

1844 Uppsatser om Mary Kelly Post-Partum Document - Sida 3 av 123

Vägledning eller information-En studie av olika åsikter angående vägledning via e-post

Denna studie redovisar ett antal åsikter angående vägledning via e-post. Vi har använt oss av intervjuer med ett fåtal vägledare för att närmare granska vad vägledare anser om vägledning via e-post. Teoridelen behandlar både vägledning generellt, samtalsfärdigheter, informationsbaserad vägledning, etik samt vägledning via e-post. Vi vill med detta belysa olika aspekter av ordet vägledning och klargöra vad begreppet vägledning kan innefatta. Genom det material vi har bearbetat och tagit del av kan vi se att vägledning via e-post är något som är på frammarsch, och som ökar avsevärt hela tiden. Det måste dock fortfarande utvecklas till att bli bättre och tydligare, likväl som att de som arbetar på detta sätt måste fortsätta att utveckla sig. Än kvarstår rädsla för det nya och okända för många vägledare, som gärna blir kvar i det gamla och invanda. Flera vägledare ser denna metod som ett bra komplement till vanlig traditionell vägledning, men anser att det fortfarande är något som är mer informationsbaserat än vägledningsbaserat. Men måste det ena utesluta det andra? Ett uttalande som vi fastnade för under en av våra intervjuer, och som vi anser att alla borde ha i bakhuvudet när det gäller vägledning via e-post, vill vi gärna återge här: ?Om folk själva väljer den här formen att rikta sig till mig genom e-post med funderingar?då skall jag kunna hantera det på ett bra sätt, därför att det är individens val??.

Skriftligt formkrav : det digitala dokumentet

This thesis seeks to investigate how an agreed written form requirement is met in an electronic environment. Swedish Contract law is applied since Sweden lack specific regulation for electronically closed agreements. Since contractual freedom prevails in Swedish law, it is up to the parties themselves to decide if the formal requirements to be applied.In order to assess whether the written requirement is fulfilled in the electronic environment, a purpose-oriented analysis should be made. When the purpose of why a written form requirement applies has been clarified, the analysis continues to assess whether the objective can be achieved with the modern form of communication. The method is called functional equivalence and means that when an electronic media fulfill the same functions as the paper medium so will the electronic medium as a starting point to give the same legal effect as if it were the case of a written paper document.

"Jag känner liksom igen den på något sätt..." - en studie om implementering av värdegrund i en vård- och omsorgsförvaltning

The aim of our study was to increase the awareness of the importance of implementation when a policy document is widely introduced. We wanted to examine how a political decision was implemented on different levels in a social care administration. We also wanted to examine the discretion related to the decision on different levels in the organisation, and if the work is followed up. The theoretical frame of reference in our study is Vedung?s implementation model and Lipsky?s theory about street-level bureaucrats.

En studie av evalueringar av webbaserade söktjänsters återvinningseffektivitet

The aim of this thesis is to describe and critically investigate eight different evaluations of the retrieval effectiveness of webbased search engines. The questions to be answered in this investigation are: - What kind of relevance judgements have been used? - Which criteria have been used when judging the relevance of a document? - Which measures have been used? - How many queries have been used? - How were the queries constructed? - What document cut-off value has been used? - Has hypothes testing been applied? - What kind of webbased search engines have been included in the evaluations? The study showed that although the evaluations investigate the same phenomena, they are very different from each other in certain aspects. Generally the study showed that precision is the preferred measure in comparison to recall in the chosen evaluation even though all the included evaluations have constructed unique formulas for calculating precision. Some attempts to measure relative recall have been performed but they all suffer from different defects.

