

1849 Uppsatser om Mary Kelly Post-Partum Document - Sida 32 av 124

Nominalfrasers inverkan på återvinningseffektiviteten i ett probabilistiskt IR-system

The purpose of this study is to examine the difference between three query strategies with respect to retrieval effectiveness. The thesis aims at examining how two types of noun phrases containing a modifier to the head word, which is a noun affect the retrieval performance with regard to recall and precision. The noun phrases in the thesis are of two types: 1) noun phrases containing a modifier to the head word (which is a noun) and which are not dictionary phrases (NF) and 2) dictionary phrases. Both types of noun phrases in this thesis contain at least two words. The queries were executed in Query Performance Analyser, QPA, containing the InQuery system and a sub collection of TREC-Uta documents with its topics.

Distriktssköterskors dokumentation i omvårdnadsjournal vid telefonrådgivning.

The aim of the study was to describe what district nurses, who work with telephone- advice, document in patient record, to be able to develop their documentation. The Authors have examined 50 patient records. The examination tool is collected from ?Lokal anvisning för hälso- och sjukvården I Södra Älvsborg?. The audit areas was record keeping, review and planning, realization, individual nursing and the patients participation, information, education and agreement.

Djurägarbehandlingar inom renskötseln :

The aim of this study was to document treatments of sick and injured reindeer in Tornedalen and the area around Gällivare. I also wanted to find out the basis for the treatments, how they are considered to work and if they agree with established veterinary science. The occurrence of ?folk remedies? was especially studied. In all, 40 reindeer owners were interviewed.

Musiklärares möjligheter att uppfylla kraven i Lgr11 : En enkätstudie om musikämnets förutsättningar i år 4-6 i grundskolan

This study, a document analysis with a qualitative approach, explores children, under 18years, who have been subject to measures of child welfare in the city of Malmö during theyears 1935-1937. It also explores the school's role in this context. The questions that the studyis guided by is: How was children described in the Child Welfare documents in Malmö duringthe years 1935-1937? And what role did the school have in Child Welfare work and whatmotivated this? The theoretical approaches are Foucaults theories of power, control anddisciplining.It appears from the study that the school and child welfare authorities had a close cooperationwith the purpose to control the upbringing and disciplining of the children. It was through theupbringing that the deviant child would become a "normal", docile and good, industriouscitizen.

"Om föräldern hade varit normalbegåvad men behövt stöd i sitt föräldraskap hade situationen varit en annan? : - En dokumentanalys av rättsfall om LVU

Previous research has indicated that intellectual disabilities and parenting is not socially accepted and compulsory care of children often occurs in families where one or both parents have an intellectual disability. This study aims to, thru a document analysis, investigate ideas and representations of parents with intellectual disabilities that emerge in Swedish legal cases. The legal cases is about children who are taken care of according to LVU § 2, where one or both parents have a intellectual disability. The results of the study revealed that people with intellectual disabilities are seen as not capable of developing parenting ability, in some cases aroused concerns about parenting during pregnancy, these suggesting stereotypes of parents with intellectual disabilities. Of the documents reveals that social workers word overrides in the decision-making, this leads to a position of power where the parents are at a disadvantage..

En återvunnen och återanvänd förskola : Hur barn lär sig betydelsen av återvinning och återanvändning

This thesis means to find out how preschool teachers are working to demonstrate the importance of recycling and reuse for children. My hope is to contribute knowledge about various practical methods to establish the idea of sustainable development in the operation. I have used the method of qualitative research and done semi-structured interviews with preschool teachers on certified green flag preschools. The questions I have asked for example concerned how the preschool teachers have worked with recycling and reuse, how much the children have been able to influence and if other didactic subjects are implicated. Six interviews were made and these are summarized in the result part.

En kringflackande studie, i tre resande romaner : En läsning av romanerna Sargassohavet, Desirada och De osynliga städerna utifrån Édouard Glissants Relationens filosofi. Omfångets poesi

In this essay I have read the novels Wide Sargasso Sea (Jean Rhys 1966), Desirada (Maryse Condé 1997) and Invisible Cities (Italo Calvino 1972) through Édouard Glissant?s notion of the primary scene in Philosophie de la relation. Poésie en étendue. I have examined how the primary scene can be seen as a political/an aesthetical strategy in the three novels. This was done in order to question the blunted tool of the notion of the identity, which is often considered in studies regarding ?postcolonial novels?.

