551 Uppsatser om Manager - Sida 32 av 37
Framtidens begravningsplatser : en historisk tillbakablick, dagssituationen och visioner för framtidens gestaltningsuttryck
The purpose of this article is partly to find out how
the burial grounds are used today and the needs of its
visitors, but also to develop the character and
expression of future burial grounds. My suggestions
focus on burial grounds without religious attributes;
something that, according to the burial law
(Begravningslagen, 1990:1144), the Manager of the
burial ground is ordered to obey. In my design I aim to
fulfill any requests regarding the place of burial that
have been raised during my study.
I have chosen the history of burial grounds as my
starting point and will subsequently discuss their
significance in today's society. I describe what
distinguishes the burial ground throughout history
from medieval times and onwards. Tradition and
religion are closely linked regarding burial rituals.
Projektanalys vid Stora Enso Packaging Concept i Torsvik
In a global economy it is important to understand what project management is and how it functions in a contemporary company. This report includes an empirical case study of a project flow, which was conducted in the department Packaging Concept (PC) which is a part of Stora Enso. As all of PC´s customer enquiries are unique and must be considered an individual project, PC continuously works in projects. An analysis of the project flow was conducted based on interviews at and visits to PC as well as relevant documents distributed by the department. The report gives an understanding and analysis of how PC works in projects.
Säkring av CAM-processen
Volvo Construction Equipment Components AB (VCE) har det globala ansvaret för utveckling och tillverkning av drivlinekomponenter inom Volvo Construction Equipment. Ansvarsområdet omfattar dieselmotorer, transmissioner, axlar samt fordonselektronik. I Eskilstuna produceras axlar och transmissioner till dumpers och hjullastare. För att företaget skall kunna vara konkurrenskraftigt i dagens dynamiska situation är det viktigt att ständigt förbättras och skapa förutsättningar för framtida förändringar. Den hårdnande konkurrensen på marknaden medför att tiden mellan nya produktmodeller minskar vilket medför att behovet ökar att på ett snabbt och kostnadseffektivt sätt ta fram prototyper.
Hur uppfattas pcSKOG AB och pcSKOG-gård av privata skogsägare? : en undersökning av en programvara för privatskogsbruket
pcSKOG-gård is a computerised Manager plan for private forest owners, developed by the
pcSKOG AB. The program is based on forest stand data, joined with a map of the forest and
GIS-applications. The purpose is to offer a program for private forest owners managing the
forest and with the possibility of updating the actual status of the forest.
The company pcSKOG AB is the leading producer of programs for forest management and
has developed the program since 1997. The program is currently the most common program
used by private forest owners in Sweden.
The aim of this thesis, leading to MSc in forestry, is to investigate the purpose of the private forest owners when purchasing the pcSKOG-gård. The thesis also studies how private forest owners use the program, what they use it for and how the private forest owners state that the program has achieved to fulfil their expectations.
The thesis is also a market research concerning the knowledge and attitudes the private forest owners have about the program and associated services.
The study material has been collected during two phases.
Red Bull, Fest eller studier? : Attitydundersökning bland studenter
Mitt intresse för denna uppsats bottnar i att jag arbetar som Student Brand Manager på Red Bull. Det innebär att jag arbetar med företagets försäljning och marknadsföring i den studentrelaterade verksamheten. Syftet för denna studie är att se på hur Red Bull kan åstadkomma en mer studierelaterad koppling till sin energidryck. Med andra ord se på hur det skulle kunna vara möjligt att få studenter att konsumera mer av drycken när de studerar. Detta är av intresse då Red Bull själva anser att dryckens egenskaper är passande till just detta tillfälle.
Markberedningens betydelse och egenkontroll för markberedning
The purpose of this report is to make an evaluation of the self-monitoring for scarification which Stora Enso is using and this study deals with the effects and importance of scarification. A comparison is made in this study with the purpose to highlight any differences between some of the leading forestry companies and significant forest organizations in Sweden. The companies represented in this report are Korsnäs, Mellanskog, SCA, Sveaskog and Södra.
In the beginning of this study an interview form was set up together with Daniel Forsberg at Stora Enso. Stora Enso is the head object of this report and seven interviews were made within that company. At the other companies only three interviews were made within each one, with an exception to Mellanskog who wished four.
Saluplats Fyristorg : medborgarnas gemensamma uterum?
The purpose of this report is to make an evaluation of the self-monitoring for scarification which Stora Enso is using and this study deals with the effects and importance of scarification. A comparison is made in this study with the purpose to highlight any differences between some of the leading forestry companies and significant forest organizations in Sweden. The companies represented in this report are Korsnäs, Mellanskog, SCA, Sveaskog and Södra.
In the beginning of this study an interview form was set up together with Daniel Forsberg at Stora Enso. Stora Enso is the head object of this report and seven interviews were made within that company. At the other companies only three interviews were made within each one, with an exception to Mellanskog who wished four.
Plutonchefen - administratör och krigare? : En enkätstudie om hur plutonchefen upplever att arbetsinnehållet påverkats av arbetsgivarrollen.
I arbetslivet har första linjens chefer haft stora inslag av direkt ledarskap med en traditionellt hög närvaro hos de underställda. Studier visar på en ökad andel administrativa, ekonomiska och personalledande uppgifter för första linjens chefer som får till följd en minskad delaktighet i den dagliga verksamheten men också sämre möjligheter att motivera sin underställda, vilket negativt påverkar verksamheten. I Försvarsmakten har administrativa uppgifter som tidigare genomfördes högre upp i organisationen flyttats till en lägre nivå.Uppsatsens syfte är att öka förståelsen för och kunskapen om plutonchefens arbetssituation efter införandet av anställda soldater och den delegerade arbetsgivarrollen till plutonchefen. Studiens fokus är på plutonchefens avvägning mellan deltagandet i underställdas verksamhet för att utöva direkt ledarskap kontra att genomföra bl.a. personaladministration.I studien används rollteori från socialpsykologin som analysmodell, med utgångspunkt i tidigare forskning och litteratur om första linjens chefer och Försvarsmaktens ledarskapsmodell.
