

6530 Uppsatser om Market model - Sida 38 av 436

Modellbaserad temperaturregleringav partikelfiltrets regenereringsprocess

Due to increasing regulations regarding new diesel vehicles particulate matteremissions the new Scania truck, Scania Euro 6, has been equipped with a particulatefilter. This component effectively stores the particles in the exhaust gas but must becleaned in order to prevent itself from clogging. The filter is cleaned through aprocess named regeneration which is a thermodynamic process in which thetemperature of the filter is raised through fuel supplied to the exhaust gas.The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the development of improved controlstrategies of the temperature during the regeneration process through thedevelopment of model-based controllers. These controllers are designed in order tohave good performance in stationary as well as automatic regeneration.In order to develop these model-based controllers a model of the system isconstructed. The model is described as a linear thermodynamic grey-box model withflow varying parameters, showing good results in validation.The model provides a simulation environment during the controller design, which isfocused around the development of linear regulators with the exhaust gas mass flowas a scheduling variable whose size determines controllers? mode of operation.

Tjäna pengar som gräs? :

The producers of grain in Sweden are facing a rough future. The competition is getting harder all the time, in Sweden, in EU and also from the ?world market?. The producers have to be more efficient and have to have bigger units. Many producers might have to look for new alternative production opportunities.

Modell för idéutveckling

The purpose of this report is to create and develop a model that streamlines and helps the innovationprocess of an idea owner and also in the development of ideas.This model should be able to apply for workshops and in innovation advice or business devlopment. I used the qualitative method in my essay just to get a maximum clear data collection, where the seven respondents were included in the interviews. However, much of the information retrieved from the theory books and research/science articles, in order to answer the research/Sceince question in the best possible way.

Omregleringen av det svenska apoteksmonopolet : Finns det teoretiskt och historiskt stöd för att regeringens mål kommer att uppfyllas?

Research Question: Does the pharmacy market seem to change in accordance with the goals stipulated by the government due to the reregulation?This leads to the following sub-questions:Does it seem like the availability of medical drugs for consumers increase?Does it seem like service for consumers get enhanced?Does it seem like the supply of services for consumers increase?Does it seem like the costs of medical drugs are maintained?Purpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate if the trends resulting from the reregulation of the pharmacy monopoly correspond to the goals stipulated by the government.The purpose is furthermore to compare the reregulation of other Swedish markets and the reregulation of the pharmacy market in other Nordic countries in order to heed their lessons.Method: This study uses method triangulation, with a questionnaire directed to pharmacy customers forming the quantitative basis and interviews with specialists regarding the pharmacy market, forming the qualitative. The study also draws heavily on historic data regarding reregulation of Swedish markets and reregulation of the pharmacy market in other Nordic countries.Conclusions:Availability of medical drugs has increased and will presumably continue to do so. Service quality has increased somewhat and will presumably continue to do so.Supply of services has increased and it will presumably continue to do so.The cost of medical drugs will only increase if it is required in order to satisfy the other goals.  .

Bolånetakets initiala och långsiktiga effekter

Background: The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority?s mortgage limitation, of mortgaging up to 85 percent of the market value of the real estate was introduced on the first of October 2010. The aim of the recommendation is to prevent a detrimental development of the market for mortgages while at the same time creating incentives for the consumers to limit the debt level. The mortgage limitation is a recently adopted recommendation and few studies have made a thorough analysis of its effects, hence it is an interesting topic to study.Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the initial effects of the mortgage limitation for consumers, banks and estate agencies. Furthermore, the study aims to evaluate drivers of consumer debt levels and conclude whether the mortgage limitation will result in lower debt levels for consumers.Completion: The study is based on interviews with respondents from banks and with respondents from estate agencies to enlighten the initial and long term effects of the mortgage limitation.

Public Service Begreppets olika ideal och tolkningar

With this master thesis we wanted to find out in which way the concept of public service is connected to different perspectives, ideals, visions of the future and forms of organizations. The purpose with our thesis was to do an analysis of different concepts regarding to public service. To the analysis of concepts we used Swedish newspapers and analysed the issue of public service that had been discussed in articles written during the last five years. From this material and other papers about public service we developed a model of public service ideals. We wanted to find out what the different perspectives thought about the Swedish television and their commission.

Utveckling och tillämpning av en GIS-baserad hydrologisk modell

A distributed hydrological rainfall-runoff model has been developed using a GIS integrated with a dynamic programming module (PCRaster). The model has been developed within the framework of the EU-project TWINBAS at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, and is intended for use in WATSHMAN ? a tool for watershed management developed at IVL. The model simulates runoff from a catchment based on daily mean values of temperature and precipitation. The GIS input data consist of maps with soil type, land-use, lakes, rivers and a digital elevation model.