Åtgärdsprogram : Pedagogers uppfattningar och erfarenheter

The purpose of this study is to learn about educationalists´ apprehensions and their experiences of working with action programmes within the compulsory school's earlier years. Two issues have been composed in order to meet this purpose. They are also the foundation of the interview questions, which are enclosed at the end of the essay.The purpose with the issues is to look into educationalists´ work with action programmes. Another purpose is to find out how they consider an action programme should be formulated in order to function as a support for students in need of special aid.From the study the result shows that the apprehensions of working with action programmes are separating from one teacher to another. The informants of the study indicate the importance differs inviting both pupils and parents to participate in the entire process.

Skogsbrukets erfarenheter av Poppel Populus sp. i Skåne :

In Europe poplar plantations has been planted for more than one hundred years. In the first plantation was made in 1940. The interest for poplars has since then shifted over the years and has for long periods been very low but is now slowly increasing again. The main reasons why poplars are becoming more interesting are because of their great production potential. Nevertheless, the knowledge of how to mange poplars in Sweden are very low and very little research has been done concerning management of the species. The objective for this study was to; 1) investigate and document experience and results obtained in practical Swedish forestry, 2) to give a fair picture of the perceived advantages and disadvantages that the poplars has for the forestry, 3) document what the foresters that has experience and those who has no experience of poplar plantations thinks about the potential of poplars.

Varannan-vecka-liv En studie om växelvis boende och barns familjeskapande

Title: Every second week. A study on how co-parented children do family. The aim of the study is to explore children?s day-to-day experiences of co-parenting. It focuses on how the children actively participate in the process of shaping family life and their own childhoods in the context of family change.

Installation av övervakningssytem ombord på fartyget M/S Andromeda

This report is regarding an electrical installation of an alarm system on a post fishingboat called Andromeda. The background of the installation was an earlier andinadequate alarm system that led to a motor failure. The ship was taken out of serviceand was sold to Björn Magndahl who rebuilt it to a yacht.The project was conducted partly by developing the existing systems, partly bydocumenting the work by means of electrical blue prints. Except the alarm systems, aninstallation of the frequency control unit for the bow thruster was installed.The installation was working fine and the outcome of the documentation was handedover in a form of a binder during the test drive of the systems and the assignment wasapproved..

emotional ownership and the fan fiction community

?Fan fiction writing?, or the writing of stories based upon a popular entertainment franchise, has become a topic of academic discussion. Fan fiction writers have waked the ire of movie producers, since they often write fiction that is in direct contradiction to the movie?s plot or spirit. While most academic studies on fan fiction have concentrated on his confrontational aspect of the writers? psyches, we have found that the writers actually have a much more nuanced approach to their work, and are not necessarily hostile towards the directors and producers.

Post Authorization Safety Studies (PASS) & Patient Support Programs (PSP) : Läkemedelsföretagens säkerhetsverktyg efter lansering

Introduktion: I juli 2012 uppdaterades regelverken för farmakovigilans inom Europa och flera förändringar gjordes i de bestämmelser som rör säkerhetsstudier på godkända läkemedel. En sammanställning av dessa behövdes för att lyfta fram viktiga bestämmelser och ge en tydligare överblick av de myndighetskrav som berör PASS (Post-Authorization Safety Studies) och PSP (Patient Support Programs). Syfte: Projektet syftar till att analysera och tolka regelverk och riktlinjer gällande PASS och PSP inom Europa samt utreda vad som gäller för PASS i de skandinaviska länderna. Detta för att lyfta fram viktiga bestämmelser och underlätta tolkningen för berörda företag. Material och metoder: Huvuddelen av projektet bestod av en litteraturstudie där fokus låg på lagar och riktlinjer inom Europa. Informationsinhämtning skedde även genom intervjuer med personal på Bayer AB och Läkemedelsverket. Jämförelser har sedan gjorts mellan svenska, norska och danska regelverk. Resultat: Myndighetskraven för PASS och PSP skiljer sig åt i vissa avseenden.

Art and Advertising

The thesis examined whether there is a distinct boundary between art and advertising. The collected data showed how art and advertising are linked to each other and also differ from each other, in particular through the latter half of the 1900?s. What was happening in society came to have great impact on what happened in art and advertising. In postwar Germany, capitalism realism evolved from the German pop art where the art was removed from the art gallery and placed on the streets where the people were, in an era that was characterized by a gap between the rich and the poor.

Religionskunskapsämnet i förändring : en historisk exposé samt nutida jämförelser

AbstractThe purpose with this essay is to present a picture of the changes in religious education in Sweden, and to make comparisons between Denmark?s and the USA?s model about teaching in religion. I have consequently described the historical development, with the beginning of the establishement of the public school, inte the year of 1842. 1919, a new document about the religious education was released, wich result in some major changes. This was in a time were the debate about religion and the Lutheran State Church of Sweden authority was an issue.

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