

1849 Uppsatser om Mary Kelly Post-Partum Document - Sida 48 av 124

Spel i skolan : Hur upplevs spelbaserat lärande i skolan?

A systematic quality work is essential for anyone working in preschool, school,kindergarten and adult education to give children and students an equal education.Skollagen (2010:800) indicates that quality work should be focused on the nationalgoals of education. According to Skolverkets allmänna råd med kommentarer omsystematiskt kvalitetsarbete - för skolväsendet (2012) is the work to develop quality acontinuous process. Everyone's involvement and participation is therefore essential.Systematic quality work means to systematically and continuously monitor theactivities, analyze performance against national targets and based on that plan anddevelop. Although the work has been driven outside governmental policy documentssince 1997 shows, among others, Skolinspektionens audits of municipalities andschools that there is major deficiencies in the obligation to conduct a systematicquality work. It appears that more than half of the surveyed schools had deficienciesin its system quality work.This is the starting position this study takes on to and through literature review,document studies and interviews of principals is the subject problematized.

3D-animation i reklamfilm

Study objects: Three different productions companies which the authors have chosen to be anonymous. Purpose: The purpose with this study is to examine why production companies choose to use 3D-animations in television commercials, and what different kind of aspects affects their decisions. Theoretical: The theoretical chapter reviews the history of 3D-animation andtelevision commercials and other fields that will be relevant laterin the analysis and discussion. Method: A case study has been made on three different companies, two of the companies are active in post-production and the other one is active in the consulting area. Data was collected through semistructured interviews with two of the companies.

Gotland och Montenegro - att söka Bysans i den västerländska kulturen : en undersökning av Manastir Mora?asoch Mästerby kyrkas muralmålningar

In this essay the author has chosen to analyze the similarities and differences between some of the northern Europe?s late Mesolithic and Neolithic cultures. The research is of a processual standpoint and the information is mainly gathered from secondary sources as well as ethnological studies. The material collected has been analyzed in both a processual and a post-processual manner to most accurately study the foundations of the three primary theories describing the Pitted Ware Culture?s origin.

På ytan av interaktionsdesign : En undersökning om hur designen på en Microsoft Surface SUR40 applikation kan förbättras för flera användare

The purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze how to improve the design of a Microsoft Surface SUR40 application. The application in focus was an interactive product browser developed by the company Spree, our external client. Spree is a multi-touch software provider, established in September 2010 and they expressed a need for suggestions for how to improve this application. Our work aimed at revealing how to make the application more suitable for several users and make it easier for them to interact simultaneously on the surface. From a qualitative standpoint we have examined how 17 users experienced the application.

Mångfald, makt och välvilja. En diskursanalys av intentioner och synsätt bakom integrationspolitiska åtgärder

The aim of my study is to critically analyse the discourse behind two different integration projects in Sweden, by using post colonial theory. My hypothesis is that many projects intended for increased integration includes a view of immigrants as the ?Others? which can be seen in how one talks about integration and culture in the discourse behind integration projects.The first of these two projects aims at increased diversity in the cultural sphere, organized on at state level. The purpose of the second project is to increase the communication and results for schools in areas with a high rate of immigrants in Malmö. In my study I make a discourse analysis of the discourse behind these two projects and study how they are motivated and how one conceptualise culture and integration in these documents.

Sexualitet efter en hjärtinfarkt- Behovet av information

Sexuality contains more than just reproduction and is an important part of quality of life. Chronic disease can lead to sexual dysfunction for both males and females. The nurse plays an important role in informing and teaching. Throughout dialogue and observations the nurse can detect possible problems, document and then take measures. The study was performed as information retrieval of literature where the cause was to highlight sexuality for patients that have experienced a myocardial infarction.

Produktplacering : En komparativ studie av amerikansk och svensk TV-produktion

I en delstudie till IDA-projektet har 185 kvinnor i 40-årsåldern skattat sin stress med PSS (Perceived Stress Scale) och genomfört fyra episodiska minnestest. Ett omvänt U-format samband med PSS som oberoende faktor och prestation i de olika minnestesterna som beroende faktor har prövats. Ett linjärt samband har sökts post hoc. Både explicit och implicit minnesprestation har mätts, liksom primär- och sekundärminnesprestation. Hög- och lågutbildade deltagare analyserades separat.

