4110 Uppsatser om Marketing Communications Planning - Sida 59 av 274
I huvudet på en kompositör : Den kreativa processen i handling och tanke
Thesis in Musicology and Artistic Practice by Anders Soldh. Part of the work for the master?s degree. Studies from School of Music, Theatre and Art, University of O?rebro, 2007.
Kundlojalitet i tjänsteföretag
Since companies have realised the importance of customer loyalty and since the service sector has gained higher significance in recent years, we found it interesting to study what leads to customer loyalty in service companies. The theories we have chosen to consider are customer loyalty, service quality, service guarantees, affinity marketing, loyalty programmes and customer clubs, the customer in focus and other factors that influences customer loyalty. To find out how service companies are working with cus- tomer loyalty, we have conducted a case study within three service companies. Our findings are that customer loyalty has a significant importance for the companies we studied. Quality and personnel were the factors we found had the greatest impact in service companies concerning customer loyalty.
PR och marknadsföring inom sociala medier : En studie kring riskerna att vara social i sociala medier
Social media provides a new position of power to the single individual within PR and marketing campaigns. When a company uses social media as a communication tool in their PR and marketing practice, they have to adapt themselves after the customers' needs and the new communication structure within social media. Communication in social medi is different from traditional media, which is more one-way communicative and visual in its interaction, rather than the digital media that are more two-way communicative av viral through dialogue. If a company creates PR and marketing campaigns within social media without adjusting to the new rules of communication through dialogue, and instead try to apply traditional one-way communication to their social campaigns, they put themselves and their brands in risk of public humiliation and loss of customers; the speed of the viral dialogue over social media can spread bad news fast, and with the newfound power of the single individual, the impliacations can thus be devastating for a company and its brand. If an organization does not respond and take part of the criticism that may be directed at them through the customers' comments, the negative dialogue among clients and the public within social media can quickly create a hazard enviorment for a company and its brand to be seen in. The public within these social media platforms are more independent and continuously conversing with each other on a local an global scale.
Att skapa ett framgångsrikt idrottsevenemang : En kvalitativ studie om hur svenska idrottsevenemang skapar samt bibehåller en framgångsrik marknadsposition.
What is it that makes some events so successful, while others do not achieve the same results? According to most researchers and writers there are several factors that must be achieved in order for events to distinguish themselves from the crowd and be successful, but what are those factors then? The study was aimed to investigating the factors that create a successful sporting event. One person from each of the six largest children's and youth football tournaments, participated in this qualitative interview study. The results showed that factors such as; possessing a good knowledge of the organization, its external market environment and its stakeholders, proved significant. Similarly, to use the correct custom marketing methods, maintain and attract new stakeholders, and to have nice and caring work staff, were factors contributing to the success of wealth..
Konsultplanering - Planeringskonsulter i den kommunala fysiska samhällsplaneringen
Detta arbete har tagit fokus på en ännu outforskad företeelse i svensk kommunal
planeringspraktik, nämligen något som här kallas ?konsultplanering?, det vill
säga konsultmedverkan i den kommunala planeringen.
Uppsatsen har avgränsats till att handla om ?planeringskonsulter? och
konsultuppdrag som konkret handlar om planering och inte olika utredningar etc.
som i och för sig också ingår i planeringsprocessen och ofta utförs av
Ämnet är intressant eftersom det idag är vanligt i de flesta av Sveriges län
att kommunerna använder sig av konsulter.
Studiens syfte är att studera den ökande konsultplaneringen i den svenska
kommunala planeringspraktiken, samt dess positiva respektive negativa
konsekvenser för planeringssystemet.
Urban Symbios - stadsbyggnadsstrategi för King i Helsingborg
Examensarbetet behandlar det s.k. Kingområdet i södra Helsingborg. Planområdet
benämns som King i arbetet, har en storlek av ca 45 hektar och ett avstånd till
innerstaden på ca i kilometer. Området består idag främst av bangård och
verksamheter av olika karaktär. Under en kommande 20-årsperiod kan stora
förändringar förväntas ske i dessa delar av staden och det är i denna
utveckling som arbetet tagit sin utgångspunkt.
Externhandel och mellankommunalt/regionalt samarbete utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv med fokus på delregionen Södertörn
In Sweden according to the planning and building Act municipalities have planning monopoly. The question about shopping centres in the outskirts of cities is a regional issue, because they attract customers from a large area. Municipalities often find it hard to assert themselves against large commercial companies when it comes to their establishing new retail outlets on the outskirts of cities. Without a regional co-operation there is a risk that municipalities can be played up against one another, so that more and more companies are given permits without the municipalities having taken the strategic consideration necessary for a long term sustainable development. The focus in this work is on four municipalities in the Södertörn region (Södertälje, Botkyrka, Huddinge and Nynäshamn).