Att spegla sin omvärld ? En exemplifierande fallstudie av Haninge kommuns biblioteksverksamhet

The purpose of this paper is to investigate in which aspects the public library is affected by its local community. This is re-searched by means of an exemplified case study of a Swedish public library in which we analyze governing documents and the library website with respect to environmental scanning and mar-keting of library services.The research questions are: How are the local community?s demands on the public li-brary being described in the governing document? How is the public library?s response to the demands of the local community being described in the operational plan? How are the demands of the local community, as shown in the governing document and the operational plan, re-flected in the marketing of library services on the library website?Our conclusions are that:The demands of the local community are described in a general fashion in the governing document, but there is a lack of concrete political guidelines.The public library's response to the demands of the local commu-nity is described to some length in the operational plan, but not with respect to economical factors.The demands of the local community are reflected to some length in the marketing of library services on the library website. Many of the overall themes that we identify in the governing document and the operational plan can be found in the marketing directed towards important target groups..

Förlossning och förlossningsproblem samt vård av kattungar och katthona post partum

En honkatt går dräktig i ungefär 63 dagar. Förlossningen indelas i tre stadier: öppningsstadiet, utdrivingsstadiet och efterbörsstadiet. Under dessa stadier kan mycket gå fel. Honan kan drabbas av dystoki som antingen kan ha maternellt eller foetalt ursprung. Den vanligaste orsaken till maternell dystoki är värksvaghet som kan bero på att hon är orolig, upplever smärta eller att hon känner sig störd.

Integritet och långsiktig användbarhet hos textdokument : En avvägningsproblematik vid digitalt bevarande

This thesis is about a potential trade-off between integrity and long-term usability in the choice of file formats for preservation of text documents. Five common formats are discussed: plain text, PDF/A, Office Open XML Document, Open Document Text, and Markdown. The formats are compared with respect to four criteria related to integrity and usability and to the records continuum model: support by widely used software, stability, rendering of contents and reusability.It is concluded that no single format is optimal with respect to all four criteria, when it comes to preserving typical documents in a modern environment, with more or less complex formatting and document structure. Therefore, the feasiblity of using two or more formats for preservation of a single document (e.g. PDF/A combined with Markdown and/or Office Open XML) is discussed.

Värderingar kring fysiska papper på Södertörns högskola

Problem: This report concerns how the students of Södertörn högskola values physical papers. Even though technology have made it possible to digitalise documents, students today print and copy documents more then ever before. It will examine what the students finds valuable in physical papers and why they choose to print a document they just as well could read and manipulate via a computer.Method: This report consists of an empiric study, in form of a web poll and of a number of interviews. Furthermore earlier studies on the matter will be taking in consideration during the analysis.Results: The study shows that the students of Södertörns högskola values physical papers highly. The students choose to print a document since they find that it is easier to read, to make notes and that a printed document is easier to use on the move, rather then using a computer..

Det traditionella valdeltagandets moderna förklaringar - En undersökning om det post-industriella samhällets påverkan på förstagångsväljare

Valdeltagandet bland förstagångsväljare har i Sverige och många andra västeuropeiskaländer sedan 70-talet och framåt stagnerat. Samtidigt har det post-industriella samhälletoch dess värden fått en allt viktigare plats jämfört med mer traditionella värderingar. Jagvill undersöka huruvida det ökande gapet i valdeltagandegrad från valet 1973 och framåtmellan förstagångsväljare och resten av valmannakåren beror på en ökad grad av postindustriellavärden bland förstagångsväljarna. Detta görs genom statistisk analys avmaterialet Svensk valundersökning under åren 1973 och 2006 distribuerade av Svensknationell datatjänst (SND). Det finns en tydlig tendens att post-industriella värden i högreutsträckning har internaliserats bland förstagångsväljarna över tid.

Östeuropa som Den andre? En teorireflekterande uppsats med diskursanalys av intervjuer med svenska och tjeckiska UD-tjänstemän

In classic academic social studies of East Europe, terms as Communism and Post-Communism are commonly used to describe the main characteristics of this geographically imagined area. This paper makes a not so frequently seen attempt to apply Post Colonial Theory for the same field. With start point in Post Colonial theoretical writers, the author wants to find a East European Post Colonial version for the internal Europe which will supply tools for a discourse analysis of the European mind map divided into West and East. The material consists of interviews with three Swedish and three Czech officials, all working with European politics in their country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The analysis is carried out with inspiration of Ernesto Laclaus and Chantal Mouffes Discourse theory.

