main characters Bella and Edward and 2) which master suppression techniques that colours their relationship.To answer the questions gender theory and ideology-critics are used.

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