Estetik och biologi : Hur fungerar integreringen i grunskolans tidigare år

SammanfattningJag har i min studie undersökt om lärarna i grundskolans tidigare år använder sig av integrering av de estetiska ämnena bild och musik i sin naturorienterade undervisning och i sin biologiundervisning. Avgränsningen till bild och musik bottnade i att dessa ämnen inte kändes så komplicerade i integreringen. Litteraturstudier inom det valda ämnesområdet bidrog till en fördjupad kunskap om estetik i kombination med skolvärlden. Jag har intervjuat sex stycken klasslärare som arbetar på låg och mellanstadiet. Där framkom att pedagogernas kompetens och personliga åsikter om bild och musik påverkade om läraren valde att integrera dessa eller inte.

Kvinnors behov av information i samband med Hysterektomi

Syftet med föreliggande systematiska litteraturstudie var att beskriva kvinnors behov av in-formation i samband med hysterektomi. Via Högskolan Dalarnas databas Elin och Blackwell Synergy söktes vetenskapliga fulltextartiklar som behandlade kvinnors informationsbehov vid livmoderoperation. Av 41 artiklar valdes 15 ut varav 8 kvantitativa och 7 kvalitativa. Dessa kvalitetsprövades med 28 kriterier från modifierade granskningsmallar efter Forsberg och Wengström (2003) samt Willman, Stoltz och Bahtsevani (2006). Av artikelurvalet framkom att kvinnorna saknade information om hysterektomi i allmänhet och i synnerhet om behand-lingsalternativ samt kvinnans gynekologiska hälsa och dessutom om post-operativ sexualitet.

Lärarlegitimationen : En studie kring lärarlegitimationen och dess betydelse för läraryrkets status

The aim with this study was to gain an understanding for teaching as an profession, and get a bigger knowledge about the certification of teaching and what it means for the teaching occupations status. To get an answer for this study two methods were used. The first method was a survey with questions that were sent out to working high school teachers in the North of Sweden. The second method was a document analysis of articales from three Swedish dailynewspapers. To analyse the results from this study a theory about professions is used troughout the whole paper.This studies resluts shows that profession as an definition is hard to undestand.

Chefers motivation till förändringsarbete - en studie om Karlskrona kommuns personalprogram

Abstrakt Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet motivation och mer specifikt faktorer som påverkar chefers motivation till förändringsarbete. Undersökningen har en kvalitativ ansats och datainsamlingen har skett med hjälp av gruppintervju och via e-post. Urvalet för undersökningen var sex chefer anställda på Karlskrona kommun. Resultatet visar att förväntan påverkar chefers motivation. Vi fann också att chefers förtroende till ledning och chefers förståelse av förändringsarbetet påverkar motivationen.

"Vad är det för fel på mig? Varför kan inte jag simma som alla andra?? En studie med kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer om hur det känns att gå i skolan och inte kunna simma

Abstract:Perennials in public areas have during the latest decades been more and more popular. This group of plants has become a more accepted komponent when creating pleasant public places, and people begin to see the functional aspects. Perennials do also give a colour- and senceexperience in a more detailed way than can be achieved with only trees and shrubs. One of the ojects of this essay is to give more examples of motives for using perennials in urban areas.Having in mind the increasing use of perennials, you can expect a growing need for better understading of how to create successfull perennial plantings. In spite of the increasing interest it is hard to find any written information in this subject.

Effekten av ett probiotikum i en besättning med hög incidens spädgrisdiarré

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has the potential to be used for the diagnosis and study of osteoarthrosis in the equine tarsal region. In the development of new diagnostic MRI techniques cadaver specimens are often used. To allow the use of cadaver legs for these types of studies it is important to know the effect of time after death on the MRI image. Since the relaxation times are temperature dependent, it is interesting to examine whether the time after death and the temperature of the cadaver may play a role in the image appearance and quality. The radio pulse sequences that show the different types of tissues are also important to know when pathological evaluation with MRI is used.

Du vet ju vad vårt styrdokument säger... : En essä om det mätbara och det svårmätbara lärandet i förskolan

My essay begins with two stories showing two different perspectives when looking at learning in preschool. These two different learning styles I have chosen to call, the measurable and the difficult to measure learning. As a pedagogue I am involved in both events. In these events I describe how different we pedagogues interpret our governing documents on children's learning. By describing how the educational activities are designed differently in the two events, I try to highlight the pedagogues views on learning in preschool.

Konrad Adenauers Europasyn. En idéanalys av memoarerna

This essay seeks to gain understanding on the thoughts of Konrad Adenauer regarding the future of Europe in the post-WWII era, and European integration in particular. The material used is his memoirs, which gives an insight into the part of his thought that he chose to share with the rest of the world. The essay uses an analytical framework of three theories, popular within the academic discipline of international relations: realism, liberalism and constructivism. The conclusion it draws is that none of the theories can in a satisfying way describe Adenauer?s thoughts, but rather that they all in some way describe certain elements of his thoughts.

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