Lättridningens påverkan på hästens rörelsemönster i trav :
The interest in horses and equestrian sport is constantly increasing, and so is the will in both riders and trainers to learn more about the effect the rider and its equipment have on the horse. The last twenty years, more and more studies have been performed were the horse and its kinematics have been in focus. The access to more advanced technology has made it possible to study areas, which earlier have been hard to reach. The knowledge about kinematics in the horse, and how riders and their equipment interact with the horse?s movement, is also of great interest to veterinarians in equine practice.
Retention : Varför stanna när möjligheterna är oändliga
Bachelor thesis, Degree of master in Science and Economics, School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University, Management, 2FE01E, Spring Semester 2013Author: Johanna Björklund, Sarah Gustafsson and Sofia NicklassonMentor: Anders HytterTitle: Retention: Why stay when your options are unlimited? Background: Employee turnover is a problem today, and companies face increasing challenges when it comes to retain employees within the organization, so called employee retention. This is a present concept and theory holds that more organizations realize that they need to put more focus on retention as one of their business goals to remain competitive. It?s important that organizations understand individuals' different needs and the factors that make them satisfied in their professional life.
Utveckling och implementering av Internetbaserade system för användarrekrytering
Power Challenge är ett spelföretag som är beläget i Linköping. Nyligen slog de sig samman med det Karlskronabaserade Manager Zone. För ett drygt år sedan bestod Power Challenge av cirka fem anställda men har idag expanderat till omkring 50 personer. Företaget har utvecklat ett fotbollsspel som heter Power Soccer. För närvarande håller de på att, förutom att ständigt vidareutveckla fotbollsspelet, bland annat utveckla ett bilspel.Syftet med denna studie var att på något sätt försöka effektivisera rekryteringen av nya´spelare till fotbollsspelet Power Soccer.
Ledarskap för motivation : En kvalitativ studie om chefers perspektiv på ledarskap för motivation
The purpose of this study is to investigate the Managers? perspective on leadership in relation to the motivation of the employees by an example of a manning and recruitment agencies. This is implemented by framing of two questions; What kind of leadership can be identified by middle Managers to motivate their employees? Which motivation factors are relevant to employees based on the perspective of the Managers? To answer the question and identify leadership strategies and motivational factors and the relationship in between, we have conducted eight interviews with persons who hold a middle management position. Through a qualitative investigation we have been able to go into depth and had access to these Managers reflections, thoughts and experiences.
How to source from Russia? - A multiple case study of six companies? experience of purchasing in Russia
Abstract Title: How to source from Russia? - A multiple case study of six companies? experience of purchasing in Russia. Authors: Richard Werthén, Technology ManagementJohan Öhlén, Production Engineering and Management Supervisors: Christer Kedström, Dept of Business Administration Johan Lundin, Dept of Industrial Management and Logistics, Engineering LogisticsRolf Blomgren, Purchasing Manager SR, ScaniaLars Erik Nerback, Purchasing Director SE, Scania Issues: The issues presented are:? What characterise Russia as a supplier market?? Which sourcing experiences have been made by other Swedish companies in Russia?? How can this knowledge be utilised at Scania? Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to find out whether it is worthwhile for Scania to look for new suppliers in Russia, based on other Swedish companies? experiences of purchasing in the country. Method: In order to answer the purpose of our thesis the study of Scania?s purchasing organisation has to be complemented with in-depth studies of other companies? purchasing organisations.
Sjuksköterskors/barnmorskors och avdelningschefers inställning till forskning och utveckling inom omvårdnad
Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor är genom författningar ålagda att utföra sitt arbete i enlighet med vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet. Omvårdnadsforskning har ökat i omfattning men resultaten har inte omsatts i praktisk användning i lika stor utsträckning. Betydelse har sjuksköterskans inställning, typ av ledarskap, organisationens förväntningar men också traditionen av att inte betrakta sjuksköterskeyrket som akademiskt.Syftet med studien var att undersöka dels avdelningschefers, dels sjuksköteskors/barnmorskors inställning till forskningsanvändning samt att undersöka om skillnader fanns i utbildningsnivå, ledningsstöd och forskningsanvändning.Metoden var en beskrivande och jämförande tvärsnittsundersökning. Respondenterna bestod av samtliga avdelningschefer (n=50) anställda på tre landstingsdrivna akutsjukhus i Mellansverige och samtliga sjuksköterskor (n=284) på vårdavdelningar på ett av dessa sjukhus. Svarsfrekvens 79% respektive 63%.
Budget i kombination med balanserat styrkort : En fallstudie av kommunal verksamhet
A budget consists of figures showing how much a particular activity has access to during a given year. With a balanced scorecard, these figures and guidelines can be converted in to more easily understandable non-financial instructions for the employees. One of the most significant differences between the budget and the scorecard is that the budget focuses on short-term results while the scorecard focuses on long-term visions and goals. With a long-term thinking the leaders can set more long-term goals and also make more well-planned investments which increases the possibility for the organization to evolve and become better in the long term. By combining the two instruments a good balance between short and long term perspectives can be achieved, which creates a more effective steeringIn the 1990s, many of the municipalities introduced needs budget, one of them was Gothenburgs municipality.