DATORSTÖD FÖR ARBETE : KONSEKVENSER FÖR VAL AV AFFÄRSSYSTEM En studie av en service- och supportavdelning
This report is focusing on problems with introducing standard enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) in businesses. A study has been carried out on a service and support department at a Swedish heat metering company, SVM North Node. The study aims to help the company become a better customer in choice and customization of a new ERP system. We make a description of the department studied and the work carried out there, on the basis of learning, knowledge and cooperation. As a final point we present some ideas on how computer systems could support their work, hoping that this will result in them making adequate demands on a new ERP system..
Ett oväntat samarbete - Effekter av tematisk inkongruenta sponsorsamarbeten mellan bloggare och välkända varumärken
As a great deal of people spend more time with their cell phones and computers than with magazines and TV, markets have begun to explore marketing possibilities in digital media. A common form of marketing in digital media is sponsorship of the cyber stars of the Internet - the bloggers. Sponsorship of bloggers has proven to be a highly efficient method for brands to gain attention and positive attitudes, as bloggers are regarded as fashion icons as well as reliable friends. Another up-to-date marketing strategy that has proved successful in gaining consumer attention is the use of incongruent elements in ads. Incongruence challenges consumer expectations and thereby demands attention.
att synas på internet - ett praktiskt företagsperspektiv
Today Internet is clogged up and packed with homepages and information from both private persons and commercial companies. This has led to a decreased availability for a company to be noticed. The most common tool for consumers to use while searching for products online is via search engines. But because of the nature of these, not all companies can have good placements. Our research question was, "How do small online-companies attract consumers to their website"? The purpose of this thesis is to identify how a company works through online-communications and how to attract consumers to their home page.
En undersökning av miljöbedömning för RUFS 2010
Every plan and program decided on by an authority or municipality, where the environmental impact can be considerable, must be environmentally assessed according to Environmental Code, the Planning and Building Act (PBA) and the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment.The purpose of this study is to examine the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for The Region Development Plan for the Stockholm Region, RUFS 2010. The plan was approved by at that time the Regional Planning Office (Regionplanekontoret), which procured the process by consultants. RUFS 2010 includes two merged plans ie. a regional Development Plan (RUP) and the Regional Spatial Plan for Stockholm. It was necessary to establish an environmental assessment of RUP, but not for the regional plan.
Klimatanpassning med grönstrukturplanering : Med exempel från Malmö stad
Climate change is expected to lead to increased rainfall and higher temperatures, among other things. This will have a major impact on our cities. Floods can lead to property damage as well as damages to human and animal health. Higher temperatures will increase the frequency of heat-related health risks and premature deaths. The consequences of climate change will be particularly large in our cities because of the city's morphology with a high amount of paved surfaces and buildings that affect the natural processes in areas such as drainage and absorption of solar radiation.
Relationers påverkan på destinationsvarumärken : En fallstudie av två destinationers turismnätverk
The purpose with our study is to create an understanding of how tourism stakeholders within a tourism network can affect a Destination Marketing/Management Organization?s (DMO?s) work with the destination branding process. To fulfill this purpose we have clarified different relationships that can influence the DMO?s place marketing. In order to limit our study we have chosen to focus on two Swedish destinations, Öland and Norrköping, and their DMO?s.
Den oretuscherade sanningen - En oretuscherad modells påverkan på konsumenters CSR-uppfattning, attityder och köpintention
Within the subject of retouching there is an ongoing debate about whether fashion retailers should retouch their ads or not. There has been a large amount of criticism to the communication of stereotyped beauty ideals that is used by companies in their marketing. The stereotyped ideals also contribute to negative psychological effects among people. As a response to the criticism, or as a way to differentiate one-self from competitors, retailers are starting to use unretouched models in their advertising. How this affects the consumer's perception of CSR along with the attitudes and behaviors is still unknown.
Modereportage - en marknadsföringskanal?
Marketing has been developed and revalued the last years. The consumer today is moreeducated and is therefore able to have higher demands. These requirements together with theincreased competition is forcing brands to find creative ways to reach their target market.Fashion has throughout history contributed to, and been influenced by, changes in society.Through all times, people have used fashion and clothing as a way to demonstrate their socialidentity and to be accepted. Companies in the fashion industry can be successful if theydevelop brands that attract consumers. To achieve this, companies must find newcommunication tools to reach out to the consumer, among these tools, we find the fashioneditorials.Our aim is to investigate whether product placement occurs in Swedish fashion editorials.Through our thesis we want to explore how consumers perceive the editorials and alsowhether if they are used as a marketing channel.The method is qualitative and the study is based on semi structured interviews and a focusgroup interview.