4110 Uppsatser om Marketing Communications Planning - Sida 33 av 274
Externhandel - Abborravikens handelscentra - ett projekt utifrån fysiska planeringsförutsättningar samt andra kommuners erfarenhet på området.
Detta examensarbete tar upp viss problematik kring
externhandel. Det belyser även hur ett externt handelsområde
kan bli ett fungerande komplement till
stadskärnan när den inte har möjligheter till att växa
sig till det som dagens invånare kräver och förväntar
sig att den ska innehålla.
Handeln har i alla tider varit en av stadens viktgaste
funktioner som gett staden liv och gjort den attraktiv.
Under 1960-talet började stormarknader etableras
i perifera lägen utanför staden.Konkurrensmedlet
som användes var stor säljyta och voym. Butikerna
sålde inte längre enbart livsmedel - stormarknaden
var här. Stormarknaderna och varuhusen etablerade
sig i billigare lokaler utanför staden, i äldre industriområden,
i bilorienterade lägen.
Överskådligheten har gått förlorad i de svenska
städerna till följd av bilens genomslag. Idag fi nns det
tre områden som kan pekas ut i staden, bostads-, industri-
och serviceområden.
Strategier och kanaler vid marknadsföring för fysiska researrangörer och traditionella resebyråer
The tourism industry in Sweden has expanded in recent years and the increasing industry has meant that customers are in need of a reseller for their trips abroad. Today there are three types of retailers available. These are : Traditional travel agencies , tour operators and online travel agencies.Online Travel agencies are the most modern online option for customers. Their existence has made it easier for the customer and reservation can be made anytime and anywhere. The competition has intensified between the three retailers and the traditional alternatives must find new ways to survive.
Medborgardeltagande i stadsplanering - En fallstudie av Södra Gårda
This essay examines how public planners and the inhabitants of södra Gårda relate to the physical planning of the area and to the demolition versus the preservation of the quarters Eken and Cedern, and how the dialogue between planners and citizens appears to be. How do the planners and policymakers relate to citizen participation in urban planning, and how is participatory planning carried out in the legislation, rhetorically and in practice. Former research indicates a distinct gap between rhetorics, legislation and actions in practice regarding citizen participation in planning, which is why we find it an interesting topic for further research. The essay aims to highlight the different actors interests and visions of the development of the area. Which are the standpoints and arguments the different actors set out for the future visions of the area? The essay focuses on citizen participation in urban planning in the city of Gothenburg.
Vad påverkar till motivation i skolan
The major aim of the thesis is to describe the networks, relations and marketing of some university libraries and their customers in the year 2000. I illustrate how these issues interact and whether they have changed due to the recent development of technology and if so, how. The thesis is based on interviews with two directors of libraries and two librarians at two different libraries. A small survey with 16 questionnaires has also been performed in order to get a more general view on librarians' opinions in these questions. The thesis mainly shows that the networks in which the respondents take part primarily exist in the library sphere and towards the universities.
Win-win-win? : En kvalitativ fallstudie om fem organisationers användande av cause-related marketing.
Denna studie är ett fall av organisationers användande av cause-related marketing. Syftet är att beskriva utvalda organisationers strategier med och användande av specifika cause-related marketing-aktiviteter.Organisationers vilja att bygga relationer med intressenter ökar ständigt och det blir allt mer populärt bland organisationer att ta ett socialt ansvar i hopp om att förbättra denna relation. Att organisationer säljer produkter och donerar en summa till välgörenhet benämns cause-related marketing och är ett vanligt välgörenhetsinitiativ vilket ofta upplevs positivt. Dock finns en skepticism mot organisationers användande av detta verktyg då intressenter i vissa fall ifrågasätter organisationers bakomliggande motiv. Detta innebär att utformningen av varje specifik cause-related marketing-aktivitet är avgörande för dess framgång.För att besvara syftet med denna studie har samtalsintervjuer och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys använts.
Folkbiblioteks image på Facebook : Undersökning av fyra folkbiblioteks imageskapande och mottagande på Facebook
This essay was to investigate what self-image public libraries convey on Facebook and what image is received by the users, along with comparison of those. It was investigated if the received image corresponded with the users? previous image of public libraries. The method used was interviews with the Facebook administrators and surveys with the users. The theoretical framework was Kotler?s model for image creation.The research is mainly American and shows Facebook as an accepted marketing tool for libraries among students, but as not taken seriously by the library staff.
?A Perfect Match? - Organizational and individual influence of the supplier-client relationship in the communications industry
With a strong company culture an organisation has relationships with their clients on an organizational level rather than on an individual. This simplifies the ability to change team members in order to enforce creativity and keep clients on a long-term basis. In turn the final product/service improves, which creates long-term relationships. Additionally, relationships on a personal level due to social activities helps Solberg detect early warnings-signs of eventual dissatisfaction from the client?s point of view.