I BRÄNNPUNKTEN: Samhällsekonomisk utvärdering av arbetsmarknadsåtgärder. Illustrerad med hjälp av Brännpunkt i Kävlinge 2002-2005

The purpose of this essay is to examine cost-benefit-analysis as a method of evaluation of labour market policy. To illustrate the possibilities and difficulties of the method chapter four contains a partial cost-benefit-analysis of the results of a labour market project in Kävlinge. The questions this essay strives to answer are the following: What possibilities and difficulties do cost-benefit-analyses entail? How would one conduct a cost-benefit-analysis of the project in Kävlinge?The method used in this essay is mainly a literature study of cost-benefit-analysis of labour market programs. The labour market project Brännpunkt is used as an example in a partial cost-benefit-analysis.The applied cost-benefit-analysis of the Brännpunkt project in Kävlinge shows that it is possible to calculate the profit for the society as a whole, given that the necessary information is obtainable.

Kompetens som lockbete : En studie i lokala och centrala biblioteksföreträdares syn på marknadsföring av bibliotekariekompetens gentemot lokala politiker

The aim of this study is to explore if and how library managers market their competence in communication with local politicians. It is also our aim to find a definition of the competence of librarians. The report identifies and describes problems and possibilitieswith marketing of competence to politicians on the basis of one Swedish municipality's library managers. In order to fulfil this aim we have used a literature study on marketing, competence, the political process and the librarian profession. We have alsocarried out an empirical study where we interviewed ten library managers in onemunicipality, seven politicians in the same municipality and ten representatives for central professional organisations mainly in Sweden.The results are that most library managers don't market their competence because they don?t believe in marketing competence.

Bättre strategiska beslut i dagligvarubutiker- En arbetsmetod där finansiell information kombineras med marknadsinformation

The thesis tries to answer how a combination of financial metrics and marketing metrics can improve strategic decision making. The purpose is to develop a strategic working method for general dealers. The method is based on the two theoretical frameworks "The strategic resource model" and "The importance-performance matrix". The suggested method is being tested in a small retail store environment on the Swedish market. The result of the test shows that a better suited strategy can be developed when this strategic method, which combines financial metrics with marketing metrics, is being used.

Svenska livsmedelsföretags val av etableringsstrategi : En studie om Abba Seafood och Oatly ABs etablering i Tyskland och Spanien

Since we all live in an increasingly globalized world where goods and money are transported more easily and with tougher competition, it is a natural step for Swedish companies to establish themselvs abroad in order to increase their gorwth rate and reach more customers. Today all of us belong to the same global network and the purpose of this thesis is to investigate which factors are important for companies when they choose to establish themselvs on a foreign market. The focus of the investigation has been the market of Germany and Spain, since both countries just like Sweden are members of the European Union, but still have quite different characteristics. We, the authors, have also been living in Spain and Germany during the time of investigation and writing. The companies we have chosen to look closer into are Abba Seafood, which now has merged with Procordia Food, and Oatly AB.

Funktionsnedsatta personers förutsättningar på arbetsmarknaden : En studie om exkluderande och inkluderande processer och faktorer

This qualitative study investigates the conditions on the labour market for disabled people by examining which factors and processes contribute to disabled peoples inclusion to, or exclusion from the open labour market. Stigmatisation is also used as an analytical tool to better understand the exclusion of disabled people from the open labour market. The material to this study is drawn from qualitative interviews with the employees of the Swedish Employment Agency which specialises in supporting disabled people to find employment.  In conclusion, disabled people face several barriers which makes them more susceptible to become excluded from the open labour market. Such excluding barriers include a demand for high efficiency and productivity from employers, bigger cooperation?s and public organisations unwillingness to employ disabled people and prejudices from employers, especially against people with psychiatric disabilities. The employees of the Swedish Employment Agency suggest that they would be able to work more efficiently to help disabled people find employment if they had to do less administrative work, and would be able to work with fewer clients per employee.

Värdepremium på den svenska marknaden - En residualvinstvärdering med säkerhetsmarginal

This paper attempts to investigate the correlation of 12 month abnormal returns and the fundamental value of stocks in theSwedish stock market between the year 2000-2011. Also, the paper tries to apply and evaluate the concept of the margin ofsafety. In estimating the fundamental value we use the residual income valuation model and three different estimationapproaches of the beta coefficient in order to correct for financial and operational biases. We find that our different portfoliosearn abnormal returns. However, this could be explained by the size effect and P/B effect.

Vägen till en framgångsrik utlandsetablering : en studie av Akzo Nobel Nippon Paint AB:s etableringsstrategier

Establishment can be described in many terms. This term is about a company that is establishing on the European market. For many companies, this can appear as a difficult, time- and resource taking process but to advance and develop it is not enough to have a good position on the Swedish market. The company Akzo Nobel Nippon Paint AB, which this composition is about, has taken the risk to leave the home country and explore the unknown. The process was careful and long-termed but also profitable.

Läsarens interaktion med texten : en studie av hur läsarens uppfattning av texten påverkar meningsskapandet i absurdistisk dramatik

This essay examines how the meaning of an absurd play may be affected by how the reader understands the text. To address this problem I have turned to Wolfgang Isers theory of reception. Primarily I have taken on that the creation of meaning comes about when the reader fills in blanks in the text. I have also used Martin Esslins work on the theater of the absurd. I have mainly studied his research on Harold Pinter.

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