Syntaxbaserad författarigenkänning

The writing style of a particular author can be divided into many subfeatures, for example use of words, language and syntax. Focusing on the latter, this study aims to show how well syntactic information alone can attribute the correct author to a document. Syntactic information is defined as overlapping syntactic subtrees of height one (1) for all sentences of all included documents. The performance is compared to that of the previously very successful method of comparing stop word frequencies. These are words normally excluded from search engine queries, because they are present in all sorts of texts regardless of topic.

I nationens intresse - operation:jämställdhet- genuint engagemang eller projicerad legitimitet - En fallstudie på den Svenska Försvarsmakten

The Swedish Armed Forces is a public institution and consequently obliged to follow Swedish and international legislation. Thus, they are subjected to contrarious demands from different actors operating in its high-technological and high-institutional environment: to be a legitimate institution and at the same time operate with a high level of efficiency. This thesis is conducted with the aim of investigating whether The Swedish Armed Forces' steering document for gender equality is used to achieve visible and quantifiable results or if the document constitute a medium for reverberating legitimacy. To answer the research question, we applied a critical discourse analysis on the relevant documents and on the conducted semi-constructed interviews with members from different levels and positions in the organizational hierarchy. Subsequently, we came to the conclusion that the Swedish Armed Forces manage the demands for efficiency and legitimacy, which are forced upon them from the technological and institutional environment, by talking about them.

Möjlighet till digitalisering av post: en kartläggning av
Telia Partners postflöden

Den tekniska utvecklingen har lett till ett ökat informationsflöde. Telia är ett företag som de flesta associerar med just kommunikation och flöden av information. Telia kanal Partner är den del av Teliakoncernen som är ansvarig för företagskunder. Volymen post som kommer till kanal Partner och därefter delas ut till medarbetarna har minskat de senaste åren eftersom allt mer av den post som tidigare kom via Posten nu kommer via e-post och andra digitala överföringsverktyg. Kostnaden för att sortera och dela ut posten är densamma vilket har lett till att kostnaden per försändelse ökat.

GROWTH : En studie om hur man kan skapa liv i en post-apokalyptisk spelvärld

Detta arbete undersöker frågan om hur man kan gå tillväga för att skapa en känsla av liv i en postapokalyptisk spelvärld med hjälp av färger, former och animationer i en egen spelproduktion. Arbetet tar upp flera teorier kring spelutveckling, post-apokalyptisk fiktion och färglära. Arbetet tar också upp verktyg som användes i produktionen av det spel som skapades och hur arbetet fortskred. Diskussionen som följer tar upp hur metoderna som användes påverkade resultatet och vad resultatet blev, samt hur man gick tillväga för att tolka det. Slutsatsen som dras i diskussionen visar att det är möjligt att skapa en känsla av liv i en postapokalyptisk spelvärld i en egen produktion och hur man kan förbättra de metoder som använts i en eventuell uppföljning av detta arbete.

Cross-suckling when sows are group housed during lactation : associations with sow productivity and behaviour

Cross-suckling, i.e. when an offspring nurses a female other than their own mother, occurs in pig production systems where sows are group housed during lactation. As production systems where several sows and their litters are housed together during lactation are getting more common, the need of knowledge regarding cross-suckling increases. The overall aims with this thesis was to investigate how sow behaviour and productivity are associated with the occurrence of cross-suckling, and to investigate consistency in sow nursing behaviour related to cross-suckling. The study included information about the first 4 parities of 40 LxY sows kept in outdoor and indoor production environments. Sows were single housed the first 2 weeks after farrowing and group housed (4 or 5 sows per group) from 2 weeks after farrowing until weaning, 7 weeks after farrowing.

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