Dolda fel i fastigheter : En studie om reglerna kring dolda fel i fastigheter.
Event is something that an increasing number of Swedish cities are investing in since it contributes to higher attractiveness of cities and generate economic revenues. New arenas are built around Sweden to meet the increasing demands to host such events. Event projects are carried out in Sweden and it is important that the planning phase is carried out thoroughly to get a successful project. This thesis aims to look more closely at selected organizations and how they plan their projects and whether it is possible to follow project plans in the event projects. Karlstad has many events that recur annually, including the Swedish Rally.
Strategisk och taktisk planering samt länken där emellan : analys av planeringsprocessens genomförande vid SCA Skog
To effectively manage a forest resource for both economic and other values good planning is required. The problem is complex since you want to know which forest to cut and when. Often a hierarchical planning structure is applied, including strategic (long-term), tactical, (medium-term) and operational level.
Today SCA Forest is one of few forestry companies in the northern Sweden with an integrated forest wood supply and industry. The goals of the company are to supply their own industries with wood and to manage the resources of the forest through a long-term perspective with satisfactory profitability.
Fruits of knowledge : a literature review of marketing strategies and mango production in Kenya
This report is a literature review that aims to describe marketing contexts for mango production in Kenya. The institutional conditions in the country are not well developed for marketing purposes, which causes many difficulties and problems for the society. In Kenya most mango producers are poor small-scale farmers with limited resources. Mango is a perishable commodity and to keep its value and quality it is essential to have the opportunity to sell the mangos in the right time. Inefficient and undeveloped infrastructure and marketing systems hinders the mangos to reach the market in time though, which causes large losses of produce.The Kenyan mango production has increased during the last decade but due to market losses for the producer, the small-scale farmers? profits have not improved.
"Hjälper mig att förstår vad text handlar om" : en undersökning av två skolexterna läxläsningsverksamheter
?This is a study of two school extern homework activities dedicated to helping students with their homework. The questions at issue are 1) how are the homework activities organized when it comes to financing, planning, marketing and implementation? 2) Who participates as staff as well as students and what are the requirements for participants? 3) What are the reasons for students to attend school external homework sessions? Material was gathered by a survey among the students at the activities and by interviews with principals for each activity. Two main findings are that the homework activities are almost exclusively visited by students with immigrant background and that the main reasons for participating are difficulties with the Swedish language, and parents not being able to help their children with homework.
Lojalitetsskapande hos anställda på fristående hotell
The hotel sector has reviewed big changes, as higher requirements on independent hotels have been set. In order to be able to compete with big hotel chains, it is no longer sufficient to only use the 4P of marketing mix, it is also required a bigger focus on the personnel. Trained and service aimed employees are service companies' intangible assets and they become more important. Globalisation and internationalisation has however contributed to that the labor market has become more open, and employees easier can compare employment conditions or change job.The aim of this essay is to analyze and to evaluate conditions for the internal marketing at independent hotels, in order to be able to achieve employee loyalty. The essay builds on a comparison between managers' and employees' views about internal marketing.A qualitative hermeneutical study has been used in order to be able to analyze and evaluate conditions for the independent hotels' internal marketing.
Allsvensk fotbollssponsring
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the ERK model's relevance,
validity and potential need of development to better reflect how it looks today
Method: The study is conducted through three surveys; the first two were face
interviews with companies that sponsor Swedish soccer teams and the third study
was conducted with a questionnaire to supporters outside a soccer stadium.
Results: A model that would better reflect the reality of today (2013) could
contain company pride, chairman?s whim, exposure, relationships and
Mode på nätet : En studie om hur nätbutiker marknadsför sig genom bloggar och andra sociala medier
This thesis examines how online fashion retailers utilize blogs and other social media in their marketing process. The study is focused on internet retailer Nelly and how they make use of fashion blogger Kenza in their marketing. Drawing on Kawamura?s fashion-ology theory, the study emphasizes the new role of the fashion bloggers in the fashion system, and illustrates their consumption power vis-a-vis the retailers, the consumers, each other and the whole industry as such. .
Bakgrunden till detta arbete ligger i att Sportlife kommit ut med en egen kollektion med träningskläder. Problematiken är att den inte nått ut i den omfattningen som ledningen önskat. Metoden som beskrivs i denna rapport är intervjuer samt enkätundersökningar. Genom att intervjua ledning, personal och medlemmar har information samlats för att kunna hitta vart det brister i marknadsföringen. Syftet med arbetet är att öka försäljningen för ett företag med hjälp utav befintliga marknadsföringsstrategier.