6180 Uppsatser om Market Potential - Sida 25 av 412
Tillämpning av prissäkring i spannmålsodlingen : en jämförelse mellan svenska lantbrukare
The grain market is facing substantial changes. Tradionally, cereal has been a supply-led market i.e. supply conditions have had a major impact on price level or indirectly, through market interventions implemented through the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP). Just a few years ago, Sweden and the EU were not affected so strongly by world market prices for cereals. EU was a surplus-area and to a substantial degree a local market.
Systematisk risk och avkastning på en volatil samt stabil marknad : En undersökning på den svenska aktiemarknaden
Background: Since the early 60?s, the CAPM or Capital Asset Pricing Model, has been an invaluable tool for assessing an asset's expected return, assuming that the asset is added to an already well-diversified portfolio of assets. CAPM theory assume that the unsystematic risk can be diversified and that the systematic, market-specific, risk is determined by the Beta value, from the Greek ?. An investor who takes big risks expect higher returns.One of the CAPM?s basic assumptions is that disruption in the market is not taken into account.
?Hänga och må bra eller ta sin bok och dra?. Bilden av biblioteket PUNKTmedis efter ungdomsanpassningen.
The aim of this paper is to examine the youth library PUNKTmedis' work methods to adapt itself to the youth. Improved communication with this user group is the starting point for the new work methods. We have chosen to view the increased cooperation between the library and the youth as an adjustment to market demands. We have noticed the possible existence of an antagonism between on the one hand the traditional role of the public library of adult education and on the other hand an adjustment to the market demands. Adult education and the adjustment to market demands is seen as contributing to the image of PUNKTmedis.
GLOBAL TALENT MANAGEMENT UR EN SVENSK SYNVINKEL : ? Med potential och transparens i periferin. Andersson, Tran Le
Företag blir alltmer multinationella och detta har gjort dem beroende av en mer globaliserad syn på företagsstyrning. Därför fokuserar företag idag på att hitta förmågor och talanger som kan leda under globala förhållanden. Denna studie behandlar ämnet Global Talent Management (GTM), en personalplaneringsprocess som syftar till att skapa en grupp medarbetare med särskild god prestationsförmåga och hög potential, för att vidare utveckla dessa till att förverkliga företagets strategier. Prestationsmätning har använts sedan länge av företag men när det kommer till potential finns svårigheter i att kvantifiera detta då det är något som lätt blir subjektivt. Otydligheten som detta problem ger speglar sig även i hur transparenta företagen är med processerna av GTM i organisationen.Syftet med denna studie blir därför att kartlägga hur svenska företag använder GTM med särskilt fokus på variabeln potential och hur transparenta de är med sitt arbete i organisationen Syftet hoppas infrias genom att studera fyra multinationella företag med rötter inom den svenska servicesektorn.
Radikala ändringar av marknadsförhållanden och strategiska förändringar
There is much literature covering strategic change under different circumstances but very little concerning how companies act strategically under sudden and radical changes to market conditions. Based on three different events (the terrorist attack in the USA September 11th 2001, the Tjernobyl accident April 26th 1986 and the Islamic revolution in Iran 1979) with such radical changes as a result we chose three companies that were affected (SAS, Asea Atom and Atlas Copco). The result of the events that were studied in this thesis is extremely unusual to their character. The events themselves were sudden and of a temporary nature but the results were long term changes of market conditions. Through personal interviews the authors have tried to establish how the companies have perceived the events and how the top management has strategically handled the situation.
Made in Sweden : En studie av svensk jordbruksproduktions villkor på en konkurrensutsatt marknad
Background: The situation for Swedish agricultural production today is characterized by an increased competition, particularly after the country joined the European Union. Swedish agricultural production laws guarantee safe, high quality foodstuffs. However, due to these strict laws, Swedish farmers face higher production costs than their competitors. Meanwhile, cheaper imported goods compete freely on the Swedish market. Swedish agricultural production must find new ways to survive in the increasing competition.
Ex - dagseffekt : En studie kring avkastning på ex - dagen för utdelning
Question:"Does the market possess perfect information as the efficient market hypothesis says?""Is there any significant relationship between the abnormal stock return on the ex ? day and the dividend?" Purpose: The purpose of this study is to enlighten and find understanding about stock return versus dividend on the ex ? day and try to figure out if abnormal returns occur on the portfolio during dividends.Methodology:The study was based in a quantitative nature and was derived with an event study and a hypothesis testing. The authors investigated the thirty most traded shares on the Stockholm stock exchange during a period of five years (2005 ? 2009). They were analyzed during a total of nine days; the estimation window was set to sixty days.
Kylapotentialen i Drefviken för Vattenfall Heat AB
Vattenfall Heat AB is a district heat provider in Drefviken, but has yet to establish any cooling systems in this area. This thesis examines the potential client base within the area today and over the coming 20 years. The feasibility of the most common cooling technologies is evaluated and results show a total potential for an installed capacity of 30 MW providing 50 GWh of cooling per year. One of the examined areas shows good prospect for heat driven absorption chillers during the summer months when the heat load is limited..
Kapitalstrukturens inverkan på företagsvärdet : -En kvantitativ studie av den svenska aktiemarknaden
Background: During extreme market conditions like the period during fall 2008 the discussion of what affects company value becomes apparent. The capital structure is the relation between borrowed capital and equity in a company´s financing mix. What impact changes in capital structure have on company value is a widely debated subject within the theory of finance. If a relationship between capital structure and company value exists the implication is that an optimal capital structure where company value is maximized also exists.Aim: The aim of the thesis is to study whether a certain relationship between capital structure and company value exists among selected stocks and companies listed on Stockholmsbörsens OMXS30.Implementation: With aim to fulfill the purpose of the thesis regression analysis has been performed among chosen stocks and companies. The empirical results eventuating from this have been analyzed from the view of elected relevant theory.Completion and results: We find that during normal market conditions a positive relationship between debt ratio and enterprise value (EV) can be established.
Hur tiggeri konstrueras som ett socialt problem i den massmediala debatten
The Swedish stock-market gives investors an opportunity to benefit from the global growth while financing companies invests and contributes to a socio-economic development. Parallel to the ownership of the funds also follows a responsibility as companies in the funds affect society and the environment. The growth of savings in funds, combined with an increased focus on sustainability has developed SRI (socially responsible investment). Therefore it is interesting to examine whether responsibility is an exception, which only concerns SRI-funds or a general principle, which includes the whole Swedish stock-market.The results of the survey makes it clear that all the Swedish major banks actively works to integrate sustainability within the respective bank's business to achieve a more sustainable financial system. Thus concludes the investigation that responsible investments are a general principle on the Swedish mutual stock-market.How responsibility is integrated in fund management differ between the banks.
Miljömärkta Kläder : En analys av gröna konsumenters förhållningssätt till miljömärkta kläder
The market for eco-labelled products has developed rapidly from the early nineties in Sweden. There is a full variety of environmentally friendly products on the market today, and perhaps organic food is the most popular alternative. Eco-clothes have not reached the same amount of success as other eco-labelled products on the Swedish market. In this essay I will discuss and analyze which factors that have influenced green consumers attitude and behavior towards eco clothing. Four interviews with green consumers in Karlstad have been done in order to explore consumers attitude and behavior.
MiFID - En analys av direktivet om marknader för finansiella instrument och dess inverkan på kundens ställning på värdepappersmarknaden
This essay aims to analyse the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, formally called MiFID, andwhether it improves the situation of the investor, the customer, on the market for securities. MiFID isa directive from the European Union and was implemented by the member states in 2007. Besideshaving the objective to harmonise the European financial market, the directive aims to increasecompetition and efficiency among the markets in the member states.After our initial reasearch in the area we choosed to do a textual analysis and divide the content ofMiFID into three main areas: trading venues, transparency and investor protection. These areas aresubsequently analysed in relation to the investor?s situation on the market for financial securities andthe overall question at issue is whether MiFID improves the situation of the investor.
Leveransservicens betydelse som konkurrensmedel i apoteksbranschen : En fallstudie om hur Apoteket AB arbetar med leveransservice
During the last years, the pharmacy market undergone major changes. Re-regulation that has been done in 2009 meant that monopoly was unlocked for competition. In a market where firms offer equivalent products, increases the importance of delivery service as competitive tool to differentiate themselves among the crowd. This also applies to pharmacy market where the supplies of goods in large way consist of equivalent products regardless of the company.This case study observes the importance of delivery service in terms of competitive tool on pharmacy market by focusing on a company?s improvement in delivery service.
Hedgefonder och aktiefonder - En studie av riskexponering och market-timing på den svenska marknaden
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida hedge- och aktiefonders avkastning påverkas av samma riskfaktorer. Vidare syftar studien även till att undersöka om hedgefonders och aktiefonders riskexponering är konstant över tiden eller ej. Slutligen analyseras även hedgefonders förmåga att förutspå upp och nedgångar på marknaden och därmed generera överavkastning. Det angreppssätt som har använts i undersökningen är av det kvantitativa slaget, där regressionsanalyser har genomförts för att undersöka svenska hedge- och aktiefonders riskexponering samt svenska hedgefonders market-timing förmåga. Studien bygger på avkastningsinformation, under tidsperioden 2001-2004, för 20 hedgefonder och 20 aktiefonder.
Mobilt community - Bygga själv eller hjälpa till? : Kommersialisering av en plattform för användardriven karttjänst i mobiltelefoner
Mobile Arts have a technical platform for handling maps and community-featured Points of Interest in cellular phones, where the users themselves can share locations with other users either in groups or public. Development of the platform regarding network communication has been included in this paper. The work evaluates different feasible business models regarding packaging the platform as a commercial application and also faces issues users have when using the product. Even if users found maps and POI interesting and cool in cellulars, the technical difficulties and lack of product focus during beta testing, were present. Therefore, the writers recommendation is more development of the platform and using a business model where Mobile Arts deliver to